FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT CONTAINING CHOICE SELECTIONS OF THE MOST PATHETIC, Accompanied by Explanatory Notes, TOGETHER WITH Appropriate Elocutionary Instructions, THE WHOLE ADAPTED TO THE PURPOSES OF IMPROVEMENT IN BY L. T. REMLAP, Author of "Life of U. S. Grant" "Grant's Tour Around the World" "Syno- ILLUSTRATED. CHICAGO: THE G. A. GASKELL CO. PREFACE. BEAUTY and accuracy of expression in reading and speaking may be justly regarded as a fine art, attainable in its perfection only by a knowledge and practice of the rules and principles of Elocution. While literary institutions are attaching a steadily growing importance to this subject as a branch of instruction, it is none the less noticeable that polite society is rapidly coming to view it as one of the efficient promoters of a refined taste, an improved understanding, a correct judgment, and a fondness for good reading. To encourage this popular interest in particular, and to afford suitable material for its direct exercise, has been the prime motive for offering the present volume to the public. The author has aimed to present such selections from our literature as are best adapted to elocutionary purposes, and has taken special pains to choose from those authors whose writings have not as yet been collected and whose names do not appear in compilations of other similar works. This method of selection seemed peculiarly fitted to meet the wants of those who have passed their school-days, and now seek a collection of a new and more varied character. It is but reasonable to hope that this distinctive feature will also win for the book a ready reception to the class-room. Though the instruction of an experienced teacher is always to be preferred, there are few accomplishments in which one can attain such a degree of excellence by self-teaching as in that of the graceful use of the voice and the consequent force in conveying ideas. Yet, while pursuing the instruction set forth in the following pages, the reader will derive the highest of incidental benefits, particularly in his taste and the proper use of gestures from attendance upon lectures 4005 (RECAP) 70493 |