ANHALT-DESSAU. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c. Commerce. Page Navigation.... Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342 ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. Order in Council (British). Privileges of AUSTRIA. Constitution of the Empire. London, 15th May, 1852. 667 Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade with Do. Affairs of Poland 1814, 1815. 163 with Great Britain, &c. Affairs of Italy. June-August, 1848. 1162 and Documents. Duchies of Schleswig, Hol- ......1849-1852. 918 Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation in British Ports.... London, 15th May, 1852. 667 (British.) Apprehension of Merchant Seamen Deserters ........ Windsor 16th October, 1852. 673 Protocol of Conference between Denmark, France, Great Britain, Monarchy London, 2nd August, 1850. 953 Adherence of Austria to Do. London, 23rd August, 1850. 955 TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Denmark, &c. Treaty. Succession to Crown of Denmark........ London, 8th May, 1852. 13 Rome. Convention, Communication with Ferrara. Ferrara, 14th July, 1848. 1205 Sardinia. Convention. Surrender of Milan. St. Donato, 5th August, 1848. 1244 Do.... Convention. Armistice. Milan, 9th August, 1848. 1269 B. BADEN. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c. Commerce. Navigation. Berlin, 18th Febrnary, 1852. 1342 Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation BARBARAT, &C. Royal Warrant (British). Erection into a British Colony. ................ Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation in British Ports. London, 15th May, 1852. 667 TREATIES, &c. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.:-with Belgium, &c. Additional Convention. Commerce. Navigation. Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342 Greece, &c. Treaty. Succession to Crown of BAY ISLANDS. Royal Warrant (British). Erection into a British Colony. BELGIUM. Correspondence with Great Britain. London, 20th March, 1852. 156 1 BELGIUM. Law modifying Law of 22nd September, 1835. Foreigners. Page .. proroguing Laws relative to Foreigners. approving Treaty with Peru of 16th May, 1850. Friend- ship. Commerce. Navigation. Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Navigation 658 in British Ports.... London, 15th May 1852. 667 TREATIES, &C. with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :-with Prussia, &c. Additional Convention. Commerce. Navigation.... Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342 BENIN. Notification. British Blockade in the Bight of, London, 12th January, 1852. 662 River Benin, 4th April, 1851. 731 of Whydah, raised. British Notification. BONACCA, &c. Royal Warrant (British). Erection into a British Colony. London, 15th May, 1852. 667 Speech of Emperor. Closing of General Legislative Assembly. BRAZIL. Correspondence with Great Britain. [1851-52.] Rio de Janeiro, 13th September, 1851. 1101 BREMEN. Order in Council (British). Order in Council (British). Deserters Windsor, 16th October, 1852. 673 BRUNSWICK. Additional Convention with Belgium, &c. Commerce. Navi- gation... ....Berlin, 18th February, 1852. 1342 C. CAPE DE VERDE ISLANDS. Protocol of Conference between Great Britain Trade Commission. Lisbon, 18th September, 1851. 448 CHILE. Convention with Great Britain. Abrogation of Differential Duties................ Santiago de Chile, 10th May, 1852. 10 Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade 1851 242 CIRCULAR. See CORRESPONDENCE. CONCORDAT between Rome and Spain CONSTITUTION of Austrian Empire Madrid, 16th March, 1851. 141 Vienna, 25th April, 1848. 1102 of Republic of Bolivia.... La Paz de Ayacucho, 21st Sept. 1851. 1149 of French Republic. Paris, 14th January, 1852. 1085 of City of Greytown April, 1852. 848 CORRESPONDENCE. Great Britain and United States, &c. Central America 1851, 1852. 757 Great Britain and Austria, &c. Negotiations respecting Poland 1814, 1815. 163 Great Britain and Austria, &c. Affairs of Italy. and Documents. Affairs of Schleswig, Holstein, &c. 1849-1852. 918 relative to the Slave Trade. See SLAVE TRADE. Central America Commerce. Navigation....... Washington, 12th July, 1852. 758 1 DECREE. (Costa Rica.) Territorial Limits between Costa Rica and Nicaragua.... San José, 23rd June, 1852. 871 (France.) Additional Convention with Sicilies. Commerce. Navigation...........Paris, 21st February, 1852. 890 DECREE. (France.) Consular Convention with Sardinia. ....(do.).... Declaration with Netherlands. Paris, 13th April, 1852. 893 ....(do.).... Treaty with Sardinia. Commerce. Navigation. ....(do.).... Re-establishment of Empire. St. Cloud, 7th November, 1852. 1098 ....(do.) merce. Navigation ... Paris, 26th November, 1852. 907 Senatus Consulte, Interpreting and Modifying Con- Compiègne, 25th December, 1852. 1338 ....(do.).... Mosquito.... Bogotà, 18th June, 1851. 1122 (Nicaragua.) Proposed Basis of Convention. Territorial DENMARK. Correspondence with Great Britain. ...1849-1852. 918 Letters Patent. Amnesty for Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. Christiansborg, 29th March, 1852. 1059, 1061 Regulation. Ecclesiastics and Civil Servants in Holstein. Christiansborg, 29th March, 1852. 1062 Manifesto to Inhabitants of Holstein. Armistice. Fredericksborg, 14th July, 1850. 952 Message of King to Diet. Succession to Throne of Denmark. Notification. Loans by Insurrectionary Governments of Holstein Copenhagen, 7th June, 1852. 1063 Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Naviya- tion in British Ports.. London, 15th May, 1852. 667 Proclamation of King to Inhabitants of Schleswig. Obedience. of Stadtholdership. Rights of Schleswig-Hol- Page DENMARK. Protocol of Conference with France, Great Britain, Prussia, ... of Conference with Prussia. Ratifications by States Berlin, 6th September, 1850. 955 of Conference with Germanic Confederation. Ex- Speech of King. Opening of Rixdiet. Warsaw, 24th Mav. 1851. 991 5th June, Copenhagen, 29th January, 1850. 937 Great Britain, &c. Succession to Crown of Prussia. Secret Article. Succession to Danish Throne........ Berlin, 2nd July, 1850. 946 DIFFERENTIAL DUTIES. Act of Parliament (British.) Abolition on Foreign Ships........ 30th June, 1852. 682 DOCUMENTS. Act of Parliament (British.) Provision for swearing before 1st July, 1852. 708 gation.... gation in British Ports. London, 15th May, 1852. 667 EDICT (German). Prohibition to Export Munitions of War to Denmark. EQUATOR. Order in Council (British). Privileges of Trade and Naviga- tion in British Ports London, 15th May, 1852. 667 |