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" But I— that am not shap'd for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass— I— that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty To strut before a wanton ambling nymph— I— that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature... "
The Plays of William Shakespeare : Accurately Printed from the Text of the ... - Pągina 4
per William Shakespeare - 1805
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The Beauties of Shakspeare Regularly Selected from Each Play. With a General ...

William Shakespeare, William Dodd - 1827 - 362 pągines
...lute. But I, — that am not Rhap'd for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an amorous looking glass: I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty,...fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unfinish'd, cent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up And...
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The Beauties of Shakspeare Regularly Selected from Each Play. With a General ...

William Shakespeare - 1827 - 658 pągines
...now, — instead of mounting barbedj steeds, To fright the souls of fearful adversaries, — He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing...for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an amorous looking glass: I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty, To strut before a wanton ambling...
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The Dramatic Works of Shakespeare: With a Life, Volum 5

William Shakespeare - 1828 - 388 pągines
...adversaries,— He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing of a lute. But I,—that am not shap'd for sportive tricks, Nor made to court...I, that am rudely stamp'd, and want love's majesty, front; To strut before a wanton ambling nymph ; I, that am curtall'd of this fair proportion, Cheated...
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The Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare: Accurately Printed from ..., Volum 2

William Shakespeare, George Steevens - 1829 - 542 pągines
...now, — instead of mounting barbed" steeds, To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,— He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing'...fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform 'd, unfinish'd, sent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up,...
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The Dramatic Works, Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1831 - 526 pągines
...souls of fearful adversaries, — He capers nimbly in ft ladv's chamber, To the lascivious pleasin<r of a lute. But I, — that am not shap'd for sportive...looking-glass ; I. that am rudely stamp'd, and want lote's majesty, To strut before a wanton ambling nyn.ph ; I, that am curtail'd of this fair proportion,...
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The Dramatic Works, Volum 2

William Shakespeare - 1831 - 522 pągines
...fearful adversaries,— He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing of a lule. But I, — that am not shap'd for sportive tricks,...court an amorous looking-glass ; I, that am rudely slamp'd, and want love's majesty, To strut before a wanton ambling nymph ; I, that am curtail'd of...
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Works, Volum 2

Thomas Gray - 1835 - 342 pągines
...shaped for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an amorous looking-glass : I, that am rudely stampt, and want love's majesty To strut before a wanton ambling...fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unfinish'd, sent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up —...
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...now,—instead of mounting barbed steeds, To fright the souls of fearful adversaries,— He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing...fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unflnish'd, sent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up, And...
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Select plays from Shakspeare; adapted for the use of schools and young ...

William Shakespeare - 1836 - 624 pągines
...now, — instead of mounting barbed steeds, To fright the souls of fearful adversaries, — He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber, To the lascivious pleasing...that am curtail'd of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature1 by dissembling2 nature, Deform'd, unfinish'd, sent before my time Into this breathing world,...
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Laocoon; Or The Limits of Poetry and Painting

Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - 1836 - 416 pągines
...shap'd for sportive tricks, Nor made to court an am'rous looking-glass ; I, that am rudely stampt, and want love's majesty To strut before a wanton,...fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature, Deform'd, unflnish'd, sent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up, And...
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