Imatges de pàgina

Wol. Noble lady,

I'm forry my integrity fhould breed
(And fervice to his Majesty and you)
So deep fufpicion, where all faith was meant.'
We come not by the way of accusation,
To taint that honour every good tongue bleffes;
Nor to betray you any way to forrow;
You have too much, good lady: but to know
How you stand minded in the weighty difference
Between the King and you? and to deliver,
Like free and honeft men, our just opinions
And comforts to your caufe.

Cam. Moft honour'd madam,

My lord of York, out of his noble nature,
Zeal and obedience he still bore your Grace,
Forgetting like a good man your late cenfure
Both of his truth and him, (which was too far)
Offers, as I do, in a fign of peace

His fervice and his counsel.

Queen. To betray me.

My lords, I thank you both for your good wills,
Ye fpeak like honeft men, pray God
ye prove fo.
But how to make ye fuddenly an answer

In fuch a point of weight, fo near mine honour,
(More near my life, I fear) with my weak wit,
And to fuch men of gravity and learning,
In truth I know not. I was fet at work
Among my maids; full little, God knows, looking
Either for fuch men, or fuch business.

For her fake that I have been, (for I feel
The last fit of my greatnefs) good your Graces,
Let me have time and council for my caufe:
Alas, I am a woman, friendlefs, hopeless.

Wol. Madam, you wrong the King's love with thofe fears,

Your hopes and friends are infinite.

Queen In England,

But little for my profit: can you think, lords,
That any English man dare give me counsel ?

Or be a known friend 'gainst his Highness' pleafure,



Though he be grown fo defp'rate to be honeft,
And live a fubject? nay forlooth, my friends
They, that muft weigh out my afflictions,
They, that my truft muft grow to, live not here;
They are, as all my comforts are, far hence
In my own country, lords.

Cam. I would your Grace

Would leave your griefs, and take my counsel.
Queen. How, Sir?

Cam. Put your main cause into the King's protection,
He's loving and moft gracious. Twill be much
Both for your honour better, and your cause :
For if the tryal of the law o'er-take ye,
You'll part away difgrac'd.

Wol. He tells you rightly.

Queen. Ye tell me what ye wifh for both, my Is this your chriftian counfel? out upon ye. Heav'n is above all yet; there fits a judge, That no King can corrupt.

Cam. Your rage mistakes us.

ruin :

Queen. The more fhame for ye; holy men I thought ye, Upon my foul two rev'rend Cardinal virtues;

But Cardinal fins and hollow hearts, I fear ye:

Mend 'em for fhame, my lords: is this your comfort? The cordial that you bring a wretched lady?

A woman loft among ye, laugh'd at, fcorn'd?

I will not wifh ye half my miferies,

I have more charity. But fay I warn'd ye;

Take heed, take heed for heav'ns fake, left at once The burthen of my forrows fall upon ye.

Wol. Madam, this is a meer diftraction,

You turn the good we offer into envy.

Queen. Ye turn me into nothing. Wo upon ye, And all fuch falfe profeffors! Would you have me (If you have any justice, any pity,

If ye be any thing, but churchmens habits)
Put my fick caufe into his hands that hates me?
Alas, h'as banifh'd me his bed already,
His love too, long ago. I'm old, my lords,
And all the fellowship I hold now with him


Is only by obedience. What can happen
above this wretchednefs? all your ftudies
Make me a curfe, like this.

To me,

Cam. Your fears are worse

Queen. Have I liv'd thus long (let me fpeak my felf, Since virtue finds no friends) a wife, a true one? A woman (I dare fay without vain-glory) Never yet branded with fufpicion?

Have I, with all my full affections

Still met the King? lov'd him next heav'n? obey'd him?
Been, out of fondness, fuperftitious to him?
Almoft forgot my prayers to content him?
And am I thus rewarded? 'tis not well lords,
Bring me a conftant woman to her husband,
One that ne'er dream'd a joy beyond his pleasure;
And to that woman, when she has done moft,
Yet will I add an honour; a great patience.

Wol. Madam, you wander from the good we aim at. Queen. My lord, I dare not make my felf fo guilty, To give up willingly that noble title

Your mafter wed me to: nothing but death
Shall e'er divorce my dignities.

Wol. Pray hear me

Queen. Would I had never trod this English earth, Or felt the flatteries that grow upon it!

Ye've angels faces, but heav'n knows your hearts.
What shall become of me now! wretched lady!
I am the moft unhappy woman living.

Alas, poor wenches, where are now your fortunes ?
[To her women.
Ship-wrack'd upon a kingdom, where no pity,
No friends, no hope! no kindred weep for me!
Almoft no grave allow'd me! like the lilly,
That once was mistress of the field and flourish'd,
I'll hang my head, and perish.

Wol. If your Grace

Could but be brought to know our ends are honest,
You'll feel more comfort. Why fhould we, good lady,
Upon what cause, wrong you? alas, our places,
The way of our profeffion is against it:

C 2

We are to cure fuch forrows, not to fow 'em.
For goodness fake confider what you do,
How you may hurt your felf, nay utterly

Grow from the King's acquaintance, by this carriage.
The hearts of Princes kifs obedience,

So much they love it: but to ftubborn fpirits,
They fwell and grow as terrible as storms.
I know you have a gentle, noble temper,
A foul as even as a calm; pray think us

Thole we profefs, peace-makers, friends and fervants. Cam. Madam, you'll find it, fo: you wrong your virtues

With these weak womens fears. A noble fpirit,
was put
into you, ever cafts.


Such doubts, as false coin, from it. The King loves


Beware you lofe it not; for us (if you please.
To truft us in your bufinefs) we are ready
To use our utmoft ftudies in your fervice.

Queen. Do what you will, my lords, and pray for give me,

If I have us'd my felf unmannerly.

You know I am a woman, lacking wit

To make a feemly anfwer to fuch perfons.

Pray do my fervice to his Majefty.

He has my heart yet; and fhall have my prayers,
While fhall have my life. Come, rev'rend fathers,
Bestow your counfels on me. She now begs,.
That little thought when the fet footing here,
She fhould have bought her dignities fo dear. [Exeunt.


Enter the Duke of Norfolk, Duke of Suffolk, Lord Surrey, and Lord Chamberlain,

Nor. And force them with a confiancy, the Cardinal

you will now unite in your complaints,

Cannot stand under them. If you omit


The offer of this time, I cannot promise
But that you fhall fuftain more new disgraces,
With there you bear already."

Sur. I am joyful

To meet the leaft occafion that may give me
Remembrance of my father-in-law the Duke,
To be reveng'd on him.

Suf. Which of the Peers

Have uncontemn'd gone by him; or at least
Strangely neglected? when did he regard
The ftamp of nobleness in any person
Out of himself?

Cham. My lords, you speak your pleasures :
What he deferves of you and me, I know:
What we can do to him (though now the time
Give way to us) I much fear. If you cannot
Bar his access to th' King, never attempt
Any thing on him; for he hath a witchcraft
Over the King in's tongue.

Nor. O fear him not,

His fpell in that is out; the King hath found
Matter against him that for ever mars

The honey of his language. No, he's fettled,
Not to come off, in his most high displeasure.
Sur. I should be glad to hear fuch news as this
Once every hour.

Nor. Believe it this is true.

In the divorce, his contrary proceedings
Are all unfolded; wherein he appears,

As I would with mine enemy.

Sur. How came

His practices to light?

Suf. Moft ftrangely.

Sur. How?

Suf. The Cardinal's letters to the Pope mifcarried, And came to th' eye o'th' King; wherein was read, How that the Cardinal did intreat his holiness To stay the judgment o'th' divorce; for if It did take place, I do, quoth he, perceive My King is tangled in affection to C 3

A crea

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