Imatges de pàgina


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even a mayor and gendarmes ;-here there | plague. A volunteer of our vessel, a young within reach of a greater number of indivi is nothing of all that-the men seem to con- man of nineteen, has deserted, and taken refuge duals." gregate upon this tongue of sand as nature with the governor of Alexandria, where he wished and permitted ;-and what men, what has made profession of the Musselman faith. a mixture of people, and how new to the eye of From this moment he belongs to the Turkish a European! Here the Turk, with his long government, and the consul has no further The Amulet for 1829.-The attractive Fron. robe and demure step; there the Jew, hand-power than to interrogate him three times tispiece was mentioned in the Literary Gazette some as Joseph, all full of grimaces as Caïpha: in the presence of the governor, to know if last week. The other illustrations are most of on one side the mild Armenian, on the other his resolution is final; if he persists, the affair them of a very pleasing character. Among the wild-looking Bedouin, with his long white is ended, and there is a renegade the more. drapery, and mounted upon his dromedary; The extent to which the pasha has carried his the blue shirt of the Arabian contrasting with influence over the minds of the people of this the frock-coat of the European; the red uni- country is extraordinary; he appears to exerform of the troops of Ibrahim by the side of cise a kind of seduction over all who approach the blue jackets of our sailors: here an officer him. [The audience of the pasha is then menof rank covered with gold, preceded by slaves tioned.] The conversation (which ensued) was carrying torches; there a troop of veiled wo- about the voyage, and we were promised promen and naked children, denoting misery in its tection and support. We were then asked if extremest stage. Imagine this strange mix- we intended to go to the summit of Pharaoh; ture moving about among half-built houses and for so the Turks call the pyramids. After this, in tortuous paths, with an agitation and a politics were introduced; and in the midst of language to which even Naples cannot be com- this official conversation, coffee was brought pared, and you have Alexandria in all its con- to us in small cups, on a tray covered with fusion, and in its sublime and burlesque singu- a napkin embroidered with gold. At the end larity of aspect. of a quarter of an hour we were dismissed, with the same cordiality, and returned to our carriage.


them are the following: "The Fisherman leaving Home," an interesting picture by W. Collins, R. A., sweetly engraved by C. Rolls. The Kitten discovered,' engraved by W. Greatbatch, from a picture by H. Thomson, R.A., broad and simple. "The Rose of Castle Howard" (portrait of Lady Mary Howard), engraved by E. Portbury, from a painting by J. Jackson, R. A.; a charming representation of infantile simplicity. "The Temple of Victory," engraved by R. Wallis, from a painting by J. P. Gandy, R. A.; a noble architectural composition: to what cause is it to be attri buted that a man of so much original talent and acquired knowledge as Mr. Gandy, seems to be overlooked in the choice of architects for On the 19th we took possession of the lodgings the construction of our public buildings?"The which had been prepared for us. M. ChamMountain Daisy;" a metamorphosis of Sir T. pollion remained at M. Drovetti's, and I was Lawrence's exquisite picture of one of the placed with M. Pechemonte, the consul of SarLadies Fane; it is engraved by C. Armstrong. dinia, and son-in-law of M. Drovetti. From THE lectures on foreign literature commenced" Wandering Minstrels of Italy," engraved by my window I can perceive, in the open air, one on Wednesday last, by Mr. A. Panizzi giving W. Humphreys, from a drawing by Penry of the prettiest museums imaginable-a house his introductory discourse to a good attendance Williams, which highly finished drawing must in ruins, with antique fragments of Egyptian, of visiters. The professor was frequently en- be well recollected by all the visiters to the last Roman, and Byzantine sculpture; and opposite, couraged in the course of his task, and the Exhibition of the Society of Painters in Wateran Arabian portico of the most delicate and ori- conclusion was followed by long and continued colours. "The Italian Mother," engraved by ginal description. plaudits. The lecture itself was eloquently E. Finden, from a painting by C. Eastlake, In the evening, our first promenade was to written, and delivered with great propriety of A. R. A. Perhaps much may be owing to our the Obelisks called the Needles of Cleopatra. action and enunciation. We were so much not being constantly accustomed to it, but there These Obelisks presented to M. Champollion pleased with the whole performance, that we certainly appears to be something very pictu many singularities which have not been noticed. feel some reluctance in finding fault; but resque in the costume of the Italian women. This point of view, which forms part of the site we could have wished that he had recited "The Wearied Soldier," engraved by C. Rolls, of the old city, and from which there is the a few passages from some of the Italian poets. from a painting by the late W. Bigg, R. A. most picturesque prospect of the sea, of several We earnestly recommend these lectures to our The story is clearly told, and the perspective Greek and Copt convents, and of the mosque readers, as, both from the specimen which we view of the sheep exceedingly well managed. which is the place of sepulture for the family of have already received, and from the celebrity" Innocence," engraved by F. Bacon, from a the pasha, has become, on account of the little of the gentleman in question, we have no painting by R. Smirke, R.A. We wish Mr. excavations which have been commenced there, hesitation in saying that he will be an Smirke would allow us more frequent opportu the rendezvous of the persons employed to honour and credit to the establishment. Ita- nities of mentioning his name as an artist. sketch (dessinateurs), so that it may be said lian literature is too little known in this coun- Who does not recollect with delight the master. that the expedition has commenced its labours. try. Fashion, however, has had its votaries, pieces of humour-" familiar but not vulgar" As for me, I am preparing myself for the more whilst intellect and mind have been sadly neg- with which he frequently favoured the public important things which Upper Egypt will pre- lected. Let not our countrymen, therefore, some years ago? sent us with, by reading Herodotus, and by the suffer this excellent opportunity to escape, and study of the hieroglyphics. M. Champollion we shall be satisfied. There are to be 105 lescontinues to be in every respect a model of sons for the language, and 70 lectures for the complaisance. exposition of the literature. For want of space, we have only room for the following extract.

The Juvenile Forget-me-not for 1829.-To the illustrations of this handsome little volume, is appropriately prefixed a Portrait of "Her In general, as I have already told you, perRoyal Highness the Princess Victoria," en. sons at a distance have monstrous ideas of the "The comparison of the literature of differ- graved by Thomson, from a bust by Behnes, in character of the people of this country, and yet ent countries tends eminently to form a sound the possession of his Majesty. There are fif in some respects they are better than the peo- taste, and to do away with those prejudices teen other plates, very prettily engraved, and ple of our great cities. All the Franks who which a narrow view, caused either by national exceedingly well adapted to youth. Nor must have lived here a long time speak in the high- pride or antipathy, may have produced. It we forget the vignettes on wood: several of est terms of the mild manners of the Arabs, strengthens and enlightens the intellect, by them, especially those in which the Savoyards, in the whole extent of Egypt, without excep- multiplying the objects of its attention. The with their grotesque companions, are introtion. Murders are here of rare occurrence, political history, the manners, the customs, the duced, are executed with great skill. and when they do take place they are almost character, of a nation, are never well comprealways committed by foreigners. Some singu- hended without a critical knowledge of its litelar traces of the French expedition are dis-rature, which, influenced as it is by all these cernible in the population. As we left the causes, has a great re-action upon them. These city yesterday to proceed to the Obelisks, we palpable truths did not escape the notice of the were accosted by a blind man, who addressed Council of the Uniɣersity; and the facilities is in French, to the following effect:-" Give which this splendid monument of their exerme something, citizen, for I have not break-tions affords for the acquisition of modern lanfested this morning."



On Wednesday, the 29th ult., at the house of one of his sons, in Southampton Street, Bloomsbury Square, died LUKE HANSARD, Esq., in his 79th year. Beyond the circle of the literary characters directly or mediately connected with his guages, give the members of that body a just press (comprising almost all the leading statesIt is probable that M. Parisset will find him- title to the gratitude of the public. It is ob- men, civilians, and divines, his contemporaries self disappointed on his arrival in Egypt, for vious, that the more extensive this study be- in the late and present reign), of members of there has been no plague there these three comes, nations are brought into closer contact, the House of Commons, and the gentlemen years; the pasha has established lazarettos; their jealousies grow fainter and fainter, and officially employed there, Mr. Hansard was not, and the prevailing opinion is, that this year, the value of useful works, from any country, we believe, very publicly known; though for like the three preceding, will pass over without increases in the ratio in which they are put a really praiseworthy, active, and useful life,


few men have higher pretensions to a distin- | Mr. H. was a striking exception: no one ever | Sir Anthony Absolute, in the Rivals. He is guishing record. took greater delight in any pursuit than he did certainly not a man of genius; and, so far Mr. Hansard succeeded Mr. Hughs as printer in his particular avocation; to that he devoted from being able to fill the vacancy caused by to the House of Commons about thirty years all his powers, bodily and mental, the force of Mr. Farren's defection, can be of no earthly ago but for nearly fifty years the printing of which he multiplied at will, by the rare tact of use in a company possessing Mr. Fawcett, that department has had the benefit of Mr. Han-infusing into others a portion of his own extra- Mr. Blanchard, and Mr. Bartley. Reeve's sard's direction, aided by a professional skill ordinary zeal. Thus to accomplish the circle Acres was a very funny character; but it, we and judgment that will rank his name among of so many evolving years may, indeed, be ac- swear, was not Acres, “ by the rood.” the chief in the annals of typography. Without counted a long career, and claiming not the derogating from the praise of others, it may, merely negative merit of protracted animal with truth, be said, that to Mr. Hansard be- existence, but the real bona fide praise due to longs the merit of the luminous and admirably- a life, which, while it was deservedly profitable digested plan under which the voluminous papers to the individual, proved extensively beneficial relating to the various branches of the public to others. service have, for some years past, been laid be

In religion, Mr. Hansard was perfectly orfore parliament and the nation; an arrange- thodox, and a regular attendant at his parish ment and classification tending to diffuse in-church. With politics he never intermeddled, formation of vital import, at the same time that farther than by strenuously acting from prinit gives facility to every description of research ciple with those and for those whose purposes connected with the polity of the country. and views were loyal, and of a kind to uphold and cherish the Establishment in Church and State. To the Society for Educating the Lower Classes, to that for Building Churches, to the recently projected institution of a Metropolitan College, and to other public foundations, he was a liberal contributor; while his munificent gifts vested in the Stationers' Company for poor Printers, will convey a grateful memory of him to the latest posterity.

As a man of business, Mr. Hansard possessed the main qualifications pertaining to excellence -a fixed habit of industry, a scrupulous regard to punctuality and despatch, and an inflexible integrity. As a citizen, his duties were performed with a vigour and alacrity the most commendable. As a master, such excellent rules guided his conduct, as to render servitude under him both beneficial and pleasant. As a parent, his example was of the kind to be influential beyond the range of his own immediate household.

Previous to his death, Mr. Hansard had become a great grandfather; and he leaves to possess his large property, and the reflected credit of his justly acquired fame, a widow, a sister, three sons, two daughters, and nearly forty grandchildren. An excellent likeness of him, by Lane, made a part of the late Exhibition at Somerset House.*




Legal Education.-Letters from Alexandria state that the Pasha of Egypt is about to send to this country two of the sons of one of his principal officers to receive instruction in the mode of English legislation. If the Pasha wishes them to learn all that is to be collected in this way, he will be dead long before they have finished their education !

Animal Charcoal. Some years ago the newspapers gave an account of an establishment at Copenhagen, in which the charcoal made from bones was used with great success in the purification of common oils, whilst the gas that was generated served to light a great part of the neighbourhood. An establishment of this kind is being formed at Stockholm. It is said that the most rancid fish oils are made equal to the finest sperm oil by the use of this charcoal; and that in consequence of the profit resulting from its employment in that way, the gas which the bones give out in great abundance can be supplied at a much cheaper rate than the gas obtained from coals. It is rather singular that the experiment has not been tried in this country.

In justice to Mr. Hansard it should be stated,
that he came to the metropolis a journeyman;
and, like the late Mr. Strahan, the late Mr.
Cadell, and others whom we could name, had
Scientific Squabble.-A difference has arisen
slender prospect of success beyond that to which
between the Paris Academy of Medicine and
his own personal application, perseverance, and
the French Government, owing to the appoint-
merit, might entitle him. Also, like the per-
ment by the latter of a distinguished chemist,
sons with whom we rank him, Mr. Hansard
to make an analysis, on the spot, of the different
accumulated a liberal competency, which, as it A TRANSLATION of that very elegant comedy mineral springs in France. The Academy ap-
was honourably and sedulously earned, was the La Reine de Seise Ans was produced here prove of the choice, but contend that the ap-
more richly deserved.
The natal place of the subject of this imper-ment to Miss bien free, who sustained
yesterday week; and it is no trifling compli- pointment should rest with them, and not with
the government. Particular researches are
fect sketch has escaped the recollection of the part of the Youthful Queen, to say, that we ordered to be made in the south of France,
writer, but is believed to have been Norwich, highly relished her performance of it, (mea- where the mineral waters are said to possess
or some village in the neighbourhood of that grely as it is rendered in the English) after extraordinary powers. According to the last
city. He received the rudiments of education having witnessed its representation by the report, not only the waters of Dax, but even
at a school in Lincolnshire; and was afterwards inimitable Jenny Vertpré, for whom it was the mud near the town, is of such efficacy, that
apprenticed to the then only printer in Nor- originally written by M. Bayard, and who, the soldiers who are quartered there, when
wich, Mr. White, in Cockey Lane. The hard independently of her extraordinary talent, is afflicted with rheumatism, find a speedy cure
fare of his early probation, at school and during so admirably assisted by her petite and fairy- by covering the part affected with mud, which
his apprenticeship, recurred frequently to his like figure, in the personation. The daily they removed when thoroughly dry.
recollection in after-life, and served as a theme papers have spared us the trouble of detailing Malaria. At a late sitting of the Academy
for useful monition to the young people about the plot; and indeed La Reine de Seize Ans of Medicine in Paris, M. Villernie read a paper
him. In his person, Mr. Hansard was of having been frequently represented at the Ly- on the Influence of Marshes upon Human Life,
middling stature, and spare; but to a remark-ceum, during the French performances last sea- from which he drew the following conclusions:-
ably strong constitution there was united a son, it is familiar to most of our town readers. In the salubrious portions of our climates, the
spirit adapted for enterprise, for exertion, for Mr. Farren played the old minister of Gus- winter and spring months are those which give
subduing every thing arduous, and, by its ex- tavus with his usual discrimination of charac- the greatest number of deaths, and the winter
traordinary and never-failing energy, over-ter.
is more fatal in the north than in the south. In
Mr. Cooper was the favoured young
coming obstacles, hindrances, and difficulties, officer, and Mr. Jones his courtier-cousin. marshy countries the greatest number of deaths
that, to ordinary powers, appear wholly insur- We need scarcely say they left us nothing to is in the months of July, August, September,
mountable. No one about him could ever keep desire in the acting.
and October; and the evaporation of the marshes
is most fatal to persons from one to six years of
age. The complaint which generally attacks
children, owing to the malaria of marshes, is
stated to be an acute gastro-intestinal affection.

pace with his undeviating course of labour, the Love makes a Man, or the Fop's Fortune,
time allotted by him for rest never exceeding, was revived, with great strength, on Thurs-
at any season of the year, more than a sixth day; Farren, Jones, and Cooper, taking the
part of the twenty-four hours of each working leading parts, and executing them to per.
day. This practice he pursued to within a fection.
very short period preceding his decease. The
divine denunciation consequent on the Fall,


"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat THE only novelty at this house since our last, bread," &c. was conspicuously illustrated in is the introduction to the London boards of a the experience of Mr. Hansard. But with Mr. Gray, who made his first appearance as him every returning day brought a cheerful

disposition for labour, and, from the sheer love the subject, we consider this brief notice as the best Though a memoir in detail could only do justice to of it, a perseverance that never relaxed, be- of all eulogies, coming as it does from a gentleman cause it knew not to tire. To the remark of who for nearly twenty years has participated in Mr. H.'s our great moralist, that it seldom happens labours, and whom we believe to be capable of apto a man that his business is his pleasure," Justising the of such a memorial the family may be justly proud.-Editor.

Greek Isles. A commission which had been appointed by the president of the government, M. Capo d'Istrias, to inquire into the state of education in the Greek isles, having examined seventeen of them, has reported that, on the 1st of May last, those seventeen isles possessed 92 schools, comprehending 2,333 scholars, from 5 to 30 years of age. 23 of these schools, containing 969 scholars, followed the Lancastrian method. Of the 92 schools, 13 had heen established under the dominion of the Turks; 57 between the month of March 1821,

The Life and Times of Francis the First of France.The Manual for Invalids, or Practical Rules for the Attainment and Preservation of Health, &c. by a Physician. Conversations on Intellectual Philosophy.-A Poetical Epistle to Harriet, Duchess of St. Alban's, or a Reply to the Underlings of the Press.-Tales and Confessions, by the Calumnies cast upon the Character of her Grace by Leitch Ritchie.-A Treatise on the Diseases of the Bones,

by Benjamin Bell, F.R.C.S. Edinburgh and London.


Hooper's Anatomy of the Brain, second edition, imperial 4to. 21. 12s. 6d. bds.-Crutwell's Housekeeper, 1829, 4to. 28. sewed.-Milne's Essay on Comets, 4to. 10s. 6d. bds.-Nollekens and his Times, by J. T. Smith, 2 vols. 8vo. 11. 8. bds.-Maugham's Laws of Literary Property, 4 vols. post 8vo. 21. 2s. bds.-Life of James Wodrow, by 8vo. 10s. Gd. bds.-Zillah, a Tale of the Holy City, his Son, 12mo. 58. bds.

and the arrival of the president (January Envy.In a Polish fable entitled "the 1828); and the 22 others between that period Miser and the Envious Man," the latter is and the 1st of May. The 13 schools founded represented as obtaining from the gods the under the Turks, and receiving 296 scholars, favour of being allowed to lose one eye, in all followed the old method. Of the 57 schools order that he may, at the same time, deprive of the second period, only 14, containing 557 the former of the only eye he had left! scholars, followed the new method; the re- Diderot. This celebrated philosopher was maining 43 schools of that period contained frequently the dupe of his ardent benevolence. 829, being altogether 1,386 scholars. In the On one occasion he, by painful exertions, obthird period, schools of mutual instruction, tained some favour for a young man of the containing 412 scholars, had been founded; name of Rivière, whose countenance and elothe 13 other schools founded within that pe- quence had interested him. Rivière called to riod, and which follow the old method, had thank him. When he was going away, and only 239 scholars, making altogether 651 scho- they were on the staircase together, he stopped lars. The principal matters taught in all the Diderot, and said to him, Monsieur Dideschools are reading, writing, ancient and mo- rot, are you acquainted with natural history?" METEOROLOGICAL JOURNAL, 1828. dern Greek, arithmetic, geography, and the" But little; I know a cabbage from a lettuce, ancient history of Greece. In some of the and a pigeon from a sparrow." "Are you Thursday 23 From 56. to 49. 29.67 to 29.80 schools, French, Italian, and English, are acquainted with the history of the formica-leo?" Saturday 25 taught; in others, Latin and geometry. In a "He is a small and very industrious Sunday' 26 very great number, theology, metaphysics, insect. He digs a hole in the ground, of the Monday... natural philosophy, and chemistry, are likewise shape of a funnel, and covers the surface with taught. fine light sand. When a foolish insect allows itself to fall into this hole, he seizes it, sucks it, and then says to it, Monsieur Diderot, I have the honour to wish you good morning.'


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Irritation. Excitability is essential to the continuance of life. The effect of excitation on the nerves, as every where else, is to produce a movement of contraction. If this Characteristic Anecdote. When Dr. Ehrenmovement, which in a healthy state is repeated berg (the Prussian traveller) was in Egypt, he a certain number of times in a certain period, said to a peasant, "I suppose you are quite becomes quicker, excitation changes its name, happy now; the country looks like a garden, and becomes irritation, and a malady. Simple and every village has its minaret.” "God is irritation differs from inflammation in that the great!" replied the peasant ; 66 our master latter particularly affects the cellular systems gives with one hand, and takes with two." and the blood-vessels, and leads to a train of disorders which irritation alone never produces. Liberal Donation.—Messrs. Edward B. Delavan and John T. Norton have presented the Albany Institute with the collection of the late Governor Clinton in natural history and science generally, amounting to upwards of 1100 specimens.-Baltimore Journal.



others. The conclusion of the authors of this work, as

A work has recently been published in Paris on the of Lunel-Vieil. In one of them there were the tones of Animal Organic Remains discovered in some of the Caves thirty-three species of carnivorous, ruminating, and other animals. In another a great quantity of bones of the hyena were discovered. These appear to have belonged to three distinct species; of the first, which is classed as the hyænea spelaa, abundant specimens had already been French Wines.-It appears by some recent found in different caves in France, Germany, and EngAnother is the hyana fusca, or striped hyena; investigations, that the vine is cultivated in and the third belongs to the class called hyana interFrance in seventy-eight departments, occupy-media, from its partaking of the character of the two ing an extent of 1,736,056 hectares, of which the average annual produce is 35,075,689 hectolitres, being of the value of 540,389,298 francs. The average price of the hectolitre is therefore fifteen francs forty centimes, or thirteen centimes the common bottle. This is the original price; but it is nearly doubled, by the expense of carriage, the indirect imports, the droits d'octroi, and the profits of trade. Still, the exceeding smallness of this average price shews that the quantity of good wine is very small, as compared with the quantity of bad. However, its selling price has less to do with its quality than with the facility of its conveyance in the vicinity of a great consumption.

to the cause of the bones of the hyena being found with
those of other animals, differs essentially from the re-
ceived opinions on the subject. They attribute the col-
lection to a deposit of diluvium; but they at the same
time admit, that many of the bones of other animals
found with those of the hyena, bear marks of the teeth
of that ferocious animal. A Report on this subject was
made to the Academy of Sciences on the 13th inst. by
M. Cuvier; and as it possesses much interest, we may
probably give a fuller account of it in another No.
A new journal, a sort of Old Bailey record, is now pub-
lished daily in Germany. It is a report of all the criminal
trials in Germany, and of criminal proceedings of interest
is filled, and the apologies made by the editors for omit-
ting some articles, we fear that Germany has not to boast
of inuch more morality than other countries.
interesting, account of the dissensions which have taken
The Gazette des Tribunaux contains a long, but rather
place in the University of Heidelberg, in Germany. It
appears, that after several fruitless conferences with the
800, formed themselves into a kind of camp at Fran-
authorities, the discontented students, to the number of
kenthal, where they pronounced an anathema against all
In consequence of this proceeding, nearly all the law stu-
who should remain in or enter themselves at Heidelberg.
dents who were at that place have quitted it, and spread
themselves in different universities.

in other countries. From the ease with which this sheet

The new edition of Sir Henry Stewart's Planter's Guide

is announced to be ready for publication early in Novem-









[blocks in formation]

SIR,-Having seen in the Literary Gazette of last week a biographical sketch of the late Rev. Dr. O'Conor, I beg leave to set you right on some important facts in which you appear to have been led astray in your opinions and information respecting Doctor O'Conor.

You have stated that some of his writings, viz. "the Letthe Pope," and that, in consequence, Dr. O'Conor had ters of Columbanus ad Hibernos, incurred the censure of been suspended from his clerical functions, which circumstance preyed on his mind. Now the fact is, that from the year 1810, when the Letters of Columbanus were published, up to the period of Dr. O'Conor's death, in July last, no censure was ever passed by the court of Rome on Dr. O'Conor, who had at all times appealed to the decision of the holy see against the caluinnies and the persecution instituted against him by some of the Catholic bishops in England and Ireland.

The court of Rome and the cardinals never decided

against Dr. O'Conor; and their authority could alone have induced him to change those liberal principles which he maintained with so much talent, and which were so obnoxious to the spirit of bigotry.

In 1812, if the advice of Dr. O'Conor had been at

tended to, such terms might have been made with the pope as would have secured the nomination of bishops by dean and chapter in Ircland, subjected to the approval of the king. In other words, the veto would have been conceded; and the writings of Dr. O'Conor prove, that such a security against the foreign influence of continental powers is not incompatible with the tenets of Catholics.

A devoted love of his country, and a desire to see her miseries alleviated, were the motives which induced Dr. O'Conor to write the Letters of Columbanus. These Letters contain sound principles of Christian charity and fame, and will always vindicate him against the charge of conciliation. They are honourable to Dr. O'Conor's having acquiesced in submission to ignorant and clownish servility or superstition, rather than to that pure religion adorned. which St. Augustine prcached, and which Fenelon In the tribute you pay to the genius and talents of Dr. O'Conor as a writer, and author of the If that work shall ever be translated into English, it will Rerum Hibernicarum, you do but justice to his merits. become deservedly popular. The labour attending its completion was the origin of that illness which ultimately caused Dr. O'Conor's death, and deprived society of one of the most amiable men whom piety and charity combined to render worthy of the esteem of all sects and persuasions.

Adulation. Perhaps one of the finest specimens of base and impious servility on record, is the speech which, it is stated in Bertrand's History of Boulogne-sur-Mer, was made by the prefect of the Pas-de-Calais to Napoleon, at the period when the latter was projecting the invasion of England, and had collected all kinds of materials for the attempt: viz. "God In the Press. A New Year's Eve, and other Poems, by Bernard Barton.-A new edition, with engravings by created Buonaparte, and then rested himself!" Edward Finden, of the Annals of the Poor, by the late Modesty. At a late sitting of the Académie Rev. Legh Richmond. - The Interpositions of Divine des Beaux Arts, M. Quatremère de Quincy, tures, by Joseph Fincher, Esq.-Typical Instruction conProvidence, selected exclusively from the Holy Scripthe perpetual secretary, read an historical no-sidered and illustrated, by John Peers, A.M.-Essays on tice of the life and works of Baron Lemot, the the Universal Analogy between the Natural and the Spisculptor. According to M. Quatremère, this ritual Worlds, by the Author of "Memoirs of a Deist." -A new edition of Sermons, chiefly Practical, preached 34, St. James's Street, October 16, 1828. artist manifested a rare modesty in seeking in the Parish Church of Clapham, Surrey, by the Rev. We cannot answer J. W. without seeing the paper. and obtaining the rank of baron; for it was William Dealtry.-A new edition of a Tribute of Sym- To the critique from Aberdeen, our reply is, that we pathy, addressed to Mourners, by W. Newnham, Esq.- never insert anonymous Reviews, nor any upon works an avowal, that his statues were not, in his The Trials of Life, a Novel, by the Author of "De not in our possession, to satisfy ourselves of the justice of opinion, worthy of ennobling his name; and Lisle, or the Sensitive Man."-The Second Series of the what goes to the public under our authority. Cain we that his glory would otherwise have perished! Romance of History, to comprise tales founded on facts, like, but we must wait, if he pleases. and illustrative of the romantic annals of France, from ERRATUM.-Page 681, column 2, lines 53 and 54, for Was this panegyric or censure? the reigu of Charlemagne to that of Louis XIV. inclusive."abrogation" read "abnegation."

A knowledge of his pursuits, and veneration of his genius, arising from an intimacy with him for twenty years (my father being his brother-in-law), have made ticularly in his claims to having always been the advocate me feel an interest in all that concerns his name, and parof every measure which, without sacrifice of principle, could tend to benefit Ireland. I have the honour to be your humble servant,



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Abercrombie on the Stomach. In 1 vol. 12. boards,


of, the Business of a Bookseller and Stationer, to which a Circulating Library is attached; also Toys and Fancy Articles. It is situated in a pleasant and populous Village Four Miles from London, and has been Established upwards of Ten Years. The bad health of the present Proprietor prevents him giving proper attention to the Concern; but the Connexion is of the first respectability, and might be greatly extended by an active person. The stock, &c. would be subjected to a fair valuation, and might be reduced to meet the views of any purchaser. Further particulars may be known by applying to Mr. Leighton, Exmouth Street, Spa Fields (if by letter, post-paid).

Wilkie's Alfred.

Dedicated to His Grace the Duke of Wellington, now ready for delivery,

[blocks in formation]

2. The Sisters, painted by F. P. Stephanoff, engraved by J. H. Robinson.

by John Pye. 3. Ehrenbreitstein, painted by J. M. W. Turner, R.A.engraved

M. J. Danforth. 4. Sir Walter Scott, painted by C. R. Leslie, R.A. engraved by

A.R.A. engraved by E. Goodall. 5. Cleopatra embarking on the Cydnus, painted by F. Danby,

6. The Departure of Mary Queen of Scots from France, painted by E. D. Leahy, engraved by J. Goodyear.

7. Cupid taught by the Graces, painted by W. Hilton, R.A. engraved by J. C. Edwards.

8. She never told her Love, painted by R. Westall, R.A. engraved by C. Rolls.


By JOHN ABERCROMBIE, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and First Physician to His Majesty in Scotland. Printed for Waugh and Innes, Edinburgh; James Duncan, 37, Paternoster Row; T. and G. Underwood, 32, Fleet Street, London.

Also may be had, by the same Author, Pathological and Practical Researches on Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord, in 1 vol. 8vo. 12s. boards.

4th edition, with new Acts and Law Cases, in a closely printed vol. 18mo. 8s. 6d. boards, THE CABINET LAWYER; or, a Popular


TAGE. Engraved in the first Style by James Mitchell, painted by J. Stephanoff, engraved by Northcote, R.A. engraved correct Tables of Assessed Taxes, Stamp Duties, Excise Licenses,

after a Picture by David Wilkie, Esq. R.A. Size, 24 inches by 18 high; Prints, 31s. 6d.; French Proofs, 635.; India proofs, 41. 48.; before letters, 61. 65.

The original Picture, containing a Portrait of Mr. Wilkie, from which the above Engraving has been executed, is in the possession of the Publishers, who will be happy to shew it to any of the nobility or gentry desirous of its inspection.

9. Feramorz relating the Story of the Peri to Lalla Rookh, F. Bacon. 10. The Young Nov.ce, painted by by W. Greatbatch,

11. The Agreeable Surprise, painted by J, Green, engraved by H. Rolls. 12. The Cottage Toilet, painted by R. Farrier, engraved by E. J. Portbury. Also,

London: Published by Moon, Boys, and Graves, Printsellers The Literary Souvenir; edited by Alaric to the King, 6, Pall Mall; and sold by F. G. Moon, Thread-A. Watts. Bound in rich crimson silk, price 12; and the needle Street. "New-Year's Gift," edited by Mrs. Alaric A. Watts, elegantly Who have also on Sale, half-bound in Turkey morocco, with gilt leaves, price 7s. 6d. Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green.

The Blind Fiddler, Reading a Will, Duncan Gray, and all the Subjects which have been engraved after Wilkie and Burnet.



Keepsake Illustrations. Published in colombier 4to. by Robert Jennings, 2, Poultry, EMBELLISHMENTS to the KEEPSAKE for 1829, engraved by Mr. Charles Heath and others, from Pictures and Drawings by the following distinguished Artists,-Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A., J. M. W.

BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH Turn, L. Stothard, Bar, Fr. Stephanoffe, J. M. Wright, E.

R.A., T. R.A., P.

Landseer, H. Corbould, B. Richter, J. Holmes. Proofs, 21. 2s.; India proofs, with the Writing, 31. 3.; India proofs, without Writing, 41. 4.; proofs on India, with the Etch

for November. Contents.-I. The Duellists. A Tale of the Thirty Years' War"-II. Ireland as it is, in 1826; Chaps. 3 and 4-III. The Good Manne of Allowa. Made be Mr. Hougge.-V. Shakspeare, a Tory, and a Gentleman-VI. On the Character of Hamlet-ings, 51. 51. VII. Recollects of a Poor Proscribed Animal. Written by Himself-VIII. Tasso's Coronation. By F. H.-IX. The Shaving Shop-X. Notes on the United States of America-XI. The Voice of the Wind. By F. H.-XII. Noctes Ambrosiana, No. XXXIX. Printed for William Blackwood, Edinburgh; and T. Cadell, Strand, London.

[blocks in formation]

HE MONTHLY MAGAZINE for Nov. price Half-a-Crown, contains the following Articles,I. Col. Roche Fermoy on the Moral and Physical Force of Ireland-II. Dr. Burrowes on Insanity-III. A Tale of the Pyrenees-IV. Welsh Jurisprudence-V. Hora Hispanica, No. 1; the Maid of Covadonga-VI. The Police of London-VII. Mid. night; a Sonnet-VIII. Affairs in general-Reviews of Cuvier's Animal Kingdom-The Annuals for 1829, &c. &c. &c.-Literary and Scientific Varieties-Works published and in preparation-Patents-Obituary of eminent Persons-Theatres-Monthly Reports-Provincial Intelligence, &c. &c.

Published by G. B. Whittaker, 18, Ave Maria Lane. Of whom may also be had, embellished with an extremely beautiful Portrait of the Right Hon. Mary Elizabeth, Baroness de Clifford,

[blocks in formation]

Terms, Maxims, Acts of Parliament, and Judicial Antiquities; and Post Horse Duties; Post Office Regulations, Rates of Porterage, Turnpike Laws, Corn Laws, Prison Regulations, &c. &c. This edition is much enlarged and improved by an Appendix of the Acts of the 9 Geo. IV. and an Alphabetical Digest of Law Cases from Michaelmas Term, A.D. 1827.

"This very useful book, carefully revised and much improved, has worthily reached a third edition. It is an excellent digest, and does credit to the editor."-Literary Gazette, Oct. 23, 1827. London: Printed for W. Simpkin and K. Marshall, Stationers' Hall Court, Ludgate Street.

In 4to. with Twenty large Plates, price 21. 28. boards,


WIFERY, comprising a Description of certain New and Improved Powers for assisting Difficult and Dangerous Labours. With cautionary Strictures on the improper Use of Instruments.

By DAVID D. DAVIS, M.D. M.R.S.L. Professor of Midwifery to the University of London. London: Printed for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall, Stationers' Hall Court, Ludgate Street.

"We regret that we are under the necessity of passing over much excellent matter without observation. We hope, however, that we have said enough to induce practitioners of midwifery to study the principles inculcated, and mechanical powers recommended, in this work."-Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal.

In 1 vol. 8vo. price 10. 6d. dedicated, by permission, to the Lord High Chancellor,


RARY PROPERTY, comprising the Statutes and Cases
relating to Books, Manuscripts, Lectures. Dramatic and Musical
Compositions, Engravings, Sculpture, Maps, &c. including the
Piracy and Transfer of Copyright; with an Historical View, and
Disquisitions on the Principles and Effect of the Law.

Secretary to the Law Institution, Author of the
"Law of Attorneys," &c.

"I have entered into a work touching laws, in a middle term, between the speculative and reverend discourses of philosophers, and the writings of lawyers.”—Bacon.

noster Row; Henry Dixon, 19, Carey Street, Lincoln's Inn; and Published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, PaterAdam Black, Edinburgh.

Of whom may be had, by the same Author, Outlines of Character, 2d edition, price 9s. A Treatise on the Principles of the Usury

Laws, price 2s. 6d.

In 8vo. price Bs. boards, the 3d edition of

No. XI. will be published on the 1st of De- A NARRATIVE of the CONVERSION


The Work will not extend beyond Twenty-five Numbers.

HARDING and LEPARD, No. 4, Pall

logue of Books, Part 1. containing the following Classes;-BriMall East, have this day published, price )s. 6d., a Cata tish and Irish History, Foreign History, Voyages and Travels, Heraldry and Genealogy, Fine Arts, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Coins, Books of Prints, &c.; English Poetry, Drama, and Music.

La Belle Assemblée for November, containing the 47th of a Series of Portraits of the Female Nobility, from eminent Paintings, and Four Engravings of Female Figures in the most fashionable Costume for November. The Literary Contents consist of an illustrated Memoir of the Portrait-extensive Reviews of, and copious Extracts from, the unpublished Annuals for 1829, including the Forget-Me-Not, the Literary Souvenir, the Friendship's Offering, the Amulet, the Winter's Wreath, the Gem, the Anniversary, the Juvenile Forget-Me-Not, the New Year's Gift, &c.—Henrietta of France-Romantic Incident in the Life of Bolivar-Letters of Madame de Sevigné-Haydon's New January. Picture-Notices of New Books-New Music-the Theatres--Fine Arts-Publications and Exhibitions-Literary and Scientific In. telligence, &c.

[blocks in formation]

and DEATH of COUNT STRUENSEE, formerly Prime Minister of Denmark. Translated from the German of Dr. Munter, in 1774. With an Introduction and Notes, By THOMAS RENNELL, B.D. F.R.S. Late Vicar of Kensington, and Prebendary of South Grantham, in the Church of Salisbury.

Printed for C. and J. Rivington, St. Paul's Churchyard,
and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall.

[blocks in formation]

No. I. of the New Edition of Lodge's Por-pecially as it is connected with the Subjects of Organisation and traits of Illustrious Personages, will be published on the 1st of Lafe, bei an Answer to the Views of M. Bichat, Sir 'T. C. Mor gan, and Mr. Lawrence, on these Points. Sixth edition, 12me. 2s. 6d.

Johnson's Dictionary, complete in one Volume. Price 21. 24. in cloth,

Price 1. each,


LANGUAGE, in which the Words are deduced from their Originals, and illustrated in their different Significations, History of the Language, and an English Grammar. by Examples from the best Writers; to which are prefixed a By SAMUEL JOHNSON, LL.D. Stereotyped verbatim from the last edition corrected by the Doctor. "This edition of Johnson's Dictionary, stereotyped verbatim from the last folio edition, corrected by the Doctor, is eminently deserving of notice, for its accuracy, the beauty of its typography, and the character of its arrangements."-Literary Gazette.

"The present volume is printed in three columns, in a clear type, in 1369 pages, from the last folio revised edition of the author. Scholars will prefer the present edition of Johnson to Todd's-the latter is too cumbrous and expensive; and Johnson's own definitions are always more desirable than those which may originate with editors. Johnson's will always be the dictionary of the literary man; and on this account it is, with the great advantage of cheapness, that the edition recommends itself, and must ultimately obtain, as, we believe, no doubt it will, extensive patronage-for superior usefulness is, after all, the best of recommendation."-New Monthly Magazine. "As a specimen of typographical art, the work before us a moderate Scale of Expense, adapted to the Vicinity of is a splendid contribution to our libraries. It unites elegance, the Metropolis or large Towns. durability, exquisite accuracy, and convenience of form, in a manner altogether unprecedented."-Monthly Review. London: J. Q. Robinson, 42, Poultry.

[blocks in formation]

ALGEBRA, on a new and simple Plan.

Algebraic Exercises; being a Collection of

nearly 1000 new Problems. By the Same. "We know not a more useful, satisfactory, or ingenious intreduction to any popular science."-Weekly Review. Cowie and Strange, 64, Paternoster Row.

New Acta and Law Cases.

Closely printed in 18mo. price la. 6d. sewed,



and LAW CASES; including Acts of the 9 Geo. IV. and an Alphabetical Digest of Law Cases, from the Commencement of Michaelmas Term, A.D. 1827. With Notes and ComBy the Editor of the "Cabinet Lawyer." The important changes yearly introduced into the laws, have rendered an annual abstract of the statutes passed in each session of parliament, almost indispensable to every individual, as well as a necessary accompaniment to former treatises on civil and criminal jurisprudence. In this abstract is also included an alphabetical digest of law cases decided in the current year, by tic view of the annual changes in the laws, either by the deri which means is presented, in a cheap and popular form, a synop sions of the courts, or the acts of the legislature.

London: Printed for W. Simpkin and R. Marshall,
Stationers' Hall Court, Ludgate Street.

Price 24. 6d.

N EPITOME of LOCKE'S ESSAY on Answer; chiefly for the Use of Students in the University of Cambridge, and of those who intend to pursue their Studies there.

AN the HUMAN UNDERSTANDING, in Question and

Printed for C. and J. Rivington, St. Paul's Churchyard, and
Waterloo Place, Pall Mall.

To be had of all Booksellers.



In 2 vols. 8vo. price 17. 11. 6d.


University of London.-Price la. each, INTRODUCTORY LECTURES

THE AMULET; 95%, contained in an embellished THE INTRO Rev. THOMAS DALE, A.M. on Enor, Christian and Literary |

Case, and bound in rich green Silk. Prce 124.

Edited by S. C. HALL.

With Fourteen Line Engravings, in the most finished style of
Art, from Paintings or Drawings by Sir Thomas Lawrence,
P.R.A.; W. Collins, R.A.; H. Thompson, R.A.; J. Jackson,
R.A.; W. Etty, R.A.; W. Bigg, R.A.; R. Smirke, R.A.; J. P.
Gandy, A.R.A.; Charles Eastlake, A.R.A.; Henry Corbould,
James Holmes, Penry Williams, and an Engraving from Muril
lo's celebrated Painting of the Spanish Flower Girl, in the Col-
lection at the Dulwich Gallery.

The Amulet for the year 1829 will make its appearance with His (General Miller's) personal adventures form a prominent increased claims to that public patronage of which its predecesfeature in those various scenes; and his account of a multitude sors have enjoyed so large a portion. The number of Illustraof the persons who have acted a conspicuous part in the struggle, tions has been increased from Twelve o Fourteen, and it is conas well as of the leading incidents, vicissitudes, intrigues, mur-fidently affirmed, will rank with the most exquisite specimens of ders, battles, and massacres, in which they figured, give great the British School, both of Painting and Engraving. Nearly animation to the Memoirs."-Literary Gazeite. the whole of the Pictures have already received the stamp of pub"These Memoirs are by far the most interesting and import- lic approbation at the Exhibitions of the Royal Academy, or ant work upon the recent revolutions of the new world. The elsewhere, and are Works on each of which the fame of the Armilitary portions of the work have all the charms of a romance, tist has been staked. united to the most scrupulous truth and fidelity; and the minut est details are rendered intelligible by the admirably executed maps and plans."-London Weekly Review.

[blocks in formation]

all yet published, most of the Volumes not cut open, Sea; with a Review of the Trade in those Seas, and of the Sys-184. each. The remainder to be taken at the publishing price. and in clean condition, to be sold for 8s. per Part, published at tems adopted to Man the Fleets of the different Powers of Europe, compared with that of England,

[blocks in formation]

Illustrated by Fifty-five Views from Nature, Descriptive
Objects, &c.

All the Views are mounted separately on drab-coloured cardboard, in imitation of Drawings, so that the members of the most numerous family, or indeed fifty-five persons, might be occupied in inspecting or copying from them at the same time without inconvenience; an advantage which does not pertain to any drawing-book hitherto published.

The Miscellaneous Subjects, Views, &c. together with the Four Parts of Descriptive Letter-press, are all contained in a strong and handsome box, covered with leather, and resembling a royal 4to. volume; thus presenting an elegant appearance either on the library shelf or the parlour table.

The price of the work is Six Guineas, a sum which does not exceed what is usually paid to a good Drawing-Master for Twelve Lessons.

London: Printed for Samuel Leigh, 18, Strand. Also recently published, for the Amusement and Instruction of Young Persons:

1. Urania's Mirror, coloured, 17. 148.

The Second Part of Urania's Mirror, containing the
Planets, an Orrery, &c. will shortly appear.

2. Clark's Portable Diorama, 31. 3s.
3.--- Myriorama, First Series, 15s.
Myriorama, Second Series, 14s.
5. Assheton's Historical Map of Palestre,


17. 15, canvass and roller; 21. 28. full coloured and varnished, on roller; 17. 165. canvass and case.

[blocks in formation]

A.M. Professor of Divinity in the University of Glasgow, 1692 to 1707.

Written by his Son, ROBERT WODROW, A.M.
Minister of the Gospel at Eastwood.
Printed for William Blackwood, Edinburgh; and T. Cadell,
Strand, London.

Elegantly printed in foolscap 8vo. price 8s. 6d. the 2d edition of

RECORDS of WOMAN, with other

Printed for William Blackwood, Edinburgh; and T. Cadell,
Strand, London.

By whom will be speedily published, by the same Author,
the 2d edition, with Additions, of

The Forest Sanctuary, with other Poems.

In 8vo. price 71. 6d. inscribed, with permission, to the
Right Hon. the Earl of Stradbroke,

Valpy's edition of Stephens's Greek Thesau-DUNWICH: a Tale of the Splendid City.

rus, Thirty-Eight Numbers, (published at 381.) for 211.
Number XXXIX. which completes the
Work, will be ready shortly, and will be supplied at the publish-
ing price.
Apply to Mr. Joy, Bookseller, 66, St. Paul's Churchyard.

[blocks in formation]

Andrews's Botanical Works, just completed.

HE ERICAS, or HEATHS, in 4 vols. (folio) each Volume containing Seventy-two Figures, 361. 2. The Heathery; or, 8vo. edition of the Genus Erica, in 6 vols. containing 300 Figures, 137.

3. A Monograph of the Genus Rosa, in 2 vols. royal 4to. containing all the most new and beautiful Roses, 131.

4. A Monograph of the Genus Geranium,

royal 4to. containing the most beautiful Species, with their nu.
merous Varieties, 91. 98.

[blocks in formation]

and Curate of Tugby, in Leicestershire. This work is especially adapted for the use of academical students, candidates for holy orders, ministers, and all who have any knowledge of the original Greek. It has been the endeavour of the author to establish the true sense, not only by a diligent use of the most eminent modern commentators, but by exploring the fountain heads of interpretation found in the ancient fathers and Greek commentators. Every apposite illustration of phrase5. The Botanist's Repository of New and immense collectanea, both of the classical and rabbinical illustraRare Plants, in 10 vols. 4to. containing near 700 Figures, 361. tors, has been selected. The very valuable materials derived The Five Botanical Works above enumerated, are all drawn, from these, and other sources, have been carefully digested and engraved, described, and finely coloured from the living Plants, moulded into one Corpus Exegeseos, in which each portion is, as with Botanical Dissections, in Latin and English. far as possible, ascribed to its respective author, and the foreign Subscribers who have not completed their Copies, may be sup-matter (for the first time,) translated into English. With the plied with the remainder by the Author, 31, Sloane Street, Chel-whole is interwoven a series of critical remarks, intended to guide sea, or by any of the principal Booksellers.

[blocks in formation]

FRIENDSHIP'S OFFERING for 1829 SERMONS, illustrative of conne son traces, the course of re to cong, lets the car pad, in ge

at the usual price of 128. in a style of attractive elegance, superior to any preceding volume of the Series. It contains Twelve exquisite Line Engravings, from original Designs by the most eminent Artists, in addition to an unique Landscape Twilight Scene, designed and engraved expressly for the Work, by John Martin, Esq. in the same style as his Belshazzar and other splendid Productions.

The literary Department of this long-established Annual comprises, as usual, contributions from the most distinguished writers of the day; and the very beautiful binding first introduced last year, is continued, with such improvements in its durability and elegance as to rival the most splendid morocco: thus obviating the complaint hitherto so justly preferred against this class of publications, on account of the slight and perishable texture of their coverings, and at once fitting "Friendship's Offering" for its permanent station in the library.

A very few Sets of the Engravings have been taken off on large paper. India proofs before the letters, price 314. 6d.; India, after the letters, 21.; French proofs, 154.

Published by Smith, Elder, and Co. 65, Cornhill.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

From the vast extensiveness of plan, and wide scope of research, in the above elaborate work, it is manifest that it presents by far the most valuable body of exegetical matter ever yet laid before the public, and comprehends whatever is essential to the interpretation of the New Testament. Printed for C. and J. Rivington, St. Paul's Churchyard, and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall.

The Second Part, (containing the Acts and Epistles), in 5 vols. may be had to complete Sets, price 4. boards.

In 3 vols. post 8vo. 17. 11s. 6d.
HE CROPPY. A Tale of the Irish



In 2 vols. 8vo. price 18s. boards, the 5th edition of DATION of the BOOK of COMMON PRAYER, and Administration of the Sacraments, and other Rites and CeremoHE JUVENILE FORGET-ME-NOT; nies of the Church, according to the Use of the United Church

CRITICAL and PRACTICA CL of these gifted authors, it

In foolscap 8vo. price 78. gilt and bound in a novel and tasteful manner,

THE JUVENILE FORGET-ME-NOT;nies of the Church, acco

for 1829.

Edited by Mrs. S. C. HALL.

The Work is intended expressly for the instruction and amusement of Children, and contains the Contributions of many distinguished Authors, the greater portion of whom have been long and eminently successful in communicating information to youth, in the most agreeable and effective manner.

The Volume also contains Sixteen beautiful Embellishments, engraved from Pictures or Drawings by Messrs. Holmes, Wright, Corbould, Good, Harvey, T. Landseer, Hills, &c. &c.

Its principal attraction in this department, is the Portrait of
Her Royal Highness the Princess Victoria, engraved on steel by
Thomson, from the Bust executed by William Behnes, Esq.
within the present year, and in the possession of His Majesty.
London: N. Hailes, Piccadilly; and Frederick Westley and
A. H. Davis, Stationers' Hall Court and Ave Maria Lane.

By the late JOHN SHEPHERD, M.A.
Minister of Pattiswick, Essex.

Printed for C. and J. Rivington, St. Paul's Churchyard,
and Waterloo Place, Pall Mall.

Completion of Mr. Godwin's History.
In 8vo. 168.

By the Authors of the " O'Hara Tales," the "Nowlans," &c. Delighted as we have been with all the previous productions impress us with any idea of the full extent of their genius and capabilities. The story itself glows with the very essence of romance and excitation."-Literary Chronicle.

2. Ismael; or, the Kuzzilbash. A Tale of Khorasan. In 3 vols. post 8vo. 31s. 6d.

"One of the best and ablest works of fiction which for a long time past has issued from the press."-Blackwood's Magazine. Printed for Henry Colburn, 8, New Burlington Street.


[blocks in formation]

published and imported by Treuttel and Co. 30, Soho

1. Almanach des Dames, pour l'An 1829,

avec Gravures. Price 8.

2. Almanach de Gotha, avec Portraits et

Vues, pour 1829. Price Or.

« AnteriorContinua »