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" An Act for the more easy Recovery of Debts in his Majesty's Plantations and Colonies in America... "
The Laws, Customs, and Privileges, and Their Administration, in the Island ... - Pągina 129
per Abraham Jones Le Cras - 1839 - 400 pągines
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Minutes of the General Medical Council, of Its Executive Committee ..., Volum 20

General Medical Council (Great Britain) - 1883 - 378 pągines
...:—" And be it enacted, that if any attorney or solicitor shall wilfully and knowingly act as agent in any action or suit in any Court of law or equity, or matter in bankruptcy, for any person not duly qualified to act as an attorney or solicitor as aforesaid,...
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Pump Court: The Temple Newspaper and Review, Volum 7

1886 - 362 pągines
...c. 73), which provides, "That if any attorney or solicitor shall wilfully and knowingly act as agent in any action or suit in any Court of law or equity or matter in bankruptcy, for any person not duly qualified to act as an attorney or solicitor, as aforesaid,...
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The Laws of the Australasian Colonies as to the Administration and ...

John Dennistoun Wood - 1884 - 166 pągines
...the 2nd section of 2 & 3 Viet. c. 60. Western Australia. By the llth section of 54 Geo. III. c. 15, an Act for the more easy recovery of debts in His Majesty's Colony of New South Wales, it was enacted that houses, lands, and other hereditaments and real estates...
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FREDERICK W. RICORD AND WM. NELSON - 1885 - 698 pągines
...Drawbacks therein mentioned, and allowing an additional Bounty &c. made in the same year of Uur Reign; An Act for the more easy Recovery of Debts in His Majesty's Plantations and Colonies in America, made in the same year of Our Reign ; an Act to prevent the Exportation of Hats out of any of His Majesty's...
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The American Decisions: Containing All the Cases of General Value ..., Volum 40

1886 - 870 pągines
...that the remedy is extended to all creditors here by the third section of the act of 5 Geo. II., " for the more easy recovery of debts in his majesty's plantations and colonies in America;" which enacts that after the twenty-ninth of September, 1732, the houses, lands, negroes, and other...
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The Admiralty Statutes: Being the Public Statutes Actually in Force Relating ...

Great Britain - 1886 - 792 pągines
...enjoy all such rights, privileges, and prerogatives as are for the time being exercised and enjoyed in any action or suit in any court of law or equity by her Majesty, her heirs or successors, as if the Crown were actually a party to such action or suit....
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Key and Elphinstone's Compendium of Precedents in Conveyancing, Volum 1

Thomas Key - 1890 - 1106 pągines
...passed in the fifth yr of the reign of his 5 Gco. n. iate Majesty King George the second, intituled "An Act for the more easy recovery of Debts in his...Majesty's Plantations and Colonies in America," and of the Statutory Declons Act, 1835, do hby certify that on the day of the date hrof psonally canie...
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Parliamentary Papers, Volum 8

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1890 - 698 pągines
...toonehundred and ten. Section one hundred and twentyfour. Repealed as to nil Her Majesty's dominions. Remarks. An Act for the more easy Recovery of Debts in His Majesty's Colony of New South Wales. In part ; namely, — The whole Act so far as it extends to the colony of...
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Documents Relating to the Colonial and Revolutionary History of the State of ...

1891 - 712 pągines
...shall be a legal settlement in this Province, 141, 142. 152. 154, 182— To extend an act of Parliament entitled an act for the more easy recovery of debts in His Majesty's plantations in America, 142 —To lay taxes on hawkers, pedlars and petty chapmen, 146, 147, 151, 158, 188.—...
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Journal of the Governor and Council...

New Jersey. Council - 1891 - 682 pągines
...shall be a legal settlement in this Province, 141, 142. 152, 154, 182— To extend an act of Parliament entitled an act for the more easy recovery of debts in His Majesty-s plantations in America, 142 —To lay taxes on hawkers, petllars and pettv chapmen, 146,...
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