Imatges de pàgina

105,000l. to defray the expenses of the works of the new Houses of Parliament. Mr. Hume said, he wished to know when, at the rate at which they were going on, it was likely that the works would be completed; and he also hoped that in another year the Government would state the whole amount that had been expended.

The Earl of Lincoln said, that he had asked the architect when he thought the works would be completed; but he answered that it was impossible to say until he knew what sum the Chancellor of the Exchequer could afford towards carrying on the works. At the present rate at which the works were carried on, he thought there was every probability that the Session of 1845 would be held in the new Houses. The whole of the buildings would not be completed at that period, and he believed that it would be seven or eight years before the Victoria tower and other portions of the works were completed.

Mr. Hume said, he had always objected to the site of the new Houses. It had been the cause of their burying 150,000l., and a more extravagant waste of the public money had never, in his opinion, taken place. He thought, and he was supported in his opinion by one of the commissioners, that the building would never do for the House of Commons.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer said, that he had made inquiry as to the sum required to carry on the works for this year, and the amount proposed was that which was considered necessary.

Vote agreed to.

19,3267. for the completion and fittings of the model prison.

Mr. W. Williams said, that this item would make up the sum of 69,000l. for the building of the model prison. He thought the system proposed would not answer in this country, and he thought that a reference to one of the items in the present estimates would convince the House of this. He found an item of 6,300l. for maintaining 250 convicts for three quarters of a year. This was at the rate of 13s. a week each, and this, too, in a country where the wages of a man who worked fourteen hours a day were as low as 3s. a week. Why had not these convicts been transported? He had been in. formed that the persons confined in the prison of Sing Sing, in the United States,

were not only capable of defraying their own expenses by their labour, but also the expenses of the prison. The prison was built by the convicts themselves; and he saw no reason why the same plan should not be adopted in the present case. He trusted that the right hon. Gentleman the Secretary of State for the Home Department would take this point into his consideration.

Sir James Graham said, that the works were too far advanced when the Government came into office for them to be arrested. The experiment which they were to try was an important one, but at the same time he would not wish it to be tried upon a larger scale than that at present proposed. With reference to the probable expense, the hon. Member would observe that, as accommodation in the present case was to be provided for 520 persons, the expense would be proportionally reduced by applying it to a more extended system. He thought that the discontinuance of transportation would not be politic. It was, he believed, an advantageous form of punishment for the community here, and, under proper regulations, beneficial to the penal settlements themselves. The model prison was intended to be subsidiary to the punishment of transportation. It frequently happened, that to carry out the sentence of transportation immediately after it was pronounced was cruel towards the prisoner; but the aid of the model prison might be called in in such cases, and by confining the offender there for some time-say eighteen months or two years-he might be instructed in some species of useful and skilful employment, so as when he should be sent to the penal colony, he would have an opportunity of gaining an honest and comfortable livelihood.

Mr. Hume concurred in the observations of the right hon. Baronet upon the subject of transportation, but he thought that if they spent more money in building schools they would have to spend less in building prisons. He thought, too, that some provision should be made for offenders, particularly juvenile offenders, after their liberation from prison, to prevent them, if possible, from relapsing into vice. He had made inquiry of the governors of no less than seven prisons, and they had stated that great numbers of the persons under their care soon returned after liberation, as they were obliged to

have recourse again to thieving, from being without the means of earning an honest livelihood.

Vote agreed to.

On the motion that 8,6541. be appropriated for the use of the Parkhurst Prison in the Isle of Wight.

Sir James Graham stated, that the system of discipline pursued at Parkhurst had been found in general to be satisfactory in its results. The Government had thought it right in some cases, where the system had been found to produce extremely beneficial effects, to graut free pardons in the cases of these individuals and to send them out free to New Zealand, where they might gain an honest subsistence. In other cases, offenders had been sent to Van Diemen's Land with a contingent pardon depending upon their future behaviour. An additional amount was this year required for this prison, in order to make arrangements for the accommodation of juvenile female delinquents. Since he had been called upon to superintend the working of the criminal law, he had experienced great difficulty in making arrangements with respect to female convicts of tender years under sentence of transportation. It was not possible to send such persons to a penal colony, and it had therefore been deemed right to form an establishment at Parkhurst for their reception.

Mr. Hume remarked upon the hardship of sending out free, and with a pardon, to New Zealand, convicted prisoners, while numerous honest people were unable to emigrate there and to other colonies for want of means. He begged to call the serious attention of Government to this subject.

Mr. Vernon Smith asked in what capacities these persons were sent abroad?

Sir James Graham replied they were sent pardoned.

of their former crimes. He deprecated any continuance of discussion upon this subject.

Mr. Aglionby wished to know upon what fund the expense of these persons being sent was to fall.

Lord Stanley: Upon that part of the public money applicable to criminals.

Sir James Graham had no doubt as to the policy of immediately granting the vote. Young female convicts could not well be transported to a penal settlement, and therefore it was of great importance that something should be done for their reformation at home.

Mr. Roebuck was in favour of transportation with respect to all classes of convicts. The cry against transportation was unwise and unfounded.

Mr. V. Smith thought the system of juvenile offenders being sent to New Zealand, with a free pardon, was a premium upon crime, and an act of hardship to poor but honest men. He repeated the question as to the fund from which they

were sent,

Lord Stanley replied, that they were not sent out from any colonial fund. The expenses formed a moderate charge upon the money appropriated to criminal jurisprudence. He thought it advisable that prisoners, after having been detained a certain time, and to a greater or less extent reformed, should be sent from the country pardoned, upon the condition of their not returning to it. The funds which were applied to defray the expenses would have otherwise been applied to the cost either of transportation, or of fulfilling their originally destined period of imprisonment; and the result was an actual saving to the public.

Mr. Hawes protested against the doctrines of the hon. Member for Bath with respect to transportation. There was, he thought, with respect to criminal law, a tendency to fall back to old practices which had been proved ineffectual. He thought the difference between transpor

Mr. Vernon Smith: Yes, but with the notoriety of crime still attaching to them, they would find it most difficult to regain their characters, and obtain honest em-tation and confinement and labour in this ployment.

Lord Stanley stated, that no persons were sent out except those committed for comparatively trifling offences. The cases were few in number, and the persons were so far reformed that there was every hope of their being again fitted to enter into society, and the great object was to remove them to a distance from the scene

country was one between an expensive punishment three thousand miles away and a cheap one at home.

[blocks in formation]

Patten, J. W.

for the House of Lords. No public money | Pakington, J. S.
ought to be voted without the particulars
being known to the House of Commons.
The Chancellor of the Excheqner ex-
plained, that formerly the salaries and
expenses of the House of Lords were paid
by address from the Peers to the Crown,
but of late years, the sum had been in-
cluded in the estimates.

Mr. Hume persisted in his objection,

and divided the committee on an amendment, that 40,500l. be granted from the vote:-Ayes 23; Noes 90: Majority 67. List of the AYES.

[blocks in formation]

Napier, Sir C.
O'Brien, J.
O'Connell, D.
O'Connor, Don
Roebuck, J. A.
Smith, rt. hon. R. V.
Tancred, H. W.
Thornely, T.
Williams, W.

Hume, J.
Bowring, Dr.

List of the NOES.

T. B. M.

Gladstone, T.
Glynne, Sir S. R.
Gordon, hon. Capt.
Gore, M.

Goulburn, rt. hon. H.
Graham, rt. hn. Sir J.
Grogan, E.

Peel, rt. hon. Sir R.
Peel, J.
Plumptre, J. P.
Pringle, A.
Sibthorp, Col.
Smith, A.
Somerset, Lord G.
Stanley, Lord
Sutton, hon. H. M.
Taylor, J. A.

The original grant


Trench, Sir F. W.

Trotter, J.

Turnor, C.

Vernon, G. H.

Vesey, hon. T.
Wodehouse, E.

Yorke, hon. E. T.
Young, J.


Fremantle, Sir T.
Baring, H.

being again pro

Mr. Hawes too, contended, that this was a mode of taxing the people without any account rendered. Hereafter the sum required might be much larger, and the House of Commons would have no control.

Mr. Hutt said, that the Clerk in Parliament of the House of Lords received 4,000l. a-year for absolutely doing nothing. Another clerk was paid 3,500l. a-year, and of two clerks at the Table, one had 2,000l. a-year, and the other 1,500l. One Serjeant-at-Arms had a salary of 3,000l., and the general establishment was much larger and more expensive than that of the House of Commons. He hoped the Chancellor of the Exchequer would, at least, make some inquiry as to the items.

Sir R. Peel said, that that was just the course which had been taken. This was the only instance in which the House of Lords exercised any control over the public money, and he thought, that any inHardinge, Sir H. vestigation by the House of Commons would be viewed with jealousy.

Harcourt, G. G.

Bernal, R.

Brotherton, J.

Busfeild, W.

Cobden, R.

Curteis, H. B.

Wood, B.

Duncan, G.


Ferrand, W. B.

Hawes, B.

[blocks in formation]

Hodgson, R.

Clayton, R. R.

Clerk, Sir G.

Hope, hon. C.
Hornby, J.

Cochrane, A.

[blocks in formation]

Hardy, J.
Henley, J. W.
Hervey, Lord A.
Hinde, J. H.

Howard, P. H.

Cockburn, G. Hughes, W. B.

Escott, B.

Fleming, J. W.

Fuller, A. E.
Gaskell, J. Milnes

Hussey, T.

Jermyn, Earl

Jones, Capt.
Lincoln, Earl of
Lockhart, W.
Lygon, hon. Gen.
Mackenzie, T.
Mackenzie, W. F.
Mainwaring, T.
Masterman, J.
Mitchell, T. A.
Neville, R.
Nicholl, rt. hon. J.
Northland, Visct.
O'Brien, A. S.
Packe, C. W.

Mr. Hawes remarked, that if the Chancellor of the Exchequer had made the inquiry, it was fit that this House should be informed of the particulars.

Mr. Hume repeated, that the subject ought not to be taxed without the knowledge of the House of Commons. He should move to postpone the vote to a future day.

Mr. V. Smith observed, that the sum was a comparatively small one, and the only amount of the kind which the House of Lords was allowed to deal with.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer added, that from time immemorial until the change, the House of Lords had exercised the privilege of addressing the Crown for the payment of its expenses.

Mr. Hume moved, that the grant be 50,300l.

Amendment withdrawn, and original vote agreed to.

On the question that 112,4701. to defray the expenses of consul-generals, consuls, vice-consuls, and superintendents of trade in China, be granted to her Majesty.

Mr. D'Israeli asked what the services of consuls were?

The Chancellor of the Exchequer said their duties were to superintend trade; and, at the same time, they had some diplomatic duties to attend to.

Mr. D'Israeli said, it was evident that consuls by law had nothing to do. Almost every instruction which they received from the Foreign Office was contrary to law. They were called on to make returns respecting the trade of the country where they resided; but they had no authority to demand those papers without which it was not in their power to give any accurate information. It was also their duty to see that every British ship was navigated according to law, but they had no power to call on the captain for the production of the ship's papers. Before Mr. Canning's act for the regulation of consuls, they had the power to make the captain produce his papers; but in his act Mr. Canning purposely omitted this power, with a view of remodelling the system altogether, which he had afterward, not done, and the administration and the legislation of the country, on this subject, were in direct contradiction with each other. The British consuls were the only consuls who could not arbitrate between a master and his crew.

Sir Charles Napier said, he did not know what the consular law was, but he had had a good deal of experience of the practice, which was perfectly different to what had been described by the hon. Gentleman, and he believed, therefore, that the hon. Gentleman must be mistaken. It was impossible for a captain to receive consular protection without producing his papers. But he did not think that sufficient attention was paid to the appointment of consuls. They ought to collect at the places where they resided information that might be of use to the country in time of war.

Viscount Palmerston said, that the chief duties devolving on consuls were those of protecting the interests of British commerce and shipping. The real question was whether those duties were of sufficient importance to warrant the expenses of a consular establishment. He believed that they were. He himself had increased the VOL. LXV. {s}


number of consuls, and in every case he had been induced to do so in consequence of applications from persons interested in the trade of the places at which they wished for consuls to be appointed. As to what the hon. Member for Shrewsbury had stated with reference to the intentions of Mr. Canning to make a change in the consular establishment, he believed that the only change which was made was abolishing the system of paying consuls by means of fees proportionate to the tounage of vessels for which they had transacted business, and remunerating them by means of fixed salaries. This was the only change, he believed, which was contemplated by Mr. Canning. It was true, as the hon. Gentleman opposite had stated, that consuls had no legal power of adjudication, but they had a power of arbitration, inasmuch as such a power might be created by the contending parties themselves by mutual consent, and the most important duties of a consul frequently consisted in arbitrating between captains of ships and their crews. It was also true that the consul had no legal claim for the production of ships' papers; but the question of the propriety of investing them with that power had not escaped the consideration of the late Government. On consulting the Board of Trade, however, it was represented that the investiture of consuls with such powers would not be advantageous to commerce. In fact, when merchants and captains of ships require the aid of the consul to bring them through any difficulty into which they might have fallen with the local authorities, they were required to furnish him with their papers before the end in view could be attained. On the whole, he believed that the duties of consuls were officially discharged.

Mr. Hume wished to know on what grounds an addition had been made to the estimates by the appointment of a consulgeneral of Syria.

Viscount Palmerston replied, that that appointment was not by any means a new one, for there had formerly been a consulgeneral at Damascus. In the present state of Syria, it was considered important that there should be an officer invested with that power over the local consuls which belonged to the office of consuigeneral; the appointment had been attended by advantageous results.

Mr. Hume thought that as there was

a consul-general at Constantinople, and that as Syria was now part of the Turkish empire, that that functionary might discharge the duties of consul-general for the whole Ottoman empire.

Vote agreed to, as were several others. House resumed. Committee to sit again.

PROTECTION OF THE QUEEN'S PERSON. On the question that this bill do


Sergeant Murphy remarked that the provisions might not be found to apply to an assault by means of an air gun.


Sir R. Peel thought the words, " other description," supplied the deficiency pointed out by the hon. Member.

Bill passed.

House adjourned at a quarter to two o'clock.


Thursday, July 14, 1842.

MINUTES.] BILLS. Public.-1 Attornies and Solicitors;
Protection of her Majesty's Person; Slave Trade Treaties

Continuance; Rivers (Ireland); Turnpike Acts Continu-
ance; Linen Manufacturers (Ireland); London Bridge
Approaches Fund; Fisheries Treaty.

2 Mines and Collieries; Dean Forest Ecclesiastical Districts.


Government should assume more control over the railways than was absolutely necessary, the effect of which would be to diminish the responsibility of the direcHe felt bound to say, in justice to the railway companies, that in every instance in which the Board of Trade had felt it necessary to point out anything for the convenience or safety of the public they had shown themselves most ready to adopt it, whatever might be the opinion of the directors as to its propriety.

The Marquess of Clanriearde would support the clause. If the railway directors did not lock the carriages the clause would remain a dead letter, and could not be vexatious to them; whereas, if they did lock the carriages, the clause would then be a protection to the public.

The Earl of Wicklow said, that the railway companies knew their own interests as well as any other body of men, and if they found that the public disapproved of locking the carriages, they would abandon the practice.

Lord Cottenham supported the clause. The argument made use of against it would go the length of showing that the railway directors ought not to be interfered with at all-that they ought to be left to

Committed.-Railways; Charitable Pawn Offices (Ire- themselves, and to do as they liked. But


Reported.-Right of Voting (Dublin University); British
Possessions Abroad; Tithe Commutation.

3 and passed:-Perth Prison.

Private.-2 Lord Dinorben's Estate; Cambuslang and

Muirkirk Roads.

3a and passed:-London and Greenwich Railway;

London Bridge and Royal Exchange Approaches.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Miners of the Township of

Churwell, and Members of the Kirksession of Inverness, against parts of the Mines and Collieries Bill, and also to the same effect from Newmarket Colliers Wood Pit, and

a number of other Collieries.-By the Bishop of London,

from Islington and Camberwell; by the Archbishop of

Canterbury, from Coal Miners of Whitley, in favour of the Mines and Collieries Bill.-By the Marquess of Lon

donderry, from Owners and Occupiers of Mines and Collieries in the West Riding of Yorkshire, to be heard by counsel against the Bill.

RAILWAYS.] House in committee on the Railways Bill.

Lord Campbell brought up a clause to the effect that no railway carriages should be locked up without the consent of the passengers.

On the motion that it be read a second time,

The Earl of Ripon opposed the clause. No person could be more convinced than he was of the futility of the reasons assigned in favour of the practice. At the same time, he did not think it desirable that any department of the Executive

the object of the bill was to regulate their practices, and he thought it was absurd to leave it to the discretion of the directors whether or not they should return to so dangerous and unnecessary a practice.

The Earl of Mount Cashel supported the clause, which he thought calculated to ensure the public safety.

The Earl of Radnor would oppose the clause, because he thought the locking of the carriages was not dangerous, and he did not know but it might under some circumstances be necessrry. He was rather in favour of the practice than otherwise.

The Earl of Ripon ridiculed the clause on account of the provision which it contained, that all the persons inside a carriage should be asked whether they would be locked in or not, so that if the majority thought that precaution necessary to their safety, one passenger, like the one juror, might overrule the judgment of all the rest. Bill passed through committee. To be reported.

Their Lordships divided on the question, that the clause be read a second time: Not-content 35; Content 31: Majority 4. Bill passed through committee. To be reported.

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