Imatges de pàgina

(faith he who, by the Will or nagdías in. Strom? & of the Almighty is Inspector 4. of our Hearts. [The Lear

ned Bp Bull tranflates thefe Words thus, (omnipo tente SỮA voluntate, Sect. 2, cap. 6, §ƒ;) who, by his OWN Almighty Will, is Infpector of our Hearts? But This cannot poffibly be the Meaning of the Words: For God is not Omnifcient by his Will, but by Neceffity of Nature: Neither is it Senfe, to fay that God knows our Hearts by bis Will, but by his Power: But it is very proper to fay that Chrift knows our Hearts by the Will of the Father, who communicates to him All Knowledge in an ineffable manner. The words therefore (Talone Joie Dexual, by the Almighty Will, or, by the Will of the Almighty,) are plainly of the fame importance with thofe juft now cited out of fuftin Martyr, (τῷ πατρικῷ βελήμαλία the Fathers Will,) and thofe of the fame Clemens Alexandrinus in the paffages next following, (along THE DEKHAAT! Tares, the Will of the Almighty Fashers and, malem Dennar the Will of the Father.)]rea Again: Nor can He be bindred by any other, who is bimfelf Lord of All; and effecially, feeing be minifers to the Will of the Father who is Good and Supreme over All.

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Again: God in the form of a Man, undefiled, mi niftring to the Will of his Father.

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«Ουθ' ὑφ' ἑτέρα καλυθείη or an i wárrar núeiC, y μdnisa seuanger} F dyads.


davronggros & Jenipars παντοκράτορα θελήματα #areys. Strom. 7.

· Θεὸς ἐν ἀνθρώπε χήματι, ἄxeart, TATCHA DENIMATE didnor, Padagog. t. 1.0.2.

Filius vifus eft femper, & Filius operatus eft femper, ex auctoritate Patris & voluntate,quia Filius nihil a femetipfo poteft fa


Son can do nothing of himfelf, but what be feeth the Father do.

cere, nifi viderit Patrem facientem. adu. Prax. c


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And Origen: The im・mediate Maker of the World, and as it were Former of it with his own hands, is the Son or Word of God: But the Father of the Word, in that he com manded bis Son or Word to make the World, is the Primary Author of it. And Novatian: The Son does nothing of his own will, nor of his own Motion, nor comes of Himfelf, but obeys all bis Fathers Will and Commands. The Minifter of the Will

Τὸ μ' προσεχῶς δημιεργὸν you & der nógov, xyorgy or ‡ xóoμs 7.5 απορεὶ αὐτεργὸν κόσμο πατέρα 7 λόγο, τον προςετα ÿã είναι τα εν ἑαυτὸ λόγῳ παιδί.

σαι * κόσμου, ο πρώτος δη you.contr. Celf. lib. 6.

Filius autem nihil, ex, arbitrio fuo gerit, nec ex confilio fuo facit, nec a fe venit, fed imperiis, paternis omnibus & præceptis obedit, på ternæ voluntatis, ex quo

of the Father from whom heeft, miniftrum. De Trinit, derives his Being

And the Fathers of the Paul of Samofat: We be lieve that He,having been always with the Father, fulfilled his Fathers Will in creating the Universe.

cap. 31. Synod of Antioch, against Τίτιν τις δομώ σαν το παι reὶ ἀεὶ ὄντα, ἐκπεπληρωκέναι το πατρικὸν βέλημα προς τ κλίσιν ἢ ὅλων. Bibl. PP. Tom. 11.

And Athanafius: Moving all things by his own Appointment [by his own Power and Ordering, according to the good pleasure Again: And in This refpet, be muft be underflood to be fent, that by the unSpeakable Will of his Fa.

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Πάντα κινῶν τῇ ἑαυτό συς ά σει, ὡς ἂν ἕκασον τῷ ἑαυτὸ πα rei don contr. Gentes.

of his Father.

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"AwESU TE 271 1870 νοηθήσει, ὅτι ἀῤῥήτῳ βελήσε * ἀσωμάτα ταλείες σώματα Seswner iwtir. contr. Sabell Y 4.


ther, who is incapable of Bodys be took upon him


And again; His Condefeenfin, bis taking upon bin the Form of a Man, according to the Will of the Father.

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And Bafil: In the Creation of Things (faith he,) you must confider the Original Caufe, which is the Father the operating Caufe, which is the son, and the perfetting Calife, which is the Spirit. So that by the Will of the Father, the miniftring Angels exift; by the immediate operation of the Son, they are brought into Being by the preSence of the Spirit, they are perfected. And let un man imagine, either that I introduce Three O-avduals riginal Beings, or that I fuppofe the operation of the Son to be imperfect: For the Original Cause of things is but One, [viz. the Father, operating by the Son, and perfecting by the Spi-H Tito you obferve then Three things the Lord, which commands; the Word, which operates the Hadr ly Spirit, which confirms and firengthens non ball And among Modern Writers, the learned Bp Pear or fonts Upon (as I conceive) may (afe this Preeminence ly be grounded the congruity of the Divine Midious Wee often read that Chrift was fents from whence be bears 34 illua oiquang eano più

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us, TM Tesávovta nucior, δημιεργέντα λόγοι, σερενα τα τὸ πνεῦμα το το άγιον. Des Spir. Sando, c. 16.

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of the Frinity. Part II.


Fà 36. the Name of an Apoftle Himself, (Heb. iii, 1,) [and of the Angel or Mejenger of God, Gal, iv, 14, as well as those whom be therefore named fo, because as the Father fent him, fo fent he them. The Holy Ghoft alfa faid fometimes


times by the Son. But we never the Father, fome

read that the was fent at all; there being an Authority in that Name, which feems inconfiftent with This Miffion. Expol. on Creed, pag 36.

Præcepit autem Deus Verbo fuo, ut mundus fieret, hoc eft, voluit, mundum fieri per Verbum fuum, concurrente ipfius. Verbi voluntate. Defenf Sect. 2, cap. 5, a Brit

R=ere Certè a Patre tanquam fummo Opifice quafi im

And the learned Bishop Bully God (fich he) commanded bis Word to make the World that is, be Willed that the World fould be made by bis Word, the Will of the Word binfelf concurring therein. Again: That the Father, as the chief Author giving his Commands, cre- perante, per Filium, Patris ated all things by his Son executing the Command and Will of the Father, this Doctrine is fo far from being Arian, that even thofe Catbolick Writers, who lived after the Council of Nice, and were the most earnest oppofers of the Arian

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juffionem ac voluntatem
exequentem, creata fuiffe
omnia, adeò Arianum non
eft, ut etiam Catholici
Doctores, qui poft Con-
cilium Nicænum vixe-?
runt, quiq; Ariana bæte
fis acerrimi impugnato-
res fuere, paffim illud ins
fcriptis fuis adfirmare non
fint veriti. Sect. 2.c.9, § 10

Herefy, made no Scruple veriti. Sect.

to affirm it generally in their Writings.

And again: According to Their the Antients opinion, God the Father neither bath been nor can be seen by any man; no, not by affuming a visible Ap.

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Ex ipforum fententia, Deus Pater a nemine unel quam, ne per affumptas v cuidem fpecies, vifus eft est aut videri poteft. A nullo ille ortus principio, nulli




fubjectus eft; neq; magis ab alio miffus, quàm ab alio natus dici poteft. Contrà Filius Dei, quà ex Deo Patre natus, co certè nomine Patri fuam omnem Auctoritatem acceptam refert: Neq; minùs ipfi honorificum, a Patre mitti, quàm ex Patre nafci. Ex Patre eft ipfe; per ipfum Pater, in mundo, quæ funt, univerfa condidit; quin & per ipfum fe deinceps mundo patefecit. Sect. 4, cap. 3, §o 4.

pearance. He is derived from None, and fubject to None; and can no more be faid to be fent by Another, than to be begotten of Another. On the contrary, the Son of God, as being Begotten of the Father, does on that very Account one all his Authority to his Father: Nor is it any more a Diminution of his Honour, to be fent by the Fa. ther, than to be begotten of Him. He is, of the Father: By Him, the Father made all things that are in the World and by Him, manifefted himself in

Time to the World.

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The Son, how great foever the metaphyfical Dignity of his Nature was, yet in the whole Difpenfation entirely directed all his Actions to the Glory of the Father.

See the Texts, No 450, 452, 463, 465, 469, 474, 475;476,478,485,486, 497,512, 514,515,800, 810, 811, 826, 837, 840, 895, 919, 926, 927, 934, 955, 956, 961, 964, 971, 975, 977, 980, 994. See beneath, $§ 46 & 52.


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