I assure you, Sir, I have not been backward, on all such occasions, to blazon forth your merit, and to make her sensible how advantageous a match you will be to her ? Love. You did very well, and I am obliged to you. Lap. But, Sir, I have a small favour to ask of you ;-I have a lawsuit depending, which I am on the very brink of losing, for want of a little money; (He looks gravely] and you could easily procure my success, if you had the least friendship for me.-You can't imagine, Sir, the pleasure she takes in talking of you: [He looks pleased] Ah! How you will delight her, how your venerable mien will charm her! She will never be able to withstand you. But indeed, Sir, this lawsuit will be a terrible consequence to me: [He looks grave again] I am ruined if I lose it; which a very small matter might prevent ah! Sir, had you but seen the raptures with which she heard me talk of you. [He resumes his gaiety] How pleasure sparkled in her eyes at the recital of your good qualities! In short, to discover a secret to you, which I promised to conceal, I have worked up her imagination till she is downright impatient of having the match concluded. Love. Lappet, you have acted a very friendly part; and I own that I have all the obligations in the world to you.. Lap. I beg you would give me this little assistance, Sir: [He looks serious] It will set me on my feet, and I shall be eternally obliged to you. Love. Farewell; I'll go and finish my despatches. Lap. I assure you, Sir, you could never assist me in a greater necessity. Love. I must give some orders about a particular affair. Lap. I would not importune you, Sir, if I was not forced by the last extremity. Love. I expect the tailor, about turning my coat :-don't you think this coat will look well enough turned, and with new buttons, for a wedding suit ? Lap. For pity's sake, Sir, don't refuse me this small favour: I shall be undone, indeed, Sir. If it were but so small a matter as ten pounds, Sir Love. I think I hear the tailor's voice. Lap. If it were but five pounds, Sir; but three pounds, Sir; nay, Sir, a single guinea would be of service for a day or two. [As he offers to go out on either side, he intercepts him.] Love. I must go, I can't stay-hark, there! Somebody calls me-I am very much obliged to you, indeed; I am very much obliged to you. [Exit. Lap. Go to the devil, like a covetous good for nothing villain as you are. Ramilie is in the right; however, I shall not quit the affair; for though I get nothing out of him, I am sure of my reward from the other side. VI.-Cardinal Wolsey and Cromwell. Wol. FAREWELL, a long farewell to all my greatness! This is the state of man; to-day he puts forth Never to hope again. Why, how now, Cromwell? Crom. I have no power to speak, Sir. [Enter Cromwell. At my misfortunes? Can thy spirit wonder Crom. How does your Grace? Never so truly happy, my good Cromwell. A peace above all earthly dignities; A still and quiet conscience. The king has eas'd me These ruined pillars, out of pity taken Too heavy for a man that hopes for heaven! Crom. I'm glad your Grace has made that right use of it. Wol. I hope I have: I'm able, now, methinks, Out of a fortitude of soul I feel, T' endure more miseries, and greater far, Crom. The heaviest and the worst Crom. The next is, that Sir Thomas More is chosen Lord Chancellor in your place. Wol. That's somewhat sudden But he's a learned man. May he continue Crom. That Cranmer is returned with welcome; Crom. Last, that the lady Anne, Whom the king hath in secrecy long married, Only about her coronation, Wol. There was the weight that pulled me down: O Cromwell! The king has gone beyond me; all my glories No sun shall ever usher forth my honours, To be thy lord and master: seek the king- Thy hopeful service perish too. Good Cromwell; Neglect him not; make use now and provide Crom. Oh, my lord! Must I then leave you ? Must I needs forego Wol. Cromwell-I did not think to shed a tear There take an inventory of all I have; I dare now call my own. Oh, Cromwell, Cromwell! Crom. Good Sir, have patience. Wol. So I have. Farewell 'The hopes of court! My hopes in heaven do dwell VII.-Sir Charles and Lady Racket. Lady R. O LA! I'm quite fatigued-I can hardly move -Why don't you help me, you barbarous man ? Sir C. There-take my arm Lady R. But I won't be laughed at -I don't love you. Sir C. Don't you? Lady R. No. Dear me! This glove! Why don't you help me off with my glove? Pshaw! You awkward thing; let it alone; you an't fit to be about me. Reach me a chair-you have no compassion for me I am so glad to sit down-Why do you drag me to routs? You know I hate 'em. Sir C. Oh! There's no existing, no breathing, unless one does as other people of fashion do. Lady R. But I'm out of humour-I lost all my money. Sir C. How much? Lady R. Three hundred. Sir C. Never fret for that-I don't value three hundred pounds, to contribute to your happiness. Lady R. Don't you? Not value three hundred pounds to please me? Sir C. You know I don't. Lady R. Ah! You fond fool!-But I hate gaming-It almost metamorphoses a woman into a fury.-Do you know that I was frightened at myself several times to-night ? I had a huge oath at the very tip of my tongue. Sir C. Had you? Lady R. I caught myself at it and so I bit my lips. And then I was crammed up in a corner of the room, with such a strange party, at a whist table, looking at black and red spots-Did you mind 'em ? Sir C. You know I was busy elsewhere. Lady R. There was that strange unaccountable woman, Mrs. Nightshade. She behaved so strangely to her husband -a poor, inoffensive, good-natured, good sort of a good for nothing kind of a man. But she so teased him-" How sould you play that card? Ah, you've a head, and so has a pin.-You're a numskull, you know you are-Ma'am he's the poorest head in the world ;-he does not know what he is about; you know you don't-Ah, fie! I'm ashamed of you !" Sir C. She has served to divert you, I see. Lady R. And then to crown all there was my lady Clackit, who runs on with an eternal volubility of nothing, |