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" INSECTS AT HOME: A Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits and Transformations. "
Notes and Queries - Pągina 278
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On Parliamentary Government in England: Its Origin, Development, and ...

Alpheus Todd - 1869 - 838 pągines
...abridged from 'Homes without Hands.' With Frontispiece and 60 Woodcuts. Crown Svo. Is. (ui. Wood's Insects at Home; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. Svo. Woodcuts, 14?. Wood's Insects Abroad ; a Popular Account of Foreign Insects,...
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The History of the Life and Times of Edward the Third, Volum 2

William Longman - 1869 - 422 pągines
...abridged from ' Homes without Hands.' With Frontispiece and 60 Woodcuts. Crown Svo. 7*. 6V/. Wood's Insects at Home; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. Svo. Woodcuts, 14*. Wood's Insects Abroad; a Popular Account of Foreign Insects their...
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A Treatise on Conic Sections: Containing an Account of Some of the Most ...

George Salmon - 1869 - 426 pągines
...Regions of the Globe. By the same Author. With 8 Chromoxylographs, 3 Maps, and 85 "Woodcuts. 8vo. 21s. Insects at Home; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. By the Rev. JG WOOD, MAFLS With upwards of 700 Illustrations engraved on Wood, 1 coloured...
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Elementary Introduction to Practical Mechanics: Illustrated by Numerous Examples

bart John Francis Twisden (Sir) - 1870 - 394 pągines
...Principle of Construction. By the Rev. JG WOOD, MJL F .LS With about 140 Vignettes on Wood. Svo. 21». INSECTS AT HOME; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. By the Rev. ,IG WOOD, MA FLS With upwards of 700 Illustrations engraved on Wood (1...
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The Mythology of the Aryan Nations, Volum 2

George William Cox - 1870 - 470 pągines
...Familiar History of Birds. By E. Stanley, DD late Ld. Bishop of Norwich. Fcp. Svo. with Woodcuts, y. ftd. Insects at Home; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure Habits, and Transformations. By Rev. JG Wood, MA With upwards of 1<x> Woodcuts. 8vo. 2ls. Insects Abroad ; being...
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The History of Israel ...: The history of Ezra and of the hagiocracy in ...

Heinrich Ewald - 1874 - 568 pągines
...Insects at Home; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. By the Rev. JG WOOD, MAFLS With upwards of 700 Illustrations engraved on Wood. 8vo. price 21*. Insects Abroad ; being a Popular Account of Foreign Insects their Structure, Habits,...
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Treatise on Mills and Millwork: On the principles of mechanism and on the ...

Sir William Fairbairn - 1871 - 406 pągines
...Hartwig. With 8 Chromoxylographs and about 60 other Illustrations engraved on Wood. Svo. price 2ls. Insects at Home; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. By Rev. JG Wood, MA With upwards of 700 Woodcuts. Svo. 21s. Insects Abroad ; being...
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The Life and Travels of George Whitefield, M. A.

James Paterson Gledstone - 1871 - 580 pągines
...Familiar History of Birds. By E. STANLEY, DD late Lord Bishop of Norwich. Fcp. with Woodcuts, 8s. 6rf. Insects at Home; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. By the Rev. JG WOOD, MAFLS With upwards of 700 Illustrations engraved on Wood. 8vo....
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The Dublin Practice of Midwifery

Henry Maunsell - 1871 - 372 pągines
...their Principle of Construction. By the Rev. JG WOOD, MAFLS With about 140 Vignettes on Wood. Svo. 21s. INSECTS AT HOME; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. By the Rev, JG WOOD, MA FLS With upwards of 700 Illustrations engraved on Wood (1...
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Authority and Conscience: a Free Debate on the Tendency of Dogmatic Theology ...

Conway Morel (pseud. [i.e. Charles Zachary Macaulay.]) - 1871 - 340 pągines
...their Principle of Construction. By the Rev. JG WOOD, MAFLS With about 140 Vignettes on Wood. Svo. 21s. INSECTS AT HOME; a Popular Account of British Insects, their Structure, Habits, and Transformations. By the Rev, JG WOOD, MA FLS With upwards of 700 Illustrations engraved on Wood (1...
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