Imatges de pàgina

OLDENBURG. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, cont., viz.:-with
Denmark, &c. Act. Accession to Treaty of 8th
May, 1852. Succession to Throne of


Oldenburg, 10th December, 1852. 1072



PATENTS. Act of Parliament (British). Protection of Inventions.

PERSIA. Convention with Great Britain. Detention and Search of Persian

Vessels for Slaves

1st July, 1852. 683
August, 1851. 428

Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade .... 1851, 1852.

PERU. Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation with Belgium.

London, 16th May, 1850. 1348

Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation
in British Ports .... London, 15th May, 1852. 667
(do.).... Apprehension of Merchant Seamen
Osborne, 18th August, 1852. 672



PORTUGAL. Act of Accession to Treaty between Great Britain, Denmark,
Succession to Throne of Denmark.


Lisbon, 19th March, 1853. 1081

Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade.

1851, 1852. 194, 245
Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation

in British Ports.

London, 15th May, 1852. 667
Protocol of Conference with Great Britain. Abolition of
Mixed Commission Courts in Jamaica and Cape
de Verde Islands.. Lisbon, 18th September, 1851. 448

Speech of Queen. Opening of Cortes.

Lisbon, 15th December, 1851. 1107
Christiansborg, 27th August, 1849. 928

PROCLAMATION (Denmark) of King to Inhabitants of Schleswig. Obedience.

....(do.).... of Stadtholdership. Rights of Schleswig-

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....(do.).... of King. Administration of Government of

Schleswig .... Fredericksborg, 14th July, 1850. 951

....(do.).... of Stadtholdership.

Cessation of Hostilities.

Kiel, 12th January, 1851. 991

Christiansborg, 28th January, 1552. 1051

....(do.).... of King. Organization of Denmark, including

Schleswig, Holstein, and Lauenburg.

....(do.).... of Danish Commissioner. New Government for

Duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg.

Kiel, 18th February, 1852. 1057

....(do.). of King. Raising state of Siege of Schleswig.

Christiansborg, 17th March, 1852. 1058

(France.) Constitution of Republic.

Paris, 14th January, 1852. 1081


PROCLAMATION. (Modena.) Resumption of Sovereignty.

Mantua, 8th August, 1848. 1289

(Sardinia.) Union of Venice with Sardinia.

Venice, 7th August, 1848. 1260, 1261
(Tuscany.) Mediation of France and Great Britain between

Austria and Tuscany.... Florence, 6th August, 1848. 1252
(Venice.) Union to Sardinia .... Venice, 6th August, 1848. 1258

PROMETHEUS. Message of President of United States. Alleged Outrage by
British ship "Express".... Washington, 15th December, 1851. 759
PROTOCOL of Conference between Denmark, France, Great Britain, Prussia,
Russia, and Sweden. Integrity of Danish Monarchy.

London, 2nd August, 1850. 953
Adherence of Austria to Do. London, 23rd August, 1850. 955
of Conference between Denmark and Germany. Ratifications of
Treaty of Peace of 2nd July, 1850.

Frankfort, 26th October, 1850. 963

of Conference between Denmark and Prussia. Ratifications of
Treaty of Peace of 2nd July, 1850.

Berlin, 6th September, 1850. 955

of Conference between Denmark and Russia. Danish Succession.

[blocks in formation]

of Diet of Germanic Confederation. Maintenance of Legal Order

and Tranquillity.

of Conference between Germany and
of Germanic Confederation......
of Conference between Germany and
of Germanic Confederation

Frankfort, 28th June, 1832. 1133
Schleswig-Holstein. Demands

Kiel, 7th January, 1851. 980
Schleswig-Holstein. Demands

Kiel, 11th January, 1851. 987

of Conference between Great Britain and Portugal. Abolition of
Mixed Slave Trade Commission Courts in Jamaica and Cape de
Verde Islands....

Lisbon, 18th September, 1851. 448

PRUSSIA. Correspondence and Documents. Affairs of Duchies of Schleswig,
Holstein, &c.

1849-1852. 918

Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation

in British Ports.

London, 15th May, 1852. 667

....(do.).... Apprehension of Merchant Seamen
Deserters........ Windsor, 16th October, 1852. 674

Protocol of Conference with Denmark, France, Great Britain,
Russia, and Sweden. Integrity of Danish Monarchy.

London, 2nd August, 1850. 953

Adherence of Austria to Do.

London, 23rd August, 1850. 955

of Conference with Denmark. Ratification by States
composing the Germanic Confederation of Treaty of
Peace of 2nd July, 1850.

Berlin, 6th September, 1850. 955

of Conference between Denmark and Germanic Con-
federation. Exchange of Ratifications of Treaty of
Peace of 2nd July, 1850.

Frankfort, 26th October, 1850. 963



Belgium, &c. Additional Convention. Commerce.

Navigation.... Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342

Denmark. Secret Article. Succession to Danish

Throne .............. Berlin, 4th July, 1850. 946
Denmark, &c. Treaty. Succession to Crown of
Denmark. London, 8th May, 1852.

Hanover. Treaty. Association of the Steuerverein

with the Zollverein.


Berlin, 7th September, 1851. 1113


QUA PLANTATIONS. Agreement with Great Britain. Slavery. Human

Duke's Town, 15th February, 1851. 727


REPORTS. (United States). Secretary of War.

Secretary of Navy.


Washington, 4th December, 1852.
Washington, 4th December, 1852. 72

REUSS-GREITZ. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c. Commerce.

Navigation.... Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342
Navigation.... Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342

REUSS-SCHLEITZ. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c. Commerce.

RIO NUNEZ. Treaty with Great Britain. Peace. Commerce. Navigation.

ROME. Concordat with Spain.

.... .....

Convention with Austria.

Caniope, 21st March, 1851. 728
Madrid, 16th March, 1851. 141

Communication with Ferrara.

Ferrara, 14th July, 1848. 1205

Correspondence with Great Britain, &c. Affairs of Italy.

June-August, 1848. 1162

ROYAL WARRANT. Erection of Islands of Ruatan, Bonacca, &c. in the Bay
of Honduras, into a British Colony, under the Title
of the Bay Islands.
RUATAN, &c. Royal Warrant (British).

London, 20th March, 1852. 156

RUSSIA. Correspondence with Great Britain.

Erection into a British Colony.
London, 20th March, 1852. 156
Slave Trade.1851. 247

with Great Britain, &c. Poland 1814, 1815.

Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation

Affairs of Duchies of Schleswig, Holstein, &c.

in British Ports.

London, 15th May, 1852, 667



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RUSSIA. Order in Council (British) Apprehension of Merchant Seamen



Osborne, 18th August, 1852. 672
Protocol of Conference with Denmark, France, Great Britain,
Prussia, and Sweden. Integrity of Danish Monarchy.

Adherence of Austria to Do.

London, 2nd August, 1850. 953
London, 23rd August, 1850. 935

of Conference with Denmark. Danish Succession.

Warsaw, 24th May, 1851. 991

5th June,

TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with
Denmark, &c. Treaty.
Succession to Crown of
Denmark .......... London, 8th May, 1852.
Greece, &c. Treaty. Succession to Crown of Greece.
London, 20th November, 1852.





ST. VINCENT. Order in Council (British). Suspension of Prohibitions

against certain Foreign Reprints of
British Books entitled to Copyright.

Osborne, 18th August, 1852. 670
SARDINIA. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade.... 1851, 1852. 247

with Great Britain, &c. Affairs of Italy.

June-August, 1848. 1162

Decree (French). Consular Convention.. Paris, 13th April, 1852. 893
.(do.).... Treaty of Commerce and Navigation.

Paris, 2nd June, 1852. 901
Law. Union of Venice with Sardinia.... Turin, 27th July, 1848. 1259
Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Naviga-
tion in British Ports.... London, 15th May, 1852. 667

Proclamation. Union of Venice with Sardinia.

Venice, 7th August, 1848. 1260, 1261

TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with



Convention. Surrender of Milan.

St. Donato, 5th August, 1848. 1244

Convention. Armistice.

Milan, 9th August, 1848. 1269

Denmark, &c. Act. Accession to Treaty of 8th
May, 1852. Succession to Throne of
Denmark....Turin, 4th December, 1852. 1069

France. Convention. Consular Duties and Privi-

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SAXE-ALTENBURG. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c. Commerce,


Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342

SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c. Com-

merce. Navigation..Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342
SAXE-MEININGEN. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c.

....Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342
SAXE-WEIMAR-EISENACH. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c. Com-
merce. Navigation.
SAXONY. Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation
in British Ports.... London, 15th May, 1852. 667

Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342

Speech of King. Opening of the Diet.

Dresden, 6th December, 1851. 1109

TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with

Belgium, &c. Additional Convention.



Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342

Denmark, &c. Act. Accession to Treaty of 8th May,

1852. Succession to Throne of Denmark.

Dresden, 9th December, 1852. 1071

SCHWARTZBURG-RUDOLSTADT. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c.

Commerce. Navigation.

Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342

SCHWARTZBURG-SONDERSHAUSEN. Additional Convention with Belgium,

&c. Commerce. Navigation.

Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342




SENATUS CONSULTE. (French). Modification of Constitution.

St. Cloud, 7th November, 1852. 1095

....(do.).... Interpretation and Modification of Con-

stitution.... Paris, 23rd December, 1852. 1338

SICILIES. Correspondence with Great Britain, &c. Affairs of Italy.

June--August, 1848. 1162
Decree. (French). Additional Convention. Commerce. Na-
vigation........ Paris, 21st February, 1852. 890

Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation

in British Ports.. London, 15th May, 1852. 667
Speech of King. Opening of Parliament... Naples, 1st July, 1848. 1172
TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with

Denmark, &c. Act. Accession to Treaty of 8th
May, 1852. Succession to Throne of Denmark

Naples, 4th December, 1852. 1070

France. Additional Convention. Commerce. Na-

vigation............ Naples, 12th May, 1847. 891

....(do.).. Declaration. Duties on Steam Vessels.

Indirect Trade.

Naples, th December, 1851. 892

SLAVE TRADE. Correspondence with British Commissioners........1851, 1852.

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