81. A Treatise on the Construction of Maps; in which the Principles of the Projections of the Sphere are demonstrated, and their various practical Relations to Mathematical Geography deduced and explained; systematically arranged, and scientifically illustrated from Twenty Plates of Diagrams. With an Appendix and copious Notes. By Alexander Jamieson. 8vo. Law, &c. WE are always happy to have it in our power to forward the views of scientific men who render services to their countrymen by publications explanatory of their particular pursuits. We view them in the light of persons who are too generous to conceal their knowledge under the impression that the world may become as wise as themselves, and applaud them in proportion: we therefore recommend this treatise to the patronage of the publick, fully subscribing to the Author's motto, " Nothing will contribute more to the advancement of Geographical studies, than the construction of Maps ;" and feeling satisfied that Mr. Jamieson has paid the subject every possible attention, and with the happy art of familiarizing his readers with his demonstrations. -The Preface notices the antiquity of the Science, which precludes the probability of much originality at present; but, admitting that the Compiler has had any success in compressing and arranging the scattered materials of various Authors, and in uniting the theory of antient with the practice of modern discoveries, he modestly trusts he has done as much as might reasonably be expected. "As a work of this kind must depend upon a great many relations, geographical and mathematical, the first two sections very naturally introduce the student to the third," in which the orthographic, the stereographic, and the globular projectious of the sphere, with their principles, are demonstrated; and the latter" is investigated in a manner entirely new, to prove its superiority and admirable fitness in the construction of Maps." Certain combinations being proposed, the projections are handled in the form of problems, in the fourth section, in which practice supersedes theory; thus reducing them to a greater degree of simplicity than would have been the case had the subject been pursued in numerous subdivisions. The rhumb line, with its origin, properties, and use in navigation, are treated of in the sixth section. "The meridional, equatorial, and horizontal constructions of maps, in the seventh section, are singularly beautiful, and highly interesting, the subordinate parts of the problems having been enriched with valuable eluc.dations. The principles of developing a spheric surface on a plane, are investigated in the eighth section; and the application of the developement of the conic surface, in the construction of maps, possesses the rare qualities of simplicity and elegance, with a nice approximation to truth. The ninth section is of a miscellaneous nature, unfolding numerous projections of particular maps. These constructions are presented in a popular form, and include whatever appeared of essential consequence in modern practice. Having treated so fully of the orthographic projection of the sphere, it seemed necessary to show its extensive application in the construction, and use of the Analemma- an instrument that will solve many of the problems; and the tenth section has been allotted to these subjects. Without pretending to contribute to the advancement of geographical studies, the Appendix will probably be deemed not the least interesting portion of this volume, since the ingenious resources which it discloses, are calculated to afford very pleasing and instructive exercises. The notes and illustrations with which the work concludes, will be found peculiarly useful, as the various histori common astronomical cal and critical remarks which are blend. ed with them, have resulted from numerous sources of information, some of which are difficult of access. When the student has attentively studied the first three sections, he should exercise himself in drawing small planispheres, agreeably to the different methods laid down in the fourth section. Mercator's Projection may then be performed, or the constructions in the seventh section, may follow, on a small scale, those in the fourth; and the eighth and ninth sections, executed on the same plan, will form an agreeable variety, and make mathematical geography exceedingly interesting, as well as intelligible and instructive. But to facilitate the design of this volume, the student should provide himself with the neces sary instruments mentioned in the work, and a book of imperial drawing paper, about 15 inches by 10, in which the projections may at first be made from scales, uearly nearly the size of those on the plates; and the successive novelty disclosed in the methods he shall have to employ, cannot fail to produce that assiduity and solicitude for excellence which will crown his performance with merited success." 82. Sonnets, Odes, and other Poems, by the late Mr. Charles Leftley; together with a short Account of his life and Writings. To which is added, a Poetical Collection, consisting of Elegies, Ballads, and Sketches, on various Subjects, chiefly descriptive, written in India, and during a Voyage to and from Madras. By William Linley, Esq. late in the Civil Service of the East India Company. Longman and Co. 12mo. THE friendship of Mr. Leftley and the Editor of his Poems commenced at St. Paul's School, where the congeniality of their tastes, and an ardent love of Poetry, cemented an union of minds which death alone was capable of dissolving. Mr. Linley is diffuse on his friend's attainments; but it is painful to add that they were ac quired under many domestic and pecuniary difficulties, and that they sufficed only to procure him the employment of Reporter of Parliamentary Proceedings to the Times Newspaper. A constitution naturally weak was soon impaired by his constant exertions of mind and body; a decline ensued, and he died in 1797, aged 27. Mr. Linley introduces some critical remarks upon his Poetry, in which, he says, "there is something more than the mere ebullitions of fancy; his allusions are everywhere classical, and frequently instructive; and in some of his pieces there may be discovered a strength of language and an originality of conception which will fairly entitle him to a place in the first rank of modern Poets." We select the Lines on quitting the Retreat of a dear Friend at Bridg north," as affording a fair specimen of the Author's abilities. "The fleeting moments wing their way; And soon, ab! scon, Bridgnorth, to you, Must I exclaim, adieu! adieu! No more, proud Morf, your cloud-crown'd sail : But now, no more these scenes I view : Belov'd retreat, adieu! adieu!" Mr. Leftley's productions terminate at page 105; and Mr. Linley's, commencing at p. 111, conclude at 199. The latter gentleman speaks with great modesty of his own poetical effusions, saying, nothing but the solicitations of his friends could have induced him to place them by the side of his coadjutor's superior productions, which even now he does "rather as foils to his lamented frieud's gems," or "as a dessert after a solid feast, which may produce a little palatable variety, without satiety or disgust." Of the descriptive sketches written during a last year's residence in India, he urges, that they may possess interest as they touch upon the nature of the climate, scenery, and religion of the country, The following is a specimen of Mr. Linley's powers: AUGUST. To Summer. "O welcome, Summer! welcome to my heart [breeze, Thy rain fresh falling, and thy morning Rich with the fragrance of reviving flowers! 84. The Spirit of the Public Journals for 1814. Being an impartial Selection of the most ingenious Essays and Jeux d'Esprits that appear in the Newspapers and other Publications. With explanatory Notes, and Anecdotes of many of the Persons alluded to. Vol. XVIII. 12mo, pp. 368. Ridgway. The commendation we have given to the former Volumes may very justly be bestowed on the present. "As the commencement of this Pub lication was nearly coetaneous to the French Revolution, and as its main object was to record the ingenious Essays and Satires to which that event gave birth; it has been thought expedient and proper to terminate the present For wit and humour the EIGHTEEN SERIES with the conclusion of the war. VOLUMES that have now been published may boldly challenge comparison with any former production of the kind.” We copy only one short Epigram: being loose, THIS Work is designed as an out-"Billy Snip went to skate, when, the ice line of the History of the Sacred Writings, and of the state of Biblical knowledge at different periods. "The DIVINE VOLUME the Author regards as an invaluable treasure, and cordially adopts the opinion, that all religious knowledge originates in Revelation; a sentiment which he embraces, because he thinks it impossible for any modifications of matter to suggest the idea of one Infinite Eternal Spirit, the Creator, Preserver, and Governor of all things ;because the fact is indisputably established that the antient sages travelled into the East, or drew much of their information from Eastern sources;and because the most eminent Heathen philosophers have acknowledged themselves indebted to Tradition, for their purest and most sublime notions of the Deity, and his worship. Endeared to the Writer by these and similar sentiments, the WORD OF GOD has long been his delightful study, and every thing bas interested him that related to his Bible. He was confident, therefore, that if the views of others were congenial with his own, he should render an acceptable service to many, who have neither opportunity, nor leisure, to consult scarce and expensive works, by presenting them with a series of Biblical Anecdotes,' illustrative of the History of the Holy Scriptures, and the early Translations of them into different Languages." Such has been Mr. Townley's at tempt; and it is but justice to say that he has well succeeded. GENT. MAG. June, 1815. He fell in; but was sav'd by good luck : Cried the Tailor, I'll never more leave my hot goose, To receive, in return, a cold duck.'" 85. Al Kalomeric, the Son of Maugraby: an Arabian Tale. Now first faithfully translated from the Original MSS. of Abou Ali, Mohammed, Ben Ali, Ben Hassan Ebn Moclah; Prime Vizier to the magnificent and mighty Caliph Moctader Billah! Discovered since the taking of Paris by the Allied Powers of Europe, and replete with marvellous Coincidences! 8vo, pp. 49. Ginger. THE Hero of this modern Arabian Tale will easily be discovered by a short quotation: The "Al Kalomeric appeared about to fulfil the destiny he had prescribed; and as he drove Kings and Sultans by scores from their thrones, he supplied the vathe brothers of his body, and the lowcancies thus effected by his sword, with born miscreants of his former life. institutions of man were rendered objects of ridicule, by the substitution of the transfer of sceptres from the princes the rabble for the native rulers, and of the earth to the hands of mechanics and adventurers!-His power seemed to be bounded only by the limits of the known world; and even where his arms could not reach, his policy and cunning were subtle to subdue! Strange, howfar from the coast of Schem, the island ever, to say, in the sea of Roum, not of El Copros presented alone an obstacle and boundary to his overwhelming am bition! bition! The prince and people of this comparative speck in the creation had, by the union of valour and wisdom, extended their renown to the uttermost regions of the earth. They were de voted to their national institutions, and considered it glorious to die in the defence of them. The capital, Famagoustan, was the school of true philosophy, and the seat of learning and science. Religion was cultivated in purity, and the moral precepts of the sages had resisted all the innovating schemes of the disciples and agents of Al Kalomeric. El Copros was naturally no favourite with the illustrious son of Maugraby, and he vowed a great oath of destruction against the Islanders; insomuch that he threatened to overwhelm their Island in the great sea, which had hitherto only washed its shores. But the Prince of El Copros laughed, and the Island continued to maintain its ground in spite of the surrounding storms." 86. An easy System of Short Hand, upon an entirely new Plan, founded on long Practical Experience; from its Simplicity and Facility of Acquirement, peculiarly calculated for Persons who study by themselves; by which Short Hand may be learned in half the Time it could by any other Publication. By James Mitchell, M. A. 8vo, pp. 72, and Four Plates. G. Robinson,. &c. OF many systems which have ap peared, on this most important art, it has been complained that they were more calculated to refresh the memory of a person already instructed, than to facilitate the labours of one beginning to learn. The Author of this Treatise, who has been many years a teacher of the Art, had often occasion to feel the want of a proper book to put in the hands of his pupils, and was induced to draw it up for their use. He remarked the difficulties which occurred, and contrived the means to obviate them. Besides the usual rules for abbreviating the spelling, by leaving out the vowels in the middle of words, and all silent letters, making the first letter stand for a word, &c. there are given in the present work several Chapters from the Bible, thus abbreviated, by help of which, the Student may both learn to spell in Short Hand, and also be much assisted in learning to read what he has written, which is generally a more difficult thing. In these Chapters all the words which may be written by means of one Short Hand character, are printed in italics. The mode of joining the simple characters, and of forming difficult words, is pointed out; rules are given for the formation of arbitrary marks to express important words of frequent occurrence; and the means are shown by which a proficient may carry bis abbreviations to the utmost extent consistent with legibility. 27. A familiar Treatise on Drawing, for Youth. Being an Elementary Introduction to the Fine Arts, designed for the Instruction of Young Persons whose Genius leads them to study this elegant and useful Branch of Educa tion. By Charles Taylor. Illustrated by Plates from the Designs of Bartolozzi, R. 4. Brown, A. Cipriani, R. A. De Marteau, Gerard Lairesse, Le Brun, Le Clerc, Mortimer, R. A. Paye, F.S.A. Poussin, Singleton, Vandyke. 8vo, pp. 16; and XXXIII Plates. C. Taylor. WE hesitate not to pronounce this a very useful and a very beautiful publication. But the Author shall introduce himself: "So general is the study of the imitative Arts, that it is needless to apologize for adding another elementary work to the number already in circulation. It is hoped that the present attempt will be found acceptable, as offering a desirable medium between the very expensive Essays on the Fine Arts on the one hand, and the inferior, confined examples on the contrary. Yet, while we set aside comparison with those costly originals as to their extent, we would not shrink to the real and intrinsic merit of the exfrom the most scrutinising criticism as amples here presented to the student: so that while thus a basis is offered, on which a superstructure of excellence may be founded, these specimens, selected from the highest authorities, will guarantee the youthful mind from that vitiated taste which inferior originals inevitably tend to produce." "The examples in this Essay need no expensive preparation: Black-lead Peucils for an accurate outline, Chalk for some, and a Pen and Indian Ink for others, are all the materials requisite. the Arts. For Indian Ink and Colours a "A great variety of Paper is used in smooth hard Paper is requisite; for Chalks there are many sorts, from very smooth to very rough, and of various colours; blue, grey, drab, or brown. In these latter sorts the colour of the paper forms the middle tint of the subject, which is shadowed by black ebalk, and heightened by white.", 88. Gesta 28. Gesta Navali della Monarchia Inglese, dal Grande Alfredo sino a questi tempi, &c. Actions Navales de la Monarchie Angloise, depuis le Grand Alfred jusqu'à notre Temps. Poème Italien de Stephano Egidio Petroni, Membre de l'Academie Italienne, de la Société Philotechnique de Paris, et d'autres Academies d'Europe, avec des Prefaces, et Notes Historiques et Politiques, en François, par Joseph Lavallée, Sécrétaire perpetuel de la Société Philotechnique de Paris, Membre de la Société des Sciences de Goëttingue, de l'Academie Italienne, &c. &c. A Londres. Schulze & Dean. THE first Volume of this Poem is already printed, and the second will make its appearance very soon. Mr. Petroni, an Italian Poet, is well known in France by a Poem called La Napoleonide, and in England by his elegant translations of the Fables of Lafontaine, Solomon's Proverbs, and many other elegant works. The present Poem is a Monument erected to the glory of the English Nation; and the Author entertains the flatter ing hope that the names of the Heroes who have contributed to the naval victories of the English from the early time of Alfred to the present, and which includes more than 300 families, will procure him that patronage which can but honour the Author, and is worthy of the Nation that will confer it. The Poem is highly spoken of by Mr. Ginguené, in the "Mercure Etranger." REVIEW OF NEW MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS. "Si la Musique n'opère plus les mêmes prodiges qu'autrefois, c'est qu'elle étoit autrefois plus grossière, et que les Nations étoient encore dans l'enfance." 16. A Selection of Hebrew Melodies, antient and modern, with appropriate Symphonies and Accompaniments, by J. Braham and J. Nathan: the Poetry written expressly for the Work by Lord Byron. First Number. pp. 64. IN our very limited Review, it cannot be expected that we should attempt to throw any new light on the dark subject of Hebrew musick. The inquisitive reader is referred to Burney 1. 224-258; Kalkbrenner 1. 16; and other musical Historians." Whether the present Melodies were ever performed by any of King David's 4000 Levites, appointed performers in the Temple, we shall not venture to decide *: their age and originality are left entirely to conjecture, having been "preserved by memory and tradition alone." Some of them possess an interesting wildness of character, which leaves no doubt of their antiquity; and the Editors assure us that they have preserved as much of this feature as the rhythm of written musick, and the adaptation of the words, would permit. In selecting melodies to suit "Les Juifs Espagnols lisent et chantent leur Pseaumes bien différemment que les Juifs Hollandais; les Juifs Romains autrement que les Juifs de la Prusse et de la Hesse, et tous croient chanter comme on chantoit dans le Tem pie de Jérusalem."-Kalkbrenner, p. 34. L'Abbé BARTHELEMI. the sentiment of the Poet, they have been eminently happy. The expression of some parts we feel to be so true and so powerful as strongly to remind us of our old favourite Purcell, whose better compositions may bid defiance to all-changing Fashion. The present Number contains twelve different pieces, for a single voice, with pianoforte accompaniment; besides which, three of the airs are harmonized for four voices. No clef is used but the treble and bass. Those who are acquainted (and who is not?) with Mr. Braham's compositions and performance, will readily point out his touches; and one effect of them is to induce us for a moment to imagine that we are familiar, with the airs, while, in reality, it is only with their tasteful decoration. It must be acknowledged that, generally speaking, the charming sisters, Musick and Poetry, are better companions when they meet, in the present day, than at a former period. Happy they whose hearts are formed to receive the delightful impressions of their beauty! "Is there a heart that Musick cannot |