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" Though patriots flatter, still shall wisdom find An equal portion dealt to all mankind : As different good, by art or nature given To different nations, makes their blessings even. "
The Select Works of Oliver Goldsmith: In One Volume. With the Portrait of ... - Pągina 167
per Oliver Goldsmith - 1842 - 399 pągines
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Poetical Works

Oliver Goldsmith - 1806 - 248 pągines
...And thanks his gods for all the good they gave. Such is the patriot's boast, where'er we roam. His first, best country, ever is at home. And yet, perhaps,...compare, And estimate the blessings which they share, Tho' patriots natter, still shall wisdom find An equal portion dealt to all mankind : As different...
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Select Collection of Poems: And Other Elegant Poetical Extracts, on Subjects ...

1807 - 316 pągines
...his gods for all the good they gave. Nor lefs the patriot's boaft where'er we roam, His firft, beft country, ever is, at home. And yet perhaps, if countries we compare, And eftimate the bleflmgs which they fhare ; Though patriots flatter, ftill (hall wifdom find An equal...
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The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, Volum 2

Oliver Goldsmith - 1809 - 324 pągines
...And thanks his gods for all the good they gave. Such is the patriot's boast, where'er we roam, His first, best country, ever is at home. And yet, perhaps,...Mother kind alike to all, Still grants her bliss at labor's earnest call ; With food as well the peasant is supply'd On Idra's cliffs as Arno's shelvy...
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Specimens of the British Poets ...

1809 - 488 pągines
...And thanks his gods for all the good they gave. Such is the patriot's boast, where'er we roam, His first, best country, ever is at home. And yet, perhaps,...compare, And estimate the blessings which they share, Tho' patriots flatter, still shall wisdom find An equal portion dealt to all mankind : As different...
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Specimens of the British poets, Volum 2

British poets - 1809 - 526 pągines
...And thanks his gods for all the good they gave. Such is the patriot's boast, where'er we roam, His first, best country, ever is at home. And yet, perhaps,...compare, And estimate the blessings which they share, Tho' patriots flatter, still shall wisdom find An equal portion dealt to all mankind : As different...
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Elegant Extracts, Volums 1-2

Vicesimus Knox - 1809 - 606 pągines
...And thanks Ui. gods for all the good tkcy gave. Such b ttie patriot's boast, where'er ive roam : His first, best country, ever is at home. And yet, perhaps,...we compare, And estimate the blessings which they shnre, Though patriots flatter, still shall wisdom rind An equal portion dealt to all mankind j As...
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Intellectual Sentiments, Explained by the Study of Sensations

Young lady - 1809 - 204 pągines
...of the heart, where fear and hatred are not predominant. Hail, thought sublime ! Propitious power. Nature, a mother kind alike to all, Still grants her bliss at labour's earnest call. NATURE has enlightened us with understanding, nor has she limited this to the sensation alone of what...
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The poetical works of Oliver Goldsmith, with the life of the author ...

Oliver Goldsmith - 1809 - 102 pągines
...his gods for all the good they gave; Such is the patriot's boaft where'er we roam, His firft, beft country, ever is at home; And yet, perhaps, if countries we compare, And eftimate the bleflings which they mare, Though patriots flatter, ftill fhall wifdom find An equal portion...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Smart, Wilkie, P ...

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 670 pągines
...And thanks his gods for all the good they gar«. Such is the patriot's boast, where'er we roam. His first, best country, ever is at home. And yet, perhaps,...blessings which they share. Though patriots flatter, »till shall wisdom Sod An equal portion dealt to all mankind : As diffrent good, by art or Nature...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper;: Smart, Wilkie, P ...

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 648 pągines
...And thanks his gods for all the good tluty gave. Such is the patriot's boast, where'er we roam, His first, best country, ever is at home. And" yet, perhaps,...we compare, And estimate the blessings which they shaie, Though patriots flatter, still shall wisdom find An equal portion dealt to all mankind: As difPrent...
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