NAVIGATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM-continued. VESSELS EMPLOYED IN THE FOREIGN TRADE-continued. SHIPPING CLEARED OUTWARDS FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM TO FOREIGN PARTS. CONCORDAT between Rome and Spain.-Signed at Madrid, March 16, 1851. [Ratified by the Queen of Spain, April 1, and by His Holiness the Pope, April 23, 1851.]* (Translation.) HIS Holiness the Supreme Pontiff Pius IX, desiring fervently to provide for the good of religion and the utility of the Spanish Church, with that pastoral solicitude which he evinces towards all faithful Catholics, and with especial benevolence to the illustrious and devout Spanish nation; and Her Catholic Majesty Isabella II, with that piety and sincere adhesion to the Apostolical See which she has inherited from her ancestors, have determined to conclude a solemn Concordat, in which all ecclesiastical affairs will be arranged on a stable and canonical footing. For this object His Holiness the Supreme Pontiff has thought fit to name as his Plenipotentiary, his Excellency Don Juan Brunelli, Archbishop of Thessalonica, Domestic Prelate of His Holiness, Assistant to the Pontifical Throne, and Apostolical Nuncio in the Kingdom of Spain, with the faculty of Legate a latere; and Her Catholic Majesty, his Excellency Señor Don Manuel Bertran de Lis, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal and distinguished Spanish Order of Charles III, of that of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus of Sardinia, and of that of Francis I of Naples, Deputy to the Cortes, and Her Minister of State : Who, after delivering mutually their respective credentials, and the authenticity of them having been recognized, have come to the following agreement: ART. I. The Roman Catholic Apostolical Religion, which, to the exclusion of every other form of worship, continues to be the sole religion of the Spanish nation, will for ever be maintained in the dominions of Her Catholic Majesty, with all the rights and prerogatives which it ought to enjoy according to the law of God and the sacred canons. II. Consequently, the system of instruction in the universities, colleges, seminaries, and public or private schools, will be in conformity with the doctrine of the said Catholic religion, and no impediment whatever shall be placed in the way of those Bishops and Diocesan Prelates charged by their office to watch over the purity of the faith and morals, and in the exercise of this office to watch over the religious education of youth in the public schools. III. Nor shall any impediment be placed in the way of the said prelates and other sacred Ministers in the exercise of their functions, * Laid before Parliament, 1851. nor shall they under any pretext whatever be molested in the discharge of their duties; on the contrary, all the authorities of the kingdom shall provide for their protection, and see that due respect and consideration be observed towards them, according to Divine precept, and that nothing be done causing contempt in any way. Her Majesty and her royal Government will likewise dispense their powerful patronage and support to the Bishops, in cases which require it, principally when they have to place themselves in opposition to the malignity of those who try to pervert the minds of the faithful and corrupt their manners, or when they have to prohibit the publication, introduction, and circulation of bad and hurtful books. IV. In everything else belonging to the right and exercise of ecclesiastical authority, and to the ministry of its sacred orders, the Bishops and dependant clergy will enjoy the full liberty established by the sacred canons. V. On account of powerful reasons of necessity and propriety, and for the greater convenience and spiritual advantage of the faithful, a new division and circumscription of the dioceses in the peninsula and adjacent islands will be made. To this effect, the present metropolitan sees of Toledo, Burgos, Granada, Santiago, Seville, Tarragona, Valencia, and Zaragoza, will be maintained, and the suffraganship of Valladolid will be raised to the above class. In like manner will be maintained the suffragan dioceses of Almeira, Astorga, Avila, Badajoz, Barcelona, Cadiz, Calahorra, the Canaries, Cartagena, Cordova, Coria, Cuenca, Gerona, Guadix, Huesca, Jaen, Jaca, Leon, Lerida, Lugo, Malaga, Majorca, Minorca, Mondoñedo, Orense, Orihuela, Osma, Oviedo, Palencia, Pampluna, Plasencia, Salamanca, Santander, Segorve, Segovia, Sigüenza, Tarazona, Teruel, Tortosa, Tuy, Urgel, Vich, and Zamora. The diocese of Albarracin will remain united to that of Teruel; that of Barbastro to Huesca; that of Ceuta to Cadiz; that of Ciudad Rodrigo to Salamanca; that of Iviza to Majorca; that of Solsona to Vich; that of Teneriffe to the Canaries; and that of Tudela to Pamplona. The prelates of those sees to which others are united, will add to the title of Bishops of the Church over which they preside, that of the one united. New suffragan dioceses will be erected in Ciudad-Real, Madrid, and Vittoria. The episcopal see of Calahorra and Calzada will be translated to Logroño; that of Orihuela to Alicante; and that of Segorve to Castellon de la Plana; when everything is arranged in these towns, and it is deemed opportune, after consulting the respective prelates and chapters. In those cases where, for the better service of some diocese, an auxiliary Bishop is necessary, this want shall be supplied in the usual canonical manner. In the same way Vicars-General will be appointed where, by reason of the aggregation of dioceses mentioned in this Article, or for any other just cause they may be thought necessary, after consulting the respective prelates. In Ceuta and Teneriffe auxiliary Bishops will be appointed as soon as possible. VI. The distribution of the above-mentioned dioceses as regards their dependence on their respective metropolitan sees will be as follows: Suffragans of the metropolitan church of Burgos will be those of Calahorra or Logroño, Leon, Osma, Palencia, Santander, and Vittoria. Of Granada, those of Almeira, Carthagena, or Murcia, Guadix, Jaen and Malaga. Of Santiago, those of Lugo, Mondoñedo, Orense, Oviedo, and Tuy. Of Seville, those of Badajoz, Cadiz, Cordova, and the Canary Isles. Of Tarragona, those of Barcelona, Gerona, Lerida, Tortosa, Urgel, and Vich. Of Toledo, those of Ciudad-Real, Coria, Cuenca, Madrid, Plasencia, and Siguenza. Of Valencia, those of Majorca, Minorca, Orihuela or Alicante, and Segorve or Castellon de la Plana. Of Valladolid, those of Astorga, Avila, Salamanca, Segovia, and Zamora. Of Saragossa, those of Huesca, Jaca, Pampluna, Tarazona, and Teruel. VII. The new boundaries and particular demarcations of the above dioceses will be determined in the shortest possible time and in due form (servatis servandis) by the Holy See, for which purpose the Apostolical Nuncio in this kingdom will be furnished with all the necessary powers to determine the said demarcation, on an understanding (collatis consiliis) with the Government of Her Majesty. VIII. All the Bishops and their churches will recognize the canonical dependence on their respective metropolitans, in virtue of which the exemptions of the Bishoprics of Leon and Oviedo will cease to exist. IX. It being on the one hand necessary and urgent to apply a suitable remedy to the serious inconveniences which are produced in the ecclesiastical administration by the widely diffused territory of the 4 military orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcantara, and Montesa, and on the other hand, it being necessary to preserve the glorious recollection of an institution which has rendered such service to the Church and State, as well as the prerogatives of the Kings of Spain as Grand Masters of those orders by Apostolical concession; a certain territory forming a circular district will be designated in the new ecclesiastical demarcation, in order that the Grand Master may exercise as heretofore his ecclesiastical jurisdiction in entire concurrence with the said concession and Pontifical bulls. The new district will be styled Priorate of the Military Orders, and the Prior will hold the episcopal character with the title of a church in partibus. The territory which now belongs to the said Military Orders and is not included in the new, will be incorporated in the respective dioceses. X. The Archbishops and Bishops will extend the exercise of their authority and ordinary jurisdiction to the whole district which in the new circumscription is comprehended in their respective dioceses; and consequently those who, up to the present moment, by whatever title exercised, that jurisdiction in districts included in other dioceses, will cease to do so. IX. All privileged and exempted jurisdictions of whatever class or denomination, including that of St. John of Jerusalem, will cease. Their actual territories will be united to the respective dioceses in the new demarcation which is to be made according to Article VII, reserving the following exemptions: 1. That of the superior Pro-Chaplain of Her Majesty. 2. That of the Castrense (Military Chaplainships). 3. That of the 4 Military Orders of Santiago, Calatrava, Alcantara, and Montesa, according to the terms fixed by Article IX of this Concordat. 4. That of the regular prelates. 5. That of the Apostolical Nuncio pro tempore in the church and hospital of Italians in this capital. The necessary powers for the affairs belonging to the CommissaryGeneral of the Crusade will likewise be maintained, in virtue of the delegating brief and other apostolical provisions. XII. The office of Collector-General for the property of deceased prelates, whether from vacant sees or annuities, will be suppressed, that office becoming united to the Commissary-General of the Crusade for the administration of property become vacant, for collecting arrears, and supporting and terminating pending causes. In like manner the Apostolical Royal Tribunal of Grace and Excusado [exemption from paying tithes] shall be suppressed. XIII. The chapter of the cathedral churches will be composed of the dean, who shall always have the first stall post pontificalem; of 4 dignitaries, namely: the arch-priest, the archdeacon, the precentor, |