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" Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers: the sleeping and the dead Are but as pictures: 'tis the eye of childhood That fears a painted devil. If he do bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, For it must seem their guilt. "
The dramatic works of William Shakspeare, to which are added his ... - Pągina 481
per William Shakespeare - 1821
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Elegant extracts in poetry, Volum 2

Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 pągines
...done ; Look on't again I dare not. Lady. Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers: the sleeping, and tha dead, Are but as pictures: 'tis the eye of childhood...of the grooms withal, For it must seem their guilt. I /:'•/;. Knocking within. Mad. Whence is that knocking? [Starling. How is't with me, when ev'ry...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volum 4

William Shakespeare - 1817 - 360 pągines
...1 on a fountain li?ht. Whine brim with pinks way platted, Tt>c banks »”Hi i]*'':i!i”Un- <li°ht. Are but as pictures : 'tis the eye of childhood, That...it must seem their guilt. [Exit. Knocking within. Mach. Whence is that knocking ? How is't with me, when every noise appals me ? What hands are here...
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The Family Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes; in which Nothing is Added to ..., Volum 4

William Shakespeare - 1818 - 360 pągines
...afraid to think what I have done ; Look on't again, I dare not. Lady M. Infirm of purpose ! Give me the daggers : The sleeping, and the dead, Are but...If he do bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms witha), For it must seem their guilt. [Exit. Knocking toithin. Macb. Whence is that knocking ? How...
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The woman of genius [by mrs. Ross].

mrs. Ross - 1821 - 700 pągines
...favourite actress, and her enunciation of that speech uttered by Lady Macbeth, " Infirm of purpose! Give me the daggers : The sleeping, and the dead, Are but...the grooms withal, For it must seem their guilt." It happened that Lady Athol disputed the accuracy of Captain Fitzelm's judgment on the correct accentuation...
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The plays of William Shakspeare, pr. from the text of the corrected ..., Volum 4

William Shakespeare - 1823 - 504 pągines
...afraid to think what I have done; Look on't again, I dare not. Lady M. Infirm of purpose ! Give me the daggers: The sleeping, and the dead, Are but as...[Exit. Knocking within. Macb. Whence is that knocking ? 8 the ravell'd sleave of care,] Sleave signifies the ravell'd knotty part of the silk, which gives...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, in Ten Volumes: All's well that ...

William Shakespeare - 1823 - 380 pągines
...length 1 on a fountain light. Whose brim with pinks was platted, The banks with dariadillies dight. Are but as pictures : 'tis the eye of childhood, That...Whence is that knocking ? How is't with me, when every noise appals me ? What hands are here ? Ha ! they pluck out mine eyes ' Will all great Neptune's ocean0...
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The Plays, Volum 4

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 344 pągines
...afraid to think what I have done ; Look on't again, I dare not. Lady M. Infirm of purpose ! Give me the daggers : The sleeping, and. the dead, Are but...Whence is that knocking ? How is't with me, when every noise appals me ? » Sleave is unwrought silk. What hands are here ? Ha ! they pluck out mine eyes...
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The British Theatre: Or, A Collection of Plays, which are Acted at ..., Volum 5

Mrs. Inchbald - 1824 - 492 pągines
...am afraid to think what I have done ; Look on't again, I dare not. Lady. Infirm of purpose ! Give me the daggers : The sleeping, and the dead, Are but...grooms withal, For it must seem their guilt. [Exit LADY MACBBTJI. [Knocking within. Macb. Whence is that knocking ? How is't with me, when every noise...
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The Beauties of Shakespeare: Selected from Each Play : with a General Index ...

William Shakespeare, William Dodd - 1824 - 428 pągines
...of purpose! Give me the daggers: The sleeping, and the dead * As i£ "T Sleave, is unwrought silk. Are but as pictures: 'tis the eye of childhood, That...seem their guilt. ••* [Exit. Knocking within. Much. Whence is that knocking ? How is't with me, when every noise appals me? What hands are here?...
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The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1824 - 884 pągines
...daggers ! The sleeping and the dead Are butas pictures : 'tis the eye of childhood, That fears apainted ow many thousand of my poorest subjects Are at this h»ur asleep ! — Sleep, gentle noise appals me? What hands are here ? Ha ! they pluck out mine eyes ! Will all great Neptune's ocean...
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