Imatges de pàgina


April 5, 1862.

Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society.

Salvétat called public attention to a new blue which they had produced, and to which they gave the name of Bleu de Paris; this they prepared by heating for thirty hours, in a sealed tube, at a temperature of 356°, one part of anhydrous bichloride of mercury with two parts of aniline. The blue thus produced can resist the action of weak acids and alkalies, but assumes a red hue when acted on by these agents in a concentrated state. Sulphurous acid has no action upon it, and it dyes animal fibres with facility.

"Bleu de Mulhouse.- MM, Gros-Renaud and Schaeffer have lately published an interesting process for obtaining from the red aniline, called azaléine, a purple and a blue. It consists in dissolving in a litre of boiling water, 50 grammes of white gum lac in powder, and 18 grammes of car bonate of soda, to which is added 50 grammes of an alcoholic solution of azaléine. After an hour's ebullition, the red colour is transformed into the Bleu de Mul


"Azuline.-This beautiful blue colour, which resists the action of the strongest acids, and which was introduced into this country at the latter end of 1860, by Messrs. Guinon, Marnas, and Bonnet, of Lyons, is prepared by them from phenic acid, and, when pure, presents itself under the form of copper-bronze coloured crystals, soluble in alcohol, to which they communicate a magnificent blue colour, slightly tinged with red. The following is the process for dyeing silk and wool:-To an acidulated lukewarm bath of water an alcoholic solution of azuline is added, and the silk or wool worked in it until it is of the required shade. It is then transferred to another bath of boiling water, strongly acidulated with sulphuric acid, when the purple colour is dissolved, leaving a most brilliant and permanent blue upon the material. dyed silk or wool is washed repeatedly, passed through a bath containing a little tartaric acid, and dried.

"Chinoline Blue.-Mr. C. Greville Williams introduced in the spring of last year a fine blue colour, which he obtained by boiling together a substance derived from quinine or cinchonine, called chinoline, with iodide of amyl. The resulting product is boiled with water and then with potash for a quarter of an hour, filtered to separate the resinous matter, when a gorgeous blue is obtained, with scarcely any shade of red. This colour is so fugitive that its use has ceased.


process is so far perfected as to enable me to show you
some silk dyed and a piece of calico printed with it."
(To be continued.)


Ordinary Meeting, March 18, 1862.

J. C. DYER, Esq., Vice-President, in the Chair.
THE following communication from Sir John F. W.
Herschel, Bart., M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c., Honorary
Member of the Society, was read by Mr. BAXENDELL:-
In the Report of the Ordinary Meeting of the Literary
and Philosophical Society for February 18, 1862, I find an
abstract of a paper, "On the Present State of Meteorology,"
by Mr. T. Hopkins, M.B.M.S., in which he is reported to
state that in my recent work on Meteorology, I "omit to
notice the disturbing influence of the liberated heat of
condensing vapour on the gases,' and also that in that
work I "abandon the old theory of winds' (meaning,
I presume from the context, the Hadleian theory), "and
attribute them to the action of aqueous vapour in a new


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With regard to the former of these two statements, I beg to refer to Art. 53 of that work, where, alluding to the condensation of the vapour in the atmosphere, it is remarked that "in every case such condensation is accompanied with a mitigation of cold at the point where it actually takes place." What effect beyond this the condensation of vapour can produce on the gases, I am at a loss to understand. It can in no case give rise to an actual The elevation of temperature above that of the mixture of air and vapour which may be introduced into any mass of cold air, and which may thereby effect a partial condensation. It can only act in mitigation of the chilling effect of such admixture on the introduced portion which would arise were the vapour not condensed. Inasmuch, however, as its condensation and precipitation as rain diminishes pro tanto the total barometric pressure, and therefore allows both air and vapour to flow in from other quarters, such condensation may, and no doubt does aid in producing atmospheric movements. (See Meteor., Arts. 165, 171.) But as respects the statement, that I abandon the Hadleian theory of the winds, I can only say that nothing is farther from my thoughts, and that I must protest against any such mode of expressing my views. It is true that in describing the modus operandi in which the sun's heat, acting on the equatorial regions of the earth, ocean, and air, produces that ascentional movement and overflow of the atmosphere, which is what Hadley assumes as the primum mobile of his theory, I have (Meteorol., Arts. 54, 55, 58) brought expressly and prominently into view the very considerable share which the generation and ascent of vapour has in producing that result, but without ignoring or in any way unduly depreciating the effect of the rarefaction of the air itself. On the contrary, it is expressly said (Art. 53), "The general effect" (of the two causes) is similar, and as the sun cannot generate vapour without at the same time heating the air, it is impossible to separate their dynamical effects. Whether the air go forth from its place proprio motu, or be jostled out of it by the introduction of a lighter medium, the local relief of pressure is equally produced." When Hadley wrote, the distinction between air and vapour was not recognised. He took the atmosphere en masse, and attributed to it an ascentional movement due to the heat of the sun, by the process of "rarefaction;" and this, so worded, remains true, although such rarefaction be a more complex process than he understood it to be.

"Green Colours from Aniline.—Although it has been known to chemists that aniline would yield a green colour under certain oxidising agents, up to the present time all efforts to dye silk or wool commercially with it have failed, but to avoid having to refer to this green colour again I may mention that Messrs. Samuel Cliff, Charles Lowe, and myself, patented on June 11, 1860, a most easy and practical method of producing it under the name of Emeraldine, on cotton fabrics, specimens of which I have the honour to show you. The process consists in printing an acid chloride of aniline on a cotton fabric prepared with chlorate of potash, and in a few hours a beautiful bright green gradually appears, which only requires to be washed. If the green fabric is passed through a solution of bichromate of potash, this colour is transformed into a dark indigo blue, called by us azurine.

"Naphthaline Colours.-The beautiful solid hydro-carbon naphthaline, which has yielded such a long category of substances to the chemist, has up to the present time yielded nothing of practical importance to the dyer, with the exception of a case which I shall mention presently. From it the following coloured derivatives have been obtained, namely, chloroxynaphthalic acid, perchloroxynaphthalic acid, carminaphtha, ninaphthalamine, nitrosonaphthalin, naphthamein, and a body of a purple colour. It is to Mr. Perkin that we owe the knowledge of several of these substances and their colour-giving properties. In my laboratory a fine purple colour has been obtained from naphthalin, which dyes with facility silk and wool, and the


The displacement of air by vapour, the disturbance of statical equilibrium, and the dynamical effects consequent thereon, are no new principles in meteorology. They have

been strongly insisted on, and, if I may venture to say so,
rather over insisted on, and with a premature air of reduction
to computative precision, by Daniell, in his Meteorological
Essays, and perhaps hardly enough insisted on in my work
on Meteorology which has given occasion to Mr. Hopkins'
remarks. I would take this opportunity, however, to call
the attention of meteorologists to the very extraordinary
and abnormal features of the last two years, as strongly
illustrative of the important part this element of meteoro-
logical dynamics has been playing in their production.
The great outbreak of the solar spots occurred in the year
1859 with unusual suddenness, and on September 1 in
that year, phenomena were exhibited in its photosphere
indicative of a most remarkable state of excitement,
accompanied with magnetic and auroral disturbances of
unprecedented intensity and duration. This occurred as
the sun was passing southward across the equator, and
from the accounts received from Australia, the southern
summer of that year (1859-60) appears to have been one
of very unusual heat.
The quantity of vapour thrown
into the atmosphere during that summer from the Southern
Ocean would seem not yet to have been got rid of, and to
have given rise to diversions of the aërial currents, both of
air and vapour, from their normal courses, which have not
even yet subsided into their regular and habitual train.
I throw out this, however, rather as a suggestion which I
consider worthy of further examination by the light of
meteorological records and returns collected on a very large
scale, than as having myself arrived at any definite con-
ception of the actual steps of the process that has been
going forward.

greater than ordinary rapidity. At a considerable distance from the thunder-cloud, where the atmosphere is free from cloud, the air descends, acquiring temperature according to the law of convective equilibrium in dry air. The air then traverses the ground towards the region where the storm is raging, acquiring moisture as it proceeds, but probably without much diminution of temperature, on account of the heated ground making up for the cold of evaporation. Arrived under the thunder-cloud, the air rises, losing temperature, but at a diminished rate, owing to the condensation of its vapour to form part of the immense cumulus cloud which overcasts the sky on these occasions. The upward current of air carries the cloud and incipient rain drops upwards, but presently, in consequence of the increased capacity of the mass from the presence of a large quantity of water, the refrigeration of the air, in consequence of its dilatation, will be so far diminished as to prevent the condensation of fresh vapour, and ultimately to re-dissolve the upper portion of the cloud. This phenomenon, which has been noticed by Rankine in the cylinder of the steam-engine, will account for the defined outline of the upper edges of cumulus clouds. The upward current no doubt extends occasionally to regions below the freezing temperature. If cloud be carried with it, snow or hail will be formed, which, if sufficiently abundant, will pass through the cloud and fall to the ground before it is melted. Now, the dry cold air in which the snow and hail are formed is a perfect insulator. Ice has also been proved, by Achard, of Berlin, to be a non-conductor and an electric. Even water, in friction against an insulator, is known, from the experiments of Armstrong, explained by himself and Faraday, to be able to produce powerful electric effects, and this fact has been suggested by Faraday to explain powerful electric effects in the atmosphere. Sturgeon has noted the remarkable development of electricity by hail-showers. Few heavy thunder-storms occur without the fall of hail. Hail, whether in summer or winter, "We have had very peculiar and unsatisfactory trade- is almost, if not invariably, accompanied with lightning. winds; we ran down inside of Madeira and the Cape de In the presence of these facts, it seems not unreasonable to Verde Islands, and had the north-east trade almost the consider the formation of hail as essential to great electrical whole way down at E.S.E. Our south-east trade, which storms; although, as has been pointed out by Professor we picked up in the Bight of Benin, came out at S.S.W., Thomson, very considerable electrical effects might be but we afterwards, on going to the S. W., got it in its proper expected from the negatively charged air on the surface of direction. We were on the skirts of three cyclones between the earth being drawn up into columns, and although, as the Cape and Amsterdam Island; and there have been the same philosopher has observed, every shower of rain within the last week evident indications from the set of a gives the phenomena of a thunder-storm in miniature, the heavy swell that another cyclone is now running down to physical action of insulators and electrics in mutual friction the Mauritius. The result is, that although we have had must certainly produce very marked effects on the grand trade-wind clouds, we have had no S.E. trades in the scale of Nature. If we suppose that the falling hail is Indian Ocean, and we are now, and have for some days electrified by the air it meets, the electrification of the been, in the N.W. monsoon, and have been nearly boiled cloud into which the hail falls might thus be constantly by its warm damp atmosphere. The captain has told me increased until the balance between it and the inductively that for days since leaving the Cape he has not known electrified earth is restored by a flash of lightning. If the what to make of the weather, and his experience of these hail is negatively electrified by the dry air with which it seas (which is great) has only served to puzzle him. This comes in contact, the latter will float off charged with leads me directly to a point which bears strongly upon the positive electricity, which may account for the normal theory of hurricanes, and which I want you to put in train. positive condition of the atmosphere in serene weather, as All old seamen agree that the trade winds are variable in well as the electrification of the upper strata evidenced by force and direction. I should be glad if Mr. Mosley, or the aurora borealis. The friction of wind has been some one who is from time to time in communication with supposed by Herschel to contribute to the intense electriCaptain Maury, would try to get him to discuss his col-fication of the cloud which overhangs volcanoes during lection of above 500,000 trade-wind observations in order of time, as this question bears directly upon that of which I have spoken to you, viz., the perturbations, so to speak, of the hurricane orbits of the West Indies, by which their tracks sometimes pass over St. Domingo, and sometimes do not."

Mr. BAXENDELL, in illustration of the remarks in the latter part of Sir. John Herschel's communication, read the following extract of a letter dated at sea, near Ceylon, January 30, 1862, which he had received from Mr. Thomas Heelis, F.R.A.S., who sailed from England for Calcutta on November 18 last :

Dr. JOULE made a communication "On the Probable Cause of Electrical Storms."

The very close correspondence between the theoretical rate of cooling in ascending, and the actual, indicates a rapid transmission of the atmosphere from above to below, and vice versa, continually going on. We may believe that during thunder-storms this interchange goes on with much


Dr. THOMAS ALCOCK read a Paper "On the Tongues of Mollusca."

Dr. CRACE CALVERT stated that one of the difficulties which Dr. Alcock had encountered in his extensive and laborious researches, namely, that of preserving his specimens from putrefaction, would be overcome by the use of a saturated solution of pure carbolic acid, taking care that a small excess of this powerful antiseptic should also remain at the bottom of the vessel in which the anatomical preparations were preserved. His authority was Dr. De Morgan, of the Middlesex Hospital, who stated to him, a few days since, that he had succeeded by that means in

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preserving classes of animals which all other means had failed in preserving, namely, Molluscæ, Zoophytes, and Acalephæ.

Dr. CALVERT also read a Paper "On the Employment of Galvanized Iron for Armour-plated Ships." The author stated that no doubt many gentlemen present were acquainted with the fact that he had been for some time past engaged in ascertaining the chemical composition of various woods employed, and susceptible of being employed in the Navy. On a recent visit to one of the dockyards, he found that while the armour-plates were fixed against a layer of teak, the ribs of the ship were of oak, and that the iron bolts which were to fasten the plates were to pass through the oak ribs. It occurred to him that the inconvenience which would probably result from the action of the oak upon the iron might be obviated by substituting galvanised iron bolts for those now in use, and he therefore instituted a series of experiments, the results of which he had great pleasure in laying before the meeting. The first series of experiments consisted in driving through large pieces of oak bolts and screws of unprepared iron and of galvanised iron, prepared by his friends Messrs. Richard Johnson and Brother, of Dale Street, Manchester, which were then immersed in soft and sea water for the last three months. The results clearly showed, firstly, that the friction did not remove the zinc from the galvanised iron; secondly, that the oak and galvanised bolts were unchanged; whilst the unprepared iron bolts were much rusted, and the pieces of oak had become quite black by the formation of tannate and gallate of peroxide of iron. During the experiments, the waters were changed every week, those containing the galvanised iron appearing unaltered, whilst in the case of the unprepared iron they had a dark blue-black appearance, owing to the formation of gallate and tannate of iron. In order to ascertain the comparative action of soft and salt water upon iron and galvanised iron when in contact with oak under identical circumstances, he made the following series of experiments. Plates of galvanised iron having eighteen inches of surface, lost during three months the following weights:

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Soft Water. 0.10 grains.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Sea Water.

0.095 grains.

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[ocr errors][merged small]

Similar plates of iron lost during the same time :

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No. 3.

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No. 4.

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Sea Water.

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2'40 grains. .2.38 There can, therefore, be no doubt that galvanised iron offers great advantages, the action of water on it being less than a tenth of the same action on unprepared iron, and further, as iron when galvanised is in the most favour able electrical condition to resist the action of oxygen, being in an electro-negative condition, it follows that in all probability the use of galvanised iron would be very advantageous in armour-plated and other iron ships. The author hoped that Government and other large shipbuilders would avail themselves of this suggestion, and make experiments on a large scale to verify the results he had obtained.


Report on the Past, Present, and Future of the Royal Institution, chiefly in regard to its Encouragement of Scientific Research. By the HONORARY SECRETARY. London: W. Clowes and Sons.

(Continued from page 180.)

THE Report terminates with the following conclusions :—


"Why then do our Professors stay? They stay to follow out original research. They are kept by the opportunity and encouragement that is given to experimental science, by the Board of Managers and the body of Members.

"In sixty years the original work that has been done in the cellars of the Royal Institution has greatly aided in changing the state of science in Europe; and if in this time the Institution has gained so high a reputation for discovery, whilst the task of diffusing instruction has extended so widely into other hands, does not this point out our future course?

"We must leave in great part to other bodies the diffusion of philosophical knowledge. By their numbers at least they will do this work more extensively and in a manner better fitted for the general public, if not more systematically, than the Royal Institution can do; but no body has done what we have done, and no body is therefore as likely to do the work that we have yet to do in experimental research.

Research is the glory of the Institution, and to promote research should be its chief aim.

"What then is wanted? Chiefly four things.-1st. We must continue to choose our Professors well. 2nd. We must give them the utmost time for original research. 3rd. We must supply them well with means for work; and 4th. We must keep them long.

"ist. Hitherto, as the result has shown, the choice of our Professors has been the success of the Institution. In future elections the great object must be to choose the man who is likely to do the most scientific work.

"2nd. The amount of time now required for the lectures of the Professors is comparatively short; and if they had no other duties excepting those of their position at the Institution, eight months or more, at least, each year might be given to research. But can our Professors now LIVE on what they receive from the Institution? are they not of necessity compelled to give a great part of their time to other lectures elsewhere?

"3rd. Apparatus is sure to be provided when it is wanted; thus, when Davy asked for a large voltaic battery, his want was supplied by voluntary subscriptions, and now by the same means any amount could be raised. In proof of this it may be mentioned that one of our members, Sir H. Holland, without asking, anticipates many of the special wants of the Professors, by giving each year 401. for apparatus that may be required for research.

"4th. There remains only that having good Investigators, we should keep them long. Each year one is asked to leave us. Large bribes are offered. Great promises are made. Our Professors, moreover, might gain probably many thousands a year if they would leave research and give their time to those who would pay for scientific advice. The sums we are able to pay our Professors are comparatively so small that we are obliged to allow them to give part of their time to other Institutions, to earn the means of living. Thus they are enabled to live only by depriving themselves and us of scientific research. They are obliged to say and do the reverse of that which Davy said :— 'Having given up lecturing, I shall be able to devote my whole time to the pursuit of discovery.'

"In 1803, Sir H. Davy delivered six Lectures to the Board of Agriculture, and was retained by the Board at a salary of 100l. a year as Chemical Professor. He lectured for ten successive seasons.

"In November, between the 8th and 29th, 1810, he delivered a course of Electro-Chemical Lectures to the Dublin Society, for which he received 5257.

"In 1811, he delivered to the Dublin Society two distinct courses: one, on the Elements of Chemical Philosophy, and the other on Geology, for which he received 750l. in all.

"For twenty-one years, from 1830 to 1851, Mr. Faraday lectured at Woolwich, and gave a small part of the lectures to the Medical School of St. George's Hospital.

"A portion of his time also has, ever since 1836, been given to the Trinity House, as the scientific adviser in questions relating to Lighthouses.

"Dr. Tyndall is Professor at the School of Mines, Examiner, &c., and has given courses of lectures at the London Institution and elsewhere.

"By thus employing their time elsewhere, our Professors "have been enabled to stay at the Institution. They cannot work elsewhere without stinting the time they would otherwise give to original research in our laboratory.

"If another Institution should offer more time for research by giving more means for support, can we be surprised if our Professors should be tempted away? Hence, to make sure of keeping them we should pay them as they could be paid elsewhere.

"A professor of Chemistry in the pay of the Government can earn nearly 1000l. a-year; and many scientific men by private practice, giving advice, make more than 1000l.


The demand for scientific Professors for Great Britain and the Colonies is increasing, and if we wish to keep our Professors, and to enable thein to give the greater part of their time to the promotion of experimental inquiry, we must pay them better.

"So long since as 1833 one of our members, Mr. Fuller, feeling how inadequately Mr. Faraday was paid, endowed a Professorship of Chemistry, with the yearly interest of 3333., and he appointed Mr. Faraday Professor, without calling upon him for lecture duty. Mr. Fuller also endowed with the same sum a Physiological Professorship, and he left an equal sum to accumulate, and this may ultimately be used to increase the income of our Professors. Meanwhile the ordinary income of the Institution is unable to give more; and until the Professorships are better endowed by the liberality of the wealthy, the position of the Institution must remain imperfect and insecure.

"The Professors of Chemistry and Natural Philosophy, together, now receive from subscriptions and endowments a total of 750i, a-year. If we could obtain donations and bequests to the amount of about 25,000l., this would give 700l. a-year to each Professor, and if 50,000l. should be raised or be left to the Royal Institution, to enable the Professors to give the chief part of their time to scientific research, who would say that 1000l. a-year was a large sum for a Young or Davy, for a Faraday or a Tyndall? "Large sums have been bequeathed, in the last few years, for the promotion of science. Some part of these bequests might have been given to the Royal Institution, if it had been known what that body had already done, and how much permanent gain might result to science if the Professors could devote more of their time to research. "For example, Mr. Jas. Smithson, an Englishman, who died in 1829, left a very large sum (500,000l.) to the United States of America for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men. After much was spent in law, the American Congress, in 1838, received upwards of 100,000l. The funds accumulated until 1846, when the Smithsonian Institution was founded at Washington, with an annual income of 6500l.

"By the will of Mr. W. Ford Stevenson, who died in 1852, about 28,000l. were left to the Royal Society.*

"I ask for no subsidy for the Royal Institution from the Government; but I appeal, by sixty years of facts, to the public for whose good our Institution was founded. It arose out of a Society for bettering the condition of the poor. It has bettered the condition of the world, by the discoveries that have been made during sixty years by its Professors, Young, Davy, Faraday, and Tyndall.

"To ensure its permanence its Professorships must be

better endowed.

Since 1849 1000l per annum has been voted by Parliament, for the promotion of science. The distribution of this grant is intrusted to the President and Council of the Royal Society, from whom a return of its application is made to the House of Commons.

"The liberality of one man or of many may enable the Laboratory of the Royal Institution to continue always what it has become, the most celebrated in Europe for scientific research.

"In this great work ladies also may greatly help science, either directly by their support, or by their influence over those who can give support. The Royal Institution, almost from its commencement, has admitted ladies to the membership, and encouraged them to attend the lectures of the Professors, and I cannot conclude this Report better than by the words of Sir H. Davy in his lecture in 1810:"Our doors are open to all who wish to profit by knowledge, and I may venture to hope that even the female part of our audience will not diminish, and that they will honour the plan with an attention which is independent of fashion or the taste of the moment, and connected with the use, the permanence, and the pleasure of intellectual acquisitions. It is not our intention to invite them to assist in the laboratories, but to partake of that healthy and refined amusement which results from a perception of the variety, order, and harmony existing in all the kingdoms of nature, and to encourage the study of those more elegant departments of science, which at once tend to exalt the understanding and purify the heart.

"The leisure of the higher female classes is so great, and their influence in society so strong, that it is almost a duty that they should endeavour to awaken and keep alive a love of improvement and instruction.

"Let them make it disgraceful for men to be ignorant, and ignorance will vanish, and that part of their empire founded upon mental improvement will be strengthened and exalted by time, will be untouched by age, will be immortal in its youth.

"Even in the common relations of society, how much must be referred to the conduct of the female mind! The mother gives, or ought to give, most of the early impressions to the child, and his future habits may depend in some measure upon her influence. It may in some measure depend upon her whether he becomes an honour or a disgrace to his country. Her power of enforcing instruction is the most effectual, es flowing from love. We know that without feeling, the human being is mere clay, the dust of the earth without the living soul. Whatever is to be permanently infixed in the understanding must be associated with hope, or with joy or with passion. How much more efficacious must instruction be when communicated by an object beloved and venerated, and in infancy almost adored, and when, instead of being afforded with an effort of pain and of labour, it is carried into the heart by kindness, and made delightful by caresses and smiles!

"The Royal Institution is not a child of the nation requiring instruction, but it requires support to ensure the continuance of its glorious career in scientific research."


Grants of Provisional Protection for Six Months. 2702. John Watt, Lorrimore Street, Walworth, Surrey, and Thomas Snaith Haviside, Cornhill, London, “Improvements in the manufacture of soap."-Petition recorded 29th October, 1861.

126. Barrow Moss, Liverpool, "The application of steatite, either alone or in combination with other substances, to the manufacture of bricks, fire-bricks, the lining of furnaces, and other similar purposes." -Petition recorded 17th January, 1862.

356. William Wood, Monkhill, Pontefract, Yorkshire, "Improvements in the process of manufacturing pomfret or liquorice cakes."-Petition recorded 11th February, 1862.

428. Richard Watkins, Lower Belgrave Place, Pimlico,

CHEMICAL NEWS, Aprel 5, 1862.

Notices of Patents-Chemical Notices.

London, "Improvements in oil and spirit lamps, and in the means of producing light therein, parts of which improvements are applicable to lamps generally." 484. Marc Antoine François Mennons, Rue de l'Echi quier, Paris, "Improvements in burners for heating by gas."-A communication from Carsten Richard Meyn, Carlshütte, Rendsburg, Holstein.-Petitions recorded 22nd February, 1862.

504. Edwin Bliss, Percival Street, Clerkenwell, and Henry Lamplough, Holborn Hill, London, "Improved means for viewing microscopic photographs and other minute objects."-Petitions recorded 25th February,


524. John Cliff, Imperial Potteries, Lambeth, Surrey, Improvements in glazing stoneware, red clayware, porcelain, and other kinds of earthenware.'

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Robert Irvine, Hurlet, Renfrewshire, "Improvements in treating bones and gelatine."

2694. William Smith, Leek, Staffordshire, "Improvements in the preservation of stone, brick, and other such materials used in building, applicable also to the waterproofing of walls."-Petitions recorded 26th October, 1861.

2716. John Henry Johnson, Lincoln's Inn Fie'ds London, "Improvements in the preparation or treatment of skins and hides."-A communication from Dr. Frederich Knapp, Munich, Bavaria.-Petitions recorded 29th October, 1861. 2819. Richard Archibald Brooman, Fleet Street, London, "Improvements in obtaining alkaline phosphates."-A communication from Edouard Aubertin, Paris.-Petition recorded 9th November, 1861.

2702. John Watt, Lorrimore Street, Walworth, Surrey, 532. George Torr, Bucks Row, Whitechapel, London, and Thomas Snaith, Haviside, Cornhill, London, "Im"Improvements in, and an improved apparatus for manu-provements in the manufacture of soap." facturing and reburning animal charcoal."

72. Robert Johnson, Liverpool, “An improved composition for coating the bottoms of iron ships to prevent their fouling, and which composition may be used as a protective coating for wood, iron, or other substances exposed to the action of sea-water."-Petition recorded 10th January, 1862.

128. Julius Caesar Dickey, Saratoga Springs, Saratoga, New York, U.S., “An improved quartz crusher.”—Petition recorded 17th January, 1862.

423. Edward Thomas Hughes, Chancery Lane, London, "An improved method of, and apparatus for collecting the gases given off from furnaces."-A communication from Emil Langen, Siegburg, Prussia.

424. Thomas Birdsall and James Birdsall, Leeds, Yorkshire," Improvements in preparing hides or skins for tanning."-Petitions recorded 17th February, 1862. 429. Charles Denis Segoffin, South Street, Finsbury, London, "An improved apparatus for the purpose of viewing photographs on cards."-Petition recorded 18th February, 1868.

445. James Paterson, Middle Temple, London, "Improvements in means or apparatus for re-burning animal charcoal."-A communication from George Alexander Drummond, Montreal, Canada East.

455. James Paterson, Middle Temple, London, "Improvements in the use of animal charcoal."-A communication from George Alexander Drummond, Montreal, Canada East.

495. Lewis Davis, Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park, and Frederick Major Parkes, Marylebone Road, London, "An improvement in the production or manufacture of gas for lighting and heating."


512. Courtenay Kingsford, Fenchurch Street, London, "A new composition for the manufacture of bread."

525. William Miller, Upper Stamford Street, Blackfriars, Surrey, "Improvements in the manufacture of sugar."


2786. Eugene de Bassano and Adolphe Brudenne, Brussels, Belgium, "Improvements in the manufacture of stearine."-Petitions recorded 30th October, 1861. 2790. Frederick George Stuber, St. James's Road, Brixton, Surrey, "An improved hygrometer for measuring the humidity of the atmosphere, dampness of beds, garments, and for other similar purposes."-Petition recorded 6th November, 1861.

2801. John Barrow, Dalton Chemical Works, West Gorten, near Manchester, " Improvements in the manufacture of benzole, naphtha, naphthaline, aniline, and carbolic acid."-Petition recorded 7th November, 1861.

2835. William John Hay, Southsea, Hampshire, “Improvements in protecting iron and wooden ships, caissons, dams, and other wooden or iron structures from decay, and from fouling by vegetable and animal matters, and in preparing the materials to be employed therein."

275. Friedrich Wilhelm Daehne, Swansea, Glamorganshire, "Improvements in furnaces used in the manufacture of zinc."-Petition recorded 1st February, 1862.

2781. John Peter Bourquin, Newman Street, Oxford Street, London, "Improvements in ornamenting the covers of photographic albums, books, writing-cases, and other like articles.

2783. Henry Orth, Wissembourg, France, "An improved soap."-Petitions recorded 5th November, 1861.

2787. Alexander Prince, Trafalgar Square, Charing Cross, London, Improvements in furnaces for reducing zinc ores."--A communication from Adolphe Charlier, Stolberg, near Aix-la-Chapelle, Prussia.-Petition recorded 6th November, 1861.

2815. Frangois Henry Marie Comé Damiens Chevalier Fenis de Lacombe, Paris, "Improvements in generating hydrogen gas for illuminating or other purposes, and in apparatus used therein."

Chemical Notices from Foreign Sources.


Action of Chloracetyl on Tartaric Acid.—By

564. Patrick Robertson, Sun Court, Cornhill, London, Improvements in treating yeast and in the manufacture of ammoniacal salts, and a substitute for animal charcoal." 574. Thomas Bell, Wishaw, Lanarkshire, N.B., "Im-heating these two bodies together with proper arrangeprovements in apparatus for distilling shale and other bituminous minerals."

581. Gustav Bischof, jun., Swansea, "Improvements in treating ores and solutions containing copper and iron, or either of them, to obtain products therefrom." 587. Bridge Standen, Salford, near Manchester, "Improvements in the preparation or manufacture of portable manure or fertilising compound, and in the collection or extraction therefrom of a certain liquid applicable to various purposes, and also in machinery or apparatus to be employed therein."

Notices to Proceed,

ments, Pilz obtained (Litzungst. d. Akad. d. Wissenschaft zu Wien, Bd. xliv. s. 47) crystals of an acid having the formula CGHSO 14. They are very soluble in alcohol and ether, and dissolve slowly in water, the solution having a strongly acid reaction, and decomposing the alkaline carbonates. The crystals are obtained by subliming the mass which results from heating together chloracetyl and tartaric acid for some hours in an atmosphere of tartaric acid. The aqueous solution, evaporated to dryness on a water bath, evolves acetic acid, and leaves a residue of tartaric acid.

Desulphuration of Leucine. — Gorup Besanez (Annal. der Chem. und Pharm., Bd. cxviii. s. 230) removes 2677. Thomas Richardson, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and the sulphur by dissolving the leucire in a solution of

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