Imatges de pàgina


Journal of Belles Lettres, Arts, Sciences, &c.

This Journal is supplied Weekly, or Monthly, by the principal Booksellers and Newsmen, throughout the Kingdom; but to those who may desire its immediate transmission, by post, we recommend the LITERARY GAZETTE, printed on stamped paper, price One Shilling.

No. 584.



As who should say, I am Sir Oracle,
Let no dog bark,

work of course of high importance; and 11. of| "All the talents" in the political world REVIEW OF NEW BOOKS. the late Ministerial Changes, another political seems to have been but the shadow of a bragThe Edinburgh Review. No. XCIII. pamphlet. Thus the Aristarchus of the age gadocia, when compared with Mr. Jeffrey's WE are not prone to take offence at the petty has not (with the exception of an old poet) assumption of all the talents in letters and attacks which rivalry may engender against the condescended to notice one publication above a criticism: Literary Gazette, nor to resent more grave im- temporary character, and yet perks himself upon putations. Uninterrupted success is the best the pedestal of dictatorial dominion, on the answer to envious malignity; and a steady per- authority of half-a-dozen miserable, party, and except the curs I keep to tend my heels, and severance in exertions to maintain and im- factious pamphlets, a medical lecture, a law be rewarded with sops of praise and puffery. prove the character of our Journal for intelli- case, a single sermon, and a voyage with con- These are clever dogs, perfect Tobys for sagence, has generally been our only and con- victs! And this is the mirror of the learning gacity; can read, yea, and write; and, if need samptuous notice of the falsehoods attempted and science and polite literature of Great Bri-be, can fetch or carry, fawn or snap. It would to be palmed on the public against us. We tain!!! be well for the credit of the Edinburgh Review have laughed at the monstrous egotistical puffs In candour, we will confess that we have not that it left the venal work to such creatures: starting imitators, and quietly waited the been able to force ourselves to read this Re- what would not so ill befit them, is contemptinevitable extinction of these unparalleled con- view; we question if any individual in the ible, as well as obnoxious, in it. But, not to stellations of literature. But when a publica- kingdom has done so; but we have perused fatigue our readers, we come to the quack tion of the rank of the Edinburgh Review enough of it to warrant an opinion that it is a the strongest examples of the puff direct that article on the Diffusion of Knowledge; one of adopts this dirty system of disparaging others, compound of trite, common-place trash, and in order that it may exalt itself, its partisans, elaborate, uninteresting heaviness; that its ever disgraced the most servile journal. and parasites, it becomes us to expose the im- middle is worthy of its beginning and ending, posture, to repel the insult, and to punish the the first paragraph and the last being sheer fender. We address ourselves to Mr. Jef-nonsense, and desperate bad grammar to frey; and we charge him with gross illiberality boot!!! and untruth towards the Literary Gazette, and with notorious quackery and puffing towards his own associates.

Here are these first and last passages.


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"The series

"We have repeatedly (says the Puffer) called the attention of our readers to the important labours of an institution, hardly an year old, which has already shewn a vigour and skill in its operations that bid fair to place its foundation in the very highest rank among "The public voice has assigned to Dryden the first place in the second the events of our age"!!!" The first great rank of our poets-no mean station in a table of intel- work undertaken was the series of treatises, But before we trample down this mean and lectual precedency so rich in illustrious names. It is disreputable conduct, we will venture to ex- allowed, that, even of the few who were his superiors in called the Library of Useful Knowledge.' amine a little into the claims of the Editor of influence on the national habits of thought and expression. the Report, since the first publication issued genius, none has exercised a more extensive or permanent Scarcely nine months have elapsed,' says the Edinburgh Review to pronounce so dog- His life was commensurate with the period during which matically upon his contemporaries. It is not a great revolution in the public taste was effected; and in from the press; and at the close of the last that revolution he played the part of Cromwell. By unbecause one publishes in a quarterly-book scrupulously taking the lead in its wildest excesses, he year, a circulation of nearly 20,000 of each shape, and another in a weekly sheet, that the obtained the absolute guidance of it. By trampling on treatise has been established.””. right of depreciating belongs to the former; laws, he acquired the authority of a legislator. By sig- of history and biography is about to be comnalising himself as the most daring and irreverent of nor are either the merits or the influence of rebels, he raised himself to the dignity of a recognised menced; and a pledge seems to be given, that periodicals to be measured by such a standard. prince. He commenced his career by the most frantic these subjects shall be handled with perfect Mr.Jeffrey is much mistaken, if he flatters him- sovereignty, the author of a new code, the root of a new adherence to the general principles of the sooutrages. He terminated it in the repose of established calmness and impartiality, but with a constant self that the Edinburgh Review possesses the dynasty." weight it once possessed with the public: on first place in the second rank;" but, nevertheless, enjoyed peace. Our views on this point have already Dryden, agreeably to this brilliant effusion, held a ciety; that is, to the doctrines of liberty and the contrary, it is felt throughout the commu-established sovereignty" (i. e. see Johnson, supremacy: been given; and surely so great, so useful a nity that its strength has departed from it, and highest place, supreme power, highest degree of excellence): that a volume made up of some half-dozen them has exercised a more extensive or permanent influ- men.". and though he had superiors in genius," "none" of work, never yet has been achieved by literary articles of rhetorical flourishing, and heavy ence; and how should any of them have done so, when "But besides the continuance of the essays on by-gone authors and stale political this second-rank sovereign was absolutely the author of a library now publishing, another is, we find, peculations, has no pretensions whatever to be new code, the root of a new dynasty?"-of second ranks, about to appear under the society's auspices; we suppose. We need not point out the foolish para- it is termed the Library of Entertaining Knownsidered a literary oracle, or an organ of cri- doxes, which the mere sound of words seems to have tical judgment. Let us look, for example, at rated, about playing the part of a Cromwell?!, about ledge, and is to comprise as much entertaining the very No. in which we are so unfairly dealt lead in it (which, though put among the paradoxes, is not obtaining the guidance of the revolution by taking the matter as can be given along with useful knowwith, and we shall see nothing in the judicature one, but a very obvious method and conclusion),-about ledge, and as much knowledge as can be conthat has presumed to vilify us, which should trampling on laws and rebelling, as steps to legislatorial veyed in an amusing form.' We own that our power, and being recognised "a prince" (a historical fact expectations are unbounded of the good to be render us uneasy under its partial sentence. of which we were before ignorant). These things are only "The next The last No. of "the Edinburgh" contains nonsense; but their utter and rank absurdity is sealed by done by this series of works.". no fewer than eleven reviews!-1. of Dryden's where we learn, to our astonishment, that not Dryden, their complete contradiction in the very next sentence- object of the society is one of the last importPoetry, a very new subject; 2. of several but circumstances, caused all these wonders which the is equally felicitous, where the editor protests against the works on Dietetics, a medical essay; 3. of admirable critic had just attributed to the poet : for, says incognito of his writers being violated (as if public cuhe,Of Dryden, however, as of almost every man riosity burnt to know whence emanated these glorious National Debt and Taxation, a political pam-who has been distinguished either in the literary or in the lights)-he thus expresses himself :-palet; 4. of volumes respecting New South political world, it may be said, that the course which he Wales; 5. of the Wakefields' Trial, an im- pursued, and the effect which he produced, depended lessing: but some recent instances of extravagant and annoyon his personal qualities than on the circumstances in which ing blunders seemed to impose it on us as a duty to give portant affair truly! 6. of Pestalozzi's Educa- he was placed. Those who have read history with discri- it. Most certain it is, that those who take it upon them. tion, linked to Bacon's Novum Organon, in mination [like myself, to wit?), know the fallacy of those every quarter, to inform the public by whom each article order to introduce the puff superlative of the panegyrics and invectives, which represent individuals as in our new Number is written, can by possibility KNOW effecting great moral and intellectual revolutions, subvert-nothing of the matter."" tracts published by Mr. Jeffrey's friends of ing established systems, and imprinting a new character Is this English, or French ill translated into bad Scotch? the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know- on their age." The wiseacres who can by possibility know nothing of So much for the opening of the Edinburgh Review, and the matter, may probably know something of it!! ledge; 7. of the East India Stamp Act, another for the substance on which it has to support its tone of political pamphlet; 8. of Cunningham's Songs arrogance. The concluding paragraph of the Number volubility of "the absurdities into which the greatest writers have fallen," till he arose to instruct the world on the of Scotland, a poor, meagre notice; 9. of Emi.. In this article on Dryden, the writer, who is reported to subject of general rules for composition," and judging gration, politics encore; 10. of a Sermon, albe a young gentleman of talents, speaks with unmeasured of others!!!

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We have no great rellance on the effect of this warn


ance; the defective course of reading adopted | ed their mountain-born mouse as an abortion Original Correspondence, by acute and obserin this country, time out of mind, for children."* and failure. Now, with regard to this attempt vant individuals, engaged for that purpose, has "We trust the society will take proper steps at decrying the Literary Gazette (for it is the been given weekly from France, Portugal, Italy, for multiplying these works in great variety, only literary journal that could be alluded to in and Germany. Are these indited by scissors, and also for setting the fashion, so to speak, of the foregoing quotation), we will tell Mr. Jef- Mr. Jeffrey? Biographies of Lady Carobringing them into constant use. A highly frey, that, so far from scissors being its principal line Lamb, Mr. Neele, and Sir J. Smith, have useful work, recently published by the com- power, there are not fifty paragraphs in a twelve- been inserted. Are these scissor-works, Mr. mittee, is mentioned in the next part of the month cut from any other publication what- Jeffrey ? The Drama has been ably and report the British Almanac.". "The ex-ever, and never one without acknowledging its spiritedly criticised, to the extent of nearly traordinary effects likely to follow from the source. We will tell him, that the best writers half an ordinary octavo volume. Is this scissorgreat improvement introduced by the society, of the better days of his own Review have, with work, good Mr. Jeffrey?—Notices of above of applying the division of labour to literary hardly an exception, been considerable contri- twenty pieces of new music; a mass of literary undertakings, in a systematic manner, and on butors to the Literary Gazette, in common with intelligence of every class; many varieties, of an ample scale, fill the mind with the most almost every author of eminence in the country. a grave and gay cast; abundant extracts from pleasing ideas of the future progress of the We will tell him, that there is not a single No. of the books reviewed, in order to justify the human race. ours but costs more research, and is supplied by opinions pronounced upon them, and also to Ye matchless blacking - manufacturers, ye a larger proportion of " the systematic division instruct and entertain readers with their most Hunts and ye Eadys, ye makers of Macassar of labour," than any No. of the Edinburgh striking contents,-fill up the measure of this oil and curling fluids, ye inventors of razor Review. We will tell him, that our circulation single quarter's Literary Gazettes: and we strops and tooth-powders, hide your diminished and influence on public opinion is beyond com- will thank Mr. Jeffrey to contrast it with heads, before this master-puffer of the age, parison greater than his own. And we will his No. XCIII., and pause before he again though even yet we have not shewn you more tell him, that our year's volume presents a tries falsely to vilify such exertions with the than half his skill. It is not enough to boast pregnant, original, and honest record of the injurious appellation of scissor-work. thus of our own performances -to tell how literature, the sciences, the fine arts, the man- We wish we were at liberty to mention the many we sell in good round numbers-to an-ners, and amusements of the passing time,-names of our co-adjutors in this Periodical: nounce the other marvels that are about to issue which his long dry essays on exhausted topics, their number and their eminent characters from our fertile loins-to speak of our works in and dissections of defunct literature, do not would surprise Mr. Jeffrey: suffice it, as an such modest terms- and to prognosticate, that possess. example, to mention, that, though not a subject we, like so many Drydens, are to repose in It may be curious and not uninteresting of the greatest difficulty, the pens of no fewer established sovereignty," the "authors of new to readers, to state analytically the contents than five authors of celebrity were employed codes and roots of new dynasties," changing of the quarter's Literary Gazette, which is in the matériel and writing of the single the whole aspect of the literary, moral, and finished in this No., to prove how strong and article which began our last No. This, we political world, now and for evermore. It is wide the combination of its contributors must be presume, looks something like the organised not enough to proclaim these facts of "the last to furnish them, and how false and scandalous system of a division of labour, which Mr. importance;" to make it known that the school- is the aspersion of the Edinburgh Review. The Jeffrey claims as a grand discovery for his master is abroad, birch in hand, and the march | Reviews are of 10 quarto, 67 octavo, 58 duode- friends in the Diffusion line. How else, inof intellect, headed by such talented personages cimo, and 18 volumes of other descriptions; in deed, could matter to the amount of several as we are, and the spread of knowledge, and uni- all, 153 new publications. Of every one of volumes (from the mode of printing in columns versal humbug. We must and will do more these the public is enabled to form a fair and &c.) be thus produced every three months? than all this by the hocus pocus of our entirely just opinion. Is this scissor" work, Mr. But this is the scissor-work of our honourable novel idea" of applying the division of labour Jeffrey? Respecting important expeditions and veracious Reviewer.* to literary undertakings," an invention (bor- in distant regions, six particular and original rowed from pin, and turned to paragraph making) papers have appeared, giving the latest intelutterly unheard of in the history of mankind-ligence from Captain Beechey in the North in fine, we are also going to patronise a weekly journal! It is to be called the Verulam, and all that have preceded it are nothing but trumpery.

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We trust it will not be thought that we have trespassed on the patience of our friends, in the exposure of this disingenuous conduct, Pacific, from Ava, from Fernando Po, and especially as the matter is as much of public as from other parts of Africa. Are these scissor- of private concern; and we are sure it is not work, Mr. Jeffrey? such scissor-work would so dull as "The Edinburgh," on its everlasting greatly enhance the interest of the Edinburgh themes of taxation, emigration, education, ad"The success of some late literary journals Review. In science, there have been six ministration, exhumation, and all that ends in only proves the demand for such matter, not, astronomical papers applicable to the period; (hum)-ation. We have, indeed, little more to we fear, the capacity of their conductors ade- and no fewer than sixty-five descriptions of say, though there are yet two or three points in quately and worthily to supply it; the scissors new inventions and discoveries, including this Review, on which we should like briefly being in truth the mechanical power mainly medicine, the able lectures at the Royal In- to touch. Let us premise, that we are quite brought into play by those humble, though very stitution, the proceedings of other scientific as warm advocates as the Edinburgh Reuseful personages. But the Verulam professes bodies in London, Paris, India, &c., and im-view, or the Committee that manages the a higher aim, and indeed a wider scope, being provements of every kind. These have been tract publications of the London University, devoted to science as well as learning, with the chiefly supplied by the most distinguished prac-for the dissemination of instruction over aid of finished engravings, and purporting to tical inquirers and successful experimentalists the whole mass of the people. We are not give some pages of common news, for the con- of the age; and the remainder from the best of those who maintain the vile and foolish venience of country readers. If its execution foreign journals of every nation, ransacked proposition, that ignorance is good for man : be at all commensurate to the usefulness of its for the purpose. Is this your scissor-work, but we decidedly object to the tone of exagplan, no undertaking can be more meritorious." in truth," Mr. Jeffrey ?In the Fine Arts, geration, arrogance, and braggardism, in which Indeed, its publication may form an era in the competent artists and connoisseurs have cri- the noisy apostles of Diffusion are so fond of history of knowledge; and, instead of sinking ticised above a hundred and twenty pictures indulging, and of which the language quoted science to the level of newspaper discussion, and other productions in public exhibitions; from the Edinburgh Review is so ludicrous an may, among other valuable consequences, have and forty-eight distinct publications of engrav-example. What, after all, are these wholesale the effect of raising the standard of this speciesings, &c., including a history of one branch of dealers in little books doing, or pretending to of publication." the art, lithography, of very considerable re-do, which Sir Richard Phillips did not try with The Verulam has appeared, and "may have search and talent. The architectural improve. his Village Libraries years ago? Their Useful the effect of raising the standard" in question; ment, or rather disfigurement, of the metro- Knowledge pamphlets already in circulation, and but as yet its "finished engravings" have only polis has been fully treated, by very intelligent their Useless Knowledge pamphlets† which are been miserable wooden blotches, the laughing-professors. Is this scissor-work, Mr. Jeffrey?stock of artists, and the shame of its own pub. To the graceful department of Original Poetry, A remarkable instance of the poor opinion enter lishers. The very patrons of the undertaking, several of the most popular living writers tained of the Literary Gazette by the Edinburgh Review, occurred in that northern light, No. 83, we believe, the committee-men of such "unbounded" pro- have contributed beautiful compositions: and where it stole the whole observations of a short review mise and ridiculous performance, have disown- in the lighter branch of Sketches of Society, in the Literary Gazette, and spun them out, in the same there have been nine papers of various charac-form and order, into an article of between 30 and 40 pages on the Italian Novelists. Nor is this the only example ter, derived from sources to which, if it could, of the sort: the spread of knowledge has not always the Edinburgh Review would joyfully resort. originated in the march of the Edinburgh Reviewers' own And is this scissor-work, honest Mr. Jeffrey? mind, but been pillaged from our store.

This is a poser! and to guess what the writer means would puzzle a conjuror! It is, however, of the last importance, and must, we suppose, have something to do with school-books for children!

This title has been given to what they have to gb

Gomez Arias; or the Moors of the Alpujarras:
a Spanish Historical Romance. By Don
Telesforo de Trueba y Cosío. 3 vols. 12mo.
London, 1828. Hurst, Chance, and Co.
THIS work is at once a literary novelty and a
literary curiosity;-a novelty, as being the
first specimen we have of a Spanish historical
romance,—and a curiosity, as being extremely
well written in English by a native of Spain.
The author, in his preface, remarks on the
circumstance, that while the chronicles of other
countries have been ransacked for the materials
of this popular species of composition, those of
Spain, so fruitful in incident and character,
have been entirely neglected. To supply the
deficiency he has assumed the pen, and his
first essay is now before us.

we have described the last-mentioned males as the Juan and Zanga of the history, we may convey a tolerably correct notion of the heroine to our readers, by mentioning her as the Gri selda of the piece.


Adhering to our general plan of not antici. pating the dénouement of a work of this class, we shall content ourselves (and we trust shew no want of hospitality to a clever foreign author), by quoting a passage of some dry humour, and a contrast of greater gravity. "What is to be the wonder now?' asked Gomez Arias, as he observed his valet and confidant, Roque, approaching, with an unusual expression of gravity upon his countenance, such, indeed, as was seldom discernible in the features of the merry buffoon. What is it you want?' 'I wish to leave your service, señor.' Leave my service! Surely, Roque, you are not tired of so indulgent a master ?' Yes, sir,' answered Roque, I am; and what is more, I have been so these three years may I speak out?' 'Why,' said Don Lope, 'you never till now asked leave to be impertinent but let me hear your complaints.' In the first place, you are not rich—a grievous fault.’ How can I help that?' demanded Gomez Arias. Señor, you could have helped it once; but that is passed. Then you play Here's the devil preaching morality!' exclaimed his master, with a laugh. 'Oh! most conscientious Roque, what are thine objections to this amusement ?' To the amusement in itself, none; I am only discontented with the consequences. If you gain, you very composedly enjoy the whole fruits of your success: if, on the contrary, you lose, I get more than a reasonable share of your ill humours, with which you most liberally indulge me. Now, Don Lope, I should like fair play, if play you will; to feel a little more the effect of the first, and not quite so much of the second.' Thou art a pleasant sort of a fool, Roque,' said Gomez Arias, as he leisurely twirled round his curling jet-black mustachios, and with much compla cency eyed his fine figure in a mirror. "Thank you, sir,' replied the valet, with a low bow; but be pleased to consider, that the good opinion you entertain of my talents is unfor tunately no adequate compensation for the pri. vations and numberless perils which I undergo in your service. To continue, then, the list of My faults!' interrupted his master.

announced; their almanacs, and their series of coming followers of these their mis-leaders, by series and biographies; their pap-literature pretending that a few hours (profitably enough) fr infants, and their weekly scientific news. appropriated from mechanical employments, are mers (that very important announcement," sufficient to render them learned sages and great Edinburgh Review, p. 133, which has ended philosophers, equal to men who devote their in much rubbish, adorned by a lot of daubs); - too short lives to the cultivation of perhaps a what are all these undertakings, but a sort of single study or science, and are bound at the mcorporated attempt at monopoly?—an attempt end to confess, with Plato, that all they have which is not unworthily propped by inordinate learnt only teaches them they know nothing. self-andation, and the abuse of others. Their This is a corrupt and dangerous proceeding; Almanac, mainly compiled from the Almanacs and it is made despicable by the base and paltry of the Stationers' Company, was thus ushered artifices which it has been the object of this in the world, not only with prodigious pane-notice to expose. gric upon itself, but with an attack upon the publications whence it derived its contents, and written, we are assured, by its own compiler. Their weekly Verulam was protruded under similar egotistical boastings; and the Edinburgh Review lent itself alike to the puff and deprecating system. Can any thing be more dishoourable than this, or more deserve the ontempt, scorn, and reprobation of the public? And it seems to be too plainly, to use a comna phrase, of a piece with the rest of their transactions; transactions so paltry and mean, that it will be well for the London University, fit regards character, to dissociate itself from quackery of publishing such papers as this of the Edinburgh, and propounding "the emanciprion of learning and genius from a degrading ritade to the children of trade, which (conmes the writer, one of the committee) is a noble The scene is laid in Grenada and the adjagn, and fraught with the most lasting good cent mountains; and the action relates to the mankind. The names of the committee afford last struggles by the Moors, after their condant security, that towards this sacred quest, and the taking of their capital by Isabella. ect, all its profits, be they ever so ample, The portrait of that queen is justly drawn ; but vil be directed." This may be the opinion of the principal persons who figure in the story the Edinburgh Reviewer; but a competition in are Gomez Arias, one of the bravest of captains, the book-trade is, to our minds, about as im- though one of the most dangerous, cold-blooded, proper and disreputable a course as the New and ruthless of seducers; Theodora de MonteUniversity can enter upon. It had better be blanco, a beautiful type of woman's love and abandoned; for neither extravagant and impu- constancy; Don Alonso de Aguilar, the vadent puffing of themselves,† nor false represent-liant Spanish commander against the Moslems; ations respecting others, can support it. Nor Leonor, his high-spirited daughter; El Feri sit even by seducing young artists from their and Caneri, the two Moorish leaders; and doyers, as in the case of the Wood-Cutters, Bermudo, a renegade, pursuing only a single varen the Committee prevailed upon to leave the master who recommended them to that very Committee, and set up for themselves under its auspices, that can support it. Nor ait the establishment of branch committees, What with tournaments, processions, battles, ading clubs, and auxiliary committees (though and skirmishes, love adventures, captivities, "there is no town, and not many villages, that perils, imprisonments, accidents, and deaths,meht to be without them," Edinburgh Review, the three volumes present a fair variety of I only say of my complaints,' returned the -the old plan, as we have observed of events, paint the passions with considerable valet: next to your being a gamester, what R. Phillips, it is not tricks of this fashion skill, and exhibit the scenery and circum- I most deprecate is, your military profession, that can support it. Nor is it the silly, hyper-stances of the age with national tact and and the fame which you have acquired by your kal nonsense addressed to the lower orders ability. One of the chief objections to the bravery.' 'Good heavens!' cried Gomez Arias, that can support it. Instead of producing good, romance, however, will be found in the hero why thou art precisely complaining of the ta nst practice is, in an especial manner, cal- (if such a Don Juan may be so called), who qualities that most become a gentleman.' 'But ad to do much evil. It goes to persuade is so heartless a ruffian, that no reader can feel I am no gentleman,' pertinently observed titude, whose information cannot by an interest in his fate; though it must be Roque; and I cannot imagine why I should wwwty be other than shallow and imperfect, owned, that Don Telesforo has succeeded in be exposed to the dangers attendant on heroes, they are the wise and the enlightened of working up the catastrophe in a very striking without likewise reaping their rewards.' 'I here. It goes to fill their minds with false manner. But the villain is disgustingly cal-glory in being a soldier!' exclaimed Don Lope, and founded notions; to flatter them into be- culating, as well as sanguinary; and his be- a sudden burst of martial enthusiasm glowing traying the fond, confiding, and affectionate on his manly countenance. Yes, I have laid y termed the "* Library of Entertaining Knowledge," Theodora a second time into the power of the low many of the enemies of my country; and a far which their "expectations of the good to be done Moors, is so revolting to humanity, that we before I die I hope often to try my good sword And for which, by the by, they have contrived to get cannot help wishing to hear no more of him, against those accursed and rebellious Moors of 1ata price by hawking the scheme among "the ChilTre This quartering on the enemy is a famous except that he was specially hanged to the next the Alpujarras.' 'All that is very fine, cersides putting the money in their own pouch! tree, for the crows to dissect. Bermudo, his tainly,' said Roque; but do you know, señor, *Lar: to the superb bathos of the following Almanac sworn enemy, and another Zanga, is drawn that I do not consider the country so much of where Mr. Canning's splendid declaration of the with energy; perhaps with too much individual indebted to you as no doubt you most compla*ectam to Lisbon is so wretchedly parodied. "The an of the British Almanac is a creditable proof of effect, from commanding stature, thundering cently imagine.' What!' cried the cavalier, rar and promptitude which preside over the Com-voice, withering looks, and the other qualifica- with looks of displeasure. 6 Pray be tempeBewares. They assembled in an extraordinary him a day after the state of the year's Almanacs tions usual in this style of person in this style rate, Don Lope; I do not mean to offend. You at made known to them. In an hour, the prepa- of writing, which enables them to command, have unquestionably done great services to of the Almanac was in the hands of different where no man durst murmur-and to threaten Spain, by ridding her of many an unbelieving and in a mouth, thousands of it were in the and do, where no man durst wag a finger, As Moor; but reflect, sir, that your sword hag

me meleendet.”—E. R. p. 129.

object in life to wreak a bloody revenge upon
Gomez Arias; to whom we may add the rather
comic sketches of Roque, a Spanish valet and
Martha, a Spanish duenna.


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firmly resolved to quit your service in good of a romantic turn of mind; he evinced
earnest : for I perceive you are bent on getting no taste whatever for moonlit scenery and
into new difficulties, and I feel no inclination nocturnal adventure; and he was vulgar
to go in search of fresh adventures.'
enough to prefer the gross advantages of a
sound slumber to all the sentimental beau-
ties of the silvered moon and its appendages.
These considerations dwelt strongly on the
mind of Roque, and he had accordingly several
times resolved to quit his master; but such
was the dominion which Gomez Arias held
over him, that the valet's resolutions fell to
the ground whenever he attempted to put
them in practice."

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not been less fatal to Christian blood. In battle you hew down infidels to your soul's content; and in the intervals of peace, to keep you in practice, I suppose, you take no less care to send the bravest of her majesty's war. "Thus far had Roque proceeded in his riors to the grave. Now put this in the balance, eloquent and moral remonstrance, when Gomez and let us consider whether the country does Arias turned round, took up a cane that lay not suffer more by your duels in peace, than near him, and walking very deliberately to she actually gains by your courage in war. his valet with the most perfect composure. But now comes the most terrible of all your Now, Roque,' he said, you must allow I peccadilloes of all my complaints, I mean.' have listened very attentively to your prosing. And which is that, pray?' The invincible I have had quite enough of your nonsense for propensity you have for intrigue, and the no this morning, so I beg you to close your arguless unfortunate attendant upon it-incon- ments, unless you really wish that I should The march of the Spanish troops from Grestancy.' 'Inconstancy!' exclaimed Gomez honour them with a most unanswerable reply.' nada, under De Aguilar, against the insurArias. 'How should it be otherwise? In- Here, to illustrate his meaning, he very ex-gents, supplies our more serious example. constancy is the very soul of love.' I will pressively shook the cane, and Roque as pru- "Previously, however, to their departure not attempt to argue that point with so great dently retreated; for he knew his master from the city, they piously bent their steps toan adept; my remonstrances are merely limited strictly adhered to his word on occasions of wards the cathedral, where divine service was to the results, and I can truly aver that my this nature. With respect to your quitting performed with great pomp, to propitiate Heaven life in time of peace is, if possible, more miser- my service,' continued Don Lope, I have no in favour of its servants. The archbishop deable than in war; for what with carrying love- sort of objection, provided that when you part livered an eloquent oration, inculcating on the letters, bribing servants, attending serenades, with me, you are likewise disposed to part with Christians their duty, and the glory of their watching the movements of venerable fathers, your ears, for I have taken such a fancy to enterprise; pointing out fame and honour to morose duennas, and fierce-looking brothers, 1 you, my dear Roque, that I cannot possibly the survivors an eternal crown to those who cannot enjoy a moment's rest.' Why, 'tis allow you to quit me, without leaving me be- should fall in defence of their country and retrue, said Don Lope, my life is solely devoted hind a token of remembrance. And now,' he ligion. The banners of the army were then to love and war.' I rather think it a con- added in a more serious tone, withdraw im- blessed, and the various divisions directed their tinual war,' retorted the valet. It may be mediately, and mind your business.' Roque march towards the gates of Elvira, by which much to your taste, sir; but I, that am neither made a humble bow and retired. Gomez they were to leave the city. It was a clear of so amorous a temperament, nor of so warlike Arias in this instance, as well as in many and beautiful morning; no louring cloud a disposition, cannot enjoy the amusement so others, took advantage of that uncontrollable defaced the serene brilliancy of the sky, and well. Instead of passing the nights quietly in authority which strong minds generally assume the sunbeams sporting on the polished helmets bed, as good Christians should do, we employ over their inferiors. The valet had indeed and glittering trappings of the army, were them in parading the silent streets, putting in resolved several times to leave his master, for reflected in a thousand curious rays. The requisition all the established signals of love, it happened that this same Roque had no trumpets, clarions, and other martial instruand singing amorous songs to the tender ca- particular relish for canings and other favours ments, poured their brazen voices in wild and dences of the love-inspiring guitar. Even this of the kind which were liberally administered animating strains; while the shouts of the mul I might endure with Christian resignation, to him, as a remuneration for his master's titude, assembled to behold the departure of were it not for the disagreeable results which achievements. Moreover, he had the nicest the Christian soldiers, floated promiscuously generally terminate our laudable occupations. sense of justice, and he could not but feel the along the air. The walls of the city were It often happens, that whilst you are dying shocking impropriety of accepting a reward thronged with spectators, whilst others, more with love, and I with fear and apprehension, that was unquestionably due to his superiors. active or more interested, followed the army we meet with persons who unfortunately are Indeed, it is but fair to add, he never ac- down the Vega. It was a scene at once splennot such decided amateurs of music. Some quiesced in the obligation, until it was actually did and interesting, to behold the army marchsurly, ill-disposed brother, or unsuccessful lover forced upon him. Roque was moreover blessed ing gallantly to the field, followed by a mulof the beauty, is invariably sure to come and with a conscience. that sort of prudential titude, all unanimous in imploring the benedisturb our harmony; then discord begins- conscience which must be considered as a most dictions of Heaven on their brave countrymen. swords are drawn-women scream-alguazils valuable acquisition. He certainly was not so Amongst the dense crowd that gazed upon pounce upon us, and thus the sport goes on, unreasonable as to expect a spirited nobleman that martial array, what passions were called till one of the galanes is dead or wounded, or to lead the life of a sequestered monk, nor forth how many latent affections kindled — till the alguazils are so strong as to render a could he object to his master's intrigues; but and what sentiments of glory displayed! The prudent retreat advisable. Then by some ill he nevertheless found it extremely objectionable magnificent pomp, and the spirit-stirring digfortune I am sure to be collared by the brother that these should not be kept within the nity of war, at the same time that it elevates or the alguazils in question; and without fur- bounds of common prudence. Now, could the soul to deeds of heroism, fails not to ther ceremony, by way of remunerating merit Gomez Arias have limited his gallantries to the awaken in the breast a corresponding sentiand encouraging a servant for faithfully serv. seduction of farmers' daughters, or debauching ment of awe.. Alas! while the warrior, in ing his master, I am entertained with sundry tradesmen's wives, Roque would most implicitly all the enthusiasm of courage and self-devotion, hearty cudgellings, liberally bestowed on my have approved of the practice, inasmuch as in marches with eager strides to the paths of miserable hide. When they have not left a this case, his master would only be asserting a victory, perhaps of death-how many tender single sound bone in my skin, they kindly sort of hereditary right attached to those of his hearts swell high and beat fearfully for the permit me to go, telling me, for consolation, class. But to be deceiving two ladies of dis- dangers which they themselves cannot perto thank my stars, and that another time I tinction was really too much for the delicate ceive! Amongst that overpowering multitude shall not escape so easily. With this pleasing feelings of the conscientious menial. Again, might be discerned the venerable father, a assurance, I creep home as well as I can, and Roque could not urge any thing against the lingering spark of noble fire still lurking in then my humane and grateful master, by way courage of his master; he only objected to the his dim eyes, and his withering frame reof sympathising with the misfortunes I suffer effects of its superabundance; for this super-ceiving new energies as he gazed on the milion his account, fiercely demands- Roque! abundance, together with Don Lope's unusually tary display. A sigh of regret escapes him, where have you been loitering, sir ?' Calls amorous disposition, were constantly in oppo- for the perilous and glorious scenes in which me a most negligent rascal, and other names sition with the nicety of Roque's conscience, his age forbids him to bear a part. equally gratifying, and upon the recital of my by reason of the difficulties they gave rise to, out-stretched palms are clasped in fervent tragical adventure, very coolly, and as he in the fulfilment of the natural law of self-orisons to Heaven, not for the safety of his thinks very justly, observes It serves you preservation. It is an averred fact, that Roque child, but that his conduct in the field may right 'tis all your fault-why did you not never wilfully put himself in the way of in- be worthy of a man and a Spaniard. There watch better ?' Roque,' said Gomez Arias, fringing so rational a precept, and most fortu- was also the affectionate spouse contemplating you have told me the same story over and nately he was endowed with a quality highly the marching array in silent sorrow; her eyes, over again, and I do not see the necessity of favourable to the observance thereof;-a quality swimming in tears, are intensely fixed on that your repeating it now.' I beg your pardon, which other individuals, not blessed with the numerous mass of warlike spirits, where one, Don Lope Gomez. Arias,' responded the valet, same scruples, would denominate cowardice. to her dearer than all the world, was speeding with most ludicrous solemnity; but I am This is not all: the valet was far from being from her side. On one arm, some innocent,

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perhaps, lay in sweet slumber, whilst another | student who narrates his adventure is spending appetite of a New Zealander; but I hurried archin, with years enough to gaze with delight his time and money at Saratoga, an American away to change my dress, and stood on the upon the glorious scene, evinces his pleasure watering-place. promenade equipped from stock to spur, as she at the animating prospect, and with infantine It was a splendid ball. The decorations came out from breakfast. Good morning! eraltation looks upwards to his mother, won- were in taste, and the music I need not speak What! do you ride so early?' 'Yes so early dering to see her bathed in sorrow-for to his of, for who has not heard of Johnson? In and a long ride too.' "And who goes with unconscious heart no cause is there for grief; speaking of beauty I must be more exclusive. you?' 'I suppose the next question will be and yet his tears flow because his mother Not that I was fastidious; for I was a raw which way are you going?' so I'll save your Farther, perhaps, more lonely, on colleger, and perfectly bewildered. I could catechism, and tell you at once. I go in a carsame high turret, on some distant eminence, sweep them all up with a superlative. Still, riage; my companions are my father, mother, striving to hide her sorrows from the eye of in my own astronomy, I have some dim re- and servants; and my destination, Niagara.' the world, is seen the trembling virgin, whose membrance of a distinction. I remember, for Is it possible?-You leave us, then? Just pure heart has received the first impression of instance, a northern star, which I followed till so and now I'll excuse that rueful expression love, and whose charmed ear has listened with she set. She was as tall as the Venus of the which is extremely proper and sentimental, fondness to the soft tale of promised bliss. Capitol; but her proportions were exquisite, and ask the favour of your arm, for I must Now, with restless and agitated glance, she and she wore them with the grace of a Hebe. make an early call at the Pavilion.' I offered murveys the numerous host, in the vain hope Her features were irregular, and might not be my arm mechanically, but was as speechless as of distinguishing the dear object of all her beautiful in marble; but the expression !-did a college expellée. What! not a word !-no tenderest affections, torn from her arms, to ex- you ever dream an angel came down to you, regrets!'—no 'painful disappointments !'-nochange her smile for scenes of bloodshed and and told you about paradise and the peris and thing about the shorn beam,' and the setting desolation. Alas! how numerous and various do you remember the angel's face? There was star!'' Miss Graham' and I felt as if the fears that agitate her gentle breast! another from the same quarter, with flowing I looked expostulatory, but could get no farShe may never more see him: he may sleep hair-as airy a spirituelle as I ever saw; and ther. Well!-Miss Graham is a good beks last sleep on the field of horror; or he may another, and another and I have no doubt ginning-go on!' Seriously, Miss Graham' return triumphant, but false to his vows, with they are the cause of the borealis. But this is -I thought I should choke. Seriously, a proud heart, to scorn the love of her who nothing to the purpose. I danced with a lady Mr. Halsey, you don't appear to have any mourned for his absence. But women, like-from. no matter I cannot be particular thing to say. Am I to consider this a mere vse, there might be seen more high-minded but she had large dark eyes, and the longest hiatus, or is your dying speech concluded?" and more heroic in their thoughts and feelings; eyelashes that ever drooped. Her forehead was Spare me, spare me! I'll go on directly!' me who, like Leonor de Aguilar, offered low, and the black hair was parted on it as theyNo, I shall not spare you; for directly' we their tears at the shrine of glory and patriot- paint the Madonna-with an expression. If shall come to the Pavilion, and directly' I am, and who, while they trembled for the life any body wishes to flirt with me, let her have shall be very busy with my friends, and so of the object of their affections, were still more black hair, and a sweet forehead to part it on. you'll hang without a confession. Come the axious for his honour; some, whose passion She did not dance well; and if she had, it speech!' Miss Graham-I-I-I-' 'A rerezived a spark of heavenly fire that elevated would have been out of character. I never spectable pronoun!-Go on!' 'I'- 'What?' the above their kind, and who gloried in saw a woman with rich dark eyes that did. It Love you!' Hem! quite to the point!' I the sight as they beheld their lovers marching would be like a Magdalen painted at blind had passed the Rubicon, and grew desperate. enward to fame and victory. Such scenes, man's buff. It is a pity there is not a musical⚫ It is to the point, madam!-I have loved you sch sensations, with others which as power- star. I am sure I was born under one. She from the first moment'6 Stop, stop!-be fully affect the heart, but which the pen would (I did not hear her name when I was intro- original, or I won't listen. I can read all that vainly attempt to portray, are generally at- duced, but she looked as if it was Isabella), she in Sir Charles Grandison.' • Miss Graham, tendant on a departing army. Fear, perhaps, had a tone I shall not attempt to describe. It will you speak seriously ?' Yes, sir seriholds its dominion in the breasts of the many was low and reedy, like the death of a fine ously we are slight acquaintances-and seand interesting beings who are left behind; sweep on an Æolian. I have heard doves who riously' I know nothing about you and ‘sehat hape steals gently forward, and gilds with came near it, and, if I understood music, I riously' you are not out of your teens-and its bright illusion the most fearful anticipa- could tell you of a note in a second flute which seriously' we are at the Pavilion-will you tions. Meantime the soldier marches on gaily makes me think of it; but it was irresistible. walk in ? We met the ladies at the door. and reckless, and with a light heart he takes I never could withstand a sweet tone from my Miss Graham announced her departure, and has farewell of those whom he is, perhaps, childhood; and if I had lived in the days of after the suitable expressions of surprise and ded never more to behold; and the tears Orpheus, I am persuaded I should have walked disappointment, they sent for their hats, and that accompany his departure, tears of sym- into the wall. She said a few common-places; insisted on returning with us. It was to me a pathy and affection, will soon, alas! be and I answered, like an amateur at a concert, small purgatory. The ladies rallied me on my anged for the bitter drops of grief and with a nod or a monosyllable. It was a perfect abstraction, and Miss Graham rattled away despair." spell. I am better at conversation than any unmercifully. She had been here too long' Upon the whole, we trust that this Romance thing else; but I had lost my talisman. You the springs were excessively stupid'-the vill meet with the success it deserves-as it would have taken my speeches for the list of beaux were all bores, begging Mr. Halsey's rtainly, from its intrinsic merits, takes a impersonal verbs in the grammar. She was pardon'-and she was delighted to go.'' I very prominent rank among the class of works engaged for the next cotillon, and a mere tried every manœuvre to speak a word to her which it belongs, and is further recom- cipher of a fop led her off in the middle of a but she was in too much of a hurry to step ded by the several adventitious circum-sentence. I would have given the puppy my aside for a view' and she didn't care for the res to which we have already alluded. degree for a delay of two minutes. I met her dust' and she always preferred a lady's arm afterwards at the spring-sat opposite to her to a gentleman's.' She left us at the door, to The Atlantic Souvenir; a Christmas and New at table-met her accidentally in walks, and go to her room. On her return, the carriage Year's Offering. Pp. 384. Philadelphia, was very much surprised to be riding in the was waiting. Come, Caroline,' shouted a 18 Carey and Co. London, J. Miller. same direction on horseback. She was always bass and a cracked treble. Coming, sirTais is a very pretty little volume, and does polite, and received my apocryphal explanations coming, madam,'-and she shook hands with andit to the taste and gallantry across the At- with a smile that went through me like a coup the gay circle. I offered my arm, and under astir to their gallantry, for pages like these de soleil, only more moderately. Her bewil- cover of a bagatelle, made a desperate offerce mevitably associated with homage to the dering voice, too!-it gave the airy nothings Will you give me one word, Miss Graham ?' part of the creation; to their taste, of courtesy the power of a Maelstrom-my Yes, sir-two-good bye' and she jumped much is displayed in the pretty poetry heart was completely swallowed up. I staid into the carriage. I think if I ever hang, I and pretty tales of the Atlantic Souvenir. day after day, till I had far outstaid my per- shall feel as I did when that carriage drove off." In a terary point of view, the prose takes mission. My funds were low, and Peyton's The poetry is but mediocre; it wants origi far the highest rank: the story of the quite gone. He had been urging our departure nality, and, worse still, wants character; there de of great interest, and that of the for a week or two, and was entirely out of is nothing American in it; it might as well Toung West Indian would deserve a place in patience. Still I could not make up my mind have been written on one side of the Atlantic as 4 Annual The Poet's Tale displays talent to go. One morning, however, she came down on the other. The following, by James G. Perof another kind; but perhaps a scene from the in a riding-habit. I supposed she was going cival, though one of the most graceful pieces cration will be as amusing and characteristic upon an early ride, and gave orders for a horse in the book, is scarcely equal to what we should a specimen as our limits permit. The young immediately. A moment before, I had the expect from him.

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