Imatges de pàgina

Hor. Say as he says, or we shall never go.. Cath. Forward I pray, fince we are come fo far, And be it moon, or fun, or what you please: And if you please to call it a rush-candle, Henceforth I vow it fhall be fo for me. Pet. I fay it is the moon.

Cath. I know it is the moon.

Pet. Nay, then you lye; it is the bleffed fun.
Cath. Then, God be blefs'd it is the bleffed fun.
But fun it is not, when you fay it is not;
And the moon changes, even as your mind.
What you will have it nam'd, even that it is,
And fo it fhall be fo for Catharine.

Her. Petruchio, go thy way, the field is won.
Pet. Well, forward, forward, thus the bowl fhould


And not unluckily against the bias.

But foft, fome company is coming here.

SCENE XIII. Enter Vincentio. Good-morrow, gentle Mistress, where away?

[To Vincentie. Tell me, fweet Kate, and tell me truly too, Haft thou beheld a fresher gentlewoman?. Such war of white and red within her cheeks! What stars bespangle heaven with fuch beauty, As thofe two eyes become that heav'nly face? Fair lovely maid, once more good day to thee: Sweet Kate, embrace her for her beauty's fake, Hor. He will make the man mad, to make a woman of him.


*Cath. Young budding virgin, fair, and fresh, and



In the first sketch of this play, printed in 1607, we find two speeches in this place worth preferving, and feeming to be of the band of Shakespears tho' the reft of that play is far inferior. Mr. Pope.>

Fair lovely maiden, yourg and affable,
More clear of hue, and far more beautiful ↑
Than precious fardonyx, or purple rocks

Of amethysts, or gliftering hyacint

Sweet Catharine, this lovely woman

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Whither away, or where is thy abode?
Happy the parents of fo fair a child;
Happier the man whom favourable stars
Allet thee for his lovely bedfellow !

Pet. Why, how now, Kate, I hope thou art not .mad!

This is a man, old, wrinkled, faded, withered,
And not a maiden, as thou fay'st he is.

Cath. Pardon, old father, my mistaken eyes;
That have been fo bedazzled with the fun,
That every thing I look on feemeth green.
Now I perceive, thou art a reverend father:
Pardon, I pray thee, for my mad mistaking.

Pet. Do, good old grandfire, and withal make known

Which way thou travelleft; if along with us,
We fhall be joyful of thy company.

Vin. Fair Sir, and you my merry Mistress,
That with your ftrange encounter much amaz'd me;
My name is call'd Vincentio, my dwelling Pifa;
And bound I am to Padua, there to vifit

A fon of mine, which long I have not feen..
Pet. What is his name?

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Vin. Lucentio, gentle Sir.

Pet. Happily met, the happier for thy fon;
And now by law, as well as reverend age,
I may intitle thee my loving father:
The fifter of my wife, this gentlewoman,
Thy fon by this hath married. Wonder not,
Nor be not griev'd, fhe is of good efteem,
Her dowry wealthy, and of worthy birth
Befide, fo qualified, as may beseem
The spouse of any noble gentleman.

Cath. Fair lovely Lady, bright and chryftalline, -
Beauteous and ftately as the eye-tain'd bird;
As glorious as the morning wafh'd with dew,
Within whole eyes fhe takes her dawning beams,
And golden fummer fleeps upon thy cheeks.
Wrap up th radiations in fome cloud,
Let that thy beauty make this ftately town.
Unhabitables the burning zone,

With fweet reflections of thy lovely face.

[blocks in formation]

Let me embrace with old Vincentio,

And wander we to fee thy honest son,
Who will of thy arrival be full joyous,

Vin. But is this true, or is it elfe your pleasure,
Like pleasant travellers, to break a jeft
Upon the company you overtake?

Hor. I do affure thee, father, fo it is.

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Pet. Come, go along, and fee the truth hereof > For our firft merriment hath made thee jealous.

[Exeunt Pet. Cath. and Vin.

Hor. Well, Petruchio, this hath put me in heart. Have to my widow; and if the be froward, Then haft thou taught Hortenfio to be untoward.


Before Lucentio's, house.


Enter Biondello, Lucentio, and Bianca, Gremio walking on one fide.

: Bion:


Oftly and fwiftly, Sir, for the priest is ready Luc. I fly, Biondello; but they may chance fo need thee at home, therefore leave us. Bion. Nay, 'faith, I'll fee the church o' your back, and then come back to my master as foon as I can.

[Exit, Gre. I marvel Cambio comes not all this while.

Enter Petruchio, Catharina, Vincentio, and Grumio, with attendants..

Pet. Sir, here's the door, this is Lucentio's house, My father's bears more towards the market-place ;Thither muft I, and here I leave you, Sir.

Vin. You fhall not chufe but drink before you go; I think I fhall command your welcome here; And by all likelihood fome cheer is toward. [knocks. Gre. They're busy within, you were best knock louder. [Pedant looks out of the window. Ped. What's he that knocks as he would beat down the gate?

Vin. Is Signior Lucentio within, Sir?


Ped. He's within, Sir, but not to be spoken withal. Vin. What if a man bring him a hundred pound or two, to make merry withal?

Ped. Keep your hundred pounds to yourself, he shall i need none as long as I live.

Pet. Nay, I told you, your fon was beloved in Padua. Do you hear, Sir? to leave frivolous circumftances, I pray you, tell Signior Lucentio that his father is come from Pifa, and is here at the door to fpeak with him. s

Ped. Thou lyeft; his father is come to Padua, and 1 here looking out of the window.

Vin. Art thou his father?

Ped. Ay, Sir; fo his mother fays, if I


may believe

Pet. Why, how now, gentleman! why, this is flat knavery, to take upon you another man's name.

Ped. Lay hands on the villain. I believe he means to cozen fome body in this city under my countenance.

SCENE II Enter Biondello.

Bion. I have feen them in the church together. God fend 'em good fhipping! But who is here! mine old mafter Vincentio now we are undone, and brought to nothing.

Vin. Come hither, crackhemp. Bion. I hope I may chufe, Sir. Vin. Come hither, you rogue. forgot me?

[Seeing Biondello.

What! have you

Bion. Forgot you? no, Sir: I could not forget you, for I never faw you before in all my life.

Vin What, you notorious villain! didst thou never fee thy mafter's father Vincentio ?

Bion. What, my old worshipful old mafter? yes, marry, Sir, fee where he looks out of the window. Vin. Is't fo indeed? [He beats Biondello.

Bien. Help, help, help, here's a madman will murder meno

Ped. Help, fon; help, Signior Baptifta.

Pet. Pr'ythee, Kate, let's ftand afide, and fee the end of this controversy. [They retire,



Enter Pedant with fervants, Baptifta, and Tranio.

Tra. Sir, what are you, that offer to beat my fervant? Vin. What am I, Sir! Nay, what are you, Sir? Oh, immortal Gods! oh, fine villain! a filken doublet, a velvet hofe, a fcarlet cloak and a copatain hat: oh, I am undone! I am undone! while I play the good hufband at home, my fon and my fervants spend all at the univerfity.

Tra. How now, what's the matter?

Bep. What, is this man lunatic?

Tra. Sir, you feem a fober ancient gentleman by your habit, but your words fhew you a madman. Why, Sir, what concerns it you, if I wear pearl and gold? I thank my good father, I am able to maintain it.. Vin. Thy father! oh villain, he is a failmaker in Bergamo.


Bap. You mistake, Sir, you mistake, Sir; pray, what you think is his name?

Vin. His name? as if I knew not his name: I have brought him up ever fince he was three years old, and his name is Tranio.


Ped. Away, away, mad afs! his name is Lucention and he is mine only fon, and heir to the lands of me Signior Vincentio.

Vin. Lucentio! oh, he hath murdered his master; lay hold of him, I charge you in the Duke's name; ch, my fon, my fon, tell me, thou villain, where is my fon Lucentio ?

Tra. Call forth an officer; carry this mad knave to the jail; Father Baptifla, I charge you, fee that he be forthcoming.

Vin. Carry me to jail!

Gre. Stay, officer, he fhall not go to prifon.

Bap. Talk not, Signior Gremio: I fay, he fhall go to prifon.

Gre. Take heed, Signior Baptifta, left you be coneycatch'd in this bùfinefs; I dare fwear this is the right Vincentio.

Ped. Swear, if thou dar'ft.

Gre. Nay, I dare not fwear it.

Tra. Then thou wert beft fay that I am not Lucentio?


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