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" Ay, but to die, and go we know not where ; To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot ; This sensible warm motion to become A kneaded clod ; and the delighted spirit To bathe in fiery floods... "
The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare, in Ten Volumes: Measure for ... - Pāgina 45
per William Shakespeare - 1823
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The Columbia Granger's Dictionary of Poetry Quotations

Edith P. Hazen - 1992 - 1172 pāgines
...FaFP; FF; FiP; LiTB; SoSe; TrGrPo Measure for Measure 1 15 Ay, but to die, and go we know not where. To inen you're wearing out But human creatures' lives!...Sewing at once, with a double thread, A Shroud as we region of thick-ribbed ice, To be imprisoned in the viewless winds And blown with restless violence...
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Measure for Measure

William Shakespeare - 1995 - 148 pāgines
...literature: it's like a great aria in an opera. He begins: Ay, but to die, and go we know not -where; To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot; This sensible...fiery floods, or to reside In thrilling regions of thick-ribbed ice; To be imprisoned in the viewless winds, And blown with restless violence round about...
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The History of Hell

Alice K. Turner - 1993 - 324 pāgines
...under torture — does not make it seem entirely medieval: Ay, but to die, and go we know not where, To lie in cold obstruction and to rot; This sensible...To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice, To be imprison' d in the viewless winds And blown with restless violence...
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Duologues for All Accents and Ages

Eamonn Jones, Jean Marlow - 2002 - 180 pāgines
...fearful thing. ISABELLA And shamed life a hateful. CLAUDIO Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot; This sensible...To bathe in fiery floods or to reside In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice; To be imprison'd in the viewless winds, And blown with restless violence...
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Shakespeare's Other Lives: An Anthology of Fictional Depictions of the Bard

Maurice O'Sullivan - 1997 - 240 pāgines
...keep to love and shudder at= [He rises and speaks it.] Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; To lie in cold obstruction and to rot; This sensible...To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice; To be imprison'd in the viewless winds, And blown with restless violence...
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Shakespeare on Love and Friendship

Allan Bloom - 2000 - 172 pāgines
...tells Isabella what he really feels about his execution: Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot; This sensible...To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice; To be imprison'd in the viewless winds And blown with restless violence...
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Adaptations of Shakespeare: A Critical Anthology of Plays from the ...

Daniel Fischlin, Mark Fortier - 2000 - 330 pāgines
...fearful thing. ISABELLA And shamed life a hateful. CLAUDIO Ay, but to die, and go we know not where, To lie in cold obstruction and to rot; This sensible...To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice, To be imprisoned in the viewless winds And blown with restless violence...
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Shakespeare: la invenciķn de lo humano

Harold Bloom - 2001 - 750 pāgines
...por medida? En la Viena de Vincentio, como en 14. Cla. Ay, but to die, and go we know not where; /To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot; / This sensible...bathe in fiery floods, or to reside / In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice; /To be imprison'd in the viewless winds / And blown with restless violence...
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Courage and Misfortune

Mountaineers Books (Firm) - 2001 - 260 pāgines
...I wrote it on my plaster cast: Death is a fearful thing . . . To die. and go we know not where: To lie in cold obstruction, and to rot; This sensible...To bathe in fiery floods or to reside In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice ... "THE FATAL ACCIDENT ON THE MATTERHORN" BY EDWARD WHYM PER FROM Peaks,...
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Who's who in Shakespeare

Peter Quennell, Hamish Johnson - 2002 - 246 pāgines
...as the reality of his situation suddenly strikes him : Ay, but to die, and go we know not where, To lie in cold obstruction and to rot, This sensible...To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside In thrilling region of thick-ribbed ice; To be imprisoned in the viewless winds. And blown with restless violence...
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