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" But I— that am not shap'd for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass— I— that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty To strut before a wanton ambling nymph— I— that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature... "
The Plays of William Shakespeare : Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... - Pągina 4
per William Shakespeare - 1805
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William Shakspeare's Complete Works, Dramatic and Poetic, Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1852 - 562 pągines
...capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing of a lute. But I, — that am not shap d curtaiPd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unnnish'd, sent...
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The Works of William Shakespeare: Comprising His Dramatic and ..., Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1853 - 596 pągines
...now, — instead of mounting barbed3 steeds, To fright the souls of fearful adversaries, — He capers f Troy upon his shoulder The old AnchUes bear, so,...carelessly but nod on him. lie had a fever when he was in ant rurtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deforrn'd, unfinish'd,...
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The Works of Shakespeare: The Text Regulated by the Recently ..., Volum 5

William Shakespeare, John Payne Collier - 1853 - 476 pągines
...of fearful adversaries, He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing of a lute.3 But I, that am not shap'd for sportive tricks, Nor...before a wanton ambling nymph ; I, that am curtail'd thus of* fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unfinish'd, sent before...
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Laocoon: An Essay on the Limits of Painting and Poetry

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - 1853 - 288 pągines
...angel of light. When, on the contrary, I hear the Duke of Gloucester :e But I,— that am not shaped for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an amorous...To strut before a wanton ambling nymph ; I, that am curtailed of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deformed, unfinished,...
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Laocoon: an essay on the limits of painting and poetry, tr. by E.C. Beasley

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - 1853 - 296 pągines
...angel of light. When, on the contrary, I hear the Duke of Gloucester :e But I, — that am not shaped for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an amorous...To strut before a wanton ambling nymph ; I, that am curtailed of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deformed, unfinished,...
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The Great Harmonia: The seer

Andrew Jackson Davis - 1853 - 412 pągines
...But I, — that am not shaped foi1 sportive tricks, JSTor made to court an amorous looking-glass 5 I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty,...fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unfinished, sent before my time Into this breathing world, half made up, And that...
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The Works of Shakespeare: the Text Carefully Restored According to the First ...

William Shakespeare - 1854 - 538 pągines
...delicate tunes and amorous glances?" — Lyly's Alexander and Campaspe, 1581. But I, that am not sliap'd for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an amorous...Cheated of feature by dissembling nature,5 Deform'd, unfinished, sent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up, And that so lamely...
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The Controversial Kierkegaard

Malantschuk - 1980 - 97 pągines
...explanation."31 50 Fear and Trembling, p. 108 (SV III 146). 31 Fear and Trembling, p. 115 (SV III 152). I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty...fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unfinish'd, sent before my time Into this breathing world scarce half made up, And...
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Shakespeare's Soliloquies

Wolfgang Clemen - 1987 - 232 pągines
...And now, instead of mounting barbed steeds 10 To fright the souls of fearful adversaries, He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing...tricks, Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass; 1 5 I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty To strut before a wanton ambling nymph: I, that...
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The Historical Renaissance: New Essays on Tudor and Stuart Literature and ...

Heather Dubrow, Richard Strier - 1988 - 387 pągines
...soliloquy of Richard III, he recurs to this description, again placing the blame on nature and love. I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty...fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time, Into this breathing world scarce half made up, And...
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