THE ACTOR: A TREATISE ON THE Bubloek ART OF PLAYING. Interspersed with Theatrical Anecdotes, Critical Remarks Quod verum atque decens Curo & rogo, & omnis in hoc fum. HOR. LONDON: Printed for R. GRIFFITHS, at the Dunciad, in TO THE MANAGERS OF THE TWO THEATRES. GENTLEMEN, A N author unknown to you, and who fhall ever remain so, takes the liberty of laying before you an effay on the rules and laws of a profession, which it is greatly your Interest to be acquainted with in its utmost latitude. That you are at present perfectly informed of the full extent of many of them, we have, during, the course of the last Seafon, had abundant proof; there are, however, fome more effential ones, which those who frequent the performances you exhibit, imagine have not sufficiently taken up your attention. You will find we have pass'd the more curforily over the former, that we might, |