Some Food we had, and some fresh Water, that Out of his Charity (who being then appointed I prize above my Dukedom. Mir. Would I might But ever fee that Man. Pro. Now I arife, Sit still, and hear the last of our Sea-forrow. Have I, thy School-mafter, made thee more profit Mira. Heav'ns thank you for't. And now I pray you, Sir, (For still 'tis beating in my Mind) your Reason For raising this Sea-storm? Pro. Know thus far forth, By Accident most strange, bountiful Fortune Enter Ariel. Ari. All hail, great Master, grave Sir, hail! I come To answer thy best Pleasure. Be it to fly; To swim, to dive into the Fire; to ride On the curl'd Clouds: To thy strong bidding, task Ariel, and all his Quality. Pro. Haft, thou, Spirit, Perform'd to point the Tempest that I bad thee? Ari. To every Article. i I boarded the King's Ship: Now on the Beak, Pro. My brave Spirit. Who was so firm, so conftant, that this Coyl Ari. Not a Soul But felt a Feaver of the mad, and plaid Pro. Why that's my Spirit: But was not this nigh Shore? On their sustaining Garments not a Blemish, Pro. Of the King's Ship, The Mariners, say how thou hast dispos'd, Ari. Safely in Harbour, Is the King's Ship; in the deep Nook, where once The : A Lonso, King of Naples. Profpero, the right Duke of Millan. Anthonio, his Brother, the ufurping Duke of Millan. Ferdinand, Son to the King of Naples. Gonzalo, an honest old Counsellor. Adrian, and Francisco, Lords. Caliban, a Salvage, and deformed Slave. Trinculo, a Jefter. Stephano, a drunken Butler. Master of a Ship, Boat-Swain, and Marriners. Miranda, Daughter to Prospero. Ariel, an aiery Spirit. Iris. Ceres. Juno: Reapers. } > Spirits. SCENE, an uninhabited Island. THE THE TEMPEST. ACTI. SCENEI. A tempestuous Noise of Thunder and Lightning heard: Enter a Ship-master, and a Boatswain. MASTER. Oatswain. B Boats. Here Master: What cheer? too't, yarely, or we run our selves a-ground, beftir, beftir. [Exit. Enter Mariners. Boats. Hey my Hearts, cheerly my Hearts; yare, yare; take in the Top-fail; tend to th' Master's Whistle; Blow 'till thou burst thy Wind, if room enough. Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Anthonio, Ferdinand, Gonzalo, and others. Alon. Good Boatswain have care: Where's the Master? Play the Men. Boats. I pray now keep below. Ant. Where is the Master, Bofon? VOL. I. B2 Boatf Boats. Do you not hear him? You mar our Labour; Keep your Cabins; you do assist the Storm. What care these Roa Gonz. Nay, good be patient. Boats. When the Sea is; hence. rers for the Name of King? To Cabin; filence; trouble us not. Gonz. Good, yet remember whom thou hast aboard. Boats. None that I more love than my self. You are a Counsellor; if you can command these Elements to Silence, and work the Peace of the present, we will not hand a Rope more; use your Authority: If you cannot, give thanks you have liv'd so long, and make your self ready in your Cabin for the Mischance of the Hour, if it so hap. Cheerly good Hearts: Out of our way, I say. [Exit. Gonz. I have great Comfort from this Fellow; methinks he hath no drowning Mark upon him; his Complexion is perfect Gallows. Stand faft, good Fate, to his hanging; make the Rope of his Destiny our Cable, for our own doth little Advantage: If he be not born to be hang'd, our Cafe is miferable. Enter Boatswain. [Exit. Boats. Down with the Top-Maft: Yare, lower, lower; bring her to try with Main-course. A Plague A cry within. Enter Sebastian, Anthonio and Gonzalo. upon this Howling: They are louder than the Weather, or our Office. Yet again? What do you here? Shall we give o'er and drown? Have you a Mind to fink? Sebaf. A pox o' your Throat, you bawling, blafphemous, uncharitable Dog. Boats. Work you then. Ant. Hang Cur, hang, you Whoreson insolent Noifemaker; we are less afraid to be drown'd than thou art. Gonz. İ'll warrant him for drowning, though the Ship were no stronger than a Nut-shell, and as leaky as an unstanch'd Wench. Boats. Lay her a hold, a hold; set her two Courses off to Sea again, lay her off. Enter Mariners wet. Mar. All loft, to Prayers, to Prayers, all loft. Boats. What must our Mouths be cold? Gon. The King and Prince are at Prayers, let's assist them, for our Cafe is s theirs. Sebas |