Imatges de pàgina

And how, and who; what means, and where they keep,'
What company, at what expense; and finding,
By this encompassment and drift of question,
That they do know my son, come you more nearer
Than your particular demands will touch it:
Take you, as 'twere, some distant knowledge of him;
As thus, I know his father and his friends,
And in part him;-do you mark this, Reynaldo?
Rey. Ay, very well, my lord.

Pol. And in part him; but, you may say, not well:
But, if't be he I mean, he's very wild;

Addicted so and so;


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and there put on him What forgeries you please; marry, none so rank may dishonour him, take heed of that; But, sir, such wanton, wild, and usual slips, As are companions noted and most known To youth and liberty.


As gaming, my lord?

Pol. Ay, or drinking, fencing, swearing,


Quarrelling, drabbing:-you may go so far.ndnuse ig Rey. My lord, that would dishonour him. ladies

Pol. 'Faith, no; as you may season it in the charge.

You must not put another scandal on him,

That he is open to incontinency;

That's not my meaning: but breathe his faults so quaintly,

That they may seem the taints of liberty;

The flash and outbreak of a fiery mind;

A savageness in unreclaimed blood,

Of general assault.1


But, my good lord,

Pol. Wherefore should you do this?
Rey. Ay, my lord, I would know that.
Pol. Marry, sir, here's my drift;

And I believe it is a fetch of warrant:5
You laying these slight sullies on my son,
As 'twere a thing a little soil'd i' the working,
Mark you,

Your party in convérse, him you would sound,
Having ever seen in the prenominate crimes
The youth you breathe of guilty," be assur'd

2 The Poet repeatedly has keep in the sense of lodge or dwell. See page 267, note 22

3 Quaintly, from the Latin comptus, properly means elegantly, but is here used in the sense of adroitly or ingeniously. See page 121, note 2.

4 A wildness of untamed blood, such as youth is generally assailer by. 5 "A fetch of warrant" seems to mean an allowable stratagem or artifice.

Having at any time seen the youth you speak of guilty in the forenamed

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Very good, my lord.

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Pol. And then, sir, does he this, he does what was I about to say? By the Mass,' I was about to say something: - where did I leave?

Rey. At, closes in the consequence,

At friend or so and gentleman.

Pol. At closes in the consequence,

ay, marry;

He closes with you thus: I know the gentleman;

I saw him yesterday, or t'other day,

Or then, or then; with such, or such; and, as you say,
There was he gaming; there o'ertook in's rouse;

There fulling out at tennis. See you now,

Your bait of falsehood takes this carp of truth of

And thus do we of wisdom and of reach,Ĉe.

With windlaces and with assays of bias,

By indirections find directions out:

So, by my former lecture and advice,

Shall you my son.

You have me, have you not?

Rey. My lord, I have.

Pol. God b' wi' you! fare you well.

Rey. Good my lord!

Pol. Observe his inclination in yourself.10

Rey. I shall, my lord.

Pol. And let him ply his music.11

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means, apparently, agrees

with you in this conclusion. — Addition again for title.

7 Mass is the old name of the Lord's Supper, and is still used by the Roman Catholics. It was often sworn by, as in this instance. -As marry occurs several times here, it may be well to remark that this use of the word grew from the custom of swearing by Saint Mary the Virgin.

8 The shrewd old wire-puller is fond of angling arts. The carp is a species of fish.

9 "Of wisdom and of reach" is here equivalent to by cunning and overreaching. Windlaces is here used in the sense of taking a winding, circuitous, or round-about course to a thing, instead of going directly to it; or, as we sometimes say, "beating about the bush," instead of coming straight to the point. This is shown by a late writer in the Edinburgh Review, who quotes two passages in illustration of it from Golding's translation of Orid, which is known to have been one of the Poet's books. Here is one of the quotations:

"The winged god, beholding them returning in a troupe,
Continu'd not directly forth, but gan me down to stoupe,
And fetch'd a windlass round about."

"Assays of bias" are trials of inclination. A bias is a weight in one side
of a ball, which keeps it from rolling straight to the mark, as in ninepins.
10 Use your own eyes and judgment upon him, as well as learn from

11 Eye him sharply, but do it slyly, and let him fiddle his secrets all out.

Rey. Well, my lord.
Pol. Farewell! -




How now, Ophelia! what's the matter?

Oph. Alas, my lord, I have been so affrighted!
Pol. With what, i' the name of God?

Oph. My lord, as I was sewing in my chamber,
Lord Hamlet, - with his doublet all unbrac'd; 12
No hat upon his head; his stockings foul'd,
Ungarter'd, and down-gyved to his ankle;
Pale as his shirt; his knees knocking each other;
And with a look so piteous in purport

As if he had been loosed out of Hell


To speak of horrors, he comes before me.
Pol. Mad for thy love?

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My lord, I do not know;

What said he?

Oph. He took me by the wrist, and held me hard;

Then goes he to the length of all his arm;

And, with his other hand thus o'er his brow,

He falls to such perusal of my face

As he would draw it. Long stay'd he so:
At last, a little shaking of mine arm,
And thrice his head thus waving up and down,—
He rais'd a sigh so piteous and profound,
That it did seem to shatter all his bulk,14
And end his being. That done, he lets me go,
And, with his head over his shoulder turn'd,
He seem'd to find his way without his eyes;


For out o' doors he went without their help,

And, to the last, bended their light on me.

Pol. Come, go with me: I will go seek the King.

This is the very ecstasy of love;

Whose violent property fordoes itself,15

And leads the will to desperate undertakings,

As oft as any passion under heaven

12 Unbrac'd is the same as our unbuttoned. So used twice in Julius Cesar.

18 Hanging down like the loose cincture which confines the fetters or gyves round the ankles.

14 Bulk is breast. "The bulke or breast of a man, Thorax, la poitrine.". BARET.

15 Fordo was the same as undo or destroy. — Ecstasy occurs several times in this play for madness. Such was the more common meaning of the word in Shakespeare's time; though it was also used for any violent working of the mind.

That does afflict our natures.

I am sorry,

What, have you given him any hard words of late?
Oph. No, my good lord; but, as you did command,
I did repel his letters, and denied

His access to me.


That hath made him mad.

I'm sorry that with better heed and judgment

I had not quoted him: 16 I fear'd he did but trifle,
And meant to wreck thee; but, beshrew my jealousy! 17
By Heaven, it is as proper to our age

To cast beyond ourselves in our opinions,

As it is common for the younger sort

To lack discretion.18 Come, go we to the King:

This must be known; which, being kept close, might move More grief to hide than hate to utter love.19


SCENE II. The Same. A Room in the Castle.

Enter the KING, the QUEEN, ROSENCRANTZ, GUildenstern, and Attendants.

King. Welcome, dear Rosencrantz and Guildenstern! Moreover that we much did long to see you,1

The need we had to use you did provoke

Our hasty sending. Something have you heard
Of Hamlet's transformation; so I call it,

Since nor th' exterior nor the inward man
Resembles that it was. What it should be,
More than his father's death, that thus hath put him
So much from th' understanding of himself,

I cannot dream of: I entreat you both,

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That, being of so young days brought up with him,
And since so neighbour'd to his youth and humour,—
That you vouchsafe your rest here in our Court
Some little time; so by your companies
To draw him on to pleasures, and to gather,
So much as from occasion you may glean,

16 To quote is to note, to mark, or observe.

17 In this admirable scene, Polonius, who is throughout the skeleton of his own former skill in state-craft, hunts the trail of policy at a dead scent, supplied by the weak fever-smell in his own nostrils. - COLERIDGE.

18 We old men are as apt to overreach ourselves with our own policy, as the young are to miscarry through inconsideration.

19 The sense is rather obscure, but appears to be,- By keeping Hamlet's love secret, we may cause more of grief to others, than of hatred on his part by disclosing it. The Poet sometimes goes out of his way to close a scene with a rhyme.

1 I do not recollect another instance of moreover that used in this way. It means the same as besides that.

Whether aught, to us unknown, afflicts him thus,
That, open'd, lies within our remedy.

Queen. Good gentlemen, he hath much talk'd of you; And sure I am two men there are not living


To whom he more adheres. If it will please you
To show us so much gentry and good will 2
As to expend your time with us awhile,
For the supply and profit of our hope,3
Your visitation shall receive such thanks
As fits a king's remembrance.

Both your Majesties

Might, by the sovereign power you have of us,
Put your dread pleasures more into command
Than to entreaty.


But we both obey;

And here give up ourselves, in the full bent,
To lay our service freely at your feet,

To be commanded.


King. Thanks, Rosencrantz and gentle Guildenstern. Queen. Thanks, Guildenstern and gentle Rosencrantz: And I beseech you instantly to visit

My too-much-changed son. Go, some of you,

And bring these gentlemen where Hamlet is.

Guil. Heavens make our presence and our practices Pleasant and helpful to him!


Ay, amen!

[Exeunt Ros., GUIL., and some Attendants.

Pol. Th' ambassadors from Norway, my good lord,
Are joyfully return'd.

King. Thou still hast been the father of good news.
Pol. Have I, my lord? Assure you, my good liege,

I hold my duty, as I hold my soul,

Both to my God and to my gracious King:

And I do think (or else this brain of mine

Hunts not the trail of policy so sure

As it hath us'd to do) that I have found

The very cause of Hamlet's lunacy.

King. O, speak of that; that do I long to hear.
Pol. Give, first, admittance to th' ambassadors;

My news shall be the fruit to that great feast.

King. Thyself do grace to them, and bring them in. —

Gentry for gentle courtesy.


"The supply and profit" is the feeding and realizing.

I hold my duty both to my God and to my King, as I do my soul.

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