Imatges de pàgina






The present book, which was submitted in December 1903 to the Philosophical Faculty of Heidelberg University, as a dissertation for the Ph. D. degree, is for the greater part the result of investigations I undertook three years ago at the suggestion of Prof. Johannes Hoops of Heidelberg, to whom my hearty gratitude is due for advice and various hints as to the execution of my task.

As a look at the list of texts quoted will show, almost every Middle-English text of any importance has been examined. The large number of quotations will, I hope, be deemed a guarantee against hasty statements and rash conclusions on my part.

In conclusion I wish to tender my best thanks to the Rev. W. Thomson M. A., of this city, who has kindly assisted me in correcting the proofsheets.

Amsterdam, July 1904.

W. V. D. G.



B. Type A verbs in Middle English. 12

Type A verbs added from various sources § 19. dremen §

20. forpink[en]§21, geynen §22. greven § 23. hap[pen] § 24.

lakken § 25. myster § 26. neden § 27. plesen § 28. semen

§ 29. smerten § 30. wanten § 31.

Chapter III. The General Causes of the Transition.

3 p. sing. pres. + sing. noun § 32. Pret. or pluperf. +

sing. or plur. noun § 33. Verb with aux. + noun § 34. 3 p.

sing, pres., pret., of pluperf. + uninflected pronoun § 35.

Who +3 p. sing. pres., pret., or pluperf. § 36. Type A
verbs in obj. with inf. constr. § 37. pyncan joined to a
personal verb § 38. Other type A verbs joined to pers.
verbs 39. Dative function expressed by prepositions
instead of inflexion $ 40. What is meant by type A, type
B, type C, type D constructions § 41.

Chapter IV. Detailed treatment of the several

verbs. A Verbs that have not preserved the methinks

Jespersen, Franz § 48. I would rather older than I had

rather; is the pret. subj. of I will rather § 49. Early in-

stances of would rather § 50. I would lever and I had

rather blendings of I had lever and I would rather § 52.

I am better, as good § 53. I had better § 54. Me had be

better > I had been better § 55. be good (better, best) to

and be good (better, best) for § 56. I had best and I am

best § 57. be the better § 58. me is wel > I am wel § 59.

hit is pe bet mid me > it is better with me; it is well for § 60.

wo habben; me is wo> I am wo § 61. wo be to... § 62.

rew pu (ze) on (of) § 63. pu (ze) omitted in invocations

§ 64. D constr. of rewen § 65. Late inst. of A constr. § 66.

D constr. of longen § 67. Late inst. of A constr. § 68.

Earliest inst. of I lothe, am loth § 69. 14th cent. instances

§ 70. Inst. from 1st half of 15th cent. § 71. be loth to;

loathe in Mod. E. § 72. D constr. of liken not very usual

bef. 1400 § 73. Inst. of D constr. dating from 1400—1450

§ 74. Late inst. of A constr. § 75. D constr. of listen in

use ab. 1300 § 76. list in Chaucer and Gower § 77. ye list

in Destr. of Troy § 78: list in Lydgate; late inst. of A

constr. § 79. lust § 80. D constr. of meten and dremen in

use ab. 1300 § 81. Chaucer has D constr. only of dremen,

A and D constr. of meten; Gower D constr. only of both

verbs § 82. dremen and meten obsolete after 1400 § 83.

Sweet on pencan and pyncan § 84. þyncan assimilated

to pencan in Kent § 85. Same change in other southern

districts § 86. penk > pink in the N. and Midl. § 87. Si-

milar process in Frisian and Middle Du. § 88. The assi-

milation of penk to pink first complete in the N. dial.

§ 89. Earliest instances in Vices & Virtues and Lazamon

§ 90. penk > pink in the Midl. dial. after 1300 § 91. In

the N. E. Midl. dial. § 92. In the S. E. Midl. dial. § 93.

In the W. Midl. dial. § 94. In the Southern dial. § 95. In

the London dial. (Chaucer) § 96. Assimil. of puhte to

pohte in the N. dial. § 97. In the N. E. Midl. dial. § 98.

In the S. E. Midl. dial. § 99. In the W. Midl. dial. § 100.

In the Southern dial. § 101. In the London dial. (Chau-

cer) § 102. Late inst. of puzt & 103. pohte > pouhte

104. Ic penke and me pinkep sometimes synonymous

§ 105. Anomalous constructions § 106. When blending

was inevitable §§ 107, 108. Me (us, zow paim)_pink

(penke) in the various dialects § 109. methink in Early

Mod. E. § 110. methink used tot prevent many I's coming

together § 111. think, thought seem, seemed obsol. ab.

1500 § 112. methinks used in spoken Eng. till ab. 1750

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