Imatges de pàgina

which mora is echoed by ora, flendo by the second line of each couplet, so as to endo, spero by ero, and solamen by amen. produce repetitions or reverberations, such If skilfully constructed, such verses read as the following: esempio-empio; amori agreeably enough; the echo is really an-mori; mio-io; clamore-amore; dama echo or repetition of the ending of the ama; viaggio-aggio; profonde-onde; previous word, and not a copy of the entire altramente-mente, &c. word; it is at once a better echo and a better rhyme. In most instances, however, the rhymester shuns any very rigid rules of construction. Erasmus wrote a dialogue in which the nymph Echo was a good linguist; she gave her echoing answers in Greek, Latin, or Hebrew, according as the exigencies of the rhyme best suited her purpose.

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In the early part of the reign of Charles the First, a curious translation was published of a Latin composition on the right Course of possessing Life and Health; together with Soundness and Integrity of the Senses, Judgment, and Memory. It is in the form of a dialogue between a glutton and Echo. The reader will at once see which is the echo part of each combination, without italics or special notification:

Early in the seventeenth century some echo verses were published in Italian, under the title of Echo in Versi pari: Cosa molto bella e sententiosa. The construction is rather singular. There are forty-nine couplets, or pairs of lines, and the echo rhymes with the last word or syllable of

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"How prove they themselves to be the godly ?" "Oddly!"

"How stand they to the government civil?" "Evil!"

"But to the king they say they are most loyal ?" "Lie all!"

"Then God keep king and state from these same men!" "Amen!"

A few years later, when the fortunes of Charles the First had become dark and threatening, another royalist echo was put forth, similar in construction and in sentiment to the foregoing:

"What wants thou, that thou art in this taking ?" "A king!"

"What made him first remove hence his residing?"


Did any here deny him satisfaction ?"


"Tell me whereon the strength of faction lies ?"

"On lies!"

"What didst thou when the king left his parliament ?" "Lament!"

"What terms wouldst give to gain his company ?" "Any!"

"What wouldst thou do if here thou mightst behold him ?"

"Hold him!"

“Wouldst thou save him with thy best endeavour ?" "Ever!"

"But if he comes not, what becomes of London ?" "Undone !"

In the time of the De Witts, when politics ran high in Holland, there was a sarcastic and satirical echo song which displayed much ability; but the echoes are not easily translatable into English. Somewhat after the time of those Dutchmen our Samuel Butler wrote his Hudibras; in which, although regular echo verses do not occur, there are bits of echo to be met with in several passages; as for example:

Quoth he, "Oh whither, wicked Bruin,
Art thou fled to my-

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"Ruin!" "Who would grudge to spend his blood in His honour's cause?" Quoth she,

"A pudding!"

some real echoes with which we are all familiar:

"Echo, tell me while I wander

O'er this fairy plain to prove him,
If my shepherd still grows fonder,
Ought I in return to love him ?"

"Love him, love him!"

"If he loves as is the fashion,
Should I churlishly forsake him;
Or in pity to his passion,
Fondly to my bosom take him?"

"Take him, take him!"

"Thy advice, then, I'll adhere to,

Since in Cupid's chains I've led him,
And with Lubin shall not fear to
Marry if you answer, Wed him.'”

"Wed him, wed him!"

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"When wed she'll change, for Love's no sticker,
And love her husband less than liquor!"
"Then lick her !"

"To leave me thus I can't compel her,
Though every woman else excel her!"
"Sell her!"

In 1807, a bookseller at Nuremberg, named Palm, published an echo song, terribly sarcastic upon the Emperor Napoleon. Marshal Davoust, who held sway in Germany at that time, made short work of the matter; he tried Palm by military law, and had him shot. A translation of it was composed; but, like most translations, it fails to give the full spirit of the original. Napoleon is supposed to be holding a colloquy with Echo:

In the reign of Queen Anne an echo song was published, the words of which are attributed to Addison. It was of the pastoral kind, in which lovers are conventionally supposed to be shepherds and shep- "S'death! who answers me? What being is there nigh ?” herdesses; and the echo is double, like

"Alone, I am in this sequester'd spot unheard!" 46 Unheard!"


her task!"


"Now I guess; to report my accents Echo has made of the humorists of the day asked Echo what she thought of the matter: "What are they who pay three guineas To hear a tune of Paganini's ?" "Pack o' ninnies."

"Know'st thou whether London will henceforth con

tinue to resist ?"


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"What should I then be, that think myself immortal?" "Mortal!"


SINCE the repeal of the paper and newspaper stamp duties, a number of journals have sprung up in London of a totally different character from the cosmopolitan diurnals which we are wont to designate as the daily press. The sheets we refer to, some of them published daily, but most at longer intervals, concern themselves wholly with the news and business of certain localities. London is a country in itself, and its districts have each its own local organ, hardly known outside the quarter to which it specially restricts itself. These London-provincial journals, as we may term

"The world is filled with the glory of my name, you them, report vestry meetings at length,


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"Tell me of what com'st the heart of Gaul ?"

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"Of gall!" "Dic mihi quæso virum, vitus qui tot bona parte ?" Bonaparte !" "Can George, then, thrash the Corsican ?" "He can!"

"Again I call, sweet maid, come echo me." "Eccomi!" "Il reste donc à souhaiter que la France lui désobeit." "So be it !"

"Ma sotto i rè erano sempre allegri."

"All agree! "T'unlock our India, France would make of Turkey" "Her key!"

"Wretches as changeful as the changing ocean.



About forty years ago, when Paganini was fiddling into his pocket the large sums of money which his admirers were willing to pay for the pleasure of hearing him, one

fulminate against local nuisances, and are great on the subjects of local paving and drainage. They must supply a felt want, else they could not exist, and that they must do a considerable amount of good can hardly be questioned. One of their most important offices is the publication of advertisements at a rate so moderate as to induce people to advertise in them with regard to matters that would hardly bear the higher charges of the advertising media commanding a wider area; and one or two of them, by reason of their copious display of what may be termed petty adver tisements, have attained a wide circulation outside their own immediate districts. A glance at the advertising columns of the Clerkenwell News gives a curious glimpse of insight into the manner of life, the wants and wishes of our London middlelower and lower classes. In these columns are to be found few announcements of new public companies. The gorgeous of Buckley-square" evidently does not consider the Clerkenwell News an eligible medium for offering himself, his powdered head and shapely calves, to the notice of a discriminating aristocracy. We find in it no advertisements of "a charming country residence to be let, standing in its own grounds, and within reach of four packs of hounds," or of "a noble West-end mansion for sale, with five reception-rooms, and every accommodation for the family of a nobleman or gentleman of position." The constituency of Clerkenwell is not to be found among the clubs, nor, should we


imagine, do its readers drive their carriages, unless a light trap, adapted for multifarious uses, can be called one's own carriage.

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there are but two advertisements from general servants in want of places, and not a girl, person, or woman proclaims through this medium her anxiety to obtain employByron wanted a hero-" an uncommon ment. The truth is, that an immense want;" it seems evident that a far more number of the women of London are becommon want among us at the present day coming too independent for service, as well is a general servant." Any one answer- as too independent when in service. Other ing to this description-in itself somewhat kinds of employment, often very wellvague, but sufficiently well defined by con- seldom very badly-paid, present themventional usage-must be hard to please if selves in competition with domestic sershe cannot find a place to her liking out of vice; and imposing as they do less restraint the hundred and forty which are advertised on personal liberty, are better liked by very as open to suitable applicants. "General many. The girl who "works at a trade," as servants" are evidently at a premium just it is called, has her evenings to herself, can now, and must be wooed by the enuncia- choose her own lodgings, do what she likes tion of some special attractions. These with her Sundays, and carries her characusually take the form of "good wages or ter at her fingers' ends. How multitu"liberal wages," and "all found," "no dinous are these occupations for girls, the children," "family small and quiet," "wash- advertisements in the Clerkenwell News ing put out," "no baby," "a comfortable tell us. Artificial florists are in extensive home for a clean, tidy girl," and so forth. request, whether they be "leaf hands," But the advertisers for "general servants," "preparers," common hands," "imwhile spreading these nets in the eyes of provers,' 'pattern makers," or "cutters ;" those whom they desire to attract, are, for whether in-door or out-door, it is all one, the most part, staunch sticklers for "a and there is not a word about character. good character." Some demand a "good Constant employment appears to await any personal character," which seems a dis- number of fancy box-makers, whether their tinction without a difference; others go still forte be "glue work,' scoring," "lining," further, and stipulate for "respectability' or "gold-edging;" braiders and button-hole in addition to the character. Some there makers, and chenille net-makers are eagerly are, but very few, who do not seem to re- inquired for. If anything like decent wages gard character as the sine quâ non, and, as are to be made at chenille net-making, it is a a compensation for this concession, seem to wonder half the world does not take to it, consider themselves entitled to make various for it seems that a competent knowledge of stipulations as to the qualifications of the the handicraft is to be taught in an hour, presumably characterless, to the effect that and then abundance of work is guaranteed. they must "cook nicely," "take a child Contrary to general belief, crinolines are not three hours a day," or be "active, indus- yet extinct, for we find crinoline makers trious, and clean. There seems as great advertised for, and also "good steelers." a demand for "girls" as for "general ser- Plenty of employment is open in the dyeing vants," but the inducements offered to the business, whether for "fur hands," "feaformer are not proportionally great. The ther hands," or "ironers." An epaulette usual tariff of wages for a girl under sixteen, embroiderer, if a first-rate hand, need not used to house work, seems about one shil- be out of work an hour; and offers to ling and sixpence or two shillings per week envelope folders and cementers are neither -in many cases with her tea" is added; few nor far between. A glossary is needfrom which it may be inferred that other ful when we light upon advertisements for meals have to be found by the girl out of "floss vulture" hands, and for a forewoman her wages. Nearly all the girls are desired over "rose hands," but there is no amto be "respectable," and a large proportion biguity in the one which offers employment must be "strong, clean, and active." Then to "frizette and head-dress hands." Is there are the "persons," the greater num- another red-shirt legion being organised, ber of whom seem to be desiderated as that we read of "Garibaldi hands" being coffee-house attendants; and the "women," wanted? And if so, what is the hidden one of whom must be "Christian," and meaning of the mysterious word "print" another "respectable old." If advertise- that follows within brackets? "Half-cap ments are any test, it seems abundantly hands"-who make the other halves? plain that the laws of supply and demand "hat sewers," "infants' millinery hands," are out of gear as regards servants, for "imitation infants' leghorn hat hands," "in

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fants' blond loop front hands," "ironers,' some very pregnant with signs of the and "knickerbocker hands," are all in re- times. Look at this one, for instance: quest; "fifty ladies' hat hands" are wanted "Employment wanted; tall, active, gentlein one batch, and the wrath of male tailors manly man; rapid writer; age twenty-five, ought to be stirred up by an advertisement wages one pound per week; understands for a young lady to learn the "best waistcoat books." Tall, active, and gentlemanlymaking." As to some desiderated "mack- pricing himself at one pound a week, and intosh hands," there is no stipulation that ready, probably, to jump at an offer of they should be clanswomen from the High- fifteen shillings! Never learnt a trade, you lands of Inverness, and "night-cap hands" see, but took the other line-run off the are not called upon to state whether the rails somehow, and the "gentlemanly man," materials they habitually use are lawn or who is a rapid writer, and understands hot grog with lemon and nutmeg. When books, is eager for half the wages that big "" sewers are advertised for, it seems Jack, the navvy, who puts his cross on the superfluous to add "needle and thread" pay-sheet instead of his name, is tearing within brackets, but no doubt the seeming out of the earth with pick and spade. redundancy has some trade meaning of its Boys are in very active request, for the own. In connexion with shirts, there is no most part at what seem fair wages; but mystery about a demand for "regatta hands," some of the employments for which they but what branch of shirt-making comes are required are not easily intelligible except within the sphere of "good toppers, indoor" to experts. We start as we read the followis as difficult for an outsider to the pro-ing: "Boy wanted, used to vice," but light fession to comprehend, as it is to know what "fanners" have to do with stay-making. The tie trade seems to be very short handed, and to have numerous ramifications. We find under this head advertisements for "slip-stitchers," for "band and front hands," "knot hands,' "Pall Mall hands,' ," "Beaufort hands," Regent hands," 66 Brother Sam hands,' ,"" reversible hands," "eureka hands;" and one for "those who can take all parts." Then there are advertisements for umbrella hands who must be good "tippers and bracers;" for valentine hands, who, if accustomed to sachets, can earn, it seems, ten shillings to twelve shillings per week; wax-flower hands, and milliners, dressmakers, and tailoresses, general and special, for a column and more. Advertisements under the heading of" sewing machinists, &c., wanted," take up another column. It seems tweed hats can be made with the sewing machine; and an advertisement for an "excelsior embroiderer" is surely calculated to stimulate a keen curiosity to see the aspiring damsel fulfilling such a remarkable requisition. Female labour is certainly in greater demand than male, if we are to accept the advertising columns of the Clerkenwell as any criterion. A column and a half suffice to set forth the requirements under the heading "mechanics, &c., wanted," and a good many of the advertisements are not particularly inviting. Similarly, under the heading "situations and employment wanted," very few women are found advertising, while there are quite two columns of what me may call male advertisements,

is let in by the sequel-" and hammer." Can this be a cracksman who is advertising for a "boy used to filing and drilling"? There is an advertisement for a "lad who has been on the bench," and another for a youth who has been at the bar;" but we fail to find one for a youngster who has been "in the dock." Surely a covert insult to the profession lurks in this advertisement: "Boot trade-a youth wanted for the press." Is it possible that a zeal for economy has led the Lords of the Admi ralty to advertise under a feigned name for a "monitor, from five shillings weekly"? Monitors, we know, are not thought much of now as war vessels; but then look at the figure!

It is inexplicable that we should ever hear of any one being out of business, unless by reason of absolute distraction at the plethora of eligible chances offered to the public, in some cases for making a fortune at a stroke, in none for doing worse than gaining a comfortable livelihood. A free beer-house may be had for thirty pounds, "all at," whatever may be the meaning of that spasmodic ellipsis. A butcher may have the best opening in Bayswater" for the value of the fixtures; and we find "a cat's-meat walk for sale, doing six cwt. per week." There can be no mistake about this earthly paradise: "Fish-shop (neat little fried and dried) to let: shop, parlour, two bedrooms, back wash-house, &c.; coming in five pounds;" and there is a touch of genuine pathos the statement that "the cause of letting is through ill-health of the wife." This is

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