Imatges de pàgina
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aksowiedged by all night-seers, whether they was, moreover, wherever he went, exponed to means of attack, while analysing those of the murod to genius or not. At some place of perils of his own, by the reputation wich he fortress --- one who treats passions as if it were kan soenery, whither the poet was taken for had earned as a poet, and by his extraordinary a science, - such a one might write a most She express purpose of being charmed, he was powers of entertainment in conversation. From exorient treatise on Love for the Society of marmely cau and quiet. Upon this Dr. the castle to the cottage, every door flew opets Useful or Useless. Knowledge; but we' ́ex. samme " enters into a little dissertation on the at his approach; and the old system of houpa, tremely doubt his heung a very dangerous per. mynct, shewing that a man of Burns's lively tality, then flourishing, rendered it dithesalt for mom in society. We are rather of opinion, magination might probably have formed anti. the most soberly inäined guest to rise from any after all, that Roues are, like Wordsworth's Opalina which the realities of the prospect man's board in the same trim that he sat down cuckoo, ** talked of, but never seen.” mgħa rather disappoint." But Mr. I more to it. The farmer, il Burns was weer passing, ¦ Having thrown out these few hints, which jun, ubwerven -“ This is possible enough; left his reapers, and trotted by the side of Jenny do not aspire to the name of criticism, and mi i mappone few will take it for granted that Geddes, until he could persuade the bard that desiring that all the story of this moved shotid Auto mi veyed any scenes either of beauty or the day was hot enough to demand an extra bave its full weight of norvily with its readers, #j haswar without emotion, merely because hiation. If he entered an ina at midnight, ¦ we shaii fosiow our own usual (and not 148) le cas not choose to be ecstatic for the benent after all the inmates were in bed, the news of course; and by a few connected extracts af. ÚA QURB PROVÝ ON VORng ladies. He was, in his arrival circulated from the crilar to the ford an idea of the author's abilities, and very impatient of interruption on such parret ; and, ere ten minutes had elapsed, the! The commencement is so spirited as to a. I have heard, that riding one dark landlord and all his guests were assembled tempt us at the outset. ket, umur Carron, his companion teased him round the ingie, the largest puzich-bowl was "How many of the genuine feelings of human 9953 1-day eɑriamalions of deight and wonder, produced, and nature have been repressed and aposled by the Kedar an opening in the wood permitted He ours this night--who knows what comes to-morrow?¦ oodatams of those outward forms which consti em to ate the magnificent glare of the fur- was the language of every eve in the circle that it so great a proportion of our education! men 'Look, Burns! Good Heaven! look!: welcomed him. The sinteliest gentry of the We enter into the world with buavant feelings, ma what a chorumas night "—"Sir," said Burns, county, whenever they had especial merriment fresh and thick-coming fancies,' enthusiasto mpung spurs to Jenny Geddes, 'I would not in view, called in the wit and eloquence of. Miopation—with hearts and hands open to bat ding, if it were the mouth Burns to enliven their carousals ** the impression and impuises of love, friendship, Here let us drop the curtain. After life's and generosity, and with a multitude of senses & pars comsgrudnium, in tooth, we know not the fitful fever, he sleeps well. An hour, a day,~, and passions, all promising pleasure in their King i mirth that can command admiration: and such as the stern and tliberal, who con. 1 pursuit and their gratiteat on. We feel the trm will is essential to this high attribute. demned him,such as the gay and careless, who genuine tears of wmpathy spring into our eyes k; we wil tut proing our own comments: joined in his revels, such as the unthinking at a tale of distress; and while metat an mire, and we have done all we and proud, who heeded not his fate, —such as da je bilan niladi but very interesting volume. the generous, who pitied his errors, and the The reader must be sufficiently prepared enlightened, who gloried in his genius, — ai! hear, that, from the ume when he entered shall be abke, and, like hum, in the dust. © is e se duties, the poet more and more this teach us charity to our fellow-mortals, pent the encarna of his farm. Okca- and let us honour in them those gifts which Ma'r de mig it be seen holding the plough, can never die. in exar me in which he exceted, and was proud d manag, or stalking down his furrows, with, De fluce s'ines of grain wrapt about him, " andamani" but he was more commonly get a far different parts. I am now, * 58, in one of his letters, a poor rawaily mar renormand to gauop two hundred miles *** **s to inspeet dirty bonds and yeasty Buth in verse and in prose he has Mi ter the inster feelings with which be first Nivel kat sem vocation. His jests on the Mare Jhal arvady better. I have the same tam, he trim Mr. Ainshe,' whac da i once wa ♣ 297a felag werjeant give to his audience *** veta of humarnock: Gentlemen, for ve lurther ensuragement, I can assure youı, mr is the most blackguard corps under * mewn, and, commence exits, with us about e murva: chance of preferment,'' atomt all his statements of his matter in the maine strain.

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The w wid to our unpra Uand hearts

And war »rlan! tezame

we find our young pulses bounding with delight
as the sight of bexity, and experience a ti she
sand setkat s which imped us to an intimate
intercourse hearts with our fellow creatures ;
and the first thờng we are taught in lie, w to

The Roui. 3 vola. London, 1828. Colburn. learn these early lessons of our nature, to Tur use of this book combines attraction and repress these de' „btful sprit gings of the heart.... repulsion: attraction for those who do not fear I • shut up mắc the pamages of joy w to see a knowledge of the world and its viem vividly displayed; and reprison for those who and to substitute the coldness of educated cares dread that the exposure of these vices cannot be mony for these inrsts of genuine feelings. We effected without wading purity, and ever. | are taught to repress our generosity, to steel tasting thesaid. Beg u serta whether the our bearia against the influence of beauty and Huc is yet in the hands of the putin, we shai | to admst friendship and love only where they not discuss this question 1-bit content onar-¦ are commatilide with our interest interest that sexven with stating, that the writer has steered nainspring of human nature, as it is calird, at very clear of many of the dilemities which' whome slirine all our best feelings are sacrificed, beset han in painting unprincipied men and, and to wrach our young hearts are directed in vilding women; and that in the end he has school-days, at erlege, and through the world, rendermi poœtual justice both to loly súd de-as the or v god that then, id be worshipped, 1, W. Of course, it is impommive but¦ The whole of our eariv life seems to be spent that the How. stund employ language some-j in getting rid of nature, and in the meqsire. lies warm, when apposed to sensual indul-ment of arther, til our hearts and munde are gences ---- and sometimes lax, when addressed to, no more like that for when they were brat graver estats: bit it must ever be contended, than the tree, with some laborios sidered from whose muth these express | Cincinnatus of a cit has trimmed into the shape ¦cene; mind if we admit of the character being ¦ at a precach, is like that wiset, has grown up in drawn at all, we us and admit that the author | all the unconfined and vigorems hituriance of has that timing tenned the brutuds of fides 19 au | its native forest. All the first feel 1 gr of cAT ius portraiture. I'm first volume, in parti. | nature in early lie becvene the sheets of alas, in a pent of Mr. [hourley's high taberita-¦ puniat ment de reprové the low vabey of ot and convinces in, that in this class of writing | vurithi al sy rit is curled, been, se it exieruch be tiny becusam extremos popuar. Its van the conventional forms of nox sety. whom may, periape, remind the after the introduction of kia principai per-'enthumas, is repromed and at aned with the * * maty laugʻsage, in hoals sange (at the end of it), that we dont kn!at, ha of eccentricity; and the whole avstem wag luund so agreeacon. Moral anatomy may dinat entratsion sa an alteropt de peit the beart kai kaca, iar his hus reiterate as unetul as pyrami, hatuu as detentabor negal, and to treat it as we do or A kiver who enacts the Champagne, worden ↑ coraidering t) at, thenigh kurta, in his museer, a Vauban of the heart wha toda muay 1-peuve the wine, it is værtært fuð 'bak wat nooner the timers of Chatwates his ovu trengt zumaitira, , detersirate the man.

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time, for want of use, as a limb will become | coal-merchants, or wine-merchants, or school-presentation and the drawing-room. By the contracted, and wither and die for want of masters and mistresses:-the three grand re- help of her various professors, she had comexercise. It is this which gives such a same- sources for all ruined people who wish to pletely succeeded in giving her pupils that ness to society. It is this which prevents that redeem their fortunes. If a husband dies, which the French call tournure-that air disindividuality of character which made the leaving a widow with an unprovided family, tingué which pleases and impresses the mind, heroes, the lovers, and the friends of the her friends immediately project a ladies' esta- without our knowing why, and which fre'golden age.' All is now conventional form blishment; and with a partial knowledge of quently bears the palm of admiration away and outward ceremony. Friendships are made her own language, and even that of the most from beauty itself. The first thing, according or broken as these forms prescribe, and are moderate kind, she sets up for a teacher of all; to Mrs. Dashington's system of education, seldom strong enough to abide the storm of and with the assistance of some French demirep, was manner'-the second thing was adversity-to stand the test of ridicule-or whose morals and conduct have driven her ner,' and the third thing was manner;' thus the influence of etiquette. Love is no longer from her own country; or, perhaps, as has every thing was sacrificed to its attainment. the buoyant, pure, and generous passion, that been the case more than once, a French femme The whole of her ethics consisted in doing has excited the hearts which experienced it to de chambre, for a mistress of French; a French every thing like a woman of fashion: her the greatest actions to accomplish its gratifica- valet for a dancing-master; and a profligate pupils sang and danced with the most extion; but is a mere word generally used, only Italian refugee for a professor of music;-sets quisite taste and judgment—but they sang and because it is found in the vocabulary of our up a school, in which our English girls, of a danced like ladies, and not like professors. In language with a particular meaning attached certain caste, are to be fitted for wives and short, it was a universal observation, that a to it, as certain law-terms are still in vogue, mothers. The poor children of every friend young lady who had enjoyed the advantages of although the spirit which rendered them neces- of the widow, and of all her friends' friends, Mrs. Dashington's establishment was never sary has long since expired. Like those who, are put in requisition, till a sufficient number known to utter a sound of discord-in her by artificial light, put out that of the day, so is collected to furnish an income; and many music, or commit a faux pas-in a minuet or have we, by borrowed forms and fashions, de-a fortune is made by the savings from the a quadrille. As to principles and temper, they stroyed the sun-light of our own natural and board, by profit on books, and forfeited silver were beneath the consideration of an arisbest feelings: forks and spoons, and by the charges for edu-tocratic school-mistress; and as the end of her cating these little urchins, who may be con- education was merely to procure husbands for sidered fortunate, if they return home as her pupils, why, if their principles and temempty-headed as they came. This is not at pers held out till they were married, the end all a caricature description of the origin and was accomplished; and it was the husband's formation of most of those establishments to business to preserve and keep or endure them which is intrusted the education, and conse-afterwards. quently the happiness and virtue, of those to "And here, by the by, a word or two on whom parents look for the comfort of their old the propriety and regulation of establishments age; as might easily be discovered, were the of this kind. They are, of course, generally numerous professors of French, music, and kept by needy persons; and those persons are dancing, who figure away at ladies' establish- but too apt to lie under pecuniary and other ments and finishing schools in and near Lon- obligations, which they are willing enough don, compelled to produce certificates of cha- to return by invitations to all the little fêtes racters and occupations in their own country. which the nature of their occupation enables Such schools as these are, however, only for them, and, in some instances, requires them, the commonalty for the second-rate citizen to give. By these means, young women are and tradesman for the petit placeman, and brought in contact with persons of the other sex, all those of confined income. These are the whom they never could have met at the houses only persons who are now taken in by the of their parents and while the youthful mind promises of these advertising dealers in edu- is too fresh in life, and too unhackneyed in the We cannot, however, agree to the extent of cation. conventional distinctions of society, to place a the author's deductions from these premises- "In this wide metropolis-this epitome of proper value upon rank and equality of worldly only in this: "There is, however, a medium the world at large this congregation of vice circumstances, they are but too open to the between the coldness of mere conventional and virtue-this grand union of contraries of impression which a pleasing exterior and adpropriety, and the unrepressed exuberance of all descriptions-there are times, places, and dress, and agreeable conversation, intermixed nature. Let a sound judgment be placed as a people, to meet all circumstances and situa- with a little flattery, is too likely to be made by sentinel upon the feelings, and they will be tions. Here are decayed people of fashion, or the first man who has ever talked to her as more likely to lead to happiness than if totally distant and collateral branches of gentility, as though she were, and has made her feel that she repressed. We would have women creatures well as bankrupts of the middling orders of was, a woman. There are, in consequence, of nature, as well as of education: we would society, who undertake the care and culti- few of these establishments in which there is have their hearts as well as their heads cultivation of the female mind, or rather the re- not a great danger of a young woman's formvated, and not find them as they now too gulation of their manners and persons; al-ing connexions which can never be pleasing to often are, flowers, like those discovered by though they will never sully their establish- their more ambitious parents; for while there our late travellers to the North Pole, beautiful ment with any other than the scions of no- are idle and briefless barristers, with wit to the eye, but enclosed in an icicle which, inbility. Some of these undertake to bring enough to make themselves agreeable-young melting, destroyed them." To exhibit this, Amelia and Agnes, two sisters, are contrasted; the former, the child of fashionable tuition-the latter, of natural impulses. A contrast of old and new times would better suit our purpose of illustration; but, alas! it is too long, and we can only refer, for it, to p. 73 et seq. Vol. I., while we quote some shrewd and clever remarks on " Finishing Schools" and female education.

And love's and friendship's finely pointed dart Fall blunted from each indurated heart. In short, love, friendship, feeling of every kind, are all under the prescriptive rules of society. Young men are educated with the view to making or increasing their fortune by marriage; and young women, with no other idea than that of forming an establishment. This is, perhaps, more applicable to the latter than to the former; since the very first lesson a woman receives, is to disguise her real sentiments this engenders artifice; artifice, in time, annihilates the feeling which originally existed; and instead of the noble, generous nature of woman- -for her nature is noble and generous-we have the sophisticated pieces of animated wax-work, which form the aggregate of female society; fair and pure to look upon, as the drifted snow, and generally quite as cold."

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out two or three young ladies who may be officers, with sufficient dash and gallantry to deprived of their parents; and contrive, by the captivate the female heart and wealthyaddition which this plan affords to their in- dandy sons of merchants, with power to comcome, still to keep their place in society, and mand opera-boxes for the duenna of the estato make their houses still the resort of people blishment—there will always be a crowd of of fashion. Others, again, make a more open young men who will flock to a flirtation display of their pretensions to educate; and general,' with young ladies of a rank in life though they despise the drudgery of teaching whom they could never meet with by any other the young idea how to shoot,' profess to finish means than their acquaintance with the school. young ladies of fashion in all the elegant ac-mistress. This fault, and a most dangerous "Of what class of society in general do complishments of the concert, the ball, and the one it is, exists in all the gradations of these these schoolmasters and mistresses consist ?-drawing-room. Of these, Mrs. Dashington establishments; and, in many cases, the found. To whom is it that we intrust the sacred had attained the greatest celebrity. A year or ation of those unequal alliances, which em charge of forming the young minds of our two's initiation was sure to give the stamp of bitter so many parents' hearts, and disappoin children, and giving them that stamp which fashion to any one who was fortunate enough so many expectations, have had their origin is to influence their passage through life? to enjoy her protection. Her establishment in these schools of embryo coquetry-in thes Why, principally, broken-down tradesmen, or was to young women, not educated at home, scenes of incipient flirtation. Those who ima professional men and their wives; who, having what the university is to young men; and the gine the room appropriated to study in Mrs failed in their original calling in life, have no young ladies who had graduated in it were Dashington's establishment to resemble an ether means of support left than becoming considered at once fit for all the honours of thing like a common school, would be mos

life: but

"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."

The Works of Lord Byron. 4 vols. 18mo.
To this very cheap and very neat edition of
London, 1828. J. Murray.
Lord Byron's poems we have already alluded.
With the exception of the free, not to say li-
centious, Don Juan, it contains all his lordship's
principal productions, including his dramatic
writings: and thus, for eighteen shillings, al-
most all that is admirable in the noble bard,
with a smaller proportion than might have
been of what is objectionable, is before the
public. We were not surprised to learn that
six thousand copies were sold on the day this
work was brought to market; and we rejoice
in the circumstance, not only because we ap-
prove of moderate prices for their own sake,
but because such publications are well calcu-
lated to balk, if not to destroy, that piratical
system of pillaging British authors and pub-
lishers which is so extensively and shamefully
carried on in France.

(Poet in soul, while millions strove to claim From verse alone the prostituted name,) Veil'd his vast pennons to almighty Death, What harpy myriads hailed his parting breath!" The writer soon after apostrophises the latest assailant of Byron's name.


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"Oh, blind to him, yet to thyself more blind,
Contempt's keen laugh pursues thee from behind!
In thy hot zeal to make his foibles known,
Thou canst not see what rays reveal thine own.
When Self beguiles, how slight is Folly's screen!
Thy head is hidden, but thy hoofs are seen.
Go! join thy rival mountebank, the same
In puffs, in party, and (yet stranger) name.
Henceforth the pair on equal wing shall soar,
Hunt the reformer-Hunt the orator.
Go! and, unconscious of the public scorn,
Roast reputations as he roasted corn;
While, chalk'd on walls, derisive crowds peruse
Thy black'ning book, his blacking for the shoes.
How vain the debt of friendship to disclaim!
Ev'n now, goule-like, thou liv'st upon his fame.
When low reclines the warrior's gory head,
How fancy loathes the plunderer of the dead!
Less foul than thine the battle-harpy's prey,
For 'tis a friend whose spoils thou tear'st away.
Beware! a spirit in his ashes glows,
His eye frowns on thee from its stern repose:
His awful shade o'ercasts thy fate with gloom,
And Vengeance tracks thee ev'n beyond the tomb.
Thou shouldst, poor fool, have blest the meaner lot,
Which, in his satire, left thy muse forgot;
But thy own hand hath link'd thee to his name
In hateful immortality of fame.



egregiously mistaken. There was no long desk | fear it may be too true a picture of the worst at which the pupils were confined to pursue parts of human nature, as well as of fashionable their studies; no torturing stocks, to twist their toes into north by north-east, and south by south-west; no back-boards of bright red morocco, with a steel collar to be passed under their chin, to keep their heads up. No: the young ladies of Mrs. Dashington's establishment could hold up their heads high enough without any such mechanical assistance; they had only to think upon their birth-upon their ancestors upon their aunt the marchioness. their cousin the countess -or their fortune; and crown the whole by the exclusive reputation of being a pupil of the square school, to enable them to hold up their heads quite high enough for any purpose in the world. Indeed, long after they had quitted it, and were out,' as the phrase is,—and very well applied in some instances, they were too apt to think very little of all the new presentations, who had not taken their degrees as Mistresses of Arts' in Mrs. Dashington's university; and some of her very exclusive élèves were once on the point of establishing an annual quadrille of ber ex-pupils, after the manner of the dinner of some of our public schools, and admit none but Christ-church men as their visitors; only sary for us now to speak. We always admired Of Lord Byron as an author it is unnecesthat the husbands of some of them having had his genius; and we always entered our protest the misfortune to have been matriculated at against his evil principles. And the same trump shall sound, from coast to coast, Magdalen Hall, Wadham, and St. John's, did modified these feelings, but not altered them. The tomb has Our era's Zoilus, and England's boast." But men of all countries have viewed this e: like to leave their wives at the mercy of We perhaps admire his genius more highly, act of meanness and perfidy in the same light. the gentlemen commoners of Christ-church. and we perhaps feel more charity towards his The French critics, even of the biographer's In the stead of all the above-enumerated com- errors. We were often condemned as his own party, speak of "les puériles commenon appendages of a boarding-school, Mrs. enemies for pointing out his faults as a man, taires de Hunt sur le caractère de Byron ;" Dashington's pupils' room exhibited elegant and as a poet the sources whence he and others deliver similar sentiments, in stronger library tables, covered with all the lighter tionably borrowed many of his ideas: but be- terms of contempt and indignation. literary productions of the day, mixed up with cause we would not shut our eyes to these a thousand knick-knacks in or-molu, china, facts, were we blind to the extraordinary merits bronze, paper, and pasteboard. The principal of this gifted individual? We rather adopt, portion of the literature of the establishment as congenial to our minds, the sentiments so consisted in the novels of the day, the poems well expressed by another son of song, the of Byron and Moore, and the various effusions amiable and early lost Robert Pollok. Flowers of Poesy,' and all the host of Ele prettynesses,' which daily emanate fr the ever-teeming press, of modern publiations, in magazines, annuals, repertories, &c. These the young ladies were allowed to read discriminately; nor, as long as they paid ficient attention to the professors of music and dancing as long as they moved to admiration in a minuet, or swept the strings their harp, or touched the keys of the

with elegance-did Mrs. Dashington le herself much about the regulation of their minds. Manners were her profession, and morals were out of the question: thus, active minds had leisure and opportunity to way to their indolent propensities; while e of a more active tendency might, perhaps, greater danger, indulge in the indiscriminate perusal of all the flimsy, and often pernicious, books which lay upon Mrs. Dashingtartables." ་་

With these extracts we conclude; only adding, that several pathetic and tragical Rees are portrayed with great power, and

"A man of rank, and of capacious soul,
Who riches had, and fame, beyond desire;
An heir of flattery, to titles born,
And reputation, and luxurious life;
Yet not content with ancestorial name,
Or to be known because his fathers were;
He on this height hereditary stood,
And gazing higher, purposed in his heart
To take another step. Above him seemed
Alone the mount of song-the lofty seat
Of canonized bards; and thitherward,
By nature taught, and inward melody,
In prime of youth, he bent his eagle eye.



He touched his harp, and nations heard, entranced;
As some vast river of unfailing source,
Rapid, exhaustless, deep, his numbers flowed.

All passions of all men,

The wild and tame,-the gentle and severe;
All thoughts-all maxims, sacred and profane-
All creeds-all seasons-Time-Eternity;
All that was hated, and all that was dear-
All that was hoped, all that was fear'd by man,
He toss'd about as tempest-wither'd leaves;
Then smiling look'd upon the wreck he made.
With terror now he froze the cow'ring blood,
And now dissolved the heart in tenderness;
Yet would not tremble, would not weep himself:
But back into his soul retired-alone,

Dark, sullen, proud, gazing contemptuously
On hearts and passions prostrate at his feet."
e a deep interest in perusing them. In servile flatterers who crawled about Byron
Such will be the estimate of all but the
sae, as we have said, if we do not allow while living, and attempt to defame him when
exceptions to be taken against some of the dead. On that class we have some indignant |
i persone introduced, such as the Roué lines from a friend; but it would be attaching
Bid his associate Villars, two cold-blooded se-too much importance to such creatures to no-
E; Wheeler, a governess of any thing tice them with so potent a hand: we will only
virtuous character; and Swashing Nan, an
appy prostitute, betrayed from innocency to
quote two or three brief passages, which they

2 work for the acuteness, the talent, and the
by the hero we should unreservedly praise may apply as they list.

ties, of which it is so full. The character Arte, the heroine, is powerfully depicted; the whole story well put together. We!

"When falls the Eagle from his realms of air,
What noisome things th' imperial banquet share!
Forth from the royal creature reptiles creep,
And insects revel o'er his rotting sleep.
Thus, when the bard who soar'd the aerial height,
There, where the meaner durst not wing their flight,

Where'er shall beam his glory's radiant star,
Thy speck of calumny shall not be far,

there was recently proposed for publication a While on this subject, we may mention that work, the MS. of which has not been altogether secret from us, entitled "Leigh Hunt and his Companions," the production, as we were told, of an ex-Cockney. In this work Hunt is treated with as much familiarity, with as little regard to private feeling or the sanctity of private acquaintance, (yet with pure truth and justice,) as he used towards Byron. Every domestic detail is laid before the reader; whole-length portraits of Fornarina, Shapina, et hoc genus omne, are given; conversations of the most loathsome description between Hunt and Shelley, in which infidelity forms the prominent feature, are related; with other topics, to which we cannot even advert. But the most curious part of the book, as disproving many of Hunt's assertions, is one of Keats's MS. letters, in which he feelingly says, "Hunt has damned Hampstead;" and proceeds to add, that he attributes his own failure to the precocious puffery in the Examiner.. This is of a piece with the mock elegy in the Quarterly. Should the work appear, we shall pass our comments upon it. We have heard, indeed, that it has been transmitted to the bard now employed upon the biography of Byron; but we think the proper plan would if Hunt produces not Byron's letter, adverted have been to publish it (as originally intended) as a companion" to Hunt. One word more: to by the Quarterly Review, and so unhand

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somely kept back by him, he is lower in the
Practical Elocution, or Hints to Public Speakers;
mire, if possible, than he was before.
with a Dissertation on the Use of certain Hypo-
thetical Verbs in the English Language. By
H. J. Prior, Teacher of Elocution, &c. &c.
12mo. pp. 173. London, Simpkin and Mar-
shall. [Impudent Forgery.]

THE entirely new principles unfolded in this

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very original and elaborate volume gave us an Verily, Mr. H. J. Prior, this is too bad. Do | tions, has been our endeavour from A.D. 1817 extremely high opinion of the abilities of the yourself justice, young as you are, and do not to A.D. 1828; but we find it impracticable to author, Mr. H. J. Prior. Here is a teacher of oblige us to exhibit the singular merits which observe this rule in regard to Captain Lyon's elocution, said we to ourselves, who is worthy belong to your "SOMEWHAT NEW METHOD"!! diversified and interesting volumes. From this to be a professor of that great accomplishment. It may, perhaps, have fallen to the lot of some work our extracts are still so miscellaneous, If the London University, now, want a person of our readers to have met with an old volume, that it hardly matters where we begin, or how of this class, here is the man for their money. which Mr. Prior, of course, has never seen. It we arrange them. We shall set out with inIn him there is a patience of research, a pain- was written by one John Herries, A.M., and animate nature-scenery on the river Panuco. fulness of inquiry, a philosophicalness of mind, published by Edward and Charles Dilly, so long "Before noon, the sea-breeze, the greatest and a certain good old English mode of ex- ago as to be almost forgotten, viz. in 1773. imaginable luxury in the Tierra Caliente, set pressing himself, which would be invaluable to This Herries must have been as barefaced and very strongly up the river, and we sailed dethe infant College of the Capital. He will de- impudent a plagiarist as ever attempted a public lightfully before it, discovering as we advanced monstrate vivâ voce, as he does so well in this imposition; for is it to be believed, this rascally fresh beauties at every turn of the stream. volume, that modern eloquence may speedily master of arts (well he deserves to be so called) The varieties of new and magnificent trees, rival ancient oratory, if you cultivate the voice has printed every syllable of Mr. H. J. Prior's covered with the most luxuriant and brilliant when young, and attend to the other instruc-" Practical Elocution," under the title of "The parasitical plants, dipping their branches in the tions which he so lucidly lays down. Look to Elements of Speech ?" The only difference current; withering trunks clothed with a veryour respiration, your lungs, your larynx, your which a rigid comparison has enabled us to dure not their own, but which flourished or glottis, and your epiglottis: make a proper use detect, is, that, in the quotation we have just their decay; and the immense up-rooted timber of your tongue and your jaw, your uvula and made, Herries improperly begins, “We have lying grounded in the shoaler parts of the your nostrils, and we will warrant you that now investigated," instead of the more correct, stream, and causing strong eddies amongst you shall speak like a Cicero or a Demosthenes." I have now investigated." But he pretends their shattered branches,-gave a character to You shall manage the nine vowels, the nine to the same youth and want of experience, and the scene around, which to me was altogether half vowels, the five aspirates, and the six claims the somewhat new method as his own, new and enchanting. Here we saw the hangmutes, of which the English vocal language precisely in the words employed by his illus. ing-nests of the calandria and many brightconsists, so as to whisper or speak aloud in the trious prototype, Mr. Prior. In short, the two plumed birds. Lime and lemon-trees, bearing most superior manner; nay, even to sing like books are, verbatim et literatim, THE SAME, at the same time fruit and flowers, hung most a Braham or a Stephens. For you must under- from beginning to end!! Nay, there is even invitingly over the water, and afforded us stand, according to the author, Mr. H. J. Prior, a remarkable table of the elements of speech abundance of refreshing lemonade. In some that Nature is so illiberal that she leaves us and vocal music, on a new plan, identical in places, immense willows threw their cool shade untutored in this accomplishment, which he, both, though published at the distance of fifty-over smooth banks, resembling very closely the Mr. Prior, cultivates from simple sounds to the five years apart!! park scenery on the borders of the Thames; most complicated and difficult expression; over- Under these circumstances, it seems impos- while groups of cattle grazing or sleeping be.. coming in his road indistinctness, precipitancy, sible to resist the conclusion, that this John neath thin spreading branches, rendered these organic, defects, obstructions, nasal pronuncia- Herries, M.A. is a rank quack and impostor, particular views so like home, that it was fortion, stammering, and all other ills that speech who, in spite of a clear and decidedly Prior tunate we had some other objects to remind us is heir to. Above all things, it seems to be claim, has dared to deck himself in borrowed how far we were removed from it. Here an expedient not to keep your breath to cool your plumage. In requital for this flagrant and im- enormous alligator would plunge into the river porridge for it is an essential element to a pudent breach of morality, we venture to throw from his broken sleep on the sunny bank; or strong and sonorous voice. Then, for articula-out our "hints to public writers :" to wit, that a delicate white heron would rise alarmed on tion, roundness, flexibility, tone, modulation, it is highly indecorous to anticipate what others the wing, and soar above our heads, when &c. &c., the author, Mr. H. J. Prior, has gone intend to publish; that plagiarisms of an ante- affrighted from her retreat among the rushes. largely and with uncommon sagacity into them date are the most offensive of all plagiarisms; We saw also on this day a manati, or sea-cow. all, so that there is no lack of observation on and that the common wish against such fel-but it was out of the reach of our shot; and Í these points. On grave sounds his remarks lows is. killed a water-snake as thick as my wrist, are grave, and on acute sounds he is both sound while it lay sleeping in the sun on a branch of and acute. He has also a perfectly novel scheme a decayed tree. for adapting the English language to ancient measure, which it is surprising should never such d-le Herrieses as this stumbling-block have occurred to any preceding writer upon has been in his auctorical path: and it may be this interesting subject. But why should we that he hath equal cause of distaste towards us, dwell on the various merits of this extraordi- his flattering reviewers; for, not boasting of nary performance? let us listen to the modest the dignity of a Prior, he may despise our in. solemnity to the evening; when our ears were termeddling in this business like a Paul Pry or fiddle and a guitar, proceeding from a small To conclude: entertaining, as we do, bound-canoe, which glided swiftly past us, and was less confidence in Mr. Prior's powers of inven- carrying this little band to a fandango about to tion, we rejoice to perceive it announced in his be given at one of the Ranchero's huts." Between Potosi and Zacatecas, the mining present volume, that he is about to favour the miliarised, &c. for the Use of Ladies' Schools," world with two other new works: "Poetry Fa- district, affords a striking contrast. and "A Compendium of Logic." He has only

and unpretending way in which the author,

Mr. H. J. Prior, treats of it himself, in his


"Pereant qui ante nos nostra dixerunt."

Mr. Prior, indeed, may well pray, in the lan-
of the Litany, to be delivered from all




of originality, candour, honesty, and talent,
carry into these productions the same degree
which distinguish his "Practical Elocution,"
in order to be esteemed the most popular author
of our times. As for the hypercritical objection
arising out of the publication of 1773, we have
only to read the publishers' names to see that it

"I have now (says he) investigated the pleasing theory of speech, from the gentlest whisper of the breath to the most animated tones of the passions. Much might be added on a subject so complicated and extensive. I have only drawn the outlines, and given a rude sketch of what may be more completely finished at some future period. In the mean time, shall receive, with the utmost gratitude, any hint or critical observation, from such as are conversant in the sciences of physiology, music, and speaking. It cannot be supposed, that, at my early time of life, an undertaking of this kind should be executed with that accuracy is a mere Daffy-down-Dilly. and precision which may be expected from a person of more years and experience. Some of the foregoing subjects have been much controverted by modern writers. I have not attempted to reconcile their variance, or to estab- To wind up within the week, or if not the lish a system of MY OWN. My sole aim has week within the month, or if not the month been to offer to the candid and discerning public, within the quarter, so as to keep our Gazettes a method of cultivating the voice, which is SOMEas much as possible free from broken continuaWHAT NEW, and might be attended with suc


Lyon's Mexico.

(Third Notice.)

• Query, Heresies?-Printer's Devil.

"As night closed in, we passed several Indian huts surrounded by maize. We sailed slowly on with a light breeze, near banks quite illucries of the solitary night-birds gave a peculiar minated by the fire-flies, and the wailing and

suddenly enlivened by the merry sounds of a

"A more desolate, dreary country than this appeared in the month of June, scarcely exists on the face of the globe, after excepting the We completed our day by arriving at a wretched Great Desert in Africa, and the polar regions. mud village named La Blanca, and put up at a ruined Hacienda de Plata, having travelled twelve leagues, in which we saw five cairn: and crosses. At about four miles before reach ing this wretched place, we passed La Laguna y Rancho del Moro, lying at a little distanc to our left. Considerable quantities of sal covered the ground at this place, which number of people were scraping up and puttin into a bullock-cart. The flat valley was vered by a weak kind of parched grass, which above three hundred brood mares wit their colts and a large flock of sheep were feed ing. Here I saw for the first time a coyote, e jackal, at which I had an ineffectual shot; an

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we also observed that the ground squirrels were very numerous.”**

In travelling over this country, many strange incidents and pictures of manners naturally scar: for example, near Tanjuco, Capt. L.

observes :—

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Dictionary of Medicine, designed for popular Use, &c. &c. By Alexander Macaulay, M.D. &c. &c. 8vo. pp. 596. Edinburgh, 1828, Adam Black. London, Longman and Co. WE last week noticed two works of this class,

universally lethargic country, to find a more listless, idle set of half-sleepy people than those of Panuco, who for the greater part are creoles. 4 Surrounded by a soil capable of the highest cultivation, living near a river absolutely swarming with the finest fish, they have "We arrived after dark at six or eight poor scarcely a vegetable, and rarely any other food huts called Tanquichi,' where for some time than tortillas of maize, and occasionally a lump and now observe that our northern neighbours we could not find a living soul, or even a dog of tasajo, or jerked beef. The siesta appears to Macaulay appears to be a gentleman of sound are not behind us in similar publications. Dr. to bark at us. At length we stumbled over a consume half the day; and even speaking is naked Indian lying on his back on the ground, an effort to this lazy race. Such as are obliged sense and much practical experience. His arand fanning the clouds of mosquitos from him to labour in order to save themselves from rangement is alphabetical; and in this convewith a cloth, the thick smoke of a little wood starving, obtain their livelihood by cutting dye- and other subjects of importance to all living nient way he treats of diseases, medicines, diet, fire which was placed to windward being in- woods to freight the vessels which occasionally men. The diseases incident to warm climates sufficient to keep off these tormentors. I may come up the river for a cargo. These woods here notice a singular custom which I observed are the moral or fustic, which sells at four reals seem to have attracted much of the author's amongst the Indians and Rancheros in this the quintal; sarsaparilla at two reals the attention; and, upon a casual inspection of his little excursion, which was, that where the aroba; and a wood called palo azul, or blue volume, we are free to say, that we have seen mosquitos were most abundant and torment- wood, which has lately been introduced as an nothing of the kind more opposed to quackery, ing, they invariably lay down stripped of their article of commerce, and according to its che- or better adapted for consultation by indivishirt and our canoe-men made a constant mical treatment yields three or four fine tints. duals who will be their own doctors. practice of this, fanning themselves and I All these are brought in from the surrounding ought, perhaps, to apologise for not having verily believe in their sleep all night. Our forests; yet firewood and charcoal can scarcely domestic medicine; but we assure our readers, entered more into detail upon these volumes of naked friend muttered a drowsy assent to the be procured in the town. The latter is sold at males being tied to a corner of his hut, and to an exorbitant price, owing to the want of that, from merely dipping into three of them, our lying down wherever we could, or follow-energy in the natives, who prefer receiving it within the last fortnight, we do not feel half so ing his cool example. But the women who by an eighty miles' water conveyance (from well, or so assured of our good health, as we tere withinside resisted all our entreaties that Tampico), rather than burning it themselves were before. A careful perusal would certainly they would give us something to eat; and no within fifty yards from their own town." cause our death; and as we have much in store promise of money could induce them even to to communicate for the advantage of the world, take us a tortilla. we intend, as much as possible, to decline leaving it for the present.

At San Juan (the author states), "I be. lieve that every woman, and the greater part "What with the excessive heat and mono- of the men of the Rancho came at different imous surface of the Tierra Caliente, the dif- times in the evening to see my watch and ficult and fatiguing ascents of the mountains, writing-case, neither of which curiosities had and the clouds of dust of the temperate re- ever before been exhibited in San Juan. The gions,' I began to be rather tired of my jour- watch was a machine of which all had heard; neving on a road so totally destitute of interest but their astonishment on hearing it tick and or incident. My chests and furniture were seeing its wheels in motion, was really as split by the sun, or by the laden mules knock- great as I ever saw displayed by either Negroes ing them against the trees; and instead of or Esquimaux; yet these people were almost being twelve days, as was expected, we had all white, and the descendants of Spaniards. A now been travelling fifteen. Fifty miles of our venerable old Ranchero, whose opinions seemed journey yet remained to be performed, with to carry great weight, remarked, that it was jaded mules, and arrieros sick with ague and a folly (touteria) to give a number of dollars for fever. I do not complain either of my food or a thing just to know how many hours it was lodging, being always grateful for them whe- from morning or night;-that to know when ther good or bad; but fastidious persons would to eat and drink, when to get up or lie down to do well never to enter the Mexican territories rest, was quite sufficient a remark which rid Tampico and San Luis. It should be the with these primitive people met with very constant axiom with the stranger, that what-general approval. Offers were made to purever feeds or covers the people amongst whom chase every thing belonging to me ;-a mano he travels, will unquestionably nourish and of paper, buttons, any article whatsoever; my shelter himself; and on this principle, he will visitors being persuaded that I could come for find no difficulties in earthen floors, in mud no other purpose than to trade. huts, tortillas, or ropes of beef."

Whirlwinds.—“ In three leagues over a stony rad we reached the Rancho del Tejou, and passed on to a plain on which the number of wrlwinds was quite extraordinary. We had seatedly seen a few of them; but on this day they appeared to have assumed a new form, sing the dust to a height of two or three badred feet in straight columns, which preserved their perpendicularity, and moved but slowly over the plain, while many continued to tara rapidly on their axes without any perptible progressive motion."


Public Characters: Biographical and Charac teristic Sketches, with Portraits, of the most distinguished Personages of the present Age. Vol. I. 18mo. pp. 324. Knight and Lacey. THIS work, which has appeared from time to time in Nos., now forms a little volume. It is not of high pretensions, and is very well in its way. -a cheap matter, to meet the curiosity of readers who can neither buy dear books nor estimate superior literature.

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Beta Depicta, or Remarks on Mangel Wurzel.
By T. Newby. London, Simpkin and Mar-


MR. NEWBY is the eulogist of this root, in praise of which he invokes the Muse, besides Latin names and English prose. For our parts, though he lauds its capability of yielding sugar by extract, and considers it to afford entertainment for man and horse," we are afraid we could extract no entertainment for any man "We this day, at various times, had passed from the treatise upon its merits. We can only a great number of Indians, who were bathing refer to the brochure itself, for the information in the river by whole families at a time, which of all who desire to be acquainted with the culappears to be their morning and evening cus-ture, uses, &c. of mangel wurzel. tom; and all those who live near the stream are very clean both in their persons and clothes. The Mechanic's Magazine. Vol. VIII. Knight Boats laden with articles for the Tampico and Lacey. market continually enlivened the scene; and THIS useful and intelligent periodical is now it was highly amusing to observe the politeness too well known to need a blast from our trumof the passing Indians, who used the Don' pet: we need only mention that the eighth and pulled off their hats very ceremoniously to volume, with a portrait of Dr. Birkbeck, has each other on every occasion, paying a variety appeared, and contains a mass of valuable inof rapidly uttered compliments at the same quiry and matter. time. The señoras and señoritas, who sat washing themselves or their clothes in the river, received the most marked respect. Many a brown flat-visaged man, with a quarter of a pair of breeches and a straw hat, was hailed as VERY useful little volume. The various bead of publications in the Fine Arts, notice The Scotch Book of Captain G. F. Lyon, R.N., during Don; while inquiries were made after the articles of which it is composed appear to have Beht Months Residence in the Republic of Mexico. health of the señora and the young ladies, who been drawn up with considerable care and abiThis Number contains, " An Indian of the village of in some instances answered for themselves, as lity. The paper on the "celestial phenomena of Tanjuto, Rio Panuco," "Ruins of a City between they were disporting in the water near the the year," in particular, is written in a very pleasZucators and Villa Nueva, known to the Mexicans as Lox Edificios:" "The Indian Village of Colotian;" banks, and just shewing their shining browning and instructive style. We say thus much in Cofre of Perote, as seen from the church of San shoulders and immensely long jetty hair, while the spirit of justice, though we have felt bound Francesco Xalapa," and Idols found at the Indian Village of Tuspan." We cannot say that any of these they swam in those places unfrequented by the to condemn the low, chandler tricks of trade by Falligators." Subjects are very striking or interesting. which the Almanac itself, and other publications

The following characteristics of the natives re worthy of note:

It would perhaps be difficult, even in this

We may, in a note here, as well as under its proper

No. II. Dickinson.

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The Companion to the Almanac; or Year-Book of general Information for 1828. Baldwin and Cradock.


« AnteriorContinua »