expectations were much greater. i Bút ás mén áre mòft capable of diftinguifhing mérit ín women, fo the ladies often form, the truest judgments óf ús. The two fexes feèm placed spies upón each other, and áre fúrnished with different abilities, adapted for mutual péction. СНА Р. ІХ. Two ladies of great distinction introduced. Superior finery éver feems to confér fuperior breeding. Mr. Burchell hád scarce taken leave, and Sophia confénted to dánce with the chaplain; when my little ones came running out to tell ús, that the 'Squire wás cóme, with à crowd of company. Upón óur return, wè found our landlord, with a couple of under- gentlemen and two young ladies richly dreft, whom he introduced ás women óf very great diftinction and fashion from town f). We happened nót to have chairs enough for the whole company; but Mr. Thornhill immediately propofed that every gentleman fhould fit in a lady's láp. This I pófitively objected to, notwithstanding à look of difapprobation from my wife. Mofes was therefore difpátched to borrow à couple of chairs; and as we were in want of ladies to make up à fét át country dánces the two gentlemen went with him in quest of a couple of pártners. Chairs and partners were foon f) London. provided. The gentlemen returned with my neighbour Flimborough's ròfy daughters, flaun ting with red top knots, bút án unlucky círcumstance was not adverted to; though the Mifs Flamboroughs were reckoned the very best dángers in thẻ párifh, and understood the jíg, and thẻ round about 8) to perfection; yét they were totally unacquainted with country dánces. This át firft difcompòfed us; however, áfter à little fhóving and dragging, they at láft wént mérrily ón. Our fic confifted of two fiddles, with a pipe and tabor. The moon fhone bright. M'r, Thornhill and my eldest daughter led up the ball, to the great delight of the fpectators; for the neighbours hearing what was going forward, came Hocking about us. My girl moved with fo much grace and vivacity, that my wife could not avoid difcóvering the pride of her heart, by affùring mè, that though the little chít did it fò cleverly, all the steps were ftolen from herself, The ladies of the town ftròve hárd to bè èqually eafy, but without fuccefs. They fwam, fprawled, lánguished, and frifed, but all would nót do thẻ gàzers indeed owned that it was fine; but neighbour Flamborough observed, that Mifs Livy's feet feèmed ás pát to the mufic ás its écho, 'After the dánce hád contínued about án hour, the two ladies, who were apprehénfive of catching cold, moved to break úp the ball. One of them, I thought, expreffed hér féntiments upon this còarfe manner, when fhè occafion in à véry obférved, that by the g) jig und round about, zwei unter dem gemeinen Mann übliche Tanze, von denen der letztere mit dem deutschen Walzer viele Aehnlichkeit haben foll, living jingo h), fhe was all of à múck of sweat i), Upón óur return to the house, we found à very elegant cold fupper, which M'r. Thornhill hád órdered to be brought with him. The conversation át this time, was more reférved than before. The two ladies threw my girls quite into the fhade; for they would talk óf nothing but high life, and high lived cón pany; with other fashionable tópics, fuch ás pictures, tafte, Shakespeare ), and the mùfical glaffes 1). 'Tis true they, once or twice, mórtified us fénfibly by flipping out án dath; but that appeared to me as the fureft fymptom of their diftinction, (though I am fince infórmed that fwearing is perfectly unfáfhionable. ) Their finery, however, threw a veil òver ány gròss h) by the living jingo, ein pöbelhafter, nichtsbedentender Schwur, der faft gar nicht im Gebrauch ist. i) muck of fweat, ein gleichfalls pöbelhafter Ausdruck, der ungefahr unserm deutschen: mistnafs, `entspricht. k) Shakespeare (William) wurde den 23sten April 1564 zu Stratford upon Avon in Warwickihire geboren, und Starb am 23ften April 1616 an feinem Geburtsorte, 52 Jahr alt Die Werke diefes grofsen dramatischen Dichters find fehr oft gedruckt worden; eine der vorzuglichften Ausgaben ift die, weiche Ifaac Reed, London 1793. in 15 Vol. 8. unter dem Titel herausgegeben hat: The Plays of William Shakefpea e, with the corrections and illuftrations of various commentators, to which are added notes by Samuel Johnson and George Steevens, the fourth edition, with a gloffarial index. 1) mufical glaffes, die Harmonika, eine Erfindung des berühmten Franklin, die um die Zeit, wo Goldsmith den Vicar fchrieb, noch ziemlich neu war. Durch eine gewiffe Mifs Davies foil dies Inftrument erst 1765 in Paris bekannt geworden feyn, nefs in their converfation. My daughters feèmed to regard their fuperior accompliÏhments with énvy; and what appeared amífs was afcribed to tip top quality breeding m). Bút thẻ con defcenfion of the ladies was ftill fupèrior to their other accomplishments. 'One of them obférved, thát hád Mífs Olivia feèn à little more of the world, it would greatly improve hér. To which the other ádded, thát à fíngle winter in town would make hér líttle Sophia quite another thing. My wife warmly affénted to both; ádding, that there was nothing fhè more ardently wífhed thán to give her girls à fingle winter's pólifhing. To this I could not help replying, that their breeding was already fuperior to their fortune; ánd that greater refinement would only férve to make their póverty ridículous, and give them à taste fór pléafures they had no right to poffefs. -,,'And what pléafures," cried Mr. Thornhill, do they not deferve to poffefs, who have fò múch in their power to beftòw? As fór my párt," contínued hè, mỳ fórtune is pretty large; love, liberty, and pleasure, áre mỳ máxims; bút curfe me if à fettlement óf hálf my estate could give my charming Olivia pléafure, ít fhould be hers; and the only favour 'I would áfk in return would be tó ádd myfélf to the benefit." 'I was not fúch à firanger to the world ás to bè ignorant that this was the fáfhionable cánt to difguife the infolence of the basest propòfal; but 'I made an effort to suppress my reféntment. „Sír," cried I,,,the family which you now condefcend to favour with your m) tip top quality breeding, das Extrem einer feinen Erziehnng; eine überfeine Erziehung. company, has been bred with ás nìce à fénfe of honour ás you. 'Any attempts to injure that, may be attended with very dangerous confequences. Honour, Sír, ís our only poffellion át préfent, ánd of thát lást treasure wè mult be particularly careful." -... 'I was foon Sorry for the warmth with which 'I hád fpòken this, when the young gentleman, gráfping my hand, fwore he commended my fpirit, though e difapproved my fufpicions. As to your préfent hint," contínued hè,,,'I protéft nothing was farther fróm mỳ heart thán fuch a thought. So, by all that's tempting, the virtue that will and a régular fiège was never to my taste; Er áll my amours áre cárried by à coup de main. 66 ánd The two ladies, who affected tèbè ígnorant of the réft, feemed highly displeased with this afroke of freedom, and begán à véry difcreet and fèrious dialogue upón virtue in this my wife, the chaplain, and I, foon joined; the Squire himfelf was at láft brought to confefs fenfe óf fórrow fór hís fórmer excéffes. Wè alked of the pléafures óf témperance, and óf the fun- fhìne in the mind unpolluted with guilt. I was fo well pleafed, that my little nes wére képt úp beyond the ùfual time to e édified by fo much good converfation. Mr. Thornhill even went beyond mè, ánd demanded I hád ány objection to giving prayers. 'I fully embraced the propofal, and in this panner the night was páffed ín à most cómortable way, tíll át láft the company begán tỏ hink of returning. The ladies fèemed very willing to párt with my daughters, fór whom hey hád conceived a partícular affection, and ined in à requéft to have the pleasure of their |