Imatges de pàgina


b. Some roots in eando, which follow 434, optionally follow 438; in which case e and o are changed as before to á: thus, dhe, 1st c., 'to drink,' makes either adhásisham &c., or adhám &c.; so, 4th c., 'to come to an end,' makes either asásisham or asám, see 613: also makes, see 440. a.

c. But 1st c., ́to call,' drops the final e, and retains the initial vowel of the terminations: thus, ahwam, ahwas, ahwat, &c. See 595.

d. In the Atmane-pada, roots like I, I, I, &c., at 438, follow form I. at 418; but drop the final á, and assume i in its place: thus, adishi, adithás, adita, adishwahi, &c.; 2d pl. f. See 663.

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e. 2d c., to go,' makes its 3d preterite from a root : thus, agám, agás, &c. f. The classical scholar will observe, that adadám, the 1st preterite of the root dá, 'to give,' bears the same relation to its 3d preterite adám that didwy does to Edwv. So also the relation of adhám (3d pret. of dhá, to place') to adadhám (1st pret.) corresponds to that of env to eríny. Compare also abhavas and abhús with eques and epus.


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439. Certain roots ending in πs, sh, h, enclosing a medial i, u, or ri, form their 3d preterites according to form II. at 435; but whenever confusion is likely to arise between the 1st and 3d preterites, s is prefixed to the terminations, before which sibilant the final of the root becomes k by 302 and 306.

a. Thus, f 6th c., to point out,' the 1st pret. of which is adiśam, makes adiksham &c. in 3d pret. (compare the Greek 1st aorist deia). Similarly, faq 2d c., ‘to hate,' makes adwiksham &c. 657; 2d c., 'to milk,' makes adhuksham

&c. by 306. a. See 660.

b. This class of roots substitutes i for e, and áthám, átám, for ethám, etám, in the Atmane terminations: thus, adikshi, adikshathás, adikshata, adikshávahi, adiksháthám, &c.

c. A few roots of this kind optionally follow 418 in the Atmane: thus, f 2d c. may make fofa, umiera, amis, &c., 661; and 2d c., 'to milk,' may make wyfa, T, &c. See 660.

440. Causal verbs make use of form II, but the base assumes a peculiar reduplication (analogous to the Greek pluperfect), to be explained at 492: thus, from 1st c., to know,' comes, &c.

a. A few primitive verbs take a reduplicated 3d preterite, analogous to causals: thus, f 1st c., 'to have recourse,' makes affaů, &c.; f 1st c., to swell,' makes either or wafa or affari; 1st c., 'to

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1st c., to run,' ; 1st c., to flow,' drink,' ; 1st c., to love,', &c. This last is defective when it belongs to the 1st c., having no conjugational tenses; but when it belongs to the 10th c. (Pres. 4, &c.) its 3d preterite is अचीकमे.

441. The following primitive verbs take a contracted form of reduplicated 3d preterite: 2d c., to speak,' makes i avocham

(from अवउच्चं for अववचं 650 ) ; पत् 1st c., ' to fall,' अपनं (from अपपतं ; compare Greek πittov); ma 2d c., ' to rule,' f (from «fyyẻ. The Atmane follows 427; see 658); 4th c., 'to throw,' (from आससं, contracted into आसं for खात्सं 304. a, whence by transposition आस्थं); नश् 4th c., ‘ to perish,' अनेशं (from अनइÚ for अननिशं 620, 436).

Benedictive or precative.

442. Observe, that the terminations of this tense resemble those of the potential in the memorial scheme at p. 105. In the 2d and 3d singular they are identical. In the other persons of the Parasmai a sibilant is inserted, and in some of the Atmane both prefixed and inserted. The only difference between the potential and benedictive of verbs of the 2d and 3d groups, at 290, will often be that the potential will have the conjugational characteristic: thus, bhid, 7th c., 'to break,' will be bhindyát in the potential, and bhidyát in the benedictive. Compare the optative of the Greek aorist doiny with the optative of the present didoinv.

443. Rule for the formation of the base in verbs of the first nine classes. In the Parasmai, as a general rule, leave the root unchanged before the terminations, and never insert i; but in the Atmane prefix i to the terminations in those roots ending in consonants or vowels which take the inserted i in the futures (388. a, 414), and before this i gunate the radical vowel. It is also guņated in the Atmane in some roots ending in vowels which reject i: but if a root end in a consonant, and reject i, the radical vowel is left unchanged in the Atmane, as well as Parasmai.

444. Thus, from 1st c., 'to be,' come the base of the Parasmai bhú, and the base of the Atmane bhavi, by 36. b (bhú +yásam =HT &c., bhavi + síya =»fauta by 70).

445. Frequently, however, before the y of the Parasmai terminations, the root is liable to changes analogous to those which take place before the y of the 4th conjugation at 272, and the y of passive verbs at 465; and not unfrequently it undergoes changes similar to those of the 2d preterite at 373, &c., as follows:446. A finalá is changed to Te in the Parasmai, but remains unchanged in the Atmane: thus, 3d c., ' to give,' makes 4 &c. for Parasmai; &c.

for Atmane-pada.

447. Finali and Ju are lengthened in Parasmai, and gunated in Atmane: thus, f 5th c., to gather,' makes


&c.; and F 3d c., ́to

sacrifice,’ makes हूयासं &c., होषीय &c.

448. Finalri is changed to fri in Parasmai, but retained in Atmane: thus, 8th c., to do,' makes fa &c., and 4 &c. After a double consonant

ri is gunated in Parasmai, as well as before inserted i: thus, 5th and 9th c., to spread,' makes स्तर्यासं &c., स्तृषीय &c. or स्तरिपीय &c.


a. बृ, ' to cover,' ‘to choose,' makes either त्रियासं or वूर्यासं, वृषीय or वरिषीय

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449. Final rí is changed toír in both voices, but is guṇated before inserted i in Atmane: thus, 1st c., to cross,' makes ☎âï &c., ¶ &c., or तरिषीय &c. or तरीषीय &c.

[blocks in formation]

450. of roots in e,

call,' makes हूयासं &c.

and व्यासीय &c.; and वे

to fill,' makes

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1st c., to drink,' makes 4 &c.; but 1st c., 'to and हासीय &c. ; व्ये 1st c., ' to cover,' makes वीयासं &c., 1st c., ' to weave, makes ऊयासं &c., and वासीय &c.

451. Finalai and o are treated like final á at 446: thus, 1st c., 'to sing,' makes गेयासं &c.; वै 1st c., ' to preserve, makes वासीय &c.

452. If a root end in a consonant, there is no change in Parasmai; and there are no changes in Atmane, excepting those of Sandhi, unless the root take i, when the radical vowel is guṇated: thus, 2d c., to milk,' makes


and धुक्षीय &c., by 306. a ; द्विष् ad c., ' to hate, makes द्विष्यासं &c., and द्विक्षीय &c., by 302; and 1st c., to know,' makes &c., and if &c.

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a. Roots of the 10th class, however, retain Guna in the Parasmai, as well as in the Atmane, rejecting the conjugational aya in the Parasmai only; see under Causals (460).

b. And if a root end in a double consonant, of which the first member is a nasal, the latter is generally rejected: thus, bhanj, 7th c., makes bhajyásam, &c.

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&c.; 6th c., ' to ask,' 6th c., to fry,' and 6th c., 'to cut.' In


1st c. to say,' 1st c. to sow,' ad c.
2d c. ' to sleep,' substitute u forv in the
&c. In the Atmane they are regular; as,


455. Note, that this tense bears the same relation to the 2d future that the 1st preterite does to the present. In its formation it lies half-way between a first preterite and a second future. It resembles the first preterite in prefixing the augmenta to the base (see 260), and in the latter part of its terminations: it resembles the second future in gunating the radical vowel, in inserting i in exactly those roots in which the future inserts i, and in the sy of its terminations. See the scheme at 246, p. 105.

456. Rule for the formation of the base in verbs of the first nine classes. Prefix the augmenta, gunate the radical vowel, except when debarred by 28, b, and insert i before the terminations if the 'futures insert i. When i is rejected, as in all the roots at 400 &c., the rules of Sandhi must be observed.

457. Thus, 1st c., 'to know,' makes fi &c.; 2d c.,


'to milk,' makes &c., by 306. a; f 2d c., to hate,' makes

&c., by 302.


458. The termination of the infinitive is tum, like the um of the Latin supine.

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459. Rule for the formation of the base in verbs of the ten classes. The base of the infinitive is identical with the base of the first future, and where one insertsi, the other does also: thus, budh, 1st c., to know,' makes a bodhitum; kship, 6th c., to throw,' makes ksheptum. Moreover, all the rules for the change of the final consonant of a root before the t of the future terminations apply equally before the t of the infinitive. Hence, by substituting um for the final á of the 3d pers. sing. of the 1st future, the infinitive is at once obtained: thus, śaktá, śaktum; tyaktá, tyaktum ; प्रष्टा, प्रष्टुं; सोढा, सोढुं, &c. See 4c0, &c.

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a. The following examples will show how remarkably the Sanskrit infinitive answers to the Latin supine. S. to stand,' L. statum; S. ¿¡ ́to give,' L. datum; S. ́to drink,' L. potum; S. 'to go,' L. itum; S. ́to strew,' L. stratum; S. 'to anoint,' L. unctum; S. to beget,' L. genitum; S. fto sound,' L. sonitum; S. to go,' L. serptum; S. fato vomit," L. vomitum. Prof. Bopp considers that the infinitive affix tum is the accusative of an affix tu, of which the affix twá of the indeclinable participle (see 555. a) is the instrumental case.

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460. Having explained the formation of the verbal base in the ten classes of primitive verbs, we come next to the four kinds of derivative verbs, viz. passives, causals, desideratives, and frequentatives.


461. Every root in every one of the ten classes may take a passive form*, which is conjugated as an Atmane-pada verb of the 4th class.

a. It is a form, however, not very commonly used, except in the 3d singular and plural of the present and imperative; for although a passive construction is exceedingly common in Sanskrit syntax, yet almost all the tenses of the passive verb are expressed by participles.

462. Observe-Passive verbs take the regular Atmane-pada terminations* at 247, making use of the substitutions required in the

* See 253, and 253. a. b. There are occasional instances in the Mahábhárata of passive verbs conjugated in the Parasmai.

4th class. In the 3d preterite they take either of the forms at 418 and 427, according as the root may admit the inserted i or not; but they require that in the 3d singular of both forms the termination bei in place of sta and ishța.

Conjugational tenses.

463. Rule for the formation of the base in the four conjugational tenses, Atmane-pada, of roots of the first nine classes. The rule is the same as in the 4th class at 272, viz. affix a ya*-lengthened to

yá before initial m or v-to the root, the vowel of which is not guņated, and generally remains unchanged.

464. Thus, from 1st c., 'to be,' comes the base a bhúya (Pres. bhúya+i=Noà, bhúya+se=y, &c.; Pot. bhúya +íya = $q, &c.; Imp. bhúya+ai=, &c.; 1st Pret. abhúya+i=, &c.); from तुद् 6th c., to strike,' comes tudya (Pres. tudya+i=à, &c.).

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465. A final vowel, however, often undergoes changes, some of which are different from, and some analogous to, those of the 4th class, as follows:


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Six roots iná, and one or two in e, ai, and o, change their final vowels to i: thus, CT 3d c., 'to give,' makes Pres., ¿ìà, ¿ìyà, &c. So also, W, A, A, 7, 1st c. to drink;' 3d c. 'to quit;' 1st c. to drink' (3d sing. t, &c.); 1st c. to sing' (f); 4th c. to be destroyed' (). a. But other roots in á remain unchanged; and most others in ai and o are changed to á: thus, 2d c., 'to tell,' makes 3d sing. ; and § 9th c.,‘to know,' ; ¶ 2d c., 'to protect,' 1st c., to meditate,' शो 4th c., — to sharpen,' शायते. But दरिद्रा 2d c. makes दरिद्र्यते.

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b. 1st c. ́to call,' 1st c. 'to cover,' 1st c. to weave,' make their bases

húya, víya, and úya (3d sing. 4).

466. Finali or Ju are lengthened, as also i or u before v or r: thus, from f 1st c., 3d c., f 4th c., come the three bases,

हूय, दीव्य. yt

a. But for 1st c., to swell,' makes ; and 2d c., to sleep,'


467. Final ri becomes fri, but if preceded by a double consonant is guṇated: thus, कॄ 8th c., ‘to do, makes क्रियते ; but स्मृ 1st c., स्मर्यते. The roots ऋ and जागृ are also gunated.

468. Final rí becomes ir: thus, कॄ 6th C., 'to scatter,' makes ; but पृ, 'to fill,' पूर्यते .

469. Roots ending in two consonants, of which the first is a nasal, usually reject the nasal; as, from बन्घ्, स्तम्भ, सञ्ज, come the bases badhya, &c. (बध्यते, &c.).


Bopp considers that this ya is derived from yá, 'to go,' just as the causal aya is derived from i, 'to go.' It is certain that in Bengálí and Hindí the passive is formed with the root yá. Compare the Latin amatum iri, &c. See 481.

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