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" Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound, And our veins beat together; and our lips With other eloquence than words, eclipse The soul that burns between them... "
The Complete Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley - Pāgina 43
per Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1904
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Poetical Works, Volums 2-4

Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1881 - 770 pāgines
...they burn again. And we will talk, until thought's melody Become too sweet for utterance, and it die In words, to live again in looks, which dart With...eclipse The soul that burns between them ; and the welk Which boil under our being's inmost cells, The fountains of our deepest life, shall be Confused...
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The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley, Volum 3

Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1881 - 474 pāgines
...they burn again. And we will talk, until thought's melody Become too sweet for utterance, and it die In words, to live again in looks, which dart With...voiceless heart, Harmonizing silence without a sound. f Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound, . And our veins beat together ; and our lips, With other...
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The English Poets: Selections with Critical Introductions by ..., Volum 4

Matthew Arnold - 1881 - 654 pāgines
...they burn again. And we will talk, until thought's melody Become too sweet for utterance, and it dfe , In words, to live again in looks, which dart With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart, Harmonising silence without a sound. Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound, And our veins beat...
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The English Poets: Wordsworth to Tennyson

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1883 - 734 pāgines
...they burn again. And we will talk, until thought's melody Become too sweet for utterance, and it die In words, to live again in looks, which dart With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart, Harmonising silence without a sound. Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound, And our veins beat...
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The English poets, selections, ed. by T.H. Ward. Wordsworth to Dobell ...

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1883 - 686 pāgines
...they burn again. And we will talk, until thought's melody Become too sweet for utterance, and it die In words, to live again in looks, which dart With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart, Harmonising silence without a sound. Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound, And our veins beat...
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Wordsworth to Dobell

Thomas Humphry Ward - 1884 - 654 pāgines
...they burn again. And we will talk, until thought's melody Become too sweet for utterance, and it die In words, to live again in looks, which dart With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart, Harmonising silence without a sound. Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound, And our veins beat...
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The lyrics and minor poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. With a prefatory notice ...

Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1884 - 304 pāgines
...they burn again. And we will talk, until thought's melody Become too sweet for utterance, and it die In words, to live again in looks, which dart With thrilling tone into the voiceless heart, Harmonising silence without a sound. Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound, 2OI With other eloquence...
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The North American Review, Volum 150

1890 - 848 pāgines
...they burn again. And we will talk until thought's melody Become too sweet for utterance, and it die In words, to live again in looks, which dart With...voiceless heart. Harmonizing silence without a sound. Our breaths shall intermix, our bosoms bound. And our veins beat together; and our lips, With other eloquence...
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The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley

Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1891 - 766 pāgines
...voiceless heart, Harmonising silence without a sound. Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound, 414 And our veins beat together; and our lips With other...inmost cells, The fountains of our deepest life, shall Confined in passion's golden purity, As mountain-springs under the morning Sun. We shall become the...
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Naturalismen i England

Georg Brandes - 1892 - 558 pāgines
...will break at last. og man sammenligne hermed den fuldstændigt ekstatiske Slutning af Epipsychidion : Our breath shall intermix, our bosoms bound And our...fountains of our deepest life, shall be Confused in passions golden purity As mountain springs under the morning sun. One hope within two wills, one will...
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