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" An old man, broken with the storms of state, Is come to lay his weary bones among ye ; Give him a little earth for charity... "
The Plays of William Shakespeare : Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... - Pągina 231
per William Shakespeare - 1805
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The Dramatic Works, Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1831 - 526 pągines
...and grew so ill, He could not sit his mule. Kath. Alas ! poor man ! Grif. At last, with easy roads,' he came to Leicester, Lodg'd in the abbey ; where...with the storms of state, Is come to lay his weary hones among ye; Give him a htlle earth for charity ! So went to bed : where eagerly his sickness Pursu'd...
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King John. Richard the Second. Henry the Fourth. Pts. 1 and 2. Merry wives ...

1833 - 396 pągines
...reverend abbot, With all his convent, honourably received him ; To whom he gave these words : — О father abbot! An old man, broken with the storms of state, Is come to lay his weary bones among ye ; Gire him a little earth for charity Г ACT IV. S. 2. IX. The vision of QUEEN KATHARINE. " Enter,...
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Richard III. Henry VIII. Troilus and Cressida. Timon of Athens. Coriolanus

William Shakespeare - 1836 - 588 pągines
...the reverend abbot, With all his convent, honorably received him ; To whom he gave these words, — O father abbot, An old man, broken with the storms of...charity! So went to bed ; where eagerly his sickness Pursued him still ; and, three nights after this, About the hour of eight, (which he himself Foretold...
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Gallery of British Artists: From the Days of Hogarth to the Present ..., Volum 3

G. Hamilton - 1837 - 404 pągines
...the reverend abbot1, With all his convent, honourably receiv'd him ; To whom he gave these words , О father abbot , An old man, broken with the storms...charity ! So went to bed ! where eagerly his sickness Pursued him still; and three nights after this, About the hour of eight (which he himself Foretold,...
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Shakspearian Readings: Selected and Adapted for Young Persons and Others

William Shakespeare, Benjamin Humphrey Smart - 1839 - 490 pągines
...fell sick suddenly, and grew so ill He could not sit his mule. [Griffith.] At last, with easy roads, he came to Leicester; Lodg'd in the abbey ; where...storms of state, Is come to lay his weary bones among you : Give him a little earth for charity!" So went to bed; where eagerly his sickness Pursued him...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: Henry IV, pt. 2. Henry V. Henry VI ...

William Shakespeare - 1839 - 592 pągines
...reverend abbot, With all his con vent,, honorably received him ; To whom he gave these words, — O father abbot, An old man, broken with the storms of...charity! So went to bed ; where eagerly his sickness Pursued him still ; and, three nights after this, About the hour of eight, (which he himself Foretold...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: Richard III. Henry VIII. Troilus ...

William Shakespeare - 1839 - 592 pągines
...the reverend abbot, With all his convent, honorably received him ; To whom he gave these words,—O father abbot, An old man, broken with the storms of...a little earth for charity.' So went to bed; where eag«rly his sickness Pursued him still; and, three nights after this, About the hour of eight, (which...
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Commentaries on the Historical Plays of Shakspeare, Volum 2

Thomas Peregrine Courtenay - 1840 - 354 pągines
...Leicester ; Lodg'd in the abbey, where the reverend abbot, With all his convent, honourably received him ; To whom he gave these words : ' 0 father abbot...charity !' So went to bed, where eagerly his sickness Pursued him still ; and three nights after this, About the hour of eight (which he himself Foretold...
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Visits to Remarkable Places: Old Halls, Battle Fields, and Scenes ...

William Howitt - 1840 - 540 pągines
...reaching it out even to the papal tiara, and then again a poor and sinking suppliant, exclaiming — O father abbot, An old man broken with the storms of...weary bones among ye ; Give him a little earth for charitv ! will be more widely known and wondered at. But many have been the sad and singular passages...
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King Richard III. King Henry VIII

William Shakespeare - 1841 - 320 pągines
...reverend abbot, With all his convent, honorably received him ; To whom he gave these words ; — ' O father abbot. An old man, broken with the storms of...charity ! ' So went to bed, where eagerly his sickness Pursued him still ; and, three nights after this, About the hour of eight, (which he himself Foretold...
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