F. 1 FERRARA. Military Convention with Austria. Intercourse with Citadel and Town...... Page Ferrara, 14th July, 1848. 1205 FOREIGN DESERTERS. Act of Parliament (British.) Arrangements with Foreign Powers for Apprehension. 17th June, 1852. 680 Order in Council (British.) Apprehension and sur- render from Vessels of Russia, Osborne, 18th August, 1852. 672 (Do.) Apprehension and sur- Lubeck, Bremen, and Ham- Windsor, 16th October, 1852. 673 (Do.) Apprehension and sur- render from Prussian Vessels. Windsor, 16th October, 1852. 674 FRANCE. Act of Parliament (British). Copyright Convention. Decree. Additional Convention with 2 Sicilies of 12th May, 1847. Commerce. Navigation. Paris, 21st February, 1852. 890 Consular Convention with Sardinia of 4th February, Paris, 13th April, 1852. 893 Treaty with Sardinia of 14th February, 1852. Com- Proposed Re-establishment of Empire. Paris, 26th November, 1852. 907 Law. Budget of Expenditure and Receipts for 1852. Paris, 17th March, 1852. 595 .......... of President. Opening of Senate. .. St. Cloud, 25th November, 1852. 1099 Order in Council (British). ....(do.).... Import Duties on Books, Prints, and FRANCE. Order in Council (British.) Privileges of Trade and Navigation in British Ports. Page London, 15th May, 1852. 667 Proclamation of President. Promulgation of New Constitution. Paris, 14th January, 1852. 1081 London, 2nd August, 1850. 953 Adherence of Austria to Do. London, 23rd August, 1850. 955 Senatus-Consulte. Modification of Constitution. Re-establish- ment of Imperial Dignity in Family of St. Cloud, 7th November, 1852. 1095 Promulgation of Senatus-Consulte of 23rd December, 1852. Modification of Consti- ... Paris, 25th December, 1852. 1338 Speech of President. Installation of Legislative Chambers. Paris, 29th March, 1852. 1090 TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with .. Denmark, &c. Treaty. Succession to Crown of Denmark. London, 8th May, 1852. 13 Dominica. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Na- vigation.. Santo Domingo, 8th May, 1852. 908 Great Britain. Additional Articles. Post Office. Paris. 25th London, 29th March, 1852. 15 ........(Do.)........ Convention. Surrender of Criminals.* London, 28th May, 1852. 20 Greece, &c. Treaty. Succession to Crown of Greece. London, 20th November, 1852. 36 Netherlands. Declaration. Pilotage Dues. Paris, 27th April, 1852. 900 Sardinia. Convention. Consular Duties and Privi- leges........Turin, 4th February, 1852. 894 Declaration. Explanatory. FRANKFORT. Naples, th December, 1851. 892 Additional Convention with Belgium, &c. Commerce. Navigation. Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342 Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navi- gation in British Ports. London, 15th May, 1852. 667 • This Convention has not received the sanction of the British Legislature. G. GERMANY. Edict. Prohibition to export Munitions of War to Denmark. Page Frankfort, 22nd April, 1849. 924 Correspondence and Documents. Affairs of Duchiesof Schleswig, 1849-1852. 918 Holstein, &c. Frankfort, 26th October, 1850. 963 of Conference with Schleswig-Holstein. Demands of of Conference with Schleswig-Holstein. Demands of Kiel, 11th January, 1851. 987 GERMAN CUSTOMS' UNION. See ZOLLVEREIN. United Kingdom 1852. 116 Great Britain 1852. 118 do. 139 Act of Parliament. Copyright Convention with France. 28th May, 1852. 675 Execution of Arrangements made with Foreign Powers for Appre- hension of Seamen Deserters. 17th June, 1852. 680 Abolition, otherwise than by Treaty, on Condition of Reciprocity, of Differential Duties on Foreign 30th June, 1852 682 Amending Law granting Patents for 1st July, 1852. 683 Page GREAT BRITAIN. Act of Parliament. Practice and Procedure in High relative to the SLAVE TRADE, 1851, 1852. Notification. British Blockade of Ports and Places in London, 12th January, 1852. 662 Raising of British Blockade of Ports and Raising of British Blockade of Whydah, London, 17th August, 1852. 664 Order in Council, granting to Authors, &c. of Works of Windsor, 10th January, 1852. 664 Windsor, 10th January, 1852. 665 declaring what Foreign Powers have Osborne, 18th August, 1852. 669 suspending, in the Island of St. Vincent, Osborne, 18th August, 1852. 670 for the Apprehension and Delivering Osborne, 18th August, 1852. (72 GREAT BRITAIN. Order in Council, for the Apprehension and Delivering Page Windsor 16th October, 1852. 673 for the Apprehension and Delivering Windsor, 16th October, 1852. 674 Protocol of Conference with Denmark, France, Prussia, Russia, and Sweden. Integrity of Danish London, 2nd August, 1850. 953 Adherence of Austria to Do. London, 23rd August, 1850. 955 of Conference with Portugal. Abolition of Mixed Commission Courts in Jamaica and Cape de Verde Islands. Lisbon, 18th September, 1851. 448. Speech of The Queen. Opening of Parliament. TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, &c., viz.:-with African Chiefs. Treaties, &c., 1851, 1852. See AFRICA. Belgium. Convention. Fishery. London, 22nd March, 1852. Chile. Convention. Differential Duties. Santiago de Chile, 10th May, 1852. Denmark, &c. Treaty. Succession to Crown of Denmark. London, 8th May, 1852. France. Additional Articles. Postal. 5 7 10 13 Greece, &c. Treaty. Succession to Crown of Greece. London, 20th November, 1852. 36 Mexico. Convention. British Claims. Mexico, 15th October, 1842. 738 Convention. British Claims. Mexico, 4th December, 1851. 740 Agreement. British Claims. Mexico, 27th November, 1852. 751 Netherlands. Convention. Commerce. Ionian Islands ... London, 14th January, 1852. 38 * This Convention has not received the sanction of the British Legislature. |