State Papers. SPEECH of the Queen, on the Opening of the British Parliament.-Westminster, February 3, 1852. My Lords and Gentlemen, THE period has arrived when, according to usage, I can again avail myself of your advice and assistance in the preparation and adoption of measures which the welfare of the country may require. I continue to maintain the most friendly relations with foreign Powers. The complicated affairs of the Duchies of Holstein and Schleswig have continued to engage my attention. I have every reason to expect that the Treaty between Germany and Denmark, which was concluded at Berlin in the year before last, will in a short time be fully and completely executed. I regret that the war which unfortunately broke out on the eastern frontier of the Cape of Good Hope more than a year ago, still continues. Papers will be laid before you containing full information as to the progress of the war, and the measures which have been taken for bringing it to a termination. While I have observed with sincere satisfaction the tranquillity which has prevailed throughout the greater portion of Ireland, it is with much regret that I have to inform you, that certain parts of the counties of Armagh, Monaghan, and Louth, have been marked by the commission of outrages of the most serious description. The powers of the existing law have been promptly exerted for the detection of the offenders, and for the repression of a system of crime and violence fatal to the best interests of the country. My attention will continue to be directed to this important object. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I have ordered estimates of the expenses of the current year to be laid before you. I rely with confidence on your loyalty and zeal to make adequate provision for the public service. Where any increase has been made in the estimates of the present over the past year, such explanations will be given as will, I trust, satisfy you that such increase is consistent with a steady adherence to a pacific policy and with the dictates of a wise economy. My Lords and Gentlemen, The improvement of the adminstration of justice in its various departments has continued to receive my anxious attention; and in [1851-52.] B furtherance of that object I have directed Bills to be prepared, founded upon the reports made to me by the respective Commissions appointed to inquire into the practice and proceedings of the superior courts of law and equity, as nothing tends more to the peace, prosperity, and contentment of a country than the speedy and impartial administration of justice. I earnestly recommend these measures to your deliberate attention. The Act of 1848 for suspending the operation of a previous Act conferring representive institutions on New Zealand will expire early in the next year. I am happy to believe that there is no necessity for its renewal, and that no obstacle any longer exists to the enjoyment of representative institutions by New Zealand. The form of these institutions will, however, require your consideration; and the additional information which has been obtained since the passing of the Acts in question will, I trust, enable you to arrive at a decision beneficial to that important colony. It gives me great satisfaction to be able to state to you, that the large reductions of taxes which have taken place of late years have not been attended with a proportionate diminution of the national income. The revenue of the past year has been fully adequate to the demands of the public service, while the reduction of taxation has tended greatly to the relief and comfort of my subjects. I acknowledge, with thankfulness to Almighty God, that tranquillity, good order, and willing obedience to the laws, continue to prevail generally throughout the country. It appears to me that this is a fitting time for calmly considering whether it may not be advisable to make such amendments in the Act of the late reign, relating to the representation of the Commons in Parliament, as may be deemed calculated to carry into more complete effect the principles upon which that law is founded. I have the fullest confidence, that in any such consideration you will firmly adhere to the acknowledged principles of the Constitution, by which the prerogatives of the Crown, the authority of both Houses of Parliament, and the rights and liberties of the people are equally secured. SPEECH of The Queen, on the Closing of the British Parliament.-Westminster, July 1, 1852. My Lords and Gentlemen, I AM induced, by considerations of public policy, to release you at an earlier period than usual from your legislative duties. The zeal and diligence, however, with which you have applied yourselves to your Parliamentary labours have enabled me, in this comparatively short session, to give my assent to many measures of high importance, and, I trust, of great permanent advantage. I receive from all foreign Powers assurances that they are animated by the most friendly dispositions towards this country; and I entertain a confident hope that the amicable relations happily subsisting between the principal European States may be so firmly established as, under Divine Providence, to secure to the world a long continuance of the blessings of peace. To this great end, my attention will be unremittingly directed. I rejoice that the final settlement of the affairs of Holstein and Schleswig, by the general concurrence of the Powers chiefly interested, has removed one cause of recent difference and of future anxiety. The amicable termination of the discussions which have taken place between the Sublime Porte and the Pacha of Egypt, afford a guarantee for the tranquillity of the east, and an encouragement to the extension of commercial enterprise. The refusal on the part of the King of Ava of redress justly demanded for insults and injuries offered to my subjects at Rangoon has necessarily led to an interruption of friendly relations with that Sovereign. The promptitude and vigour with which the GovernorGeneral of India has taken the measures thus rendered unavoidable, have merited my entire approbation; and I am confident that you will participate in the satisfaction with which I have observed the conduct of all the naval and military forces, European and Indian, by whose valour and discipline the important captures of Rangoon and Martaban have been accomplished, and in the hope which I entertain that these signal successes may lead to an early and honourable peace. Treaties have been concluded by my naval Commanders with the King of Dahomey, and all the African Chiefs whose rule extends along the Bight of Benin, for the total abolition of the Slave Trade, which is at present wholly suppressed upon that coast. I have had great satisfaction in giving my assent to the measure which you have wisely adopted for the better organization of the Militia; a constitutional force, which, being limited to purposes of internal defence, can afford no just ground of jealousy to neighbouring Powers, but which, in the event of any sudden and unforeseen disturbance of my foreign relations, would at all times contribute essentially to the protection and security of my dominions. Gentlemen of the House of Commons, I thank you for the liberal provision which you have made for the exigencies of the public service. The expenditure which you have authorised shall be applied with a due regard to economy and efficiency. The recent discoveries of extensive gold fields have produced in the Australian colonies a temporary disturbance of society requiring prompt attention; I have taken such steps as appeared to me most urgently necessary for the mitigation of this serious evil. I shall continue anxiously to watch the important results which must follow from these discoveries. I have willingly concurred with you in an Act which, by rendering available to the service of those colonies the portion arising within them of the hereditary revenue placed at the disposal of Parliament on my accession to the Throne, may enable them to meet their necessarily increased expenditure. My Lords and Gentlemen, I have gladly assented to the important Bills which you have passed for effecting reforms, long and anxiously desired, in the practice and proceedings of the superior courts of law and equity, and generally for improving the administration of justice. Every measure which simplifies the forms and diminishes the delay and expense of legal proceedings, without introducing uncertainty of decision, impairing the authority of the courts, or lowering the high standard of the judicial bench, is a valuable boon conferred on the community at large. I hope that the measures which you have adopted for promoting extramural interment of the dead, and for improving the supply of water, may be found effectual for the remedy of evils, the existence of which has long been a reproach to this great metropolis, and may conduce to the health and comfort of its inhabitants. The extension of popular rights and legislative powers to my subjects resident in the colonies is always to me an object of deep interest; and I trust that the representative institutions which, in concert with you, I have sanctioned for New Zealand may promote the welfare and contentment of the population of that distant, but most interesting colony, and confirm their loyalty and attachment to my crown. It is my intention, without delay to dissolve this present Parliament; and it is my earnest prayer that in the exercise of the high functions which, according to our free constitution, will devolve upon the several constituencies, they may be directed by an all-wise Providence to the selection of representatives whose wisdom and patriotism may aid me in my unceasing endeavours to sustain the honour and dignity of my crown, to uphold the Protestant institutions of the country, and the civil and religious liberty which is their natural result, to extend and improve the national education, to develope and encourage industry, art, and science, and to elevate the moral and social condition, and thereby promote the welfare and happiness of my people. |