Imatges de pàgina

ANNEX B to the Protocol of January 11, 1851. Draft of a Proclamation of the Stadtholdership of the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein to the People.

People of Schleswig-Holstein!

(Translation.) THE Treaty of Peace of the 2nd July, 1850, acknowledged anew the rights of our country, and left it to the Duchies to protect those rights with their own power. The Germanic Confederation having now resolved upon the conclusion of peace, with a promise to maintain the rights of Holstein and the ancient customary authorized relations between Holstein and Schleswig, the Stadtholdership has felt bound to order the cessation of hostilities, and has placed the rights of the country under the protection of the Germanic Confederation.

The Stadtholdership returns thanks to the army and navy for the glorious proofs of their valour and honourable perseverance; the Stadtholdership thanks you all for the cheerful readiness with which you have made heavy sacrifices.

The Government of the country feels bound to be instrumental in bringing about the transition to a new Government to be instituted by the Germanic Confederation, and will lay down its power upon the institution of that Government.

People of Schleswig-Holstein! you will still preserve the reputation of order and obedience to the laws.

The Stadtholdership of the Duchies of Schleswig-Holstein,





ANNEX C to the Protocol of January 11, 1851. Draft of a Proclamation of the Stadtholdership of the Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein to the Army.

To the Army! (Translation) THE Commissioners, delegated by the Great Powers of Germany, in the name of the Germanic Confederation, have now taken upon themselves to carry into effect the Treaty of Peace of the 2nd July of last year, and at the same time to maintain the rights and the interests of Holstein and of its time-honoured union with the Duchy of Schleswig.

The Stadtholdership has therefore consented to the cessation of hostilities.

The Danish army will withdraw, and will leave in Schleswig only such divisions of troops as are necessary for the maintenance of order. The army of Schleswig-Holstein will continue to occupy the fortresses of Rendsburg and Fredericksort, together with the rayons

belonging to those fortresses; the other part of the army will return over the Eyder and enter into cantonments. Two-thirds of the troops, when arrived in their cantonments, will receive leave of


The skeleton corps will remain, and with them will be stored the arms, accoutrements, and all equipments.

The Stadtholdership trusts that the army, which has given such glorious proofs of valour and honourable perseverance, will also henceforth maintain exemplary order and discipline, and thereby secure the esteem and gratitude of the country.

The Stadtholdership of the Duchies of Schleswig-Holstein, KROIN. (L.S.) REVENTLOW.

No. 116.-Proclamation de la Lieutenance des Duchés de SlesvigHolstein à la suite des Resolutions prises par la Diète.



Kiel, le 12 Janvier, 1851. LE Traité de paix du 2 Juillet, 1850, en reconnaissant de nouveau les droits de notre pays, a abandonné aux duchés le soin de les défendre par leurs propres efforts. La Confédération Germanique ayant maintenant décidé d'exécuter le Traité de paix en promettant de garantir les droits du Holstein et les anciens rapports légitimes entre le Holstein et le Slesvig, la lieutenance s'est vue obligé d'ordonner la cessation des hostilités, et elle a en même temps placé les droits du pays sous la sauvegarde de la Confédération Germanique. La lieutenance remercie l'armée et la marine des témoignages glorieux de leur valeur et de leur persévérance, elle vous remercie tous du dévouement empressé avec lequel vous avez supporté de grands sacrifices. L'administration du pays se croit obligée de préparer les voies à une administration installée par la Confédération Germanique, et elle déposera ses pouvoirs dès que cette installation aura eu lieu. Habitants du Slesvig-Holstein, vous saurez maintenir votre réputation d'amis de l'ordre et de la légalité.






No. 117.-Protocol between Russia and Denmark, relative to the
Danish Succession.-Warsaw, June 5.
May 24, 1851.*


His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, and His Majesty the King of Denmark, taking into consideration the engagement entered into between their august predecessors, in the years 1767 and 1773;

*Laid before Parliament, 1856.

Considering that, as well for establishing the tranquillity of the North of Europe on a durable footing, as for removing all that could then, or for the future, give rise to misunderstandings or differences in the august House of Oldenburg, the Emperor Paul, of glorious memory, then Grand Duke of Russia, renounced for himself, as also for his heirs and descendants, in favour of His Majesty King Christian VII., of glorious memory, as also of the heirs of his royal crown, all his rights and pretensions to the Duchy of Schleswig in general, and to the heretofore princely portion of that Duchy in particular;

That in the same manner, and from the same motives, His Majesty the Emperor Paul ceded for himself, as also for his descendants, heirs, and successors, all that he possessed in the Duchy of Holstein, whether in common with His Majesty the King of Denmark, or separately;

Considering that this act of cession of the Duchy of Holstein has only been made expressly in favour of His Majesty King Christian VII., and of his male lineage, and also eventually in favour of the late Prince Frederick, the King's brother, and of the male lineage of that Prince, and that the eventualities which the terms themselves of this act of cession admitted, have already in part been realised by the extinction of the male lineage of King Christian VII., or may be realised at a period more or less near, without the said transactions having in any manner provided for them;

Foreseeing the dangers which this silence in existing Treaties may cause to the Danish monarchy, if, on the extinction of the male line actually on the throne of Denmark, the lex regia should receive its pure and simple application to one part of the monarchy;

Have acknowledged the obligation and the right, as successors of the august Contracting Parties, to the engagements of 1767 and 1773, to come to an understanding, as to the ulterior arrangements most suited to the double objects which they have had in view.

In consequence, the Undersigned, after mature examination of all the questions connected with this affair, have agreed amongst themselves, under the express reservation of the high approbation of their respective Sovereigns, and have embodied in the present Protocol the points which follow:

1°. The objects proposed in the interest of the peace of the North, as well as that of the internal peace of the august house of Oldenburg, namely, the maintenance of the integrity of the Danish monarchy, can only be realised by means of an arrangement summoning to the Succession of the whole of the States actually united under the sceptre of His Majesty the King of Denmark, the male lineage solely, to the exclusion of women.

2o. The male lineage of Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein Sonderbourg Glücksbourg and of his consort the Princess Louise of Hesse, unites in itself the rights of inheritance, which, on the extinction of the male line actually reigning in Denmark, devolve upon it in virtue of the Renunciations of Her Royal Highness the Landgravine Charlotte of Hesse, of her son Prince Frederick of Hesse, and of her daughter the Princess Mary of Anhalt-Dessau.

3°. Wishing on his part to complete the titles resulting from these Renunciations, and thus to effect an arrangement which would be of such high importance and interest for the maintenance of the Danish monarchy in its integrity, His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, as chief of the elder branch of Holstein Gottorp, would be ready to renounce the eventual rights which belong to him in favour of Prince Christian of Glücksbourg, and of his male lineage. Nevertheless it is understood:

That the eventual rights of the two younger branches of Holstein Gottorp should be expressly reserved;

That those which the august chief of the elder branch should abandon for himself and for his male lineage in favour of Prince Christian of Glücksbourg and of his male lineage, should be revived in the Imperial House of Russia whenever (which God forbid) the male lineage of that prince should become extinct.

That inasmuch as the Renunciation of His Majesty the Emperor would principally have for its object to facilitate an arrangement called for by the first interests of the monarchy, the offer of such a renunciation would cease to be obligatory if the arrangement itself should fail.

4°. In consequence of the considerations which are above pointed out by the above §§ 2 and 3, the Prince Christian of Glücksbourg, conjointly with the Princess, his consort, and in their default, the male lineage of their Highnesses, would have, more than any other branch, claims which qualify them to succeed, if the contingency should arrive, to the States actually united under the sceptre of His Danish Majesty.

Consequently the two Courts of Copenhagen and of St. Petersburgh have agreed,

That His Majesty the King of Denmark shall designate the Prince and Princess of Glücksbourg conjointly as heirs presumptive of his Crown, in case the male line of the dynasty actually reigning should become extinct;

That His Majesty shall make known his high determination to the Powers in amity with Denmark;

That if, to ensure the complete success of this arrangement, still further renunciations should be deemed useful and desirable, it

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would be for His Danish Majesty to make himself responsible for the indemnities to which just and equitable claims should be established;

Finally, that the negotiations necessary to give to the arrangements in virtue whereof the Prince and Princess of Glücksbourg shall be acknowledged as successors presumptive to the throne of Denmark, the character of an European transaction, shall take place in London.

The Undersigned reserve to themselves to submit the present Protocol to their august Sovereigns, and to solicit their high approbation in favour of the provisions it contains.


No. 118.-Adresse des Prélats et de l'Ordre Equestre du Duché de


Kiel, le 20 Août, 1851.

LES prélats et l'ordre équestre des Duchés de Schleswig et de Holstein s'approchent du trône de votre Majesté avec les sentiments de respect, de fidélité et de dévouement dont ils ont été animés de tout temps. Ces sentiments, les prélats et l'ordre équestre ne croient pouvoir mieux les manifester dans un moment où non seulement leurs droits, mais encore toute l'existence politique et sociale de leur patrie leur paraissent menacés de dangers évidents, qu'en recommandant encore une fois à la protection de votre Majesté les droits des duchés, lesquels ont été reconnus par tous les Princes de la Maison d'Oldenbourg, et qu'en signalant à l'attention de votre Majesté les périls sur l'existence desquels votre cœur, profondément attristé, croit devoir ne se bercer d'aucune illusion.

Les prélats et l'ordre équestre supplient votre Majesté de ne voir dans cette démarche que le consciencieux accomplissement d'un devoir indispensable de la part de fidèles et loyaux sujets, qui, en s'approchant de votre Majesté, n'ont en vue que le salut des duchés, lequel dépend du maintien des droits du trône, ainsi que de ceux du pays. Les prélats et l'ordre équestre des Duchés de Schleswig et de Holstein trouvent dans les déplorables événements des dernières années un motif de plus de redoubler, si possible, de fidélité et d'attachement envers leur souverain; mais ils trouvent en même temps dans les complications et les dangers amenés par les dits événements un motif de plus de s'approcher avec la plus grande franchise du trône de votre Majesté, et leur vou le plus ardent, c'est que votre cœur paternel daigne ne voir dans l'indication de ces dangers que la confirmation des sentiments qu'ils viennent d'exprimer.

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