Imatges de pàgina

before the rest except sa before which they remain unchanged*.

$ 160. The cardinal numbers between 100 and 200, 200 and 300, &c. are generally expressed by means of added to the number showing the excess and then optionally prefixing the whole to 100, 200, &c; eg एकाधिकं शतं or एकाधिकवतं 101, द्वादशाधिकं शतं or द्वादशाधिकशतं 112, पञ्चाशदधिकं शतं 150, &c. After 1000 this may be repeated with every multiple of ten or hundred; eg द्वि-द्वानवत्यधिकाष्टशताधिकसहस्रम् 1892, एकोनचत्वारिंशदधिकषट्शताधिकसप्तसप्ततिसहस्राधिकं लक्षम् 177639, &c. Similarly उत्तर may also be used instead of अधिक; १ चतुःपञ्चाशत्तर सततम् 751. Or these may also be, at times, expressed by the copulative particle च as सप्त च शतानि विंशतिश्व 720.

$ 161. The Tad. affix अ may be used, instead of अधिक, in the case of the cardinal numbers ending in दशन्, the numeral विंशति and those ending in शत् i. e. in the case of the numerals 111-159, 211-259, 311–359, &c. before which the final अन्, अति and अत् are dropped ; eg एकादश शतम् 111, विशं शतं 120, पश्चाशं शतं 150, सप्तदशं द्विशतं 217, त्रिंशं त्रिशतं 330, and so on.

$ 162. The ordinals from एक, द्वि. त्रि, चतुर ani t are irregularly formed. The ordinals from other numerals up to L inclusive are formed by dropping the final and adding and

* द्रष्टतः संख्यायामबहुव्रीह्यशीत्योः । त्रेत्रयः । विभाषा चलारिंशत् सर्वेषाम् । Pan. VI. 3. 47-49.

+ तदस्मिन्नधिकमिति दशान्ताडूडः । शदन्तविंशतेश्च | Pán. V 24540 1

+ षटकतिकतिपयचतुरा थुक् । Pán. V. 2. 51; so कतिथः 'चतुरश्छयतागयक्षरलोपश्च Vart, तुरीय, तुथे । द्वेस्तीयः । त्रैः Pán, V. 2, 54, 55,

after दशन् up to नवदशन् by simply dropping the न्. The ordinals from विंशति* above are formed by adding तम or by dropping the ति of विंशति and the final consonant of the rest, in the case of com pound numerals, if there be a final vowel that vowel is changed to अ, while the simple ones ending in a vowel i. . षष्टि, सप्तति, अशीति and नवति form their ordinals in the first way only as एकषष्टः or एकषष्टितमः; but षष्टितम only; शत has invariably शततम.

Declension of the numerals (cardinals and ordinals).

$ 163. एक, (एका fem.), द्वि, ( द्वा fem.), त्रि (तिट | fem.), and चतुर ( चतस्र fem.) are all adjectives and take the gender, number and case of the nouns they qualify.


$164. एक is declined in the sing. (and in the dual and plural also), and in the dual alone. For further particulars see § 153. f and चतुर् are declined in the plu.

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विंशत्यादिभ्यस्त मडनतरस्याम् | षष्टयादेशचा संख्यादेः | Pin. V. 2. 56, 58.

त्रिचतुरो स्त्रियां तिसृतम् । Pán. VII. 2. 99.

[blocks in formation]

$ 160. पञ्चन्नवक्शन. These are also adjectives agreeing in case with the nouns to which they are applied. They are declined in the pl. and are uniform in all the three genders.

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सप्तन्, नवन् and the following cardinals up to नवइशन्, ought to be declined like पञ्चन्.

$ 166. ऊनविंशति, विंशति and other cardinal numbers up to नवनवति are all feminine substantives, the numerals शत, सहस्र, &c. are all neuter,-with the exception of which is mis. and fem., कोटि which is fem. and शंकु and जलधि both of which are mts., -and have no declensional peculiarities. They are declined in the sing. and so used with a plural noun; eg पंचविंशतिर्वाह्मणाः 25 Brahmanas; एकादशाधिकशतेन or एकादशोत्तरेण शतेन नरैः or स्त्रोभिः by 111 men or women; एकोनसहस्रेण रूपकेः with Rs.999, &c. They may be made to have duals and plurals by being used as fixed standards of counting; e. 9. Taqwai fraag: many twenties of Bráhmayas; वे शते नारीणाम् two hundreds of women &c.

§ 167. The ordinals are declined regularly except:

प्रथन (see 155 ) and द्वितीय an1 तृतीय which are optionally declinel like pronouns in the Dat. Ab. Gen. and Loc. sing.; e. g. fæðræet-îgatara, &c. ftatarar:-faátaxar: &c.

Numeral Adverbs.

§ 168. (a) ĦF once, f: twice, f: thrice, : four times; from onward adverbs of frequency are formed by adding कृत्वः before which final न् is dropped ; eg पञ्चकृत्वः five times, : seven times &c.

(b) एकभा *or ऐकध्यम् in one way or part, द्विधा or द्वेधा or द्वैधं in kwo ways or parts; त्रिधा or त्रेधा or त्रैधम् in three ways, &c., चतुर्धा in four ways, षोढा or षड्धा in six ways, सप्तधा, अष्टधा, &c.

(c): singly, one by one; f: two and two, by twos; so : शतशः &c.

§ 169. Other derivatives from the numerals:

(a) By the Taddhita affix which is added to numerals ending in शत and वि. ९. g. पञ्चकः bought for five ( Rs. &c. ) चत्वारिं

† bought for forty; sofa: bought for twenty (coins, &c.).

(b) By means of the Tad, affix in the sense of "consisting of parts" or "collection." e. 9. चतुष्टय ( चतुष्टयी fem.) consisting of fonr parts or a collection of four; so पञ्चतय ( fem. - यी ); तय is optionally changed to अय after द्वि and त्रि; ९. 9. द्वय or द्वितय ( - यी fem.) twofold, consisting of two parts or a pair; त्रय or त्रितय ( - यी fem.) threefold or consisting of three parts, a collection of three, a triad.

* संख्या विधवा । अधिकरणविवाले च । एकाद्वध्यमुत्रन्यतरस्याम् । द्रिश्च 431/17 | Pàu. V. 3. 42-49. See chap. IX Introd. rules.

(c) By means of अ and अत् ९.


9. शङ्क & collection of six, collection of five, दशत् a collection of ten, a decad, &c.




$ 170. तर and तम are the most common terminations of the comparative and the superlative degrees respectively. They are added to that crude form of words which they assume before the Inst. dual termination; e g. अयमेतयोरतिशयेन लघुः लघुतरः, अयमेषामतिशयेन लघुः लघुतमः; similarly युवन्-युवतर, युवतम; विद्वस् - विद्वत्तर, विद्वत्तमः प्राच प्राक्तर, प्राक्तम; धनिन् धनितर; धनितमः धर्मबुध-धर्मभुत्तर, धर्मभुत्तम; गुरु-गुरुतर, गुरुतम, &c. अति अतितर, अतितम; उत्-उत्तर, उत्तम, &c.

§ 171. Before these the final and ♬ of a pra'tipadika are optionally shortened; eg श्रीतरा or श्रितरा, श्रीतमा or श्रितमा; घेमूतरा (more lame) or घेमुतरा, घेमूतमा, घेभुतमा, &c.

$ 172. तर and तम when attached to verbs, and indecinables forming adverbs, assume the forms of तराम् and तमाम् ; पचतितराम्, पचतितमाम् ; उच्चैस्तराम्, उच्चैस्तमाम्, नितराम् नितमाम् 80 सुतराम् &c.; but उच्चैस्तर: adj. (higher).

$ 173. ईयस् is another termination of the comparative degree and of the superlative. These are added to adjectives of quality



अतिशायने तमाबेष्ठनौ | द्विवचनविभज्योपपदे तर बीयसुनौ | तिङश्च | तर तमरौ घः | Pán. V. 3. 55.57, 56; I. 1. 22. When atisaya or excess of one thing over many is to be shown 7 and are the affixes used; and when out of two things one is to be separated as possessing some quality in excess तर and ईयस् are affixed. तर and तम may also be added to verbs.

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+ किमेति व्ययघादाम्वद्रव्यप्रकर्षे | Pan. V. 4. 11. आम् is added to

and 7 after, or a word ending in or a subanta or tiñanta तxcept when they feim adjectives.

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