Imatges de pàgina


The Jews.-Kirkdale Cave.

confirm their aversion to the elegant mythology of antient and modern Rome, and they still continue a monument in illustration of some of the most remarkable passages of Scripture prophecy. These predictions were not usually of a nature calculated to procure for their authors the favour of their countrymen: the voice of admonition and reproach was rendered still more harsh, by the denunciation of a signal correction that awaited their apostasy: Moses has foretold almost in detail the miseries of the siege which Josephus has related; and the honours conferred on Titus for completing their ruin, took place at the distance of less than half a century from the time that our Saviour forewarned them of its approach. These prophecies are in our hands, and the captive nation itself has been dispersed among us to attest their accomplish


If the present condition of the Jews be a fact for which we have the evidence of our senses, so the memory of those events which led to it have been guarded by every circumstance that can give authenticity to history.

Two Roman Emperors of eminent renown were employed in the work of destruction, and the notice taken of it by their contemporaries proves it to have been regarded as the most prominent achievement of their reign. Nor did this event happen at a period when ignorance received as history the fables of tradition. Literature and Taste were then in full maturity, and the exploits of Roman power were recorded and speedily published to the utmost limits of an empire, that extended from the Thames to the Euphrates. Surviving the convulsions by which that mighty empire was torn in pieces, the Jews remain a distinct people, preserving with religious care the history of their crimes and sentences of condemnation, and though in avowed enmity to Christianity, supporting by their obstinacy the evidence of its truth. Such reflections, though not strictly those of the Antiquary, naturally belong to an object of such peculiar interest, and might easily be extended in a City abounding in historical monuments and living evidence of whatever has been related or foretold of the ambition, fraud, and superstition, of mankind.



491 Mr. URBAN, May 15. HAVE read with very great interest, as doubtless many others have also done, in p. 352, the luminous account of Mr. Buckland of the dark "Antediluvian Cave" lately "discovered at Kirkdale, near Kirby Moorside in Yorkshire, about twenty-five miles North-east of York." In the above very curious account, communicated by Mr. Buckland, and published in the " Annals of Philosophy," many particulars occur which are singularly worthy of attention; and which will be highly honoured by insertion in the pages of your Magazine, where you have several times admitted the lucubrations of him who has now the pleasure of addressing you.

The great Deluge, by which all the inhabitants of the old world, except Noah and his family, and two of every species of animals preserved in the Árk, were drowned, happened in the year 2349 before Christ, since which 1821 years have elapsed, making in all 4170 years since the flood. If, therefore, the ideas of Mr. Buckland, as related in his memoir, be correct, and it is very far from my intention to set up my little spark of knowledge against the blazing splendour of his, the bones found in the Kirkdale Cave belonged to animals that lived at, and sometime previous to the Flood; and consequently they are four thousand and nearly two hundred years old, or that period of years has elapsed since they formed parts of the living bodies of the several animals to which they are said to have belonged. To ac count for this, we are told that "DILUVIAN MUD," or the "sediment of mud deposited by the DILUVIAN WATERS, entirely covered the bottom of the cavern to the depth of about a foot ;that "at the bottom of this MUD the floor of the cave was covered from one end to the other with the teeth and bones of several animals" there enumerated; and that "they owe their high state of preservation to the MUD in which they are imbedded."

All this, to be sure, is extremely curious, but it is natural for those who are not Antiquaries, to inquire what are the tokens by which Mr. Buckland can certainly distinguish this "Diluvian mud” from all other kinds of the same article-whether he ever saw any specimen of it, which was such beyond the power of contra



The Wonders of the Antediluvian Cave!

diction to deny and how this large quantity of "Diluvian mud" could have got access to the internal parts of the cave, when the waters of the Deluge, by Mr. Buckland's hypothesis, are absolutely excluded; since, if they had gained access into it, he says, "the angles of the bones would have been worn off by attrition, but they

are not."

Be this fact, however, as it may, we are informed "some of the bones and teeth appear to have undergone various stages of decay, by lying at the bottom of the Den while it was inhabited, but little or none since the introduction of the Diluvian sediment" -which sediment or mud, it is assert ed, got there by some hocus pocus means or other, when the Diluvian waters themselves were totally excluded-" in which they have been imbedded."

Hitherto our weak intellects have been taught to consider the "Diluvian waters" as being sent by God to " destroy;" but this hypothesis tends to prove that they, or the "mud," or the "sediment" they left behind them, possess a preserving power, which has already exceeded four thousand years, and which probably might extend to ten or twelve thousand years more, if the globe itself, which we inhabit, should so long endure. Incredulous persons might here be tempted to inquire, how this profound Antiquary knows what changes took place in these bones before the flood, that is, "while the den was inhabited," being upwards of 4000 years ago; and what since that period, unless he had lived just before the flood, in order to know the exact state they were in when that event took place. But the real Antiquary, perhaps, will tell us, that this spirit of scepticism is altogether" repugnant to the rules of their Society."

Nor is the investigation of the component parts of the Album Græcum of these antediluvian animals a whit less curious, and must doubtless afford a high treat, and perhaps relish, to the real lover of antiquity. The Keeper of the Wild-beasts at Exeter 'Change ought certainly, for his deep knowledge of this feculent matter of Hyenas, asserted to be more than 4000 years old, to be immediately created an


Singular also is the account of the


antediluvian "BEARS addicted rather to vegetable than to animal food," and for that reason "not devouring the dead individuals of their own species." The postdiluvian bears of these degenerate days, are certainly rather addicted to animal than to vegetable food: and it might puzzle any but an Antiquary to know why these gentle antediluvians dragged the bodies of the animals, the bones of which are asserted to be found there at this day, if it were not for the purpose of devouring them. Again, it might be said, if they did devour them, how could there be such an accumulation of "the black earth derived from the decay of animal flesh," as is asserted to be found" in the German Caves." Here the Antiquary seems" to be put into a cleft-stick," and one way or the other he must be mistaken.

These things, however, are mere trifles in comparison with that most wonderful of all wonders, as mentioned in Mr. Buckland's paper, of his discovering amongst a large heap of other bones, those which formerly, that is to say, above 4000 years ago, belonged to a species of CAT, &c. Fine, indeed, must have been the discerning faculties of our profound Antiquary, who amidst this miscellaneous heap of bones, could discriminate those which formerly appertained to this particular animal, and was able to point out with precision and exactness how this animal "resembled the jugular or spotted Panther of South America." Perhaps Mr. Buckland, like many of our brethren of the isles of North Britain, may have possessed the gift of second sight, in a remarkably acute manner; and possibly, ere long, the world may be favoured with some more of his speculations; or as we may say, "visions, having his eyes open," wherein he may give us an exact description of this spotted animal, its size, habits," beauties, &c. &c. for the instruction and amusement of posterity. Indeed this expectation is both so reasonable and so desirable, that it is greatly to be hoped Mr. Buckland will attend to this hint, and without loss of time present us with a correct picture of this curious spotted animal, as the same presented itself to his "inind's eye," when he wrote this elegant illustration of these antediluvian and diluvian transactions for the pages of the "Annals of Philosophy;"



The Wonders of the Antediluvian Cave!

and which would doubtless greatly ornament the pages of your valuable Miscellany, as the account of the Kirkdale Cave has already done.

No longer ago than yesterday, the writer of this article was told, by a gentleman resident in the immediate neighbourhood of the above-mentioned Cave, that a ball of the Album Græcum has been already transmitted to the Cognoscenti of London, and that more may be expected to be sent, if the demand should rise in proportion to the extreme curiosity which is at present excited about it. And as a ship-load of these antediluvian bones have been already sent to the metropolis, the expence of sending them by land being too great to be thought of for a moment: and as the area of this cave is said to be 300 feet in length, by 3 feet in breadth, and the whole has been described by our accurate Antiquary to be covered one foot deep with Antediluvian mud, we have here at once 900 solid feet of this precious article, from only one of the five Caves already discovered in the Southern part of this island. What treasures then may be expected from the solid contents of the whole five. It is there. fore proposed, that a Bazaar should immediately be opened for the sale of such curiosities as Antediluvian bones, Antediluvian Album Græcum, Diluvian mud, Diluvian gravel, &c. &c. And as Mr. Belzoni's curiosities are advertised to be very soon sold, your Correspondent is of opinion, that the owner of the Egyptian Hall, opposite Bondstreet, in Piccadilly, could not do any thing more profitable to himself, or more satisfactory to the publick, than immediately to open such a Bazaar there, and your Correspondent, who lives very near the Kirkdale Cave, will readily become his country Agent.

The writer of this article is in possession of a piece of the wrapper of one of Mr. Belzoni's Mummies, said to be upwards of three thousand years old, which nevertheless is very goodlooking and in excellent preservation, and much resembling the Nankin worn by some of our modern beaux for summer trowsers. This, however, will be reckoned quite modern in comparison of these Diluvian curiosities, which, beyond all reasonable controversy, may be traced to the Flood, and with regard to the bones, to times prior to that great event.


There is, however, one curiosity that the present writer possesses, which at least may vie with Mr. Buckland's "Diluvian mud," or with his "Diluvian gravel," as it clearly surpasses them both in its antiquity. This is a Pedigree written on some Antediluvian matter or other, which more nearly resembles the parchment of our days, than any thing else used by us for writing on. It commences with Adam, and is regularly continued to the present time: and though your Correspondent would not venture to make an affidavit before a magistrate, that any part of it is written by the hand of Adam himself, yet there is an undoubted and clear family tradition, that it was deposited in the Ark by Noah, and that a part of it which is somewhat defaced and nearly illegible, got some of the Diluvian waters upon it, from the carelessness of either Noah or one of his sons, in placing it under a part of the roof of the said Ark, which was more accommodating than the Kirkdale Cave. Now, Sir, not being desirous of monopolizing so great a curiosity, your Correspondent has serious thoughts of applying to Parliament for an act to allow of a Lottery, and, if obtained, when 100,000 subscribers have put down their names at only one guinea each, the Lottery is to be drawn, and to prevent any gambling or other ruinous speculation, the first drawn ticket will be entitled to the prize.

It is not possible to quit this subject without sincerely congratulating the whole Society of Antiquaries on the great acquisition to our knowledge, which the discovery of the wonders of the Kirkdale Cave is likely to produce. Already we have had a secret laid open to our view in this discovery, which for above 4000 years past has been concealed from "mortal ken;" and to what further important improvement in science, and in the knowledge of the "habits" and manners of antediluvian animals it may yet lead, is for the present concealed in the womb of time; and conjecture itself is set at defiance in the inquiry. In the mean time hope, which "travels through, nor quits us when we die," will doubtless keep alive in the minds of Philosophers the expectation of having wonders hereafter revealed, which may make air-balloons, steam-boats, gaslights, and other wonders of this en


494 View of the Editions and Commentators of Shakspeare.

lightened age in which we live, appear like mole-hills compared with the Grampian-hills, or Farthing-candles when contrasted with the glorious Sun himself when shining in the cloudless majesty and noon-day splendour of a bright May-day.


Yours, &c.



(Concluded from p. 423.) WILL now consider the second school of commentators upon Shakspeare, who, generally speaking, founded their criticisms upon an enlarged inquiry into what has been called the Learning of Shakspeare, by quoting from contemporary and dramatic authors, citing parallel passages, and examining how far he might have probably been conversant with translations from the Classics, existing and popular in his own time; and lastly, the precise extent of his acquaintance with the originals themselves.

This new ray of light was first sent forth as early as 1748, when Mr. P. Whalley, then a young man, but afterwards, very creditably known as the editor of Ben. Jonson's work, published his pamphlet, "An Inquiry into the Learning of Shakspeare." The attempt was evanescent, and would have been forgotten but for its priority to the "Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare," by Dr. R. Farmer, 1767; of which a second edition was printed in the same year. A very general approbation was bestowed upon this performance, not only on account of the success with which he had suggested the more plausible text of Shakspeare's writings, but the skill and sagacity with which he had applied it.

With larger views, and superior opportunities, this plan, of which the outlines only had been as yet marked out, was adopted by G. Steevens, who had for some years been making a great collection of "all the reading" which under any circumstances of probability, could have been supposed to have been read by Shakspeare himself. During this period Dr. Samuel Johnson was induced to employ his great philological powers in the service of Shakspeare, and his octavo edition` made its appearance in 1765. He was indeed sensible of the preponderating value of Steevens' information, and co


alesced with him in publishing a new edition (1766) which under their joint names, had by far the greatest circulation. Johnson seems to have thought it perfect, as he declares, that "not a single passage in the whole work has appeared to be corrupt, which I have not attempted to restore; or obscure, which I have not endeavoured to illustrate."

But two able competitors remained well qualified to contest the Shaksperian prize, and who refused an implicit acknowledgment of this high claim. Mr. Malone first settled the chronology of Shakspeare's plays by a very careful investigation of the books of the Stationers' Company, in order to ascertain the precise date of their publication. He was not less industrious and successful in forming his annotations upon the result of an almost universal acquaintance with the literature of the sixteenth century, no less than with the customs and anecdotes of that æra; all of which appear to have had an unvaried influence upon the mind of Shakspeare. We must mention, that the lucubrations of Steevens were rudely attacked by Ritson, whose criticisms display an uncommon share of shrewdness and illnature.

Whilst Mr. Malone at first had studied Shakspeare as the literary pursuit of a private gentleman, without an avowed intention of publication, he enjoyed the friendship and high approbation of the irritable Steevens. No sooner, however, was that intention made known, than their friendship was dissolved, by a quarrel, sought for by the "dowager commentator," as Steevens quaintly styles himself.

Malone's edition (in 1790) was read with great avidity, and has been reprinted (in 1821) with the author's latest corrections, by Mr. Boswell, to whom he bequeathed them.

The steady coadjutor of Steevens was Isaac Reed, a most diligent inquirer into the literature of the two last centuries, and who had furnished himself with the largest collections then made. He gave a singular and satisfactory proof of his having read the greater part of his numerous books; as he left annotations in them in his own manuscript. In 1785, at the request of Steevens, he published his edition of Shakspeare, with whom he was a joint editor in 1793; and who having left

1822.] View of the Editions and Commentators of Shakspeare.

him his own corrected copy, Reed published his last edition in 1803, and for the first time his name was formally prefixed.

An ambition of contributing a felicitous note to the mass already accumulated during this course of time, had seized many of our literati, especially those better versed in our national antiquities. They were indeed so numerous, as to remind us of the "mob of gentlemen who wrote with ease. Some indeed are worthy of more honourable mention, such as Heath, Tyrwhitt, T. Warton, Monk Mason, and a few others, eminent for their extensive and various erudition.


Nor did these continued efforts of the mind when applied to the single and specific point of presenting our admirable author to the world in a clear and comprehensible state, so that the unlearned, no less than the critical reader, might become capable of enjoying his transcendent beauties, fully obtain their object.

All candid persons will acknowledge that there is still a grand desideratum! Monk Mason proposes an edition of Shakspeare of the most approved readings, omitting all kinds of annotation. Such, he says, might bear for its title "A legible edition of Shakspeare;" but query, who shall decide upon the perfect readings with uncontrovertible certainty?

I have now, in some degree, prepared your readers for the introduction of Mr. Jackson, by previous information, intimately connected with the subject.

Mr. Jackson is the first who has applied his knowledge of the typographic art, coupled with the skilful practice of it, to the elucidation of Shakspeare's text; and we feel no hesitation in allowing, that he has given several instances in proof of its positive superiority over former tests in the reformation of the author's sense.

Aberrations of learning, and mistaken analogies, are not unfrequent when the text is obviously deformed by slight literal blunders only. This uncertainty is produced by deviating into a new context, when the substitution of letters, or the recasting a single word, would render the passage clear and intelligible.

It is necessary to offer some instances in proof of this opinion; and by placing the interpretation of the several pas


sages by various commentators, so as to allow of a comparison with that of Mr. Jackson, leave our judicious readers to decide the competition and award the prize.


1. "I'll get thee 'Sca-mells' from the rock."-Johnson and Steevens.

All the old Copies.-" Sca-mells." "Sea-mells,' the letter 'e' changed into 'c' by careless printers."—Theobald.

Heath confirms Theobald, by saying, that the word is either " Sea-mells, Sea-malls, or Sea-mews."

"Shamois."-Pope and Warburton. Jackson observes, that "the Seamews make their nests in rocks close to the sea. The manner in which the error took place is obvious. The transcriber formed the "w" in mews larger than the other letters connected with the word, and which was taken by the compositor for "11."

2. TWELFTH NIGHT. "She pin'd in thought, And with a green and yellow melancholy She sat, like patience on a monument Smiling at grief."

All the exertions of criticism, sculpture, and painting, have been displayed to illustrate this admirable passage, but vain the efforts; neither the powers of erudition, nor scientific knowledge, have been able to reconcile the incongruity of patience sitting on a monument, smiling at grief, and yet the transposition of a comma, and the addition of a parenthesis, give full force and beauty to the whole figure. I read, "She pin'd in thought, And, with a green and yellow melancholy She sat, (like patience on a monument) Smiling at grief."

3. LEAR. "The untented woundings of a father's curse Pierce every sense about thee!"

One of the quartos reads "untender." "Wounds in their worst state not having a tent to digest them."-Steevens. "Pierce every fence' about thee."


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