Imatges de pàgina

calf; ऋणार्णम् (a debt contracted to liquidate a previous debt); दशार्णः (Name of a country; lit. the country with ten fortresses) also दशार्णा नदी lit. the river into which ten other rivers flow).

(f) When a preposition ending in is followed by a root having an initial ऋ; as उप + ऋच्छति = उपार्च्छति, प्रार्छति; but if the root be a denominative, the vrddhi is optional; प्र + ऋषभीयति= प्रर्षभीयति, or प्रार्षभीयति acts like a bull; but उप + ऋकारीयति = उपर्कारीयति, as the ॠ is long; also प्र + ऌकारीयति = प्रा - प्रल्कारीaf very much wishes for kara; for is grammatically considered to be similar to ऋ.

§ 20. When अ or आ is followed by ए or ऐ and ओ or औ, ऐ and औ are respectively substituted for both f; कृष्ण + एकत्वं = कृष्णैकत्वम् identity with Krshna; देव + ऐश्वर्ये देवैश्वर्यम् the majesty of god; सा + एव = सैव she alone; भव + औषधं = भवौषधम् medicine against birth aud_re-birth; विद्या + औत्सुक्यं = विद्यौत्लुक्यम् longing for Knowledge.

Exceptions :—

(a ) § If a preposition ending in or be followed by a root beginning with ए or ओ, ए or ओ is substituted; प्र + एजते = प्रेजते quakes very much; उप+ ओषति = उपौषति burns something near; but if the root be a denominative erddhi is optional; उप + एडकीयति = उपेडकीयति, or ङपैडकीयति; प्र + ओघीयति = प्रोघीयति or प्रौघीयति.

• उपसर्गादतिधातौ । Pan. VI. 1. 91 वा सुप्यापिशलेः | Pán. VI.

1. 92.

+ वृद्धिरेत्रि Páp. VI. 1. 88.

6 पाई पररूपम् | Pan. VI. 1 94.


Counter-exception:-If a form of the root to go, or grow, with an initial ए, come after अ, and एष or एञ्य derived from इच् of the 1st, 4th, or 9th conj. after प्र, orddhi takes place. उप + एति =उपैति; उन+एवते - उपेधने; (but उप + इतः = उपेतः,; अवेहि know from अव + एहि which is equal to अव + आ + इहि, and not अवैहि. (मा) प्र + इविधन् = प्रविधत्; प्र + एषः = प्रैष: sending or directing; म + एष्यः = प्र

a servant.


( 6 )* When is followed by in an indefinite sense, is substituted for both; क् + एव = क्लेव भोक्ष्यसे where will you dine today? ( the place being uot definitely known ); but तत्रैव ( why, I shall dine at your house.)

(c ) † अ followed by भोम् and भा (prep.) is dropped ; c. g. शिवाज + भ नमः शिवाय नमः; शिव + एहि ( आ + इहि ) = शिवहि.

(d) The vṛddhi is optional when the ending of a word is followed by ओतु a cat, or ओष्ठ the lower lip, in a compound; स्थूल + भोतुः=स्थूलोतु: or स्थूलौतुः, बिम्बोष्ठः or बिम्बोष्ठः ।

( 5 ) ‡ The final vowel or the final consonant with the preceding vowel is dropped in the case of the following words when followed by certain words in a compound :—शक the country of the S'akas + अन्धुः a well=शकन्धुः; कर्क name of a country + अन्धुः = कर्कन्धुः, कुल +भटा=कुलटा one who moves from one mansion to another, a woman

* एवे चानियोगे Vártik + ओमाङोश्च Pan. VI. 1. 95.

S 'ओन्वोष्ठयोः समासे वा ।

+ शकन्ध्वादिषु पररूपं वाच्यम् Várt,

And also in the case of an onomatopeic word ending in followed by इति . 9. पटत् + इति = पटिति; but not in the case of & monosyllabic word श्रद् + इति = श्रदिति; and when the word is repeated, only the त् is optionally dropped as पटत्पटत् + इति = पटत्पटेति or पटत्पटदिति.

2 8. G.

of bad character; सीमन् + भन्तः सीमन्तः (the white line left by the


parting of the hair on each side of the head); but : when the meaning of the word is The last line or limit of a boundary". मन त् + ईबा = मनीषा wish; 80 लाङ्गलीषा The pole of a plough ; हलीषा; पतत् + भञ्जलिः = पतञ्जलिः name of the celebrated author of the Mahâbhàshya (a vast commentary on the sútras of Panini ); lit, fit to be adored with joined hands; or according to tradition who fell down from the hands of a certain sage as he was offering water to the sun at the time of the Sandhyâ adoration. सार + अङ्गः सारङ्ग: an antelope with a spotted skin or a kind of bird; but one with a beautiful skin. This is an Akṛtigana i. e. words of similar formation and requiring grammatical explanation but not actually found in the gana may be classed under it; 9. मार्त + अण्डः = मार्तण्ड : (derived from मृताण्ड) lit born of a dead egg, the sun.

, short or long, are followed by a

are respectively substituted for सुनी + उपास्यः = सुध्युरास्यः adored

§ 21. When, T, and dissimilar vowel, a,, I, and them * ; eg इति + ह = इत्याह; by the wise; मधु + अरिः = मध्वरिः the enemy of मधु .. Vishuu; धातु + अंशः = धात्रंश: a portion of the creator; तु + भाकृतिः = लाकृतिः a figure like that of &c.

Ob.-Several of the above words may have more than one form when combined; e.g. #fr+zurer:=gug+zare: by the genera] rule:

N. B. The following four rules and the two (a), (b) given under § 19, though they properly form the subject of the next section,

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are given here to avoid confusion. Ordinary students may pass over these except sec. (b) of the present art.


(a) A consonant except हू, preceded by a vowel is optionally donbled, if no vowel followe*: सुध्र् + उपास्थः = सुभ्युपास्यः सुभ्ध्य् + उपास्यः

(b) When a consonant, except a nasal or a semivowel, is followed by a soft unaspirate or aspirate ( 3rd or 4th letter ) it is changed into the soft unaspirate ( 3rd letter) of its classt; सुध्ध्यू + उपास्यः=सुद्ध्य+ उपास्यः-स्रुद्ध्धुपास्यः;

(c) Semivowels, when preceded by a letter of the first five classes except ञ्, are optionally doubled§ ; thus सुध्य् + उपास्यः = सुध्य् + डपास्यः and सुध्य्य् + उपास्यः, सुद्ध्य + उपास्यः = सुद्ध्य् + उपास्यः and सुड्धब्य्+उपास्यः । Thus there are four forms ultimately, viz. सुभ्युपास्यः, सुद्धषुपास्यः, सुभ्य्युपास्यः and सुद्धय्यपास्यः ।


Similarly मधु + भरेः = मध्वरिः, मध्ध्वरिः, मध्वारेः, and मद्धृव्वरिः; धाट+ मंशः = धात्त्रंशः and भ्रात्रंशः । In ह + भाकृतिः of course there is no possibility of any other form.

preceded by &

(d) Consonants except हू, coming after or rowel, are optionally doubled t; e. 9. हरि + अनुभवः = हर्य् + अनुभवः= हर्यनुभवः by the general rule; and optionally हय् + अनुभवः = हर्य्यनुभवः Hari's exeprience; by this rule; 80 न हि + अस्ति = न ह्यस्ति, and न हूय्यस्ति ।

§ 22. (a) इ, उ, ऋ, or ऌ short or long, at the end of a word followed by a dissimilar vowel except in a compound, are optionally not combined, and when so they are shortened if long ; e. g.

• अनचि च | Pan VIII. 4. 47.
↑ झलां जश् झशि | Pán. 4. 53.
+ भचो रहाभ्यां द्वे | Pan VIII. 4.
1 इकोऽसवर्गे शाकल्यस्य हृस्वश्व |

६ यणो मयो द्वे वाच्ये Vart.

चक्री + अत्र = चक्यत्र, Vishu here, and चक्रेि अत्र; but वापी + अश्वः = बाप्यश्वः a horse in well; गौरी + ओ (a term ) गो.

(b) अ, इ, उ, ऋ, and ऌ short or long, at the end of a word, followed by a short, are also optionally not combined, and when not combined, are shortened if lang*; e g, ब्रह्मा + ऋषिः = ब्रह्मर्षिः A Brahmana saint, and ब्रह्मऋषिः; सप्तर्षीणाम् of the seven sages, and सप्तऋषीणाम् ( a comp. expression ).

§ 23. ए, ओ, ऐ and औ, when followed by a vowel, are changed to अय्, अव्, आय्, and आवू respectivelyt; eg हरे + ए = हरये for Hari; विष्णो+ए= विष्णवे for Vishnu; नै + अक: =नायकः A leader; पौ + अक: = पावकः the purifier i. e. fire.

(a) य् or व् at the end of a word and preceded by अ or आ is optionally dropped when followed by a vowel or a soft consonant§; e. 9. हरे + एहि = हरयेहि or हर एहि; विष्णो + इह = विष्णविह or विष्ण इह; श्रियै + उद्यतः=श्रियायुद्यतः or श्रिया उद्यतः intent on getting money; गुरौ + उत्कः = गुरानुत्कः or गुराउत्कः longing to see the preceptor,

Note Two vowels brought together by the dropping of an intervening consonant or visarga do not coalesce


(b) भो and औ, when followed by a termination beginning with ब्, become अव् and आव् respectively t; ९१. गो + यं = गव्यम् produced from a cow as milk, ghee &c. नौ + यं = नाव्यम् accessible by a boat, navigable.

N. B. This rule holds good in the case of roots, only when the ओ or औ is brought in by virtue of a termination . 9. लू + यं =

* ऋत्यकः Pán. VI. 1. 127.

+ एवोऽयवायात्रः | Pàn. VI. 1. 78. 8 लोपः शाकल्यस्य | Pan. VIII. 3. 19. * बान्तो यि प्रत्यये । धातोस्तन्निमित्तस्यैव | Pan. VI. 1. 79,80.

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