358. Colonel Sheil to Viscount Palmer- Dec. 31 Persian officers appointed ston. 1852 359. The Earl of Malmesbury to Colonel Mar. 20 Sheil. 430 430 for suppression of Slave 431 PORTUGAL. 1851 371. Viscount Palmerston to Sir H. April 14 Proposed abolition of the Seymour. Mixed Commissions at April 14 Dismissal of Senhor Al Cruelties inflicted on Cae merston. tano Nozolini's slaves.... 436 377. Viscount Palmerston to Sir H. Seymour. 383. Sir H. Seymour to Viscount Pal- April 28 وو merston. 384. 385. 386. " and H.M.'s officers 438 April 28 Dismissal of Senhor Al- norship of Benguela April 28 Appointment of New Portuguese Commis sioner at Loanda April 28 Proposed Abolition of the 387. Viscount Palmerston to Sir H. May 6 Jamaica and the Cape Titles conferred on Bra 438 439 440 Seymour. 388. " zilian slave-traders 440 395. Sir H. Seymour to Viscount Pal. June 13 Titles conferred on slave merston. traders.......... 441 No. No.No. Date SUBJECT. Page 396. Sir H. Seymour to Viscount Pal- June 16 Anti-Slave Trade assu 397. merston. دو rances of the Portuguese Minister June 17 Titles conferred on slavetraders 402. Viscount Palmerston to Sir R. July 25 Proposed abolition of the Pakenham. 441 442 Mixed Commissions at 443 406. Sir R. Pakenham to Viscount Aug. 18 Proposed abolition of the Palmerston. Mixed Commissions at 444 408. Viscount Palmerston to Sir R. Aug. 27 Proposed abolition of the Pakenham. Mixed Commissions at 414. Sir R. Pakenham to Viscount Sept. 18 Inclosing protocol de Palmerston. 419. Oct. 8 Has written to Minister 420. Viscount Palmerston to Sir R. Oct. 14 What measures are Por 434. Sir R. Pakenham to Earl Gran- Feb. 14 Correspondence respect RUSSIA. Date SUBJECT. Page 463. Viscount Palmerston to Lord June 12 Georgian slaves pur Bloomfield. 464 Lord Bloomfield to Viscount Pal- June 24 Ditto merston. 458 465. Viscount Palmerston to Mr. Bu- July 12 Ditto 458 chanan. 466. Mr. Buchanan to Viscount Pal- Aug. 5 Ditto merston. 459 Answer of Sardinian Government respecting abuse of Sardinian flag. 463 495. Earl Granville to Sir R. Aber- Jan. 20 Satisfaction of H.M.'s Go 503, Lord Howden to Viscount Pal- Mar. 25 Proposal that Slave Trade merston. should be declared piracy 505. Viscount Palmerston to Lord April 7 To renew request that April 7 Sum paid to Spain to conclude the Anti-Slave Trade Treaty of 1817.... 469. 509. Viscount Palmerston to M. Isturiz April 12 Alleged understanding between the Captain- 511. Lord Howden to Viscount Pal- April 15 Refusal to extend powers 470 472. Date SUBJECT. Page powers of the Mixed Court at the Havana.... 473: 515. Viscount Palmerston to Lord May 6 Proposed extension of Howden. 516. Lord Howden to Viscount Pal- May 3 Refusal of Spanish Gomerston. vernment to declare Slave Trade piracy 475 517, Viscount Palmerston to Lord May 14 Intercolonial Slave Trade Howden. between Cuba and 477. May 15 Anti-Slave Trade mea- May 15 Commission appointed 528. M. Isturiz to Viscount Palmer- May 28 State of Slave Trade in ston. 478 479 Cuba. Vindication of 479./ 529, Lord Howden to Viscount Pal- May 25 Refusal of Spanish Go merston. vernment to extend the powers of the Mixed Court at the Havana.... 481 484 530. Viscount Palmerston to Lord June 12 Ditto Howden. 547. Lord Howden to Viscount Pal- July 8 Refusal of Spanish Go 563. Viscount Palmerston to Lord Sept. 10 Continuance of Slave Howden. 564. Trade in Cuba. Re- 516 570. Lord Howden to Viscount Pal- Oct. 1 Answer of Spanish Go 574. Viscount Palmerston to Lord Oct. 17 To urge adoption of more Howden. Respecting Bahama ne gress Mary Anne 526 Respecting conduct of authorities at Santiago August last 527 merston. 579. Lord Howden to Viscount Pal- Oct. 28 Answer of Spanish Go proposed abolition of 527. 527. |