Reflections on reading the North Britain, No. 134 104 Observations on ditto, by Mrs. 1 Reflections on the Ruin of an antient Cathe- Macaulay 261 dral Robertfon's Clavis Pentateuchi 426 Thoughts on the Pension Lift of Ireland 529 Rodondo, or the State Jugglers, part 1:1. Toplady, his edition of three fermons of 104 Mr. Hervey Rowley on ulcerated legs 529 632 Triumph of Bute 580 S. True Aların 210 True Blue; an interlude 580 Scotchman, or the World as it goes 268 V. U. Search into the Prophecies 531 Secker's Sermons 376 Serious Reflexions on some important Deter- Uffyec's Tutor's Guide 632 minations 105 Voltaire's Letters to his Friends 268 Sermons written by a lady 373 to tradesmen 379 Voyage through Hell 537 Sharp's Advantages of a religious Education w. Speeches, two of a late Lord Chancellor 578 nology, and Geography Sultan; or Love and Fame, a tragedy Swedenberg's Theofophic Lucubration 426 HEODORA; a novel Thoughts on the Caufe of the Pretent The End of VOL. XXXVIII. DIRECTIONS to the BOOKBINDER, for placing the Plates, &c. in LONDON MAGAZINE for 1770. Worßey's Tranflation of the New Tefta- ment 376 Woly's poetical works 212 Woly's Female Advocate 268 Y. YOUNGER Suter 531 LACE the frontispiece facing the 12 A humourous scene in the Lame Lover title. 391 2 A view of Esher in Surry, the feat of 13 A late unfortunate adventure at York 439 14 A view of the pagoda, &c. in Kew gar- P. I dens 483 3 Portrait of the celebrated Junius 495 4 Continuation of the road from Bucking- 16 A recorder on his pilgrimage 523 ham to Bridgnorth 115 17 Map of the coasts of Persia and Malabar 6 Andrew Marveil $ Mungo Campbell 745 533 171 18 Head of the late Rev. George Whitefield 7 Edmund Burke, Esq; 174 549 8 Plan of Conftantinople 273 19 Mifs Catley in the character of Leonora 9 Continuation of the road from London to in the Padlock 589 St. Dad's 283 To Map of the Moves and Archipelago 322 20 Mr. Savigny and Mr. Clark, in the cha- 331 baroffa On February 1, will be published For JANUARY, 1771. Ladies and Gentlemen inclined to begin the NEW YEAR with THE LONDON |