No. AUSTRIA. Date 1851 SUBJECT. Page 43. Viscount Palmerston to Mr. Ma- Sept. 4 Slaves carried in the genis. packets of Austrian Lloyd's Company 311 47. The Earl of Westmorland to Dec. 15 Prince Schwarzenberg Viscount Palmerston. denies that slaves have been carried in the Austrian Lloyd's steamers. 311 BELGIUM. 1851 50. Viscount Palmerston to Lord May 19 Howard de Walden and Seaford. 52. Lord Howard de Walden and Sea- June 30 Answer of Belgian ford to Viscount Palmerston. Laws of Russia, Germany, Government as to Slave 314 Belgian Laws respecting 314 88. Viscount Palmerston to Mr. Hud. May 4 Operations of H.M.'s ships 325 No. Date SUBJECT. Page 115. Mr. Hudson to Viscount Palmer- May 12 Privileges granted to ves ston sels going to the Azores 118. Viscount Palmerston to Mr. Hud- July 5 Refusal of Brazil to con son. clude the proposed new 124 M. Lisboa to Viscount Palmerston. July 15 Observations on Lord Pal merston's speech of July Reply to preceding 330 331 333 334 167. Viscount Palmerston to M. Lisboa. Oct. 10 Reply to his letter of Sept. 27, respecting pro- Laws for registration of slaves 168. Viscount Palmerston to Mr. Hud- Oct. 14 Sending British Colonial son. 169. M. Lisboa to Viscount Palmerston. Oct. 15 Suppression of Brazilian 354 Slave Trade not owing No. Date SUBJECT. 171. Mr. Hudson to Viscount Palmer- Sept. 13 Brazilian Government ston. Page protestsstrongly against 175. Viscount Palmerston to M. Lisboa. Nov. 3 Acknowledging his note of Oct. 6, respecting the Novo Mello. 367 Reply to his note of Nov. Dec. 13 Brazilian Government re 373 1852 206. Mr. Southern to Viscount Palmer- Feb. 5 ston. Council of State confirms liberation of 108 Africans seized at Bahia in September, 1851............ 374 222. Vice-Consul Wetherell to Viscount Aug. 28 Respecting Palmerston. Consular: Brazilian felucca Purissima Con- 876 BRAZIL (PARAIBA). 1852 236. Acting Consul Krausé to Viscount Jan. 22 Slave Trade Return for 267. Mr. Sulivan to Viscount Palmer- June 20 Relative to proposal that No. DENMARK. Date 1851 SUBJECT. 270. Sir Henry Wynn to Viscount Pal- April 16 Relative to proposal that Page merston. Slave Trade should be 276. The Marquis of Normanby to May 8 Relative to proposal that Viscount Palmerston Slave Trade should be Sending Treaty of Jan. 1, 395 Malmesbury. Cowley. 300. 298. Count Walewski to the Earl of Mar. 6 Renews request for ex 299. The Earl of Malmesbury to Lord Mar. 10 Sending correspondence emption of Whydah 396 397 GREECE. 1851 301. Mr. Wyse to Viscount Palmerston. April 18 Relative to proposal that No. HANSE TOWNS. Date SUBJECT. Page 304. Colonel Hodges to Viscount Pal- Mar. 25 Reply of Hamburg Go merston. vernment to proposal ment to proposal that 403 April 1 Reply of Bremen Govern 306. Viscount Palmerston to Colonel April 7 Again to urge Hamburg Government to declare Slave Trade piracy........ 404 Again to urge Bremen Government to declare Slave Trade piracy........ 404 308. Colonel Hodges to Viscount Pal- April 14 Bremen Government to merston. Trade declare Slave 405 ........ MEXICO. 1851 313. Mr. Doyle to Viscount Palmerston. Aug. 15 Law passed August 5, 314. Viscount Palmerston to Mr. Doyle. Oct. 1 Law passed August 5, 406 declaring Slave Trade piracy. To thank, &c. 410 Oct. 31 Extension of right of search in Gulf of Mexico 411 MUSCAT. 1850 319. Major Hamerton to Viscount Pal- Aug. 20 Slaves exported in 1849 |