Imatges de pàgina

an old councillor, who must have been how. In his right hand Roland holds a very like your burgomaster, arose and long sword, intended for the sword of called attention to the fact that, although justice, and it is recorded that in early the last bear had been dead for several days malefactors were executed near the months, no particular calamity had afflicted spot where he stands. Behind him is a the canton beyond the annoyance of its figure of Eulenspiegel, or Owlglass, eviown (he would not say foolish) fears. On dently intended as a monument of a visit this basis he moved that the offers of re- paid to the town by that world-famed ward should be cancelled, and that they jester." should continue to do without a bear, till warned by some palpable sign of their impropriety. The motion, having the unquestionable advantage of economy in its favour, was eagerly seconded, and carried unanimously; and from that time forward the public purse was never drained for the maintenance of a bear."

"These committees and sub-committees, and movers and seconders," observed Maximilian, "lead me to suspect, my good Edgar, that this Swiss legend, doubtless antique in its origin, has received some colouring from the narrator. It lacks the mediæval ring, and there is an irreverent tone about it which brings me back to the point at which I started."

"What point was that ?" simultaneously inquired Laurence and Edgar.

"I stated that in this same Stendal, which we have been so largely discussing, I had discovered a similitude to the Andalusian Don Juan."

"So you did," assented Laurence; "but upon my word I had forgotten all about it."

"I also," ejaculated Edgar; "really I beg your pardon, my dear Maximilian. Tell us all about it now."

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'I know what Eulenspiegel did at Stendal," interrupted Laurence.

"So do I," said Maximilian, gruffly. "But I do not," observed Edgar, with a malicious smile. "Let Laurence tell us all about it."

"I will send you the old book recording all the adventures of Eulenspiegel. Read it to-morrow at leisure, and much pleasure may it give you; but let me get through my story now. The Roland at Stendal, though he does not seem to date further back than the beginning of the sixteenth century, has occasionally been known to relieve the monotony of his existence by turning round, or even stepping from his pedestal and taking a stroll about the streets."

"Who is supposed to have seen him perform these feats ?" inquired Edgar.

"Several people, I believe," answered Maximilian, "but they generally liked to see him at a distance, and did not much care to inspect him closely."

"This seems to be a case to which the hackneyed line-'Distance lends enchantment to the view,' will apply with singular force," said Laurence.


One citizen, however," proceeded MaxiWell," said Maximilian, looking more milian, "chanced on the occasion of some cheerful than for some time previously, festival to imbibe liquor sufficient to endow "you must know that in the market-place him with an amount of courage such as of Stendal is a statue of the well-known he had never previously displayed, or proknight, Roland, the Orlando of Ariosto." bably felt. This same extemporaneous "Stop a bit," interrupted Laurence. "Don't be too sure that the statue, because it is called Roland, has any reference to Ariosto. In the cities of the Altmark, a Roland, that is to say, the figure of a stalwart knight, is generally to be found, and all the Rolands are alike in this, that, with the exception of the one at Perleberg, which lies to the north, they wear a moustache without a beard."

"The Roland of whom I am speaking," proceeded Maximilian, in a less cheerful tone, "holds in his left hand a shield, adorned with the eagle of Brandenburg-"

"Or Anhalt ?" suggested Laurence. "Whichever you please," replied Maximilian, fretfully. "Do let me get on some

ribald took it into his head to stalk up to the statue and make months at it. This the magnanimous Roland endured, but when the citizen went further and insolently pitied him, because he could not take a glass, the insult was too great even for a man of stone to endure; so solemnly revolving on his feet, he turned his back on his assailant. The movement so terrified the citizen, that he became sober at once; and was never afterwards known to commit an excess. You will be greatly surprised, however, to hear that on the following morning the statue stood in its proper position, just as if nothing had happened."

"Nay, for my part," rejoined Edgar, "as I am convinced it was not the statue, but the head of the spectator that went

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'NEATH a smiling sun and a wooing gale, I set my feather-boats to sail,

By one, by two, by three.

One was laden with First Love's vow,
One had Fortune's flag at her prow,

One, Fame had freighted for me.

Never a weather sign I scanned,
As my gay bark left the flowery land

On a merry morn of May.

Down swept a squall of Doubt and Chance,
And wrecked on the shoal of Circumstance,
My first fair venture lay.

Gravely I looked to rigging and rope,
Ere, bathed in the lustre of golden hope,
My next to the open bore.

But fierce and treacherous rose the waves,
More ships than mine found fathomless graves,
Ere the noontide storm was o'er.

To the lulling whispers of Art and Song,
I framed my last boat true and strong,
And decked her with joyous dreams.
And sent her forth with a rosy smile,
Tingeing her silken sails the while,
Caught from the sunset's gleams.

But oh, she never returned again,
O'er the wild waste water my sad eyes strain,
In the sickness of hope deferred.

And I think sometimes, should she yet come back
With the world's slow plaudits loud on her track,
Will the grass on my grave be stirred?



IN the year 1541, Thomas Hobson, lord of the manor of Marylebone, exchanged it with Henry the Eighth for certain church lands, and a royal manor-house was built in this reign; probably as a sort of hunting-box, as the adjoining park was full of deer. Both Mary and Elizabeth used the box as an occasional palace. In the reign of the latter queen, the keeper of "Maribone

Park received a salary of twelve pounds thirteen and fourpence a year," the keeper of the house, the convent-garden, and the woods ten pounds a year, and the lieu tenant of the chase the same sum. In the Board of Works account for 1582 there is a payment for standings, made both in Maribone and Hide Parks, "for the queen's majestie and the noblemen of Fraunce to see the huntinge." From Edward Fosset (to whom the park was sold by James the First) it passed to Thomas Austin, Esquire. In 1710, the manor was purchased by John Holles, Duke of Newcastle, whose only daughter and heir married Swift's friend and patron, Edward Harley, Earl of Oxford and Mortimer. The manor passed in 1734 to the second Duke of Portland, who married the only daughter and heir of the Earl of Oxford.

In Queen Elizabeth's time, in February, 1600, the Russian Ambassador and his retinue rode through the City of London to Marylebone Park (where, some years before, Babbington and his fellow-conspirators had taken refuge), and there hunted for their pleasure.

It was before this that handsome Sir Charles Blount (afterwards Earl of Devonshire) had fought the Earl of Essex in Marylebone Park, disarmed him and wounded him in the thigh. The quarrel of the two gallants had arisen on account of a chess-queen of gold, which Elizabeth had given Blount on account of his having distinguished himself in the tilt-yard. This favour the favoured man had tied on his arm with a crimson ribbon, and jealous Essex, perceiving this, had said, "Now, I perceive, every fool must have a favour." În Cromwell's time the park was settled on Colonel Thomas Harrison's regiment of dragoons for their pay, Sir John Ipsley being ranger by authority of the Protector.

In 1809, Nash, the Regent's favourite architect, prepared plans for Regent's Park and adjoining streets. The new enclosure was called the Regent's Park because the worthy Regent had expressed somewhere to somebody some anxiety to see the neighbourhood improved.

When King James sold the manor of Marylebone, he reserved the park, which, in 1646, Charles the First assigned to certain creditors as security for a debt for arms and ammunition supplied to him during the war he waged against the parliament. Cromwell, disregarding this assignment, sold the park to John Spencer, gentleman of London, for thirteen thousand two hun

dred and fifteen pounds six shillings and eightpence, including thirteen pounds for one hundred and twenty-four deer, and seventeen hundred and seventy-four pounds eight shillings for timber, exclusive of two thousand nine hundred and seventysix tons marked for the navy, hereafter to be floated off against the Dutch, disgracefully burnt at Chatham, or splintered and smashed by Opdam's and Van Tromp's cannon. At the Restoration, King Charles's assignment was held good, and the park, till the debt was liquidated, assigned to the original guarantees.

Marylebone Gardens stood on what is now Beaumont- street, Devonshire - street, and part of Devonshire-place. Pepys mentions the gardens as being pretty in 1668. Gay alludes to dog-fighting at Marylebone, and in his Beggars' Opera describes Captain Macheath as a frequenter of Marylebone and the chocolate-houses, "keeping too good company," as Peachum says, ever

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to grow rich.' In the same play the gallant captain says to one of his gang, "There will be deep play to-night at Marybone, and, consequently, money may be picked up upon the road; meet me there, and I'll give you the hint who is worth setting."

ness of the Duke of Buckingham for this place in the line:

Some dukes at Marybone bowl time away.

The duke himself says, in one of his letters, noting the place alluded to to be Marylebone: "After I have dined (either agreeably with friends, or at worst with better company than your country neighbours), I drive away to a place of air and exercise, which some constitutions are in absolute need of; agitation of the body and diversion of the mind being a composition for health above all the skill of Hippocrates."

Pennant calls Marylebone Gardens "the place of assemblage of all the infamous sharpers of the time, to whom the Duke of Buckingham always gave a dinner at the conclusion of the season," always drinking, as Quin told Pennant, the following ominous toast:

"May as many of us as remain unhanged next spring meet here again."

The duke died in 1721. In 1718, the Marylebone bowling-greens were not illuminated, as usual, on the king's birthday, as the Kensington and Richmond Gardens held their rival illuminations instead. In 1738, a Mr. Gough enlarged the garThe carriage and principal entrance to dens, built an orchestra, and issued annual the gardens was in High-street, the back tickets, twelve shillings for the season. The opened to fields, beyond which was a ordinary admission was sixpence for the narrow winding passage between garden evening. The gardens were open from six palings, that led back into the High-street. till ten. In 1740, when the new room was In this passage were openings to various erected, the admission was increased to one small gardens, intended for the recreation shilling. In 1771, a grand martial comof cockney florists, their wives, children, position of music was performed by Mr. and Sunday smoking visitors. They were Lampe, in honour of Admiral Vernon's called the French Gardens, in conse- taking Carthagena. In 1743, the holders of quence of having been first cultivated by Marylebone Garden tickets let them out at refugees, or, as some say, because a French reduced prices for the evening. Ranelagh chapel had once stood on their site. They tickets could also be had at old Slaughter's were opened by a man named Gough, Coffee House in St. Martin's-lane. In 1786, some time before the year 1737, and a highwaymen had grown so desperate, and shilling was demanded for admission, for intercepted so many visitors on their rewhich an equivalent was given in refresh- turn from the gardens, that the proprietor ment. Indeed, as early as 1708 there were was obliged to have a guard of soldiers to two bowling-greens at Marylebone, one near protect the company to and from London. the top of the High-street, near the manor- No person was admitted to the balls in house, another at the back of the Rose of 1748 but in full dress. In 1751, John Normandy public-house, Bowling Green- Trusler, a cook, was sole proprietor, and a lane, or Bowling-street, forming its southern ten and sixpenny ticket admitted two perboundary. The first was connected with sons to the ball-room. The doors opened at the Rose Tavern, a noted gaming-house, nine o'clock. In 1753, the gardens were at one time much frequented by persons enlarged by taking in the bowling-green, of rank. Afterwards it became disreput- and lights were erected in the coach-way able, and was incorporated with Marylebone from Oxford-road, and also on the footpath Gardens. from Cavendish-square. The fireworks that Lady Mary Wortley alludes to the fond-year are described as splendid. There was

a large sun at the top of a picture, a cascade, a shower of flame, grand air-balloons, and red fire. In 1756, two rooms were opened for dinner-parties. In 1788, the ball-room tickets of five shillings each admitted a gentleman and two ladies. Only twenty-five of these tickets were issued for the same evening. Mr. Trusler's son produced La Serva Padrona, the first burletta performed in the gardens. He only received the profit of the libretto books. Poor Chatterton produced a piece at Marylebone.

Reverend Mr. Dyer, brother of the author of Grongar Hill." Mr. Fountayne, a friend of Clarke, the celebrated Greek scholar, and also of Handel, was fond of giving musical parties, and the old house boasted a beautiful saloon and gallery, especially adapted for such amusements.

One day, when Mr. Fountayne and Handel were walking together in the Marylebone Gardens, listening to the music, "Come, Mr. Fountayne," said Handel, "come, my friend, let us sit down and listen to this piece. What is your opinion of it ?" "It is not worth listening to," replied the old gentleman, with a gesture of dislike; "it is poor stuff." "You are right, Mr. Foun tayne-you are right," replied Handel"it is very poor stuff. I thought so myself when I finished it." The old gentleman began to stammer out an apology, but Handel checked him, saying that the music

In 1759, the gardens were opened for breakfasts, and Miss Trusler made the cakes. In 1760, the gardens were opened on Sunday evening, after five o'clock, gratis, and visitors were accommodated with coffee, tea, and cakes. A drawing, made by Goslin, in 1700, of Marylebone House, comprises the field-gate, palace, and the surrounding walls to the south-was really bad, being hastily composed, and west, including a large mansion, probably that his opinion was as correct as it was Oxford House, the receptacle of the Har- honest. leian Library. It afterwards became an academy, occupied by a Monsieur de la Place, a daughter of whom married the Reverend Mr. Fountayne, rector of North Tidworth, in Wiltshire, who afterwards carried it on.

This house, which stood on the east side of the road on the site of Devonshiremews, Devonshire-street, New-road, was pulled down in 1791. Drawings, made by Michael Angelo Rooker, show us a mansion with two wings, a projecting porch, and an enormously deep dormer roof, supported by numerous cantilevers, in the centre of which there is a very bold pediment, a shield surrounded by foliage, with labels beneath. The garden front consists of a flat face with a bay window at each end glazed in quarrils, and the wall of the whole back front is crowned by five gables. In the garden stands a hale, hearty gentleman, dressed in black, wearing a white Busby wig and a three-cornered hat. This is, possibly, the Reverend Mr. Fountayne, as he seems to be directing a gardener how to distribute some plants A third drawing exhibits the grand tesselated staircase, the balustrade of which consists of richlycarved perforated foliage. The mansion was entirely of brick, and was surmounted by a large clock and bell tower.

This Mr. Fountayne had one son, who became Dean of York, and one of his daughters, who was esteemed a great beauty, married Counsellor Hargrave. The sister of Mr. Fountayne's wife married the

Mrs. Fountayne was a vain, dashing woman, extremely fond of appearing at court, for which purpose she used to borrow Lady Barrington's jewels. Her passion for display was so great that she kept a carriage, unknown to her husband, by the fol lowing unworthy manoeuvre. As her husband's scholars were mostly sons of people of wealth and rank, she professed to have many favourites, whom she used to take to the play as a treat when they had behaved well, the parents gladly paying for the tickets and the carriage; but, as the tickets were presents from her friend, Mrs. Yates, her profits on the half-year enabled her to keep a carriage; as for Mrs. Yates, she was rewarded by the numerous benefit tickets disposed of by Mrs. Fountayne.

That pleasant and inveterate gossip, Nollekens Smith, describes, when a boy, being allowed by his mother one summer Sunday morning, in 1774, to stand and see the young gentlemen of Mr. Foun tayne's boarding-school cross the road to church. He says: "I remember well, a summer's sun shone with full effulgence at the time, and my youthful eyes were dazzled with the various colours of the dresses of the youths, who walked twoand-two, some in pea-green, others in sky. blue, and several in the brightest scarlet; many of them wore gold-laced hats, while the flowing locks of others, at that time allowed to remain uncut at schools, fell over their shoulders."

Smith, who was born in Marylebone,

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tells a good story of a consultation of physicians overheard by a boy at Mr. Fountayne's school, when a young gentleman boarder was seriously indisposed. First Doctor: "You look better." Second Doctor: Yes, sir; I now eat suppers, and wear a double flannel jacket." And so they went on discussing each other's comforts and ailments, till the house apothecary arrived, when he was questioned by them as to what he had given. They then advised him to repeat the doses as often as he thought proper, and so the important and profound consultation ended. In Mr. Fountayne's hall there used to be a parrot, so old that its feathers were only kept on by a flannel jacket, while in cold very weather it wore a scarlet cloth coat. Poll had been so long accustomed to hear the general invitation to strangers who called to inquire after the boarders, that she learnt to relieve her mistress of that ceremony by always uttering, as soon as any one entered the door, "Do pray walk into the parlour and take a glass of wine."

to come to lunch. The three Miss Fountaynes, daughters of the bush wig and the rainbow head, then enlivened the family conversazione with music and conversation. The eldest sister was a little curvilinear in form. Diana, the prettiest, married a Mr. Hargrave, at the Chancery bar, an unraveller of the knots of the famous Thelusson case. It was a law of the school to talk in French, and the result was a Marylebone patois, that even the ruddy, thickset Yorkshire footman indulged in. When relations came for a boy, the visit was always announced by this flower of the West Riding, who, thrusting his head into the school-room, bawled out:

"Measter Colman venny shurshay!"

The immortal Marylebone Volunteers of 1797 were eight hundred in number. The uniform consisted of a blue jacket, turned up with red, and blue pantaloons. The arms were kept in the workhouse; the parade ground was in George-street. The corps of Blue Bottles, as they were called, was disbanded in 1801.

The facetious George Colman, junior, In 1802, on the renewed fears of invaauthor of Broad Grins, was sent to Mary- sion, a new regiment-one thousand strong lebone School in 1770, preparatory to enter--was organised, and called the Royal ing Westminster. He has left excellent caricatures in the Bunbury manner of the old Doctor and Mrs. Fountayne. The quiet, good-natured dominie, who did not overburden his pupils with Latin and Greek, wore a bush wig, while Mrs. Fountayne, a faded fine woman, whose hair had become of a rainbow colour from the injudicious use of infallible dyes, rejecting powder and pomatum, had erected a formidable messuage or tenement of hair upon the ground plot of her pericranium. As all illustrations of this kind are valuable to the recorder of social history, we subjoin the old wag's description:

"A towering toupee, pulled up all but by the roots, and strained over a cushion on the top of her head, formed the centre of the building; tiers of curls served for the wings, a hanging chignon behind defended her occiput like a buttress, and the whole fabric was kept tight and weather-proof, as with nails and iron cramps, by a quantity of long single and double black pins."

At a certain hour every day the old lady with the rainbow head threw over her attire a thin white linen wrapper, reaching from her throat to her ankles, mounted herself on a high stool near the fireplace, and presided over the boys' dinners, which took place in the old hall of the mansion. On batter-padding days the boys' friends used

York Saint Mary-le-Bone Volunteers, in compliment to the Duke of York, who resided in the parish. The uniform was a scarlet jacket trimmed with gold lace, and blue pantaloons. Nearly twenty thousand pounds had been expended on this regiment, which was composed chiefly of master tradesmen, and officered by gentlemen. The corps broke up in 1814, when seven hundred pounds-the remains of the regimental fund-were divided between the parish school and Middlesex Hospital. There is still extant a comic song describing the achievements of this gallant corps in the field. It narrates the transport of the volunteers in four horse cars to Hounslow, and the luckless misadventure of the captain, who was shot in the leg by one of his own Light Bobs.

The church of Tyburn in the reign of King John was an appanage of the priory of St. Laurence, at Blakemore, in Essex. In 1525, this priory was suppressed by Wolsey, in order to endow his college at Ipswich. On the cardinal's fall it passed to the king, and finally came into the hands of the Fossett family. In 1821, the government gave the Duke of Portland, for the presentation, land near Welbeck of the value of forty thousand pounds. In the year 1511, the minister of Marylebone received a salary of only thirteen shillings

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