Imatges de pàgina

No le haga vmd. encargos, porque Do not charge him with your comtiene la memoria del gallo. mands, for his memory is good for nothing.

El fué el primero que agitó la qües- It was he who first made the motion

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En otra ocasion hablarémos de esto Another time we will speak of it

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ger is.

Le he hablado con claridad, or sin I did not mince the matter with him.

mascar las palabras.

Es necesario darle todo mascado.

Every thing must be made ready to his hand.

Esté vmd. cierto que es una cala-I can assure you that he is nothing baza.

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but a blockhead.

I assure you that he struck deadly

hard or with all his might.

Todo se ha perdido, si Dios no lo All is lost, if God does not lend a remedia.

Este mozo es de juicio; yo mismo

le he criado or educado. Desde que he puesto casa, tengo siempre la bolsa abierta. Estoy tan seguro, que meteré las manos en la candela.

Estos dos mozos están unidos como

uña y carne.

Vmd. necesita de un sugeto que cuide sus intereses como propios.


That young man is solid; he is of my own bringing up.

Since I kept house, I have been al

ways laying out money.

am so certain, that I would lay my life of it.

These two young men are hand and glove together.

You are in a great need of somebody that would have your interests at heart.

Yo he sido el que he dado el pan It is I who have enabled him to gain que tiene.

a livelihood.

ply ready.

Es un hombre que tiene siempre la He is a man who has always a rerespuesta en la mano. Enviáron á pedir auxílio à la jus-They sent for help to the magiticia. Acabado que sea el asueto, daré la After the holidays, I will give the última mano á mi obra. finishing stroke to my work.



No se fie vmd. de él; que tiene las Mistrust him; he is nimble-finger-
uñas largas.
Me encargó de entregar la carta en He desired that I would in person
mano propia del sugeto á quien deliver the letter according to di-
era dirigida.

Ese criado dexa caer todo; parece que tiene las manos de manteca.


That servant lets every thing fall;
in faith his hands are made of


Me han dicho que esos extrangeros I was told that those foreigners were people of good family.

eran sugetos de cuna. Yo habia pronosticado que al fin y á la postre, encontraria con la horma de su zapato.

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Bien temia yo que resultaria un en-I strongly suspected that there redo de todo esto.

would be some mistake, or misun-
derstanding, in all this.

A vmd. no sienta bien de responder It is very wrong for you to answer

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in this manner.

He meant no harm; you have been
wrong to take offence at it.

This history is an additional proof
that it must be an ill wind that
blows nobody good.

It is quite another thing.

tongued fellow.

No es por alabarme, pero todo eso It is not for the sake of bragging ;
lo tengo á mi arbitrio.
but I have all that at my disposal.
Vmd. trata con un picaro tunante You have to deal with a nimble-
que no tiene pepita en la lengua.
El mejor es, que se puede comer
hasta tocárselo con el dedo.
Soy una pobre viuda; el poco cau-I
dal que tenia, mi marido do gastó.
Si vmd. continua, le pondré en la If you go on so, I shall have you dis-

calle como merece.

The best of it is, that one may eat
one's belly full.

am a poor widow; the little I had
my husband spent.

charged in a proper manner or
without delay.

Ha hecho castigar á su hijo severa-He had his son thrashed soundly.


Estoy seguro que ha hecho eso pro He did it for form's sake, I am sure. forma or for pura formalidad.

He probado de todos modos, sin po-I tried every way without succeedderlo conseguir.


No hay duda que ha tratado á vmd. One must confess that he treated

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you very rudely.

My foot slipped on the stair-case.

shall tell every body that you broke
your word to me.


want not courage, and I know

how to use my sword.

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Vmd. ha tenido la fortuna de esca-Happily for you, you have come off

par á poca costa.

Hará bien de andar derecho.

No es prudente buscarle la morra.
Por mi parte, me agrada mucho

ver claro en los tratos.

Voy á avisarle, y cuente que será vmd. el perdido.



I advise him to behave himself pro-

It is not safe to rail at him.
As for me, I confess that I love to
see my way clear in a bargain.
am going to tell him; and be sure
that you will have a bad bargain
of it.

Es darle casi de balde; verdadera- It is givin it almost for nothing;

mente pierdo en el negocio.

Está tan pintada de viruelas que ahora nadie la conoce.

indeed, I lose by it.

She is so much pitted with the smallfox, that nobody knows her face again.

No ha confundido vmd. las especies? Have you not mistaken one thing

No es asunto de risa.

Ah! pícaro, este sí que es bueno.

for another?

It is not a subject of pleasantry.
Ah! rascal, this is a good one, in-

Como se descubrió el ajo fuéron con- The plot having been discovered, denados á la horca. they were condemned to be hanged.

En verdad que ha de ser muy dies-He must be as cunning as the devil if he be able to deceive me. have lost my post, which was pretty advantageous; and have no friends who have credit enough to procure me such another.

tro para pegármela. He perdido el empleo que tenia, I el qual me daba de comer; y me veo sin amigos que me puedan ayudar a obtener algun otro sólido y decente.

Gran gusto me da vmd., replicó I mi secretario, en confesarme que está enamorado.

Puesto que espero darle antes de ocho dias alguna prueba de que el poder no ha andado desunido de la buena voluntad.


am ravished, replied my secretary, to learn that you are at last in love.

hope in less than eight days you will see that I have power as well as friendship.

Ya no me inquieta la memoria del My memory is no longer engross

gran papel que representé en el teatro de la corte.

Si he de creer á tu risueña cara, If

le dixe, vienes á anunciarme que presto me veré en el colmo de mis felicidades.

ed by the part which I acted at


I may believe,' said I, that smile on thy face, thou comest to signify, that I shall soon enjoy my wish.

Qué delito es el mio para haber By what misfortune have I lost desmerecido su confianza?

your confidence?

No comprehenderá á vmd., sino He won't understand you, unless se lo da mascado.

you are very pointed with him.

that your conscience may be easy on that score.

Yasí por esta parte podrás vivir So
sosegado y aquietar enteramente
tu conciencia.

Yo, hijo mio, quiero empeñarme en My child, I interest myself in your
favor tuyo, y solicitar una buena

Era mi compañero de viage un grandísimo guiton de bello humor, y muy amigo de divertirse á costa del próximo.

behalf, and will procure a good place for you.

My fellow-traveller was a fellow of humour, who liked nothing bet ter than to make himself merry at another's expence.

Estarás en su casa ni mas ni mé-You will live in his house like a nos como un pollito empanado.


Quítate de mi presencia, añadió, Get out of my sight, added he, in mudando de tono, si no quieres another tone, lest I make you sing without your gamut.

que te haga cantar á compas de una ingrata solfa.

Bien está; yo tambien he com- It is right; and I also have written

puesto varias canciones.

several songs.

Es muy de razon; haga vmd. lo mis-It is very reasonable; do so too, mo, y todo irá bien.

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and all will go well.

gave him an opportunity of making a fortune.

Let me alone, I will contrive an agreeable surprise for you. plainly see you have laid up resources for yourself.


He has laid up all the money that was given him for pocket-money.

"No es verdad que esta casaca le Do not you think that his coat fits sienta perfectamente? him remarkably well?

Si lo hace, yo haré volar un buey. If he does it, I will fly.

Es necesario que le haya jugado He must have played him another alguna pieza de las que acostum- of his tricks.


Su empleo le proporciona ocasion His office enables him (or puts him de juntar mucho caudal. in the way) to make a splendid fortune.

El conocimiento de una accion im- An act of imprudence, of which prudente, nos ataja muchas ve

ces de hacer otras.

we are sensible, often keeps us from ever committing any more.

Suplico á vmd. no es demasiado ;Pardon me, it is not exacting; as

a fe de hombre de bien que pierdo en ello.

Es una verdad conocida, que á ninguno agrada tener interven

cion con él.


I am an honest man, I am a loser by it.

advance it as a fact, that every body is sorry to have any thing

to do with him.

Haga vmd. lo imposible para que Employ every means to obtain her

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Si vmd. pone los pies allí, le rom-If you go one foot there, I will peré los huesos. bang you soundly. No sucederá así, por que yo arre-It shall not be so, for I shall set glaré las cosas.

things to rights.

Desde que me desperté, mandé I had my horses got ready as soon aprontar mis caballos. as I awoke. Vmd. me prometió que no men-You had promised me not to mencionaria mi nombre de ningun tion my name at all.


Podemos echar esa gente á la calle We may turn such people out of quando se nos antoja. doors when we please. Tenia dicho á vmd. de copiar esta I had told, you to write this page hoja en limpio.


Vmd. seria muy bueno de incomo-You would do very wrong to give darse en responderle. yourself any trouble about answering him.

his good graces.

Costará á vmd. mucho trabajo para It will be hard for you to get into
congraciarse con él.
Hágame vmd. el favor de ayudir-Come and help me, if you please,
me á ponerlos de acuerdo or en to make peace between them.

Bien echo de ver que sabe vmd. sa-I
car partido or provecho de todo.
A mi edad es tiempo de vivir con At


see clearly that you make the best of every thing.

my age it is time to be a little

at one's ease.

Para desembarazarme de él, procu-To get rid of him, I shall set him raré enredarle con el capitan. and the captain by the ears.

A pesar de estas fanfarronadas, After all his bravadocs, he will be tendrá que arriarle bandera. obliged to truckle to him. Comencemos, si vmd. gusta, por Let us begin, if you please, by

poner en órden nuestros asuntos, y despues verémos. Espero que al fin se prestará vmd. á la razon.

Hace tiempo que lo sabe por la po

ca reserva que vmd. ha tenido. Estos tres hombres van á tomar parte en la pendencia.

Se me revolvió el juicio, y el orgullo, or vanidad, se metió en la danza.

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Tiene fama de que desde mucho He is reputed to have long set himtiempo atras, se inquieta muy self above the public opinion.

Me han dicho que le habia vmd.I was told that you had left him ne

poco de la opinion pública.

cogido odas las callejuelas.

suras en otro tiempo.


hole to creep out at.

Y yo tambien, he hecho mis trave- And I also, formerly, sowed my wild


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