BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES THE scheme of a thorough excavation of the bed of the Tiber has been taken up by an Italian association, at the head of which is the well-known Signor Alessandro Castellani, but which relies on the co-operation of many artists, antiquaries, and other learned men of Europe and America, all of whom have been strongly urging the speedy commencement of an undertaking which has already been too long delayed. Those who set about it expect no other return for their trouble and expense than the immense gain sure to accrue from it to art and history-to archæological knowledge in all its branches. THE Edinburgh memorial to the late Prince Consort is to be placed in Charlotte Square. The consent of all the proprietors of the square has been obtained, and the Queen is understood to have signified her approval. THE Union states that the magnificent Abbey of La Trappe, near Montagne (Orne), has just been partly destroyed by fire. IT is announced that the honour of knighthood is to be conferred upon Mr. Gilbert, the President of the Society of Painters in Water-colours. A POSTHUMOUS work of the late Archdeacon Hale on the Wills of Bishop Baldock and Bishop Gravesend is in preparation for the Camden Society. THE Archbishop of Canterbury has asked all the clergy of his diocese to have themselves photographed at his expense. To each clergyman he gives two copies of the sitter's likeness, and also one of his (the Archbishop's) own. THE British Museum will be closed from September 1st to the 7th inclusive; and the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth Palace will be closed as usual for the recess on and after September 4, for five weeks. MRS. Rowland Williams is collecting materials for a memoir of her hus band, the late Dr. Rowland Williams, and will be much obliged to any persons possessing letters they have received from him, if they will lend them to her with a view to publication. THE REV. E. Venables calls attention in The Guardian to a fragment of the Blackfriars' Monastery that has come to light in the formation of the new Queen Victoria Street. A piece of medieval walling and the fragment of a buttress are to be seen among the debris of demolished houses on the left-hand side of the street, going up from Bridge Street, just before the Bible Society's house is reached. WANTED TO PURCHASE. Particulars of Price, &c., of the following books to be sent direct to the gentleman by whom they are required, whose name and address are given for that purpose. BURNS'S WORKS. 1 Vol. 12mo, published by Alex. M'Donald. Belfast 1816. Coarse portrait. 1 Vol., Magnet Edition of the Poets, William Mark Clark, 1836. 1 Vol. 18mo, paper boards, n. d., in the Pocket Edition of Standard Works. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. Wanted by Mr. James McKie, Kilmarnock. E. S. R. (Cambridge.) The allusion in the first verse of Tennyson's In Memoriam has been discussed in "N. & Q." 4th S. v. 52, 213, 352, 388, 542. A. O. V. P.—" Love will find out the way," is a very old ballad. Consult Percy's Reliques; Evans's Old Ballads (1810), iii. 282; Rimbault's Little Book of Songs and Ballads, p. 137; and Chappell's Popular Music of the Olden Time, i. 303. SOUTHERNWOOD.-A long biographical notice of Admiral Frank Sotheron (ob. Feb. 7, 1839), appeared in the Gentleman's Mag. for June, 1839, p. 655. A large folio portrait of him by C. Turner was advertised in the Catalogue (No. 60) of Mr. John Stenson, of 15, King's Place, King's Road, Chelsea. S. W. T.-The New Sermons to Asses, 1773, are by James Murray of Newcastle. See "N. & Q." 2nd S. xii. 292. J. RUSSELL, B.A.-The punning Latin couplet, "Cane, decane, canis," &c., has been attributed to Professor Porson. Consult "N. & Q." 1st S. v. 440, 523; vi. 64; 3rd S. vi. 288, 398. "HIC ET UBIQUE."Our correspondent should consult a valuable tract, entitled An Argument for the Greek Origin of the Monogram I.HI.S., by the Rev. Benjamin Webb, published by the Cambridge Camden Society in 1841. MORTIMER COLLINS.-Peccavi! The reference should have been to “N. & Q.” 3rd S. viii, 455. G. A. C.-Did you see our reasons at p. 488 for withholding your resumé ? The controversy being apparently closed we shall be glad to hear from you again. SILURIAN and C. SUMNER.-We do not remember to have received your communications. A. M. BRADFORD.-We are unable to give the required information, and should advise you to apply to the Horse Guards on the subject. EDWARD PEACOCK.-Miss Kent is the author of Flora Domestica, or the Portable Flower Garden, 1825. ERRATUM.-4th S. viii. p. 141, col. i. line 5, for "Bunmatine" read "Bannatine.' NOTICE. We beg leave to state that we decline to return communications which, for any reason, we do not print; and to this rule we can make no exception. To all communications should be affixed the name and address of the sender, not necessarily for publication, but as a guarantee of good faith. All communications should be addressed to the Editor at the Office, 43, Wellington Street, W.C. £2,000,000. 1,798,000. 179,800. ACCIDENTS CAUSE LOSS OF MONEY. Provide against ACCIDENTS of ALL KINDS BY INSURING WITH THE Railway Passengers' Assurance Company, An Annual Payment of £3 to 26 5/ insures £1,000 at Death or an allowance at the rate of £6 per week for Injury. £565,000 have been Paid as Compensation, ONE out of every TWELVE Annual Policy Holders becoming a claimant EACH YEAR. For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Offices. 64, CORNHILL, and 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE.-AGUA AMARELLA restores the Human Hair to its pristine hue, no matter at what age. MESSRS, JOHN GOSNELL & CO. have at length, with the aid of the most eminent Chemists, succeeded in perfecting this wonderful liquid. It is now offered to the Public in a more concentrated form, and at a lower price. Sold in Bottles, 38. each, also 58., 7s. 6d., or 15s. each, with brush. OHN GOSNELL & CO.'S CHERRY TOOTH a pearl-like whiteness, protects the enamel from decay, and imparts a pleasing fragrance to the breath. JOHN GOSNELL & CO.'S Extra Highly Scented TOILET and NURSERY POWDER. To be had of all Perfumers and Chemists throughout the Kingdom, and at Angel Passage, 93, Upper Thames Street, London. RUPTURES. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical men to be the most effective invention in the curative treatment of HERNIA. The use of a steel spring, so often hurtful in its effects, is here avoided; a soft bandage being worn round the body, while the requisite resisting power is supplied by the MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVER fitting with so much ease and closeness that it cannot be detected, and may be worn during sleep. A descriptive circular may be had, and the Truss (which cannot fail to fit) forwarded by post on the circumference of the body, two inches below the hips, being sent to the Manufacturer. MR. JOHN WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY, LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, 168., 218., 26s. 6d., and 31s. 6d. Postage 1s. Double Truss, 31s. 6d., 42s., and 52s. 6d. Postage 1s. 8d. An Umbilical Truss, 42s. and 52s. 6d. Postage 1s. 10d. Post Office orders payable to JOHN WHITE, Post Office, Piccadilly. ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE-CAPS, &c., for VARICOSE VEINS, and all cases of WEAKNESS and SWELLING of the LEGS, SPRAINS, &c. They are porous, light in texture, and inexpensive, and are drawn on like an ordinary stocking. Prices 4s. 6d., 78. 6d., 108., and 16s. each. Postage 6d. JOHN WHITE, MANUFACTURER, 228, PICCADILLY, London. H. LAMPLOUGH, 113, Holborn Hill, London. TOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT AND PILLS.EVERY DAY WANT.-Skin Diseases, blotches, and unseemly eruptions, which prevail frequently and distress much, can be removed with facility by this cleansing and cooling Ointment, the salutary properties of which, over all contagious affections, have been long and indubitably established. Moderate doses of Holloway's Pills should be taken while the outward ailment is being treated with this Ointment; they will depurate the blood, and free it from every taint that may induce a relapse, deteriorate the general health, or otherwise act injuriously. By promoting digestion, and by purifying the circulation, Holloway's Pills ever help to keep the skin clear, and to eradicate the many rashes and spots, the mortifying evidences of an infirm stomach. 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WORMELL, M.A., R.Sc. Containing the elements of Mechanics, Hydrostatics, and Optics. GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, 5, Paternoster Row, London. Fcap. 8vo, cloth, price 4s., post free for 48 stamps. ECHANICS for SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, and CANDIDATES for UNIVERSITY and other Examinations. By R. WORMELL, M.A., B.Sc. Second edition, revised and corrected. GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, 5, Paternoster Row, London. Third edition, fcap. 8vo, cloth, 48. Post free for 48 stamps. CHEMISTRY, for the use of SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, and CANDIDATES for UNIVERSITY MATRICULATION EXAMINATIONS. By PROFESSOR BARFF, M.A., Professor of Chemistry to the Royal Academy of Arts. **This book is now acknowledged to be one of the very best suitable for preparation for examinations. It contains all the Matriculation Questions of the University of London, from January 1865 to the present time, together with the answers. GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, 5, Paternoster Row, London. Founded in 1841. PATRON-HI.R.H. the PRINCE of WALES. The following are the terms of admission to this Library, which contains 85,000 volumes of Ancient and Modern Literature, in various languages: Subscription, 31. a year; or 27. with entrance-fee of 61.; Life Membership, 261. Fifteen volumes are allowed to country and ten to town members. Reading-room open from ten to six. Prospectus on application. Catalogue (New Edition), price 15s.; to members, 10s. 6d. ROBERT HARRISON, Secretary and Librarian. EARLY ENGLISH AND LATIN Half-morocco, Roxburghe Style. Price 21s. PROMPTORIUM PARVULORUM SIVE CLERICORUM. The earliest English Dictionary, A.D. 1440. Edited from Harl. MS. 221, with Corrections from other MSS. and Pynson's Edition, by ALBERT WAY, A.M. "The PROMPTORIUM itself, simply reprinted, would have been a boon to English Philologists; but in this handsome quarto of some six hundred pages, we have not only the result of Mr. Way's collation of all the various MSS. and printed editions of that important work, but in his explanatory notes a mass of philological and archaeological learning illustrative of our early language and ancient manners, such as we believe nobody but Mr. Way could have produced; and this vast amount of curious knowledge is made most readily available by capital indexes. The editor's Introduction is full of most curious scholarship, and is in itself a valuable contribution to Literary History."-Notes and Queries. MESSRS. NICHOLS, 25, Parliament Street, Westminster. EARLY ENGLISH ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. THE DOMESDAY of ST. PAUL'S, TAKEN IN 1222. With an Introduction, Notes, and Illustrations. By the late VENERABLE ARCHDEACON HALE. Small 4to, cloth boards, price 10s. REGISTER OF THE PRIORY OF ST. MARY, WORCESTER. Edited by the late VEN. WILLIAM HALE HALE. Archdeacon of London. Small 4to, cloth boards, 10s. "Archdeacon Hale's volume, which may be considered a companion to the Domesday of St. Paul's, is no whit less important......The greater portion of the volume consists of a descriptive rental of the Benedictine Monastery of Worcester in the middle of the thirteenth century. These documents are illustrated with great industry and learning, and much information as to the relation of the Church to the State and to the Land may be gathered from its pages. Notes and Queries. MESSRS NICHOLS 25, Parliament Street, Westminster. CHR HRONICLES OF THE ANCIENT BRITISH CHURCH, previous to the Arrival of St. Augustine, A.D. 396. Second Edition. Post 8vo. Price 5s. cloth. "The study of our early ecclesiastical history has by some been considered one of great labour; but a little work, entitled 'Chronicles of the Ancient British Church,' has so collected the material from the many and various sources, and has so judiciously classified and condensed the records, that there is no longer this plea. We recommend the work not only to every student, but to every churchman who feels an interest in the early history of his church."-Literary Churchman, June 16, 1855. "An excellent manual, containing a large amount of information on a subject little known, and still less understood. We recommend the volume to those who wish to know what were the religious institutions and advantages of our remote ancestors." — Clerical Journal, August 22, 1855. London: W. MACINTOSH & CO., 24, Paternoster Row, E.C., and of all Booksellers. Printed by SPOTTISWOODE & CO., at 5, New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the County of Middlesex; and Published by WILLIAM GREIG SMITHI, of 43, Wellington Street, Strand, in the said County.-Saturday, August 25, 1871. [OTICE.—ROYAL SCHOOL OF MINES, Jermyn Rely engraved by 11. HULSBERGH from Drawings by C NOTICE the 2nd of October. Prospectuses may be had on application. TRENHAM REEKS, Registrar. PART I. now ready, in medium 8vo. price 3s. (to be completed in One more Part), NOTES, with EMENDATIONS, on the LEX ICON of HESYCHIUS. By D. A. FERRARI, J.U.D. Selected and Edited by W. BROWN, M.A. Rector of Hormead Parva; late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge. London: LONGM ANS, GREEN, and CO. Paternoster Row. KIN ING CHARLES'S NEWSPAPER.-A Fac-simile of a Curious Newspaper, published in the reign of" The Merry Monarch," King Charles the Second, containing the Intrigues of the Court. Notices of his Courtezans, Nell Gwynne, the Dutchess of Portsmouth, the Dutchess of Cleaveland; also, of the Earl of Shaftesbury, Duke of Monmouth, Earl of Faversham, Lady Powis, John Bunyan, John Dryden, Titus Oates, Performance of Pope Joan in Cannon Street, Popish Plots, Strange Adventure at a Tavern in St. Pancras, The Amorous Quaker, Curious Solar Phenomenon of Three Suns, and several singular Advertisements. Reprinted in fac-simile, price 18., or free for 12 postage stamps. Address, JAMES H. FENNELL, 6. Colveston Crescent, Dalston, London, E. ARE OLD VIEWS OF ENGLISH MANSIONS, CAMPBELL, and published in the Reign of GEORGE THE FIRST. Large folio size, in excellent preservation, and now offered for Sale in separate County Lots, at moderate prices, namely:-BEDFORDSHIRE.-View and Plan of the Pavilion in the Duke of Kent's Garden, two prints, folio, 5s. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Views and Plan of Cliefden House, Seat of Earl of Orkney, three prints, folio and atlas folio, 10s. DEVONSHIRE.-Plan of the House of Sir Walter Yonge, Bart., folio, 2s. DORSETSHIRE.-Views and Plans of Dorsetshire Mansions, by Sir John Vanbrugh, four prints, folio, 8s. ESSEX.-Views and Plans of Wanstead House, Seat of Sir Richard Child, Bart., six prints, folio and atlas folio, 188. GLOUCESTERSHIRE.-Views and Plans of Dyrham House, Seat of Rt. Hon. William Blathwayt, Esq.; High Meadow, Seat of Thomas Gage, Esq.; and King's Weston, Seat of Rt. Hon. Edward Southwell, Esq.; designed by Sir John Vanbrugh. Six prints, folio, 128. KENT.-Views and Plans of the Queen's House in Greenwich Park, designed by Inigo Jones; Cobham Hall, Seat of the Duke of Lennox; Chevening House, Seat of the Earl of Sussex. Five prints, folio, 12s. LINCOLNSHIRE.-View of Belton, Seat of Sir. John Brownlow, Bart., two prints, folio, 58. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE.-Views and Plans of Lord Leimpster's House, and of Althorp, Seat of Earl of Sunderland, four prints folio, and atlas folio, 128. of NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. View and Plan Thorsby House, Seat of Marquis of Dorchester, two prints, folio, 68. SOMERSETSHIRE.-View and Plan of Wittham,. Seat of Sir William Wyndham, Bart., two prints, folio, 6s. SURREY.-Views and Plans of the House at Epsom of Richard Rooth, Esq.; Beddington House, Seat of Sir Nicholas Carew, Bart.: Rowhampton House, Seat of Thomas Cary, Esq.; and Sunbury House, Seat of Roger Hudson, Esq. Eight prints, large folio, 168. WARWICKSHIRE.-Views and Plans of St. Philip's Church at Birmingham; and of Newbold Hall, Seat of Sir Fulwar Skipwith, Bart. Three prints, folio, 108. WILTSHIRE.-Views and Plans of Long Leate, Seat of Lord Viscount Weymouth; Maiden Bradley, Seat of Sir Edward Seymour, Bart.; Wilberry House, Seat of William Benson, Esq., Wilton House, Seat of Earl of Pembroke, designed by Inigo Jones... Ten Prints folio, and atlas folio, 258. Address, JAMES H. FENNELL, 6, Colveston Crescent, Ridley Road, near Dalston Station, London, E. Money Orders to be made payable at the Post Office, Kingsland Gate.. "UNIVERSITY CLARET," 12s. per Dozen (Bottles included), SUPPLIED TO THE PRINCIPAL LONDON CLUBS, MANY OF THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGES, MESSES, MEMBERS OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION, ETC. VICHY WATERS COMPANY, 27, Margaret Street, Regent Street. "OLD ENGLISH" FURNITURE. Reproductions of Simple and Artistic Cabinet Work from Country COLLINSON and LOCK (late Herring), 109, FLEET STREET, E.C. Established 1782. TAPESTRY PAPERHANGINGS. Imitations of rare old BROCADES, DAMASKS, and GOBELIN TAPESTRIES. LD ARMOUR.-For SALE, a HELMET or COLLINSON and LOCK (late Herring), Charles I. Warranted genuine. Apply to E. COCKBURN, Albert DECORATORS, Street, Rugby. PARTRIDGE AND COOPER, NOTE PAPER, Cream or Blue, 3s., 48., 5s, and 6s. per ream. COLOURED STAMPING (Relief), reduced to 4s. 6d. per ream, or SERMON PAPER, plain, 4s. per ream; Ruled ditto, 4s. 6d. SCHOOL STATIONERY supplied on the most liberal terms. Illustrated Price List of Inkstands, Despatch Boxes, Stationery, Cabinets, Postage Scales, Writing Cases, Portrait Albums, &c., post free. (ESTABLISHED 1841.) The Vellum Wove Club-house Paper, Manufactured expressly to meet an universally experienced want, i. e. s Paper which shall in itself combine a perfectly smooth surface with total freedom from grease. The New Vellum Wove Club-House Paper will be found to possess these peculiarities completely, being made from the best linen rags only, possessing great tenacity and durability, and presenting a surface equally well adapted for quill or steel pen. The NEW VELLUM WOVE CLUB-HOUSE PAPER surpasses all others for smoothness of surface, delicacy of colour, firmness of texture, entire absence of any colouring matter or injurious chemicals, tending to impair its durability or in any way affecting its writing properties. A Sample Packet, containing an Assortment of the various Sizes, post free for 21 Stamps. PARTRIDGE & COOPER, Manufacturers and Sole Vendors, 192, Fleet Street, E.C. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA, DINNEFORD & CO., 172. New Bond Street, London, |