Imatges de pàgina

विनवति or लयोनपति 93; चतुर्नवति 94; पञ्चनवति 95; षणवति 96; सप्तनवति - 97; अष्टनवति or अष्टानवति 98; नवनवति or ऊनशत 99; शत n. or एकशत n. 100; सहस्र n. or एकसहस n. 1000.


199. The numbers between 100 and 1000, and those above 1000, are usually expressed by compounding the adjective af adhika, ‘ more,’ ‘ plus,’ with the cardinal numbers: thus, tor may be expressed by एकाधिकं शतं, i. e. a hundred plus one,' or more concisely एकाधिकशत, or even शताधिकैक. Similarly, द्वाधिकं शतं or द्यधिकशत 102; त्र्यधिकं शतं or त्र्यधिकशत 103; त्रिंशदधिकशत 130; पञ्चाशदधिकशत or साईशत 150; द्विशत or द्वे शते N. du. neut. 200; षडूिंशत्यधिकद्विशत 226 ; विशत or वीणि शतानि N. pl. neut. 300; त्र्यशीत्यधिकत्रिशत 383; चतुःशत or चत्वारि शतानि N. pl. 400; पञ्चाशीत्यधिकचतुःशत 485; पञ्चशत 500; पखवत्यधिकपञ्चशत 596; षट्शत 600; षट्षष्ट्यधिकषट्शत 666; समशत 700; अष्टशत 800; नवशत 900; सहस्र or दशशत n. or दशशती 1000; षोडशशत 1 or षट्शताधिकसहस्र 1600 ; षट्षष्ट्यधिकषोडशशत 1666.

a. The ordinals are sometimes joined to the cardinals to express 111 and upwards : thus, एकादशं शतं 111; विंशं सहस्रं 1020; विंशं शतं 130, &c.

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b. Single words are used for the highest numbers: thus, अयुत n. ten thousand;' लक्ष् n. or लक्षा f. a lac,’ ‘one hundred thousand ;' नियुत or प्रयुक्त m. n. 'one a million;' कोटि f. 'a ' ' a krore,’ — ten millions;' अर्बुद m. n.' one hundred millions ;' महार्बुद m. n, ‘one thousand millions;' पद्म m. n. or अब्ज n. ' ten thousand millions;' महापद्म m. n. one hundred thousand millions; ' खर्व m. n. ' a billion ;' महाखर्व m. n. or शङ्कु m. ‘ten billions ;' शङ्ख m.n. or समुद्र m. ́ a hundred billions;' महाशङ्ख ‘a thousand billions;' हाहा m. or सन्त m. 'ten thousand billions ;' महाहाहा m. or पराई m. one hundred thousand million;' धुन n.' one million billion;' महाधुन n.'ten million billion;' अक्षौहिणी f. ' one hundred million billion;' महाक्षौfauft ́one thousand million billion.'


200. एक 1, हि 2 (duo, dvo), त्रि 3 (tres, Tpeis, Tpia), चतुर् 4 (quatuor ), are declined in three genders.

एक eka, ' one' ( singular only ), follows the declension of pronominals (see 237): nom. m. ekas; dat. m. ekasmai; nom. f. eká; dat. f. ekasyai; nom. n. ekam. It may take the affixes tara and tama : thus, ekatara, ' one of two ; ekatama, ' one of many; which also follow the declension of pronominals.

201. द्वि dwi, ‘two' (dual only), is declined as if the base were dwa: thus, N. Ac. V, m. dwau, f. n. dwe; I. D. Ab. m. f. n.

हाभ्यां ; G. L. द्वयोस् .

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202. fa tri, three' (plural only), is declined in the masculine like the plural of nouns whose bases end in i at 110, excepting in the gen.: thus, N. V. masc. वयस् ; Ac. वीन्; I विभिस्; D. Ab. विभ्यस् ; G. aurui; L. fay. The feminine forms its cases from a base fare: thus, N. Ac. V. fem. तिस्रस्; I तिसृभिस्; D. Ab. तिसृभ्यस्; G. तिसृणां ; L. fag. The N. Ac. neut. is aff; the rest as the masculine.

203. chatur, four' (plural only), is thus declined: N.V. masc. चत्वारस् (rÉTTapes, rérrapes ) ; Ac. चतुरस्; I. चतुर्भिस्; D. Ab. चतुर्म्यस्; G. चतुणीं; L. चतुर्षु . N. Ac. V. fem. चतस्रस्; I. चतसृभिस् ; D. Ab. चतसृभ्यस्; G. चतसृणां ; L. चतसृषु N. Ac. V. neut. चत्वारि ; the rest as the masculine.


204. panchan, ' five' (plural only), is the same for masc., fem., and neut. It is declined after the analogy of nouns in an (147), excepting in N. Ac. The gen. lengthens the penultimate: thus, N. Ac.V. पञ्च (révTE) ; I. पञ्चभिस्; D. Ab. पञ्चभ्यस्; G. पञ्चानां; L. पञ्चसु. Similarly are declined, seven' (septem, éπтά), nine' (novem), 'ten' (decem, déka), eleven' (undecim), qu दशन् LAGNI T 'twelve' (duodecim), and all other numerals ending in an, excepting अष्टन् ‘eight.’

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205.shash, six,' and washtan, 'eight,' are the same for masc., fem., and neut., and are thus declined: N. Ac.V. z; I. ugfora; D. Ab. षड्भ्यस् ; G. घणां shannám; L. षट्सु . N. Ac.V. ਜਦ or ਜ਼ਈ (octo, OKTÓ) ; I. अष्टभिस् or अष्टाभिस्; D. Ab. अष्टभ्यस् or अष्टाभ्यस्; G. अष्टानां ; L. अष्टसु or अष्टासु .

206. All the remaining cardinal numbers, from


to a hundred,' and 'a thousand,' are declined in the singular only, and are the same whether joined with masculine, feminine, or neuter nouns*. Those ending in fati are declined like the singular of the feminine noun fя mati at 112; and those in at are declined like the singular of af sarit at 136: thus, far y: with twenty men ;' विंशता पुरुषै: ' with thirty men.' शत ' a hundred' and सहस्र 'a thousand' are neuter, and are declined like the neut. singular of शिव siva at 103 : thus, शतं पितरम् ' a hundred ancestors;' एकाधिकशतं

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* Although these numerals, when joined with nouns, are declined in the singular, yet when used alone as substantives, to express more than one hundred, or more than one thousand, they may take a dual or plural; as, fast two twenties;' त्रिंशतौ ' two thirties;' त्रिंशतस् ' many thirties;' शते ' two hundred;' शतानि hundreds ;' f'many thousands.'


पितरस् ‘ a hundred and one ancestors;' सहस्रेण पितृभिस् ' with a thou

sand ancestors.'

207. The adjective

'less,''minus,' may be placed before a cardinal number,


to denote one less than that number, one' being either expressed or understood : thus, ऊनविंशति or एकोनविंशति ' twenty minus one' or ' nineteen' (compare the Latin undeviginti, i. e. unus de viginti). And other cardinals, besides one,' are sometimes prefixed to, to denote that they are to be deducted from a following number; as, पञ्चोनं शतं or पञ्चोनशतं ' a hundred less five’ or ‘ninety


208. The ordinals are,

fata 'second' (devтepa);


'first' * (compare πрŵтоs, primus); a'third' (tertia); declined like pro

nominals at 237, or like siva at 103.

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209. 'fourth'† (TÉTαρTOS); fifth;' sixth;

'seventh' (septimus);

'eighth;''ninth' (nonus); 'tenth'

(decimus); declined like siva at 103, 104, for the masc. and neut. ; and like nadí at 106. for the feminine. In saptama and ashṭama the

superlative affix (196. a) may be recognised.

210. The ordinals from eleventh' to 'twentieth' are formed from the cardinals by rejecting the final n: thus, from



eleventh' (Nom. m. f. n. NGWA, -, -Jİ, 103, 106, 104).

211. Twentieth,' thirtieth,'' fortieth,' and 'fiftieth,' are formed either by adding the superlative affix tama (196. a) to the cardinal, or by rejecting the final of the cardinal; as, from faftwenty,' विंशतितम or विंश ' twentieth' (Nom. m.f. n. -मस्, मी, मं; -शस्, -शी, शं, 103, 106, 104). Similarly, fara or fast thirtieth,' &c. The intermediate ordinals are formed by prefixing the numeral, as in the cardinals : thus, एकविंशतितम or एकविंश ' twenty-first, &c.

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a. Some grammarians admit a third form of ordinal, ending in in: thus, ¿f¬ tenth,' एकादशिन्‘eleventh,' विंशिन् 'twentieth,' त्रिंशिन् 'thirtieth,' चत्वारिंशिन् fortieth,' 'fiftieth.'

212. The other ordinals, from 'sixtieth' to 'ninetieth,' are formed by adding tama, or by changing ti to ta: thus, from fe'sixty,' षष्टितम or षष्ट ' sixtieth ;' from नवति ' ninety,' नवतितम or नवत 'ninetieth.’

* Other adjectives may be used to express 'first;' as, :, -, -d; wnfqa:, -ĦT, -À; WI:, -m, -d; afya:, -AT, Я.

+ तुरीयः, -या, यं; तुय्र्य्य:, यी, येँ – are also used for ‘fourth.’

213. Hundredth' and 'thousandth' are formed either by adding and, or simply by converting these ordinals into

tama to
adjectives, declinable in three genders: thus,

(Nom. m.f. n. शततमस्, -मी, -मं; शतस्, -ती, -तं).
-ÂÎ,-Å, or agu:, -, -, ' thousandth.'

or 'hundredth❜ Similarly, सहस्रतमस्,

214. The aggregation of two or more numbers is expressed by modifications of the ordinal numbers: thus, इयं 's duad, वयं 'a triad,' चतुष्टयं 'the aggregate

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of four.'

215. There are a few adverbial numerals; as, सकृत् 'once,' द्विस् ‘twice,' त्रिस्

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thrice,' four times.'

similar signification; as,

may be added to cardinal numbers, with a five times.' The neuter of the ordinals may

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217. PRONOUNS have no crude base analogous to that of nouns; that is, no state distinct from all inflexion, serving as the basis on which all the cases are constructed. The reason of this may be, that the pronouns in Sanskrit, as in all languages, are so irregular and capricious in their formation, that no one base would be equally applicable to all the cases. Thus in the 1st personal pronoun, the base of the nom. sing. would be ah, while that of the oblique cases sing. would be ma. In the 2d, the base of the sing. is practically twa, while that of the dual and plural is yu. The 3d would have sa for the base of the nom. sing., and ta for the other cases.

The question then arises, What form of the pronoun is to be used in the formation of compound words? In the pronouns of the first and second persons, the ablative cases, singular and plural, and in the other pronouns, the nominative and accusative cases singular neuter, are considered as expressive of the most general and comprehensive state of the pronoun. These cases, therefore, discharge the office of a crude base in respect of compound words.


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Observe-In Sanskrit, as in other languages, to denote the general and indefinite character of the first two personal pronouns, no distinction of gender is admitted. For the same reason, the formation of the nom. case of pronouns is made to resemble the neuter, as the most general state. This may also be the reason why the 3d pronoun sa drops the s of the nom. case before all consonants.

218. aham, 'I'

-Яmám or Яmá,'me'

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ávám ornau,'us two' Tasmán or nas, ‘us'

ávábhyám or ✈ nau asmabhyam or πnas

वयं vayam, ‘we’

अस्माभिस् asmābhis

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