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" Like to the senators of the antique Rome, With the plebeians swarming at their heels, — Go forth, and fetch their conquering Caesar in : As, by a lower but by loving likelihood, Were now the general of our gracious empress (As in good time he may) from... "
The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson, George ... - Pągina 341
per William Shakespeare - 1807
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The Works of William Shakespeare: King John. King Richard II. The first and ...

William Shakespeare - 1864 - 686 pągines
...Caesar in : As, by a lower but loving likelihood, Were now the general of our gracious empress, 3° As in good time he may, from Ireland coming, Bringing...cause, Did they this Harry. Now in London place him ; 35 As yet the lamentation of the French Invites the King of England's stay at home; 7. there; there}...
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William Shakspere: A Biography

Charles Knight - 1865 - 592 pągines
...With the plebeians swarming at their heels, — Go forth, and fetch their conquering Caesar in : AB, by a lower but by loving likelihood, Were now the...How many would the peaceful city quit To welcome him !" • Stour's ' AnnaU. NOTE ON MARSTON'S • MALECONTENT.' MARSTON'S comedy, as it appears by the...
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Henry V ; King Henry VI, part 1-2

William Shakespeare - 1866 - 352 pągines
...antique Rome, With the plebeians swarming at their heels, — Go forth, and fetch their conquering Caesar in : As, by a lower but by loving likelihood, Were...London place him : As yet the lamentation of the French ; (The emperor's coming in behalf of France Invites the king of England's stay at home, To order peace...
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The Handy-volume Shakspeare [ed. by Q.D.].

William Shakespeare - 1866 - 730 pągines
...antique Rome, With the plebeians swarming at their heels, — Go forth, and fetch their conquering Caesar in : As, by a lower but by loving likelihood, Were...London place him : As yet the lamentation of the French ; (The emperor's coming in behalf of France Invites the king of England's stay at home, To order peace...
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Half Hours of English History: From the Roman Period to the Death of Elizabeth

Charles Knight - 1866 - 704 pągines
...antique Bome, With the plebeians swarming at their heels,—. Go forth, and fcteh their conquering Caesar in : As, by a lower but by loving likelihood, Were...How many would the peaceful city quit To welcome him ! " But the "ominous prodigy " was sadly realized. About the close of the year 1599 the Blackfriars...
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The Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare - 1867 - 1100 pągines
...Cscsar in : As, by a lower but loving likelihood, Were now the general of our gracious empress, 30 aunvnK<vM lk nanbn Tendon place him ; As yet the lamentation of the French Invites the King of England's stay at home...
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The Authorship of Shakespeare

Nathaniel Holmes - 1867 - 636 pągines
...before the return of Essex from Ireland, in September of that year : — " Char. As by a lower but loving likelihood, Were now the General of our gracious...many would the peaceful city quit To welcome him." — Act V. Ghana. And the dancer in the epilogue to the second part of the " Henry IV." is made to...
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The Works of William Shakspere

William Shakespeare - 1868 - 786 pągines
...antique Rome, With the plebeians swarming at their heels, — Go forth, and fetch their conquering Caesar [cause,) To welcome him! much more, (and much more Did they this Harry. Now in London place him ; (As...
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Studies of Shakspere

Charles Knight - 1868 - 570 pągines
...the play which furnishes any evidence as to its date is found in the chorus to the fifth act : — " Were now the general of our gracious empress (As,...many would the peaceful city quit, To welcome him ! " The allusion cannot be mistaken. "About the end of March" (1599), says Camden, " the Earl of Essex...
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A Dictionary of the Language of Shakspeare, Volum 70

Swynfen Jervis - 1868 - 386 pągines
...that suddenly, while T am in some liking. Henri/ 4, P. 1, iii. 3. LIKELIHOOD. Parallel; comparison. As, by a lower but by loving likelihood, Were now...coming, Bringing rebellion broached on his sword. Henri/ 5, iv. Chorus. LIKEXESS. Semblance ; seeming ; appearance. How may likeness wade in crimes,...
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