Imatges de pàgina

think necessary to Issue, be punctually and implicitly obeyed, a loose and Relaxed Discipline utterly enfeebling every Military Establishment, however respectable it may otherwise be in the Circumstance of Number or Force.

"Secondly, As it is the Duty and Inclination of this Committee to maintain the Fleet in a constant state of preperation to receive the Enemy, you must immediately take an exact survey of its present Condition, and whatever may be wanting in its Equipment to make Report of to Capt. William Richards, who is appointed and directed by this Board to supply all its Defficiencies.

"Thirdly, an attack from the Enemy being highly probable, tho' the time uncertain, it is necessary that every part of the Fleet should have its proper station assign'd, in such way as to afford Mutual support, and that the whole may act to the best effect.

"Fourthly, you must particularly attend not only to the situation of the Fleet, but take great care that the Officers and Men are not absent from their respective Vessels any length of time & at any great distance, but as it is probable that some of the Officers of the Boats may be desirous of coming up to this City, you may give leave of absence to them, but only to six Officers at one time, and that no more than three of that number shall be Captains, who shall not be absent more than Forty-Eight Hours at one time from their Respective Vessels.

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Lastly, Should any accident or Circumstance happen in the Fleet that has the least Tendency to effect the service, you are to give the earliest information of it to the Committee of Safety, that, they, if they have the means of Remedy, may apply such as the nature of the Case may Require.

"These being the Principal matters that have occurr'd to the Committee, they confide in your prudence and Discretion, which have directed their Choice, to supply their Omision in those Numberless Circumstances and situations in which you may be placed, earnestly Recommending to you, however, that you endeavour to promote the Utmost Harmony between you and the Officers of the Fleet, and between one another, on which depends so much the success of every undertaking, where Men are to act in Concert, and Mutual Assistance is required.

"By order of the Committee,

"Sign'd, JNO. NIXON, Chair'n."

By order of the Board, an order was drawn on John Nixon, Esq'r, and others, the Committee of Accounts, in favour of Thomas Neville, for two hundred pounds, to be charged to his account for purchasing Lead for the use of this Province.

Resolved, that Edward Bingley be appointed Captain to the Fire Brig't in the service of this Province, and that he engage four Men for to navigate the said Brig't.

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The Commodore had directions this day to distribute 50 Rounds of Gun Powder to each of the armed Boats, taking receipts for the Delivery from their Commanding Officers, and at the same time to take from them all the Powder they have now on Board.

A letter was this day wrote to George Bryan, Esq'r, Naval Offi cer, desiring he would grant permits to the Captains of Vessels that may apply for Chevaux de Frize Pilots to the town of Chester, taking a qualification that they will take no Pilot further down the River than Chester, unless it be such Vessels as go down the Bay under Convoy of Continental Ships of War, who are to be allowed pilots on their producing a Certificate from the Marine Committee that they are to be taken under Convoy, and that Privateers will always receive the necessary Papers from this Board.

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By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Jno. Nixon, Esq'r, & others, the Committee of Accounts, in favour of Samuel Morris, jun'r, for one thousand pounds, being towards the payment of Loggs, &ca., purchased by him.

Robert Towers, Commissary, was directed to deliver Thomas Apty, two pounds of Gunpowder, for cleansing the Work House of bad air; and to deliver to George Clymer, Esq'r, six pounds Gun powder.

By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Jno. Nixon, Esq'r, & others, the Committee of Accounts, in favour of James McLine, for £152 19 3, being the amount of 20 Rifles & 43 Muskets, purchased by him in Cumberland County, which is to be charged to Arms purchased for account of Congress.

By order of the Board, Robert Towers, Commissary, was directed to deliver to Colo. Atlee or his order, as many Firelocks and accoutrements as he may have occasion for, to compleat his Battalion.

Resolved, That the Report of the Committee of Assembly appointed to inquire into the conduct of this Committee, on the 14th inst., be published in the different News Papers of this City.

Adjourned to 4 o'clock, when the following Members Met:

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By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Jno. Nixon & others, the Committee of Accounts, in favour of John Fulton of Chester County, for fifty pounds, to be Charged to his acco't, for purchasing Arms on account of Congress.

Resolved, That John Hazelwood, Esq'r, be appointed Captain and superintendant of the Fire Vessels & Fire Rafts, and to the Guard Boats, and that he be allowed for his Services 36 Dollars month & 4 Rations, to commence the day of his first appointment, being the 28th December last.

In Consequence of a Resolve of the 19th inst., Robert Morris, Esq'r, applied to Congress, and deliver'd the following Memorandum to the Board, taken by him in Congress:

"In Congress, June 20th, 1776.

"Robert Morris, one of the Delegates from the Province of Pennsylva'a, reminded the Congress that the Assembly of said Province had Adjourned on the 14th inst., without having been able to Carry into Execution the Resolves of Congress of the 3rd Inst., for Raising 6,000 Militia for establishing a flying Camp; and then informed the Congress that their said Resolve, not being directed in Terms to the Committee of Safety, but address'd to the Colony, the said Committee were in doubt whether it would be expected from them to execute said Resolve, as they are in Recess of Assembly the Executive Body of this Province; He Also alledged that if the Congress expected the Committee to proceed in this Business it would be necessary or adviseable that they should recommend it expressly to them, for under the present Circumstances of the Province, he much doubted if they would be obeyed unless so authorized, and added that, if the Congress did not see proper to take further order in this matter, he hoped the Committee of Safety would always be held blameless, as they now gave Congress this necessary information for the express purpose of having an Explicit declaration, if they were expected to act in this important business, which they were ready to undertake if so desired. This applica tion was made by Mr. Morris as declared, By order of the Committee of Safety, and after a debate of Considerable length, and

two Motions made and seconded, one was withdrawn, the other determined in the Negative. In Consequence whereof, I have made this Memorandum immediately on the spot, to appear when it may be necessary, and to prevent blame being cast where it is not merited.

"Signed, ROB'T MORRIS.

"The above is a true state of Facts. "Sign'd, JOSEPH HEWES,

EDWARD RUTLEDGE, Delegates in Congress."


Resolved, That Colo. Roberdeau be requested to apply to Mr. Benj. Harbison, or any other person to be employed in purchasing of 10 Tons of Brass for the use of this Province.

Resolved, That Mr. John Britton be desired to purchase 50 thousaad 3 Inch white oak plank, with a proportionable Quan'y of squared scantling.

Resolved, That 6 Flat Bottom'd Boats be built for transporting Men from shore to shore.

Resolved, That Major Mifflin report to this Board the Quantity of Stores, port Fire Quick-Match, & Grape shot, that the Field pieces are in want of.

[blocks in formation]

Resolved, That Mr. Samuel Howell be requested to purchase of Mr. Amos Strettle, the whole Quantity of Copper that he has for sale.

Upon application of Mr. Lawrence Bernie for a sum of Money to advanced him, to assist his carrying on a File Manufactory, By order of the Board an order was drawn on John Nixon, Esq'r, and others, the Committee of Accounts, in favour of said Bernie, for three hundred pounds, which is directed to be paid him on his giving proper security for the Repayment of said sum in 18 months from the date hereof, either in cash or Files, which payment shall be made at the option of this Committee.

By order of the Board, an order was drawn on Jno. Nixon, Esq'r, and others, the Committee of Accounts, in favour of David Kennedy, Esq'r, for One hundred pounds, to be Charged to his account, being towards the payment of Linnen & Blankets to be deliver'd by him to this Committee.

Resolved, That Colo. Cadwalader, Capt. Whyte, & Mr. Parker, be a Committee to employ proper Persons to build 6 Flat Bottom Boats, agreeable to a Resolve of yesterday.

By order of the Board, Robert Towers, Commissary, was directed to deliver the following quantities of Ammunition to the Colonels of the different Battalions of Associators in Chester County, vizt:

To Colo. James Moore-2300 Cartridges, for Provincial Mus


2070 do., sorted, for the other different Bores of Firelocks.

1500 flints.

To Colo. Thom's Hockley-2300 Cartridges for Provincial Mus


2300 do., sorted, for the other different

Bores of Firelocks.

1600 flints.

To Colo. Hugh Lloyd-1840 do. for Provincial Muskets.

1610 do. sorted, for the other different Bores of Firelocks.

1200 flints.

To Colo. Wm. Montgomery-2760 Cartridges for Provincial Mus


2415 do. sorted, for the other different

Bores of Firelocks.

1800 Flints.

To Colo. Rich'd Thomas-1840 Cartridges for Provincial Muskets. 1610 do. sorted, for the other different

Bores of Firelocks.

1200 Flints.

And to each of the said Colonels, the same proportion of loose powder and Lead, equal to the Quantity of Cartridges.

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