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" I'll smell it on the tree. — [Kissing her. O balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword ! — One more, one more. — Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after : — One more, and this the last : So... "
The Actor: A Treatise on the Art of Playing. Interspersed with Theatrical ... - Pągina 146
per John Hill - 1750 - 326 pągines
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Hamlet ; Othello

William Shakespeare - 1793 - 682 pągines
...O balmy breath, that doft almoft perfuade Juftice to break her fword ! — One more, one more. — Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after: — One more, and this the laft: The queftion is not, which regulation renders the paflage moft elegant...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare. In Fifteen Volumes: Hamlet. Othello

William Shakespeare - 1793 - 690 pągines
...the tree." The folio, " I'll fmell thee on the tree." STEEVENS. OTHELLO, So fweet was ne'er fo fatal. I muft weep, But they are cruel tears : This forrow's heavenly;' It llrikes, where it doth love. — She wakes— DBS. Who's there? Othello? Orn. Ay, Defdemona. DES. Will...
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The beauties of Shakespeare, selected from his plays and poems

William Shakespeare - 1796 - 422 pągines
...ktr Oh-balmy breath, that doft aknoft perfuade Juftice to break her fword !— one more ; one more. Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after. — One more ; and 'that's the laft. So fweet was ne'er fo fatal ! I rauil wecp, But they are cruel...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare ...

William Shakespeare - 1800 - 304 pągines
...0 balmy breath, that doft almoft perfuade Juftice to break her fword ! — One more, one more.-— Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after : — One more, and this the laft t, So fweet was ne'er fo fatal. I muft weep, But they are cruel tears...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volum 10

William Shakespeare - 1803 - 444 pągines
...O balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword ! — One more, one more. — Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after : — One more, and this the last : So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from the Text ..., Volum 9

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 486 pągines
...0 balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword ! — One more, one more. — Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after: — One more, and this the last: So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears:...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare : Accurately Printed from the ..., Volum 10

William Shakespeare - 1805 - 486 pągines
...0 balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword ! — One more, one more. — Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after: — One more, and this the last: So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears:...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare: With Notes of Various Commentators, Volum 14

William Shakespeare - 1806 - 420 pągines
...her. 0 balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword ! — One more, one more.— Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after: — One more, and this the last: So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: With Explanatory Notes ..., Volum 2

William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough - 1807 - 572 pągines
...out, was a phrase for to kilt." man. OTHELLO. Justice hersclfto break her sword ! — Once more. — ' Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after: Once more, and this the So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears: This sorrow's...
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The Plays of Shakspeare: Printed from the Text of Samuel Johnson ..., Volum 12

William Shakespeare - 1807 - 344 pągines
...O balmy breath, that dost almost persuade Justice to break her sword ! — One more, one more. — Be thus when thou art dead, and I will kill thee, And love thee after : — One more, and this the last : So sweet was ne'er so fatal. I must weep, But they are cruel tears:...
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