Ageon. But seven Years fince, in Syracusa Bay, Thou know'st we parted; but perhaps, my Son, Thou sham'st to acknowledge me in Mifery. 1 E. Ant. The Duke, and all that know me in the City, Can witness with me that it is not so: I ne'er faw Syracufa in my Life. Duke. I tell thee, Syracufian, twenty Years Enter the Abbess, with Antipholis Siracufian and 1 Abb. Most mighty Duke, behold a Man much wrong'd. [All gather to see them. Adr. I see two Husbands, or mine Eyes deceive me. And gain a Husband by his Liberty. Duke. Why here begins this Morning Story right: Ageon. If I dream not, thou art Æmilia; But But by and by, rude Fishermen of Corinth Duke. Antipholis, thou cam'st from Corinth first. (rior, E. Ant. Brought to this Town by that most famous WarDuke Menaphon, your most renowned Uncle. Adr. Which of you two did dine with me to Day? S. Ant. I, gentle Mistress. Adr. And are not you my Husband? E. Ant. No, I say nay to that. S. Ant. And so do I, yet did she call me so: And this fair Gentlewoman here Did call me Brother. What I told you then, Ang. That is the Chain, Sir, which you had of me. By Dromio, but I think he brought it not. S. Ant. This Purse of Duckets I receiv'd from you, E. Ant. These Duckets pawn I for my Father here. Abb. Renowned Duke, vouchsafe to take the Pains To go with us into the Abbey here, And And hear at large discoursed all our Fortunes; Thirty three Years have I been gone in Travel Duke. With all my Heart I'll gossip at this Feaft. Come go with us, we'll look to that anon; That kitchen'd me for you to Day at Dinner: [Exit. E. Dro. Methinks you are my Glafss, and not my Brother: I fee by you, I am a sweet fac'd Youth, Will you walk in to fee their Goffiping? S. Dro. Not I, Sir, you are my Elder. E. Dro. That's a Question, how shall I try it. S. Dro. We'll draw Cuts for the Seniority; 'till then, lead thou first. E. Dro. Nay, then thus [Embracing. We came into the World like Brother and Brother: And now lets go Hand in Hand, not one before another. [Exeunt. |