XL. It is hereby declared that all the above-mentioned property and revenue belong to the Church, and that in its name they will be enjoyed and administered by the clergy. The funds of the crusade will be administered in every diocese by the Diocesan Prelates as invested for this purpose with the power granted to them by the Bull for the distribution thereof, as prescribed in the last prorogation of the respective apostolical concession, and without prejudice to the obligations imposed on these funds by conventions concluded with the Holy See. The manner and form in which the aforesaid administration is to be carried on will be mutually agreed upon by the Holy Father and Her Catholic Majesty. The Diocesan Prelates will likewise administer the funds of the "Indulto Cuadragesimal" (Lent Dispensations), and apply them to the charitable establishments, and to acts of charity in their respective dioceses, according to the Apostolical concessions. The other Apostolical powers relative to this branch, and the attributes annexed to them, will be exercised by the Archbishop of Toledo, to the extent and in the form which will be determined by the Holy See. XLI. Moreover the Church will have the right of acquiring property under any legitimate title, and the property it now possesses, as well as that which it may hereafter acquire, will be solemnly respected. Consequently, no suppression or union will be made with regard to ancient and new ecclesiastical foundations, without the intervention of the authority of the Holy See, excepting the powers which belong to Bishops according to the Holy Council of Trent. XLII. Therefore, taking into consideration the advantage which religion must derive from the present Convention, the Holy Father, at the request of Her Catholic Majesty, and for the purpose of securing public tranquillity, commands and declares that no persons who of late years have purchased ecclesiastical property in the dominions of Spain, according to the civil laws at present in force, and hold it in their possession, nor those who have inherited or may inherit the rights of the aforesaid purchasers, will ever and in any way whatsoever be disturbed, either by His Holiness or by the Supreme Pontiffs his successors; and that so far from it, both the aforesaid purchasers and their successors will securely and peaceably enjoy the possession of the above-mentioned property and its emoluments and produce. XLIII. Every other thing belonging to ecclesiastical persons or institutions, which has not been provided for in the foregoing Articles, will be directed and administered according to the discipline of the Church now canonically in force. XLIV. The Holy Father and Her Catholic Majesty hereby declare that the royal prerogatives of the Crown of Spain are to remain untouched and unimpaired, according to the Conventions previously concluded between the two Powers. And, therefore, the aforesaid Conventions, and especially the one which was concluded between the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XIV, and the Catholic King Ferdinand VI, in the year 1753, are hereby confirmed and will continue to be in full force in everything which is not altered or modified by the present Convention. XLV. In virtue of this Concordat, all laws, orders, and decrees published up to the present day, in any manner or form whatsoever in the dominions of Spain, will be considered as null and void, in all points which may be contrary to the same Concordat, which is to be now and for ever in force as a law of the State in the aforesaid dominions. And, therefore, both contracting Parties promise, for themselves and for their successors, the faithful observance of all and every one of the Articles therein contained. Should any difficulty arise in future, the Holy Father and Her Catholic Majesty will come to an understanding for the purpose of giving to it an amicable solution. XLVI and last. The exchange of the ratifications of the present Concordat will take place within the period of 2 months, or sooner if possible. In testimony whereof we, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries, have signed the present Concordat, and affixed our own seal to it, in Madrid, this 16th day of March, 1851. (L.S.) MANUEL BERTRAN DE LIS. (L.S.) JOHN BRUNELLI, Archbishop of Thessalonica. ROYAL WARRANT, for the erection of the Islands of Ruatan, Bonacca, &c., in the Bay of Honduras, into a British Colony, under the Title of the "Bay Islands." - March 20, 1852.* VICTORIA, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, to our right trusty and well-beloved Councillor, Edward Burtenshaw, Baron St. Leonards, our Chancellor of that part of our said United Kingdom called Great Britain, greeting. We will and command, that under our great seal of our said United Kingdom (remaining in your custody), you cause these our letters to be made forthwith patent, in form following: Victoria, by the grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, to all to whom these presents shall come, greeting. * Laid before Parliament, 1856. Whereas it hath been represented unto us, that the Islands of Ruatan, Bonacca, Utilla, Helene, Barbarat, and Moxat, in the Bay of Honduras, are inhabited by divers subjects of our Crown, who are rapidly increasing in numbers, and we have therefore deemed it expedient to make provision for the government of the settlement or settlements already formed and to be formed in these islands: Now know ye, that we, of our especial grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have thought fit to erect, and do hereby erect, the said Islands of Ruatan, Bonacca, Utilla, Helene, Barbarat, and Moxat, and their dependencies, into a colony, and the same are hereby erected into a colony accordingly. And we do hereby declare that the said islands shall be known and designated as the colony of the "Bay Islands." And we do hereby constitute and appoint our Captain-General and Governor-in-chief for the time being in and over our Island of Jamaica, or the officer for the time being administering the government of our said island, to be Governor and Commander-in-chief for the time being of our said colony of the Bay Islands, so erected as aforesaid, and of all forts and garrisons erected and established, or which shall be erected and established, within the said colony. And we do hereby require and command our said Governor for the time being to do and execute all things in due manner that shall belong to his said command, and the trust we have reposed in him, according to the several powers, provisions, and directions granted or appointed him by these our letters patent, and the instructions under our sign-manual and signet, herewith given him, or according to such further powers, directions, and authorities, as shall at any time hereafter be granted or appointed him by any letters patent under the great seal of our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or by any instructions which may hereafter from time to time be given under the sign-manual of us, our heirs and successors, or by our order in our Privy Council, or by us, through one of our Principal Secretaries of State, and according to such reasonable laws and statutes as shall hereafter be made and agreed upon by our said Governor, with the advice and consent of the General Assembly of our said colony. And we do hereby give and grant unto our Governor for the time being full power and authority, from time to time as need shall require, to summon and call general assemblies of the male inhabitants of our said colony and its dependencies, such male inhabitants being British subjects and of full age, in such manner and form, and according to such powers, instructions, and authorities, as are granted or appointed by our general instructions accompanying these our letters patent, or according to such further powers, instructions, and authorities as shall be at any time hereafter granted or appointed under our sign-manual and signet, or by our order in our Privy Council, or by us through one of our Principal Secretaries of State; and our will and pleasure is, that every person who shall be qualified as aforesaid, and who shall be the owner of lands, tenements, or hereditaments, within the said colony, and who shall be able to read and write English, shall be eligible as a representative in the General Assembly of our said colony; and that the 12 persons thereupon duly elected by the majority of such inhabitants, in such manner as is hereinafter by our said instructions provided, shall, before their sitting, take the oath of allegiance, which oath our Governor shall tender and administer, or shall commission fit persons, under the public seal of our said colony and its dependencies, to tender and administer unto them; and until the same shall be so taken, no person shall be capable of sitting, though elected and we do hereby declare that the 12 persons so elected and qualified shall constitute the first General Assembly of our colony of the Bay Islands. And our will and pleasure is, that at the expiration of 1 year from the first election of such representatives as aforesaid, the 3 representatives who shall have been elected by the least number of votes shall vacate their seats; and that in case, by reason of any such representatives having been elected by an equal number of votes, it be uncertain which of such representatives should vacate his seat, the Governor shall cause such question to be determined by lot; and that in like manner at the end of the second year from the said first election, the 3 representatives elected at such first election by the next smallest number of votes shall vacate their seats, with the like provision in case of equality of votes; and so on from year to year until the whole of the 12 original representatives shall have vacated their seats; and that afterwards the 3 representatives who shall have sat longest in the Assembly shall annually vacate their seats at such period as aforesaid. And that on every occasion when 3 representatives shall in this manner vacate their seats, a general election by the inhabitants of the colony, qualified as aforesaid, shall take place for the purpose of supplying their places; and that the form and manner of such general election shall be as follows:-every elector qualified as aforesaid shall be entitled to give 3 votes, and shall be entitled (at his discretion) to give such 3 votes to 3 separate candidates, or to give 2 of such votes, or all of them, to 1 candidate; and such votes shall be given by the voter giving or sending to the returning officer a paper containing the names of such candidate or candidates, and the number of votes which he intends to give to each of them, signed by himself, or with his mark, attested by a credible witness; and that in case any 2 candidates have an equal number of votes, the question between them shall be determined by lot, as aforesaid. And that whenever any vacancy shall occur in the said Assembly, by death or resignation, or by any other cause, which may, by any ordinance of the said Governor and Assembly, be declared to vacate a seat in the said Assembly, a particular election shall take place to supply such vacancy, in like manner, mutatis mutandis, with the general elections, as hereinbefore specified: Provided always, that every representative elected at any such particular election shall vacate his seat when the member in whose place he is elected would have vacated it in the regular course, according to the tenor of these presents: Provided further, that if the Governor shall, in the exercise of the power hereinafter reserved to him, at any time dissolve such Assembly, a general election of 12 members shall take place in the same manner and form as the first general election, hereinbefore mentioned; and that all the provisions hereinbefore contained respecting the vacating of seats and filling up of vacancies, shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Assembly elected on such dissolution. And it is our will and pleasure that the Assembly shall have full power to elect a presiding member, and to make from time to time standing rules and orders for the conduct of business; and that 4 members of the said Assembly (exclusive of the member presiding in the said Assembly) shall form a quorum for the transaction of business; and that all questions which may arise in the said Assembly shall be decided by a majority of the votes of the members present, other than the presiding member, and that when the votes are equal, the presiding member shall have the casting vote. Provided always, that it shall be competent for the said Governor and Assembly, by ordinance, to alter the provisions hereinbefore contained respecting the qualification of voters and candidates, the mode of conducting elections and supplying vacancies, the duration of the functions of representatives, and the mode of conducting business in such Assembly; and, further, to establish, when they shall deem it expedient, a second House of Legislature, and to define the powers thereof. And our will and pleasure is, that our Governor for the time being, by and with the advice and consent of our said Assembly, or the major part of them, shall have full power and authority to make, constitute, and ordain laws, statutes, and ordinances for the public peace, welfare, and good government of our said colony, and the people and inhabitants thereof, and such others as shall resort thereto, and for the benefit of us, our heirs and successors, which said laws, statutes, and ordinances are not to be repugnant, but as near as may be agreeable, to the laws and statutes of this our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Provided always, that no Bill for the granting of supplies to Her Majesty, or for the imposition of any impost, rate, or pecuniary |