| William Shakespeare - 1767 - 504 pągines
...and flic's old and cannot help herfelf: You (hall have forty, Sir. Sard. Go to ; ftand afide. Feeble. I care not, a man can die but once; we owe God a death, I will never bear a bafe mind : if it be my deftiny fo : If it be not, fo. No man is too good to ferve... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1767 - 314 pągines
...flic's old and cannot help herfelf; you lhall have forty, Sir. Bard. Go to ; ftand afii3e. Feeble. I care not, a man can die but once ; we owe God a death, I will never bear a bafe mind ; if it be my deftiny, fo ; if it be not, fo. No man is too good to ferve... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1771 - 444 pągines
...and (he's old and cannot help herl'elf ; you (hall have forty, fir. BAE. Go to; (Iand afide. FEEB. I care not, a man can die but once ; we owe God a death, I will never bear a bafe mind ; if it be my de(liny, to ; if it be not, fo. No man is too good to ferve... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1773 - 530 pągines
...(he's old, and cannot help herfelf : you fhall have forty, Sir. Bard. Go to j ftand afide. Feeble. I care not ; a man can die but once ; we owe God a death ; I will never bear a bafe mind : an't be my defliny, fo ; an it be not, fo. No man is too good to... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1773 - 504 pągines
...and (he's old and cannot help herfelf : You ihall have forty, Sir, Bard. Go to j ftand afide. Feeble. I care not, a man can die but once ; we owe God a death, I will never bear a bafe mind : if it be my deftiny fo : If it be not, fo. No man is too good to ferve... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1789 - 712 pągines
...me is old, and cannot help herfelf : you fhall have 'forty, fir. Bard. Go to ; ftand afide. Feeble. I care not ; — a man can die but once ; — we owe God a death ; — I'll ne'er bear a bafe mind : — an't be my deftiny, fo ; an'c be not, fo : No man's too good... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1790 - 628 pągines
...old, and cannot help herielf : you mall have forty, fir. Bard. Goto; ftand afide. Fee. By my troth I care not ; — a man can die but once ; — we owe God a death;— I'll ne'er bear a bale mind: — an't be my deftiny, fo; an't be not, fo : No roan's top good to ferve... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1793 - 682 pągines
...old, and cannot help herfelf : you mall have forty, fir. BARD. Go to ; ftand afide. FEE. By my troth I care not; — a man can die but once; — we owe God a death; — I'll ne'er bear a bafe mind: — an't be my deftiny, fo; an't be not, fo : No man's too good to... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1793 - 756 pągines
...old, and cannot help herfelf : you fhall have forty, fir. BARD. Go to ; ftand afide. FEE. By my troth I care not; — a man can die but once; — we owe God a death; — I'll ne'er bear a bafe mind : — an't be my deftiny, fo ; an't be not, fo : No man's too good... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1795 - 424 pągines
...and flic's old, and cannot help herfclf: you mall have forty, Sir. Bard. Go to; ftand afide. Feeble. I care not, a man can die but once ; we owe God a death; I will never bear a bafe mind: if it be my deftiny, fo; if it be not, fo. No man is too good to ferve... | |
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