Imatges de pàgina

"It is enough," said Wayland, assuming an air of resolution-" I will thwart that old yillain's projects my affright at his baleful aspect begins to abate, and my hatred to arise. Help me on with my pack, good mine host-And look to thyself, old Albumazar—there is a malignant influence in thy horoscope, and it gleams from the constellation Ursa Major."

So saying, he assumed his burthen, and, guided by the landlord through the postern gate of the Black Bear, took the most private way from thence up to Cumnor Place. und vek »

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Clown. You have of these pedlars, that have more in 'em than you'd think, sister.

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cial and miserly habits, Anthony Foster was more desirous, by his mode of housekeeping, to escape observation, than to resist intrusive curiosity. Thus, instead of a numerous household, to secure his charge, and defend his house, he studied, as much as possible, to elude notice, by diminishing his attendants; so that, unless when there were attendants of the Earl, or of Varney, in the mansion, one old male domestic, and two old crones, who assisted in keeping the Countess's apartments in order, were the only servants of

the family. It was one of these old women who opened the door when Wayland knocked, and answered his petition, to be admitted to exhibit his wares to the ladies of the family, with a volley of vituperation, couched in what is there called the jowring dialect. The pedlar found the means of checking this vociferation, by slipping a silver groat into her hand, and intimating the present of some stuff for a coif, if the lady would buy of his wares.

"God ield thee, for mine is aw in littocksSlocket with thy pack into gharn, mon-Her walks in gharn." Into the garden she ushered the pedlar accordingly, and pointing to an old ruinous garden-house, said, "Yonder be's her, mon, yonder be's her-Zhe will buy changes an zhe loikes stuffs."

"She has left me to come off as I may,"thought Wayland, as he heard the hag shut the gardendoor behind him. "But they shall not beat me, and they dare not murder me, for so little trespass, and by this fair twilight. Hang it, I will on a brave general never thought of his retreat till he was defeated. I see two females in the old garden-house yonder-but how to address them?-Stay-Will

Shakespeare, be my friend in need. I will give them a taste of Autolycus." He then sung, with a good voice, and becoming audacity, the popular play-house ditty,

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"Lawn as white as driven snow,

Cyprus black as e'er was crow,

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Gloves as sweet as damask roses, low INA

Masks for faces and for noses.", ..

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"What hath fortune sent us here for an un


wonted sight, Janet ?" said the lady.

"One of these merchants of vanity, called pedlars," answered Janet, demurely, "who utters his light wares in lighter measures—I marvel old Dorcas let him pass.".

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"It is a lucky chance, girl," said the Countess; "we lead a heavy life here, and this may while off a weary hour.”.

"Aye, my gracious lady," said Janet; "but my father?"

"He is not my father, Janet, nor I hope my master," answered the lady-" I say, call the man hither I want some things,"


"Nay," replied Janet, "your ladyship has but to say so in the next packet, and if England

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can furnish them they will be sent.There will come mischief on't Pray, dearest lady, let me bid the man begone!"

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"I will have thee bid him come hither," said the Countess," or stay, thou terrified fool, I will bid him myself, and spare thee a chiding."

"Ah! well-a-day, dearest lady, if that were the worst," said Janet, sadly, while the lady called to the pedlar, "Good fellow, step forwardundo thy pack-if thou hast good wares, chance has sent thee hither for my convenience, and thy profit.?


"What may your ladyship please to lack ?" said Wayland, unstrapping his pack, and displaying its contents with as much dexterity as if he had been bred to the trade. Indeed he had occasionally pursued it in the course of his roving life, and now commended his wares with all the volu bility of a trader, and shewed some skill in the main art of placing prices upon them.


"What do I please to lack ?" said the lady ; why, considering I have not for six long months bought one yard of lawn or cambric, or one trin

ket, the most inconsiderable, for my own use, and

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